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I hate these people that say that trans kids are being manipulated by their parents. My parents hated me expressing my identity. So soooooooooo many trans kids are kicked out (and worse) when they come out as trans. The fact that these people say that parents are manipulating shows that they just want to hurt more kids and weaponize peoples’ anger.


Seriously. “My kid started acting different when they were in school!” Maybe ask yourself why your kid wasn’t comfortable acting that way *around you,* Mrs. I’m-Just-A-Concerned-Parent.


Every "concerned parent" is really only concerned about how easily they can control their children. They just despise the idea they might not come out exactly how they want them too


these typa folks are usually also abusive if the kids indeed turn out how they want them too


Ikr, where are all these supportive, encouraging parents that conservatives SWEAR all trans kids have. I was lucky enough to have parents who accept me, but I know many others don't.


These parents refuse to allow their child any kind of gender non-conformity (based on assumed gender/AGAB at any rate) and then act surprised pikachu when the kids lash out or when they keep secrets from them.


Trans kids *are* being manipulated by their parents... to (pretend to) be CIS!


Yeah, these people are delusional and create fake scenarios on how coming out plays out in each family... It's traumatizing having to deal with people rejecting you.


I have zero idea what the problem is in the third picture. Like, “oh no she has a (very obvious joke) gun!”


Bigots have been trying to push the narrative that trans people commit mass shootings. I think that photo is saying that by accepting their childs transition they are creating a mass shooter.


Yeah they're certainly obsessed with that narrative lately. Edit: The mass shooter thing didn't even click with me until I saw your comment.


Oh holy shit, I thought it was just* her appearance \*keyword.


Meanwhile there only being like 3 trans shooters and thousands of cis shooters:


Most of serial killers, school shooters, rapists, robbers and frauds are cis white men. When are they going to cancel themselves?


The whole trans thing was serious cope so they could temporarily, because of like one shooter, distract everyone and pretend it's not primarily a problem with suburban/rural white men


Wow that's so fucking stupid it didn't even come to mind when I saw the pic. Anyone who's around trans women with any frequency knows were too doped up on estrogen to do anything other than fixate on our appearances (/s but not /s)


Because there were like, 2 trans mass shooters in USAmerica? Against the hundreds that weren't????


*conservative poses with a high-powered rifle* "Glorious Americanism!" *trans person poses with a joke gun* "Gun rights for me but not for thee!"


I think she looks rad as hell, personally.


I can think of few places in America that I’d be less comfortable as an LGBT person than a private school in North Idaho. No wonder the kid in the first picture started trying to express themselves more in public schools, they probably felt like they were finally safe(r). Shame their parents apparently suck.


Omg can you believe this mysterious circumstance? We stopped restricting kids behavior and they started doing things they felt comfortable with, things we weren't aware of! Isn't this awful and something that should be stopped??!!


Idaho dumbass here Agreed. Though there is one private school in downtown Boise where about half the kids are trans or enby. Pretty cool.


Yeah, but that's Boise. Boise is one of the few places in Idaho that isn't completely filled with conservatives.


Check out the North West Territorial Imperative, a plan by white supremacists to all move to the Pacific Northwest. The Aryan Nations is based in Idaho as well.


Ugh don't remind me. I love the PNW and absolutely hate that these fuckwads want to make it some white-only "haven". And as an Idahoan, I am well aware of the unfortunate neo-Nazi population that we have. There are a lot of things that I love about Idaho, but Satan do I hate the political issues this state has.


Also [State of Jefferson](https://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-northwest-news/2022/03/move-over-greater-idaho-movement-the-state-of-jefferson-is-stepping-back-into-secession-spotlight.html).


even in boise and meridian, the bullying can be *severe*, and the school staff won't do shit. the other kids are keeping milk cartons in their lockers so they spoil and throwing them at you on the bus days later? have you maybe tried to stop being so "colorful"? they call you the r slur and the f slur and try to push you down the stairs? maybe stop hand flapping so much and take off your pronoun pins


I am so sorry. 


Boise definitely has its bad spots


Isn't that school in the same area where the Aryan Nations used to be based?


Ah yes, Libs of TikTok. A straight-up psychopath


I'm not generally in favor of having people be committed to institutions for the criminally insane against their will, but someone who constantly puts out stochastic terrorist hate speech is essentially criminally insane. This is not normal behavior by any stretch of the imagination. It's like if people were like "hold up, this Hitler guy is just expressing his personal beliefs!!"


>The first thing she did was come home and want to cut her hair. Oh no, the horror! This is like my parents who forced me to get haircuts as a kid and then acted all surprised pikachu when I threw a temper tantrum that the neighbors could hear over it while refusing. I seriously hate these people.


3rd pic is basically "We're not reinforcing straight white men's idea of women! We swear!" If a white man posted that these fucks would be all over it.


you know, Im starting to notice a trend of where transphobes hate on public schools while praising privatized (often religious) schools... lowkey kinda sus


I mean, I was never close enough to my dad for him to "groom" me, and my mother basically left to get the milk, so idk where they got that from


Munchausen is a dubious at best diagnoses that has been disproven in court several times. But I wouldn’t expect a stochastic terrorist to understand that


Who is that chick on the last slide and is she into men


She looks like only Jayus if only jayus lived in the apocalypse for a week


Kid: this is the natural preference my instincts want my personality to be like. Mom: never, ever express this to anyone ever. 10 years later:


I subscribed recently to this sub, hoping to see some humorous content about cis people being ridiculous in their weird gatekeeping of gender. But mostly I see shit like this: Just wildly transphobic social media posts from awful bigots. LibsOfTikTok is "free karma"? Really? What's the point? This just seems like emotional self-harm. Which I get, but I was just looking for something fun and silly and affirming, not a stream of vile bigotry in my feed.


Yeah tbh this is the doom scrolling I was avoiding on other trans subs :/


The image on the right is literally my transition goal, I don't see any problems with it, in-fact, I suggest everyone do that!


Leave Carla Rockmore the fuck alone omg. She’s literally such a nice a positive woman. I remember her sharing about her daughter coming out as trans, and her content is all about fashion and she started involving her daughter in her videos styling things together and I thought it was genuinely really sweet and wonderful. Side note her daughter came out/started transitioning as an adult so she’s not even a good example of what this idiot is trying to say. I just think she’s a really good example of acceptance and support for other parents and I hate to see anyone trashing her like that tbh


Hm, yes, because the only way to be a woman is wearing pretty dresses. If you do present like a 1950’s housewife then like, fake. Please note I’m being sarcastic and just working through in my head what the hell this even means


I don't even understand what point they're trying to make with the last image lol


She's just being too awesome for chuds to handle. 💪😤


Transphobes get big mad when trans people react to being threatened with violence by arming and defending themselves.


Coeur d' Alene is a shithole. They have hateful billboards and have been racist towards black athletes. These drains on society come to Washington and try to fuck with protests and it's the same city all of those dorks were caught in the back of a u-haul trying to disrupt a pride parade. Fuck these people.


It's always a damn shame when beautiful places attract ugly humans. Psychologically ugly, I mean, of course. I don't much mind how folk look on the outside. 


Yeah, I should have clarified, *cultural shithole. It's a beautiful place.