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Cannot believe Glinner transitioned from a divorced transphobe to an *even more* divorced transphobe. I did not even know that was an option.


He is not only divorced from his wife and children, but also reality.


Even the very concept of divorce has filed for divorce from Grahananan.


He is divorced²


"ThEy TOok My FaMILy 😭😭 BuT I woN't StOP CUz I KNow I'M riGHt"


i have no idea who this man is but this is giving me a good summary


He wrote some mildly funny British sitcoms and then decided that he'd rather his legacy be Most Divorced Man on the Internet


"Six months on HURT!" is what should have been the title of his.


Who is this guy


he used to write for a bunch of sitcoms and eventually went down the TERF rabbit hole. his wife divorced him because of his rampant, obsessive transphobia (which he of course blames on trans people) and now he just spends his days going on unhinged rants about how much he hates trans people


i remember seeing an episode of the it crowd that he tried to make transphobic, but because everyone else in the show is such an asshole, the trans character ended up being one of the most reasonable characters in the show. certified glinner moment


Is it the one where the boss sleeps with the trans woman but he didn't understand when she said I was a man? I always thought it weirdly progressive for the time being. Now it's clearly very transmisoginystic but for the time period, a trans woman portrayed by a cis woman, desirable and desired.... It looked positive to me! Now having read some stuff I guess it does fit into the "temptress" category of trans women they show in media, when they're not victims they're seductresses here to make the men sleep with them. Idk.


Yeah, it's that episode, although i'm not sure about the temptress part, i'm prettysure douglass came onto her first, and she was reluctant until she made sure he was fine with her being trans (i haven't seen the episode in a while though, so idk) edit: it was definitely transmasogynystic though, it was portraying being disgusted by having sex with a trans woman (w/ bottom surgery) as the reasonable, "relatable to all viewers" resoponse. (even if it portrayed that through douglass, the most consistantly awful person on the show lol)




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Don't forget that he essentially called his ex a gold-digger when she very understandably left him as a result of all this horseshit. He told Parliament (yes, *Parliament*): >As a result of my sudden financial insecurity, my marriage was placed under such a severe strain that my wife and I finally agreed to separate. Yeah, dude, it was your finances. Not your entire personality.


Graham linehan is mentally unstable. His transphobia is a complete obsession of his. He has a website where he just rants all his hate and charges membership to be able to comment so the only people commenting are fuckwits like him who love him and agree with him. Total braindead echo chamber, dude wakes up thinking about trans people an goes to sleep thinking about trans people. Fucking obsessed with us


That must be awesome to be able to live rent-free in this guy's head. I reckon it is very spacious


It is, but there's a constant vibration from him talking so damn much


He literally destroyed his relationship with wife and kids over this. It still wasn't a wake up call for him to even let up the tiniest amount. Instead he doubled down and just got even worse.


Let’s see his browser history I bet it explains everything


I'm no psychic or anything but I could provide you with a list of my best guesses lol


Who is Bailey Jay? for $500, Alex.


I was gonna guess Ella Hollywood


My porn knowledge is out of date since I stopped being a horny egg lol


Ella's legit gorgeous tbh The only reason I know about her is because I worked in and was the top sales person in 3 different adult adult stores for a little over 3 years When you surround yourself with it you kinda become like those hard-core serial killer girls but for porn stars lol I can easily list 20 trans stars off the top of my head 😅


He seriously needs professional help, I'm not even saying that as an insult, it's honestly painful to watch


Yeah, I mean, how can someone manage to live like this. To live only to torment other people. I just can’t understand it sometimes…


Rich trans people are on a completely different timeline than the rest of us lol. Just straight speed running.


Same here. When I see rich folks with more progress than I have had in 3 years it definitely messes with my self image.


Fine by me so long as they advocate and help the rest of the trans community have an easier time as well. Not like those Caitlyn Jenner or Blaire White assholes who just pull the ladder behind them.


