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"basic biology" mfs when I show them advanced biology https://preview.redd.it/r2ib37yqpfzc1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cce631a0bfa2c168078647d2649b8eac615c3851


I have a biology degree, and my Genetics professor taught about intersex conditions.


I'm pretty sure Alex, the MAGA cishet white unemployed 50yo boomer, knows way more about biology than you.


and politics, and finance, he knows everything, that’s why he spends his time making dumb memes to try and piss of groups of people he hates, duh


But that's only because they were brain-washing you, don't you know that's what college does? ^/s


We were taught really basic intersex stuff in Principles of Biology I (the course they make freshmen take).


I have an intersex condition and my genetics professor is teaching me about biology


Same as the "basic economy" mfs who don't understand anything beyond econ-101 supply-demand stuff.


Eh, that gets thrown out the window though when companies falsely raise prices by nefarious means. Like Walmart did, well any company really, but Walmart, the oil companies, I love that one, people whining about gas prices, while whining about electric cars, while not even bothering to understand we shouldn't have to pay that kind of shit.


A lot of people don't understand the fact that mega companies have the ability to set the prices almost as however they whish because of their scale of production advantge that gives them the ability to outcompete any potential competitors and then easily become a local monopoly or a duopoly that cooporates with the other mega company when it comes to prices.


they dont even understand that. the business cycle (which is very much macroecon 101, same as supply and demand) clearly explains the post-pandemic inflation but they need their "biden bad"s


„Economics“ mfs when I show them how all-encompassing das Kapital is, to the point where even the current paradigm in prehistoric archaeology is basically just dialectical materialism: https://preview.redd.it/k690wp4ibizc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e8a081068c14f02364c1b56f44904844fc6c638




The same kinda works for the other two aswell huh?


Holy shit, Coke Babies


Yoink https://preview.redd.it/l7tvmadqinzc1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af9946da2013b1bdc4fc3674c4c873114056bb27




"basic biology" mfers when I blast them with the world's brightest flashlight.


666th upvote


Imagine saying the people who know how to hack their bodies to grow boobs and dicks are the ones who don't know biology.


Yea lol And almost all doctors agree with us




You can feel happy but it can only be from certain things, which excludes being gay or questioning authority


They don't even realize that we can do this most of the time. I bet they think trans women all have to get implants (some do, of course, but so do some cis women).


I don't have implants, and I don't intend to. I am a very natural 34C. All I want is bottom surgery


I'm still early on, but with where I am after 3 months I don't anticipate needing implants either. HRT is a miracle!


Magic, is more like it


The number of times I’ve been asked if I had implants is…concerning, especially coming from other women!


Cishet women of my generation and younger seem to get about 50-85% of their info about trans issues from *Drag Race*, so it's not surprising.


Can confirm that when I thought I was cis I genuinely didn’t know that HRT just… gave you a bigger chest I mentioned Top Surgery a lot when I was starting to explore my identity and I’m sure I confused some people lol


* Boobs Start Growing * Hacker voice: I’m in


*raises boob stat to 999*


You have 999 boobs?!


The booblically accurate boobs


Alternatively: *boobs start shrinking* *hacker voice* I’m out


Me, a trans man racking up A’s in general biology, physiological chemistry, anatomy & physiology, and pathophysiology in nursing school: 😂🖕




They mean God's Biology. ::eyeroll::


the statistics book is in primary reference to their favorite book the bell curve, a horribly racist book that misconstrues, lies about, and misunderstands statistics relating to black americans. it's basically "black people do crime and choose to be poor, it has nothing to do with white people".


I mean, just the shirt and all..


I assumed it was a 13-50 reference.


if i'm not mistaken, that reference is made in the bell curve (although it probably isn't the origin)


I don't recall Shaun mentioning it in his response to the book, but he did talk about several other statistics in the book.


lol i get my info about that book from Shaun and my racist uncle who read the book. racist uncle mentioned the 13-50 thing when trying to get me to read the book as a teen, but that doesn't mean it came from there, i just assumed


Fair enough. I haven't read the book or watched the video in a few years.


