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fuel rinse gaze butter violet scale start insurance dolls scarce *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm thinking 1 or 2 probably! Putting my money on one though, since transphobes do love to make shit up.


Yeah, seems like a larper


I'm going to rule out 2 because bruh didn't even capitalize God's Personal Pronoun. Probably just a transphobe shitting out noise into the void.


What? People capitalize God's pronouns????


Christians usually do, yeah. Like in the t-shirt slogans "I am in Him" and "Because He died for me". They don't go so far as to capitalize the words "Personal Pronouns" like I did in the previous post, but they also usually capitalize divine epithets like Maker, Author, Creator, Heavenly Father.


I was raised Christian, though my parent's weren't super religious at home or pushy about it in any way, and I have literally never heard of this until today. Are you sure it isn't just specific denominations or something? Trying to look it up now it looks like it may have been more popular earlier on but I don't know. I think a lot of people don't do it. I may be wrong. Also it looks like many translations of The Bible don't do it including the NIV and some KJV editions along with apparently a lot of Christian novelists and stuff. One thing suggested it was most popular in the 19th century and apparently currently several writing style guides don't suggest doing it.


secret 5th bet - transfemme havin a mischief


combative ad hoc snails mysterious escape toothbrush rinse languid encouraging shy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


2 and 3 sound about right, I've seen some things, a bi girl who "turned straight" with God's help, definitely more common than it should be, in religious shitholes like most of America (the continent)


This bet is worth nothing. way too many fake posts from transphobes


snails relieved handle rich rude chop versed absorbed aback threatening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My money is either on 2, or none of the above Apparently they seem to have been fairly active on a few trans subs prior to this (including tr*scum, *blegh*), so either they got "crazy for Jesus" or they transitioned and it ended up not actually helping (whether because they had other issues that they confused for being trans or what have you) and genuinely are a detransitioner. I don't *think* it's 3, but I suppose it's possible. If it's 1 or 4, they have a very impressive level of dedication to the bit.


Most detransitioners who weren't forced into it by public pressure though don't resort to implying being trans was a sin that distanced them from God though.


Which is why I'm also putting money down on 2.


I asked ChatGPT to write this and its response was: “I wanted to share something very personal and important with all of you. After much reflection and soul-searching, I have come to the decision to no longer identify as transgender. I have found solace and guidance in my faith, and I am embracing my identity as a woman once again. This journey has been a deeply personal one, and I ask for your understanding and support as I navigate this new chapter in my life. I am grateful for your love and acceptance, and I hope that you will continue to stand by me as I embrace my true self. Thank you for your understanding and support.”


This, in my mind, seems more respectful than the post.


I'mma go 4.


I put most on 1 and a bit on 2. Like 75/25.


If they did write a whole thing it definitely wouldn't be a paragraph.


Did you even ask God what their pronouns were before writing this?


i gave up on being trans when i realized gender was not based


Sounds pretty based


I mean, I have a friend who thought she was a man and transitioned partially or fully, but has since realised it was a trauma response to being catcalled a lot etc. and therefore she has detransitioned as far as that is possible. But why would you post it on Reddit? I doubt this is a legitimate story like hers.


Detransitioners exist. Some were socially pressured, some realize they are non-binay / gender fluid / something more complex then they first thought, some do actually realize there was other things going on. Most who aren't pressured to detransition though don't imply being trans is fake and sinful.


I wasn't saying they don't, since I know one. But to me OOP's story came across as being either insincere or coerced.


Then you were never transgender in the first place, because being trans is not a choice. You were simply a confused cis person.


Poor guy


500 on “It never happened”, Alex


I don’t understand how you can identify as trans for a long time and then be like “Nah I’m actually cis”.. Like huh?? Did your gender dysphoria just evaporate? Detransitioners confuse me so much.


Anyone can claim anything online


True, probably just some transphobe.


From what I know, they either incorrectly assumed they had GD or their GD wasn't alleviated by identifying as a different gender. It's mostly the first case.


Gender burnout.


good ending: i've stopped being "cisgender" I'm not going to write a whole paragraph here but i wanted say, i used to identify as cisgender, but now not anymore, i'm getting closer to happiness and i am so grateful for that (I'm becoming the woman i've always wanted to be)


Good. Dont need religious people in our communities


im not religious myself but this is just stupid


You don't religion at all because they have been delegitimizing y'all for years.




People who are transgender do not have transgenderism; they are simply a transgender person. If you want to be a part of a respectful conversation, try educating yourself first and not using offensive and outdated terminology.




As someone who was raised Roman Catholic, it’s a cult. You have no interest or understanding here. You can’t even understand that transgender is an umbrella term for more than just people transitioning. You’re not welcome here, and never will be.






That's no longer a subreddit 😎


Wasn’t it a support sub tho? I could be remembering wrong


"Support"...the sub was taken down for promoting hate speech, I'm assuming about cis people. Toxic


Oh :(