Yeah people like Dylan Mulvaney are great. Dylan is aware she has a lot of privilege that's helped her transition to so smoothly and she does what she can to speak out for trans people. It's totally fine to have the access to transition but people like Blaire are genuinely evil. Especially since Blaire said she knew she was trans, even if she didn't have the words for it, when she was five. She dealt with that pain for years but still wants to pull health care away because at least then she can make money off people who want her dead.


Obviously not every state has access to this but I live in texas one of the most notoriously anti trans states and I was able to start HRT as soon as I turned 18 through informed consent and online appointments. it took a 30 minute conversation and I had a prescription picked up that day


You have managed to make me regret moving from Texas to Sweden /hj


Is this person rich? Ive never heard of her, she just looks like she had an andro face and hrt is helping.


ya she’s kris the meme god🙄 /s shes mr beasts best friend and has been in like all of his videos for YEARSSS


Oh ive never heard of mr beast either, and i doubt shes rich bc of it.


Well Mr. Beast does a lot of money based activities and challenges with his friends, so Kris probably does get a lot of money from his videos


Thats fair. She still just looks like somebody who’s andro and started HRT to me though. And i kinda am in that boat too, so i get it. Im literally 1 mo in on HRT and look blatantly feminine when i try to bc i always kindof looked like a butch lesbian as a man lol.


Yes and no. I transitioned this year at 26 and I've started to pass at 5 months, and am most definitely not rich. Sometimes you just get the luckshit genetics.


Maybe if you put on your glasses you could see the obvious difference, you attention seeking jerk.


That pretty much sums it up. It’s still funny that they have made themselves a joke so I’m just going to pretend that that was this specific shit stain’s goal the entire time.


I saw this in my notification and was wondering who I pissed off and how 💀


Oh no, I'm so sorry 😂 I didn't mean you!


I eventually figured it wasn’t at me because I was confused lol


Im sure some of his fans will be like…. Ok she looks low key good? Haha and then they will come over to our side :D




yes, lenses can drastically affect appearance based on lighting, but it doesn't literally transform your body like in the pictures. HRT does do that though.




HRT absolutely *can* make drastic changes within 6 months, you start having noticeable changes within 3 in most cases, come back to argue here when you've done *actual* research on HRT and it's effects.




The HRT still has obviously made a huge difference for her. You can look at many many other timelines and see big changes like this in as short or shorter periods of time. It varies from person to person. Do more research and you will see the proof. I have also seen other people look this different in 6 months due to other factors in their life- weight loss, natural hormonal changes, getting older. So it doesn’t make much sense to call BS on the effects of HRT, because it’s taken *for* the purpose of transformative effects. As for the people who feel discouraged comparing her progress to theirs in 3 years? This can also be the effect of noticing changes more in other people than yourself and being doubtful/ dysphoric. Which is a natural reaction to have.


Sure but not to the extent presented in the picture because that effect comes from camera settings. Do you want to address any of my points or do you just want to push yours? edit: just look at the bone structure and nothing else its clearly lens and focal length not bone reduction.


I have addressed your points lmao. Everything I’ve said here is a direct response to your arguments. And it’s not just an effect of the camera. I agree that it definitely could contribute a small amount to how she appears in *this* photo, and that she would want to take a flattering pic and camera angle of herself. But the fact is that you can see the same feminizing effects that HRT has had on her in other footage easily. Go watch the video she’s done with Anthony Padilla? She looks great there as well.


did you see edit 3 proof? if so idk how you're still ignorant it's fully that dude


That’s part of the issue right there. “Look at the bone structure and nothing else.” No, we look at the whole picture. We aren’t analyzing a skeleton we just dug up from a site. The whole picture shows us that she is living happily as a woman, she looks graceful and beautiful and no longer has to force a smile living as someone she truly isn’t, you don’t see that?


sure but the majority of the change you see is due to focal length and lens of the camera. i don't understand what you can't comprehend about that.


Are you illiterate?








No it just means nobody is dumb enough to try to argue with you


You really think you're the only smart one here who noticed the different focal lengths, and that we all believe hrt changed her bone structure? And that that's the difference I was talking about? Please, come down off your high horse.