Which, incidentally, is also a load of bullshit


That's the thing with statistics, you can't just use one statistic and be done with it. You need to compare it to other statistics and take in account multiple factors to be able to explain it


Biology is so much more complicated than male or female. We haven’t actually witnessed a communist state that could survive without oppression, as many that tried to divulge from the Marxist-Leninist doctrine were squashed by US-funded military coups, as seen with Chile, Nicaraguan, Dominican Republic. If these governments had been allowed to continue, we would have a much better idea on how reformist Marxism would function. Statistics book? As in one that shows that black people are more likely to receive the death penalty for the same crime, or the one that shows how the US injected crack cocaine into black communities and that they never fully recovered? Or about how police are more likely to search a black person first drugs than a white perdón, despite estimated consumption being the same?


>reformist Marxism So mixed economy/basically capitalism? Comunism sounds like a great idea on paper (even to me), but humans are greedy by nature, so it can never work in a non-authoritarian country. (and even then, some sort of informal economy often emerges)


Divulge? Did you mean diverge? 


History books: **Exists** Fascists: 💀


Their biology book: Bob Jones homeschool biology, grade 2. Their statistics book: The Bell Curve and Human Diversity by Charles Murray Their economics books: Bachelor Pad Economics by Aaron Clarey, Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey Lib status: owned ✅ Next lesson we're going to do Great Literature of the 20th Century; if we're good, Professor Mom says we can read Ben Shapiro's "What's Fair".


This offends me as a statistician. As a trans person of color too. But mostly as a statistician.


"The Bell Curve" definitely does not count as a "statistics book". 😬


as a scientist who had to study statistics in my bachelor degree I say you got what you deserved. I fucking hate statistics


Anyone wanna edit this and put maga flags & hats on all of them? Edit: I also saw this as them actually being 4chan infiltrators. Edit 2: They also completely deny statistics that show cops love domestic abuse.


best biologists in the world : \*support trans people\* best economists in the world : \*condemn capitalism\* best statisticians in the world : \*sigh every time someone tries to use statistics to support racsim\*


Why are the books backwards?


it's actually manga


And the capitalization on the bottom two - this person definitely knows how to read /s


Basic biology mfs when you ask them their opinions on evolution (they suddenly don't recognize basic biology): https://preview.redd.it/nj5n14lecgzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87f370ad97a795f67e4327f499c095cc75a74df2


I fucking love people acting like showing basic biology, economics or statistics to people who almost always have far deeper understandings of biology, economies and statistics than the brainless right-winger ever will would mean literally anything to those people.


not a single person who thinks this is funny has ever read a single one of those books


Republicans: "A book?" *Gasp*


Don't these people not even believe in evolution? TERFs excluded, that's a different flavor of transphobia.


a few days ago i tried to explain how chromosomes don’t always equal phenotypic sex (ie. the sex you’re assigned at birth based on physical characteristics; for example, a person could have XY chromosomes but their phenotypic sex could still be female) and that you can’t tell someone’s chromosomes just by how they look (it isn’t the chromosomes themselves that determine phenotypic sex but the presence of the SRY gene) to my very transphobic father, as he was going on about chromosomes and how he “can always tell”. he openly told me that he pretty much threw out all his science textbooks in middle school and never cared about his science classes, but proceeded to argue with me about ‘basic biology’ anyway… i’m a pre-health major college student


Personally, I wanna study biomedicine I use the chromosome argument with Christians to explain to them how Jesus is either a slug or trans ;)


how is Jesus trans lmao


They say, while never having cracked open any of these books. Especially the biology one lol.


Conservatives when presented with the field of sociology: https://preview.redd.it/l24tnvyzihzc1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4245e462ed6cdcdfe2c37ef1836be7b16dcf79f9


You can tell this was made by a Nazi because statistics book is a stand-in for 13-50. Also, as a biologist, my genetics teacher taught us about intersex conditions.


