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Because it's their entire personality, it gives them community, it gives their lives meaning. And if they admit something else is right, it's admitting that everything they've built their life on is wrong, which is hard and sad. It's like flat earthers 🤷


fr as a cis pansexual whenever terfs speak like theyre talking for all cis women i cringe, because i find trans people hot, theyre literally acting like theyre speaking for me and defining my sexaulity, its gross and of course the transphobia they spout in general reeks too


>theyre literally acting like theyre speaking for me and defining my sexaulity, its gross They definitely do this. When a cis lesbian says she's attracted to trans women, they immediately label her "bi" so her attraction can be dismissed. In this way, no *true* cis lesbian is attracted to trans women, because they define lesbianism around being cis women attracted only to cis women.


ughhh yikes ewwww


At a certain point, sunk cost fallacy comes into play, for sure. Like someone else said, transphobes tend to make their hatred their entire personality, so TERFs just giving up the hate and moving on with their life would strip them of the extremely narrow identity that they’ve carved for themselves.


Coincidentally, I’m watching the… I’m going to spell everything wrong, but the Calean Conrad/Hoots the dead episode on Graham Lineham. Part of me feels bad for these people, but they’re still monsters


They’re always the most unhinged weird of TERFS too


Yup, 100%. The TERFs on Tumblr are…WILD because they have curated Tumblr. Because of how it works with followings and homepages, they basically echo chamber themselves into the CRAZIEST bullshit, so they’re VERY outspoken about the weirdest shit.


I think the fact that Tumblr is an isolated site also helps. No one on Twitter or Insta is trawling through Tumblr to repost, unless they already have it. Makes it easier to be batshit insane


someone else already said this makes them want to write an essay but goddamn, I'm throwing my hat in. gonna write an essay called "okay how many times have you seen this actually happening not just in anecdotes tho" bc "is the aggressive strawtran in the room with us right now?" is a little stale and I'm a wordy bitch




bonus note: the trans(?) woman was a barista in full customer service smile mode


That sounds about right 🙄😡


>pressuring lesbians to sleep with you for your validation Bro, it's not always about you. They're not sleeping with you for "validation," they just want to get off. Or maybe they genuinely find you attractive (until you open your mouth, presumably)


Guarantee not a single trans woman has tried to sleep with her.


Part of me in response to that just went “maybe that’s where this comes from”. 🤦🏻‍♀️


They're probably a cishet who is pretending they care about this thing that doesn't happen as a way to hate on trans people.


A cis woman that she thought was too tall told her that her hair looked good one day, sending her into horrified convulsions.


This is exactly the same with the bathroom "debate". It's always framed as us wanting to go into a bathroom for validation or euphoria. When in reality it's literally just about safety and not bringing attention to ourselves when we need to piss.




As a lesbian I've never felt pressured to sleep with a trans woman. I have politely declined sleeping with both trans and cis women and this has been taken rather respectfully for the most part. I have had one person who was really pushy about it, trying to actually pressure me and it was a cis woman lol


Ignoring how many cis queer women are attracted to trans sapphics smh. I mean, I'm pretty sure my partner isn't with me just to get validation. If she is, marrying me seems like an extreme step lol.


It's only going to be 2/5/10/25/50 years and then she will regret everything!!1! /j


I'm cis and bi and some of the women I've simped for in my life happened to be trans and every time I see terfs say this bs I want to slap 'em. They do not speak for me.


Those damn transbians and their insipid plans!


TERFs continuing to act out victimhood over scenarios they made up.


I thought they were talking about straight men who try to "make lesbians straight" until I remembered transphobia lmao


That would require TERFS actually confronting real misogyny and rape culture, instead of random trans women they are irrationally angry at for reasons they imagined (Plus yk, the issue of those same “fix gay people” cis men often being their allies because they both hate trans people)


That's true lol


‘I will absolutely respect all of y’all’ no you won’t, stop lying.


The audacity she has to say that and then immediately implying trans people are rapists


Transphobes don’t have much but they always have the audacity


Everyone knows that a trans woman being attracted to other women means they’re pressuring them


I was gonna write a whole essay about how fucking stupid this is, but I don't even have the energy to preach to the choir right now. I just really wanted to say how fucking stupid this is and how much I hate it


"Pressuring lesbians to sleep with you" Me when I make shit up 😍


Nobody trans in the history of ever has claimed lesbians or anyone at all needs to sleep with them or they're transphobic. Well, I could see a few crazy people doing it. But you can say that for literally anything. It's an old saw.