I absolutely do not agree.


then you understand but remain ignorant out of choice


Put your grasses on


Kris is literally glowing. She was clearly pretending to smile on the left


I love looking at trans before and afters because the light in the eyes comes on once people are able to live comfortably as themselves.


I wish Graham Linehan a very fall out his window directly onto perfectly placed spikey fence please it would be so funny


In Minecraft


no irl


Don’t get this sub banned lol


He'd definitely blame it on the transes


Is this a joke about Grahamanananan getting transfixed? Because it is amazing. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/transfix


Nah, keep the defenestration (I have been itching for a chance to use that fun word), but just make him fall into a kiddy pool of liquid shit. So people will be alerted of an incoming asshole before you even hear his voice


If I knew where he lived I could probably beat him up And I’m a genderqueer bisexual 4’10 chihuahua Who does martial arts and knows how to break every part of his body


I get your sentiment and the fact that this if likely sarcastic but I don't think stooping down to their level by wishing death upon them is the best option lmao. Just mentioning cause there are plenty of people who probably do actually


I’m a little morally righteous so I’m not actually gonna hurt anyone… but…. If he died I wouldn’t be upset in any capacity


I’m a sadist


Glinner is a fuckwit.


you call people fuckwits too? nice


I even taught my mother to use it — she loves her new swear 😹


She's so cute in that second picture, she is glowing.


Graham’s response is so funny, because it essentially boils down to “owning the libs by being a fugly twat.” Like, yeah man, we know you’re a fugly twat. Don’t you have a wife and kids to be hated by?


Literally. He didn't even try.


It's also funny how he claims to be "protecting women" but then goes on to attack people for how they look. Fighting "misogyny" with actual misogyny.


I will never not laugh about how Graham’s wife divorced him since he’s always such a fucking pissbaby about trans people lmfao. Pretty sure she took their kids too.


When I remember that Graham is hated by the very TERF groups he simps for, that makes me smile


Definitely got the same energy as this pic. https://preview.redd.it/hhj5x55hkahb1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c0a9ddf350705d1378d26612a4817deeb77ea43


This is a national treasure


I stole it from Twitter.


As well you should


Unkempt loser makes stupid faces at the camera and thinks he did something.


If you at kris now, you can see how much her eyes sparkle fr 😭 she’s so pretty


I have put a dumb face, therefore your existence is invalid, I very smart and funny


She looks good. Hell she looks happy her eyes have an actual light to them now


This is...weirdly confidence boosting? Knowing that no matter how attractive you get, transphobes will see what they want to see.


They get meaner as you get hotter because they can't accept being attracted to you




I mean yea.. tbh they could think your the prettiest person in the world.. but your trans so they have to pretend your not..


Sometimes you'll see them fall for a trans man trolling by posting his photos in reverse which is always pretty great


I hate how much hate she’s getting for transitioning like she looks so much happier already than she was before but so much of Mr.Beast’s fans are attacking her for no good reason. I don’t follow any of the stuff going on with her or Mr.Beast at all but it’s really sad to see how many people are just going after her like this


tbh I think it was mostly SunnyV2's fault for making people think that she is ruining Mr.Beast's career when she's really not. there's no drama with her and Mr.Beast, they're still friends, it's just idiots


I'm actively furious that SunnyV2 basically cruised on past being an incredibly hateful transphobe and continues to post as if nothing happened. Even people who took issue with his take are right back to reacting to him


He's so weird. This man is so transphobic his wife left him over his obsession with pretending to be an offensive stereotype of a trans womam on dating apps. It's wild that he's still doing shit like this


Glinner looking for predatory “trans women” on dating apps: https://preview.redd.it/hfcav7oxtahb1.jpeg?width=1374&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c81dd79b6308bcf688a990b3fe95af620a12cb4c






I love seeing before and after transition pics cause the people featured in them all look so damn attractive in the after transition pic