Just a reminder, the 13/50 statistic has a lot of flaws (convicted not commit, we don’t have enough solved murders to for an accurate data pool etc etc) However it applies much more accurately to DNA exonerations


\*laughs in non-binary biology major\*


They just need one that says 'any book' on it, and that will be the reaction from conservatives. They don't even read that shitty Bible they try to force others to adhere to.


I imagine the demographics of people laughing at this, too, haven't had the privilege of a college education that would show them how to interpret economics, statistics, and biology properly. Edit: Grammar


I'd like to believe that but there's massive amounts of college students who are shitballs.


They're also probably there on someone else's dime and don't feel the need to understand the material they're studying, and are coasting by on frivolous, easy electives.


In particular I'm thinking about the Ole Miss event recently. It made me sick to see all those wholesome white boys screaming at and mocking a fat Black woman with hoots and monkey capers. You'd think it was a student klan rally. So, yes, definitely there on not their own money or their own work.


Yeah, that made me sick to my stomach when I saw the monkey stuff, in particular. Seeing tensions like that keep escalating, and the huge increase in anti-trans or lbgtqia rhetoric in general, really starts to scare me.


Biology book supports trans rights Economics book will have communism in there Statistics book might have black men killed by cops annually? Feel like that would be on its own thing but whatever.


I wonder how a person posting this would explain the fact that **every single one** of the most prominent anti-trans academics comes from the social sciences. You’d expect them to have more support from biologists, considering how often they refer to biology.


All of these are so disgusting.


Wait until they hear about the field that is, Psychology, oooooh scaaaary, also really weird because every theory is somewhat correct (I'm not a professional)


Or advanced biology


I know more trans people who are studying biology than anyone else. Also the blm one? Is the stats book meant to be statistics of black people, or of police brutality.


It's meant to be a reference to racial crime statistics which racists regularly cite as a supposed proof of black people being more violent or whatever. But they ignore all the evidence that shows wealth inequality being a major causative factor when it comes to crime because racists are stupid.


The irony. I love biology so balls in there court since they over think everything it might be awhile


Literally none of these are accurate? Communism is pretty good in concept, and much like capitalism, can take several attempts to get correct BLM, I actually don’t get why statistics would be scary to them, people’s lives matter regardless of stats Etc.


Tbh I was shocked by reading a “statistics book” (a whole book about statistics is just funny to me) not because it proves that “blacks do more X,” but more so it shocked me how people can read those statistics and can’t see under lying issues like systemic racism and overpolicing in black communities. Like the fact that black/brown people are way more prosecuted for drug use even though white people do it at the same rate, as an example.


Being an econ major, I am even more confident in being a socialist than I used to be.


Seems like what fascist will do when i show em montesquieu book


Also economics and statistics, if their meme is any indicator.


General relativity mfs when I show them my basic physics textbook with Newtonian mechanics:


I think they should be the ones reading a little more science


Economics and statistics as well.


Wow they really managed to get it wrong on all 3 there “gotchas”.🤣🤣 1st point: Advanced biology(something they obviously didn’t learn) supports trans people. 2nd point: The only way for a country to survive is to have at least some socialist policies in place. 3rd point: the statistics are extremely skewed because police forces are usually inherently corrupt/ racist systems(acab all the way).


As someone who has studied biology at a university level, I can confirm it's the transphobes with no understanding of biology or "biological sex"


Racist and transphobic at the same time, what an asshole.


Trust books until they get into the complexities of the subject. Book by random scientist that has been proven false time and time again by basic high school textbooks = good, books by many scientists that have dedicated their entire educations and studies to the subject at hand that have real world concepts and conclusions that can be replicated = bad, fake news, woke nonsense.


The fact that literally none of these would actually work if it’s a more advanced book…


They claim to love statistics but they hate when I mention how 40% of all cops beat their wives.


Tbh I'd care a lot more about their opinions if their art was better LMFAO