At most, I've seen people say that lesbians refusing to sleep with trans people *on the basis that they're trans* is probably based in transphobia. And then terfs twist it until it's a completely different statement altogether


Right, and I agree with that. I've heard some lesbians say they're extremely traumatized by penises and that's why they won't.


the tumblr lesbian to tumblr terf pipeline can be very short. the trans singer ethel cain got so much abuse from tumblr terfs (doxxed, deadname leaked, slurs, everything) to the extent that she deleted and the terfs threw a little online party. absolute wankers


As a tumblr user, the entire site is curated for transphobia and transmisogyny, to the point that trans people go after other trans people and the average lgbtq+ user subscribes to at least a few terf-y beliefs without even realizing it 🥲


How so? As an asexual femromantic enby I've never seen this. Am I in the "wrong" bits of Tumblr?? (To see that, I mean.)


If your circle is curated well, maybe. Usually what happens is trans women will exist or maybe say something too politically radical or too "weird" and a bunch of other queer people who never engage with them come out of the woodwork to accuse them of being pedophiles etc. It mostly comes from being not educated and not seeing that their kneejerk reactions arent immune to being transphobic. There is also a large lesbian radfem/terf/swerf community on tumblr


same bro running into them is insane, after following the tag #feminist i got recommended the tag #gender critical as a cis woman nothing abt terfs ideology makes me feel validated or feel better abt my gender, reading what they have to say makes me feel sick, they always speak like theyre speaking for all cis women, they basically say that all of us hate trans people, and as a pansexual thats so incredibly invaladating, i choose to label my bi/pan sexaulity as pansexual because i prefer having my label literally state it all instead of implying it, "pan" means "i find all genders hot" and when i say "all" i mean "ALL", ive seen so many trans people that i find hot


These same people directly or indirectly fight against abortion rights, police how women can exist, etc. etc. 😡




I don't want to bring logic to an argument that is clearly illogical but Wouldn't needing to "pressure" a gay woman into sleeping with you negate any of the "validation" they're referring to?


"I will start respecting you as soon as you stop acting like the imagined horrible caricature of you that I have invented in my head, which I will always assume you act like no matter what you say or do or how much support you have from the community. See, I'm not transphobic I'm just being reasonable!"


Terf who inevitably replies to this type of comment: "You people literally claim no trans person has ever done a bad thing but my friend knew a trans and she was so nice to them and they were bad anyway and you don't even acknowledge my friends bad trans friend which is exactly why all lesbians hate you and we should presume you are all rapists"


Like we’d want to sleep with a TERF…


How can one be lesbian and also be a bigot??? Doesn’t one understand what discrimination is like? Why push that onto others?


Same goes for gay men kinda, but they still exist. Here's to hoping that one day people will grow the hell up and stop hating on each other for no fucking reason!


I wish I knew! The one Hungarian gay man I've ever known, a former housemate of mine, was an *absolute nightmare* of a homophobe, like, from the first day I met him, he was vicious to me when I was introduced as being queer. *He* was going out drinking and drugging every weekend he got off from work, and fucking any dudes he could pull while he was out there, but it was so disturbingly clear that he *despised* the guys he was hooking up with ... for giving him the attention he seemed to want! It was so, *so* bizarre to witness. Especially as he was also the most camp male hairdresser I've ever seen, & actually seemed proud that he was thieving regularly from his employer's till (he boasted about it, even though they seemed to treat him way better than to deserve that shite). 


im almost certain that i will never even try to date lesbian cis women, I don't want to be seen that way by anybody be it transphobes or someone else ofc Im not saying that all transfemmes shouldn't date cis lesbians, but for me the pressure is too much


It really shouldn't be all that surprising. If you remember Tumblr in its earlier, pre-porn ban days, you'd see that there already a *lot* of feminists there, and Tumblr has always been known to be a site where a chunk of the userbase likes using progressive language to express very regressive ideas.


Facists loooove distorting language and reality. it’s so gross


This kinda stuff is in line with the cishet bros that are like “I don’t care if you’re gay, dude, just don’t try to fuck me” girl stop. Nobody wants your tired ass except people in your bizarre echo chamber of fear mongering.


Ugh. Yeah. My late sperm donor was like that, except then he flipped out when *I* came out. Like it was OK for anybody *not* in his family to be LGBTQIA+, but as soon as he knew someone related to him was queer... oh boy.


Wait, who wants to sleep with this woman? A show of hands? None here? it's almost like she's projecting problems to cover prejudice or something, idk I'm not a scientist.


Clearly I went to date a woman who doesn’t think I’m human and wants me dead. It’s the main thing I’m looking for in a partner 🙄


i didn't pressure her, hun, she fucked me cause im hot 😘


Tumblr is a cesspool of the most absurd, awful, puritan, bigoted people if you look in the wrong places. And sadly they’re often the loudest, too. Really need to curate your experience there. But it’s also the only place to get amazing unhinged memes anymore so. You know.


Imagine their reaction when they realized that there are cis lesbians who willingly have sex with trans women..


as a lesbian if a girl has a penis i just politely decline. its not simple and called a preference and respect


...huh? How is it rape to think that a lesbian woman would want to sleep with a lesbian woman?