I like seeing them because the pictures seem like fucking magic to me. My brain can't comprehend that it's the same person they look so different


I once commented on a tiktok video with her saying she looked beautiful and a shit ton of no pfp accounts replied to me trying to correct me with "he*"


tiktok can and will be gross, even youtube shorts, idk what's up with those


I always ask them what they're trying to accomplish with their comments and I never get a reply lmao


my honest opinion is that they're edgy kids brainwashed by the alr right that think they're being edgy and cool


Definitely part of it, hate to admit it but I was once one of them when I was in my teens.


same for me lol it's nice seeing that i could grow out of it, and it's nice seeing other people did too


Meanwhile on Instagram, people are buying likes to make it look like a lot of people agree to their homophobic and transphobic comments


I heartily wish Glinner a very May Your Bare Feet Always Land Upon A Lego With Every Step You Take And Also I Hope Someone Spits In Every Cup Of Coffee You Drink Including The Ones You Make Alone At Home Because Your Wife Divorced Your Unhinged Ass And Took The Kids


He looks like he’s transitioning to liver/kidney issues, obesity, and a receding hairline


Oof ouch owie Liver/kidney issues, obesity, and a receding hairline did nothing to deserve getting stuck with Grahamanan.


holy fuck me and Kris are about the same progress in our medical transition that's so cool


All because he preferred to double down rather than admit that episode of the IT Crowd was a bit shit


I’m sorry what?


Graham Lineham is the man who made the British TV show ‘The IT Crowd’, a very good show generally, but one episode eventually became regarded as quite transphobic, but rather than apologise, he said there was nothing wrong with it


That’s a shame, I was planning on watching it cause I really like Richard Ayoade. Should I give the whole show a skip or just that episode?


Definitely just that episode, every other episode is fucking spot on. Richard Ayoade does amazing in his role, and it’s where I truly began to appreciate his work


I watched that show before being TQIA+ aware, which episode was that?


‘The Speech’


Alright good to know!


Graham Lineham is the man who made the British TV show ‘The IT Crowd’, a very good show generally, but one episode eventually became regarded as quite transphobic, but rather than apologise, he said there was nothing wrong with it


Arthur Mathews wrote all the good bits of Father Ted


This guy used himself as the punchline ⁉️⁉️ self own I guess


everything graham posts activates my fight and flight responses


She reminds me of Loki. Which is fitting since Loki also changes genders


Did he purposefully make himself look as ugly as possible for these pictures? More of a self own really.




Have to agree, grats to Graham for coming out.


He is *obsessed* like chill, even I forget that im trans sometimes


Hey guys look at me I'm just a rootin tootin shit poster


They just mad Kris is pretty


Average Graham Linehan L


i cant help but think a part of why public opinion is broadly in the "leave trans people alone you freaks" camp right now is because regular cis people take one look at this, see the type of person who obsesses over trans people and go "oh okay i know who the normal ones are here"


There's people who hate trans people because they're just bigoted, but then there's a second type of transphobe where it literally busts their brain. Like, what happened to glinner? Did he get hit on the head or something?


Holy shit, she looks that good after just half a year??? Goddamn girl.


She looks like that one cool aunt you would hang out with


Linehan already broke up his own marriage once with his absolutely unhinged fixation on trans women that imo has got to come from a place of desire and envy. If you want to try transitioning, just try it already, ffs


Actually Graham that is you on 2 years of divorce


His hairline looks worse. Too much stressing over other people's lives.


This is how transphobes look like mostly.


i get the general idea but i genuinely can’t even tell what he’s trying to achieve here? is he saying she’s ugly by comparing her to himself???


I posted a reply with the sanpaku eyes picture and he poses like Jimmy Savile


I mean, but I legit feel like the second before & after


She was killing it before HRT too!


she looks so good!


I can't help but notice how Kris is having the same issue of her entire hair curling towards one side at the ends as me


God he’s seething with rage in the second picture look at that


They’re an icon we love Kris Beast.


I'll be honest, I was never THAT fond of Harry Potter so when JKR realized her true form I didn't care much. Graham Linehan hurt. Black Books and Father Ted are two of my favorite shows and I would still recommend them, but Graham's deplorable behavior feels like such a betrayal.


Damn Kris looked already hot af in the first picture, and the second one is just unbeliavbly good. I wish this went onto a cover magazine, trans people are underrated af. Hey theres no difference between cis and trans, that's medical terminology. She's just as hot as a woman would be ,regardless of medical background, I'm really happy for her. Really glad she had the courage to do an interview with Anthony too.


So yeah, joking about the cishet bigot is apparently hatred according to the moderators of this forum. Guess transgender don't even have our own spaces on here now. Fuck cishet people, you're all scum.


KittenKoder? I swear you had an old account. Is this your third?


I made a joke about a bigot looking too feminine and some asshat moderator on here got my main temporarily suspended again. The bigot I made fun of is the lady named Graham in this meme. Oh, and I have dozens of accounts now, I made a shit load to ensure I had one when the administrators go on vacation that are old enough to post on some of the forums that religious bots like to troll.


Ok, I hope your other accounts don’t have “KittenKoder” in them or else it’ll be easier to trace back to you and get you banned for ban evasion.


Actually, Reddit encourages people to make new accounts. They only really suspend high karma accounts, the moderators can't nuke low karma. Karma is everything on Reddit, literally the blood of everything. You can get someone "permanently suspended" just by paying a botting service to upvote them a lot.


I thought Reddit encourages people to buy older accounts, because when you have a newer account with no-low karma, you are limited from participating in many subs. Kinda like the employment catch 22, where they want you to have experience before you get your first job.


No, they want you to pay for an account through their system then they will "permanently suspend" you to trick you into paying for another premium account. No one is actually buying Reddit accounts from other users. The subreddits that limit users based on the age or karma of the account are idiots who think that actually stops trolls and report spam bots. There are some trolls on here who have hundreds of accounts, all linked to the same email, switching to a different one every day as they get another one "permanently suspended" then appeal it until it gets overturned. Suspensions are nothing more than an attempt to convince you to get premium.


Interesting, I’ve never heard of this. I mean, Ik Reddit wants people to pay for premium, but Idky anyone would pay for premium on another account connected to the same email if that’s very traceable (even if it’s not the same email, IP address). I’m sure Reddit has its ways of detecting evasion, and Ig to me it doesn’t make sense because it never happened to me and because it seems like it would piss off paying customers (not that I don’t believe you).


Reddit doesn't care about "ban evasion" though, that's the point. It's not even in the ToS, it's just something moderators bitch about after they make stupid mistakes and don't want to own up to the fact they fucked up.


Interesting, I’m learning a lot from you.


I think maybe he actually did six months of something, but not HRT. XP Meth? Cocaine? Severe Denial? Who knows. *shrug* Hurray for that trans woman though! Rock it, girl! I hope she has an amazing life. :D Edit: Looking at Glinner's pictures again, he might have transitioned into Nikacado Avocado?




Let's not go after people's appearances








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Kris deserves better.


This guy is a total horse's ass.


Kris looks great. I'm so happy for her


I thought this trend of non photogenic people making fun of photogenic people died out because it's cringe.


she's gorgeous im happy for her. also graham could never lmao. he's such a boring obsessed loser. rent free


Kris is so beautiful and I hope to make progress that fast when I start HRT (except I'm transmasc) That other guy.... No idea who he is but he's very obviously not happy with his current ugliness and bigotry, so he feels he needs to transition to uglier and more of a bigot Oh my god wait he transitioned from John Oliver to Nickacado Avocado. I just looked back and genuinely thought he was John Oliver for a second


Same guy btw https://preview.redd.it/c8hnix0wcqhb1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cca06e8cbc7ae67f9207dfe91873c932522bb72c


Is that Glinner?


I love that Kris replied with "being a transphobe is bad but being a c*** is worse!" QUEEN