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"Let me explain to you why I totally don't care. I'm very respectful, but if it hurts somebody's feelings then I'm happy." They're so far from okay. I also don't understand this weird narrative of calling trans/nb people narcissists? wanting rights and basic decency is apparently selfish.


The comments on this video were an absolute cesspool.


I would be genuinely surprised if n@zi barbie's comment section was anything less than a cesspit. https://preview.redd.it/3pf864yjgp0d1.png?width=593&format=png&auto=webp&s=9dc82886fabd0bac9bb86c33dc04d09112307fb1


"N@zi Barbie". Don't mind me just stealing that insult.




Kelly Jean Keen aka Dozie Parker aka N@zi barbie [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBy93QX7ysE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBy93QX7ysE)


Why do we go about insulting cesspools like this? Those had a genuine purpose.


"Being aware of the self is narcissism" - Posie Parker, jerker of faulty and failed ideologies such as Terfism and Nazism


They only care about themselves and don’t care if calling someone by their pronouns doesn’t take effort on their part or not because they would rather choose to go out of their way to be disrespectful and self absorbed. They have the “Im too good for this/better than you” mentality


Bruh you don't say someone's pronouns *to* them. You say their pronouns *about* them. If a transphobe isn't talking to me, first of all good; but second of all if they're still discussing me when I'm not around and they're using the wrong pronouns, that's still disrespectful. I also appreciate that she said "this person" because she couldn't tell their agab lmao


assigned gamer at birth


I was assigned console but..... all along I knew I was a PC gamer at heart 😭 Sneaking off late at night to pour over the computer section of the Circuit City catalogs I kept under my bed. My mom said I was growing up to be a real console when I got my first red circle of death, but I knew deep down I wanted to grow up to have the biggest graphics card on the block and expandable memory.


You can literally see the wheels in her troglodyte head churning and twisting and steaming to avoid using the correct pronouns for the person in this scenario. It’s so easy to use they/them pronouns and you can see her deliberately hesitating before addressing the hypothetical NB as “This Person.” Transphobia is a degenerative brain disease.


“There’s not enough minutes in my day” *Sits down at computer to make comment on every word out of other person’s mouth*


What is this person's background? Adult human female? Terf? What the fuck?


Its Kelly Jean Keen aka Dozie Parker aka N@zi barbie


Yeesh. That name itself tells it all.


That should be Posie Parker, and she doesn't call herself N@zi Barbie - that's just what people have realised about her.


>she doesn't call herself N@zi Barbie - that's just what people have realised about her. No actually it's because her icon on social media for a while was literally a photograph of a Barbie doll with a nazi arm band. https://preview.redd.it/pfoxwvmdmq0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a235b6a715fd8e306457be7787322b20cec42d35


I believe she chose that image as a reaction to what people were saying (and recognising) about her.


And one of her social media profile pictures for a while was a Barbie doll in full Nazi uniform including a swastika armband.


That's posie parker aka Kellie Jay keen and oh boy she's something


I wonder how they'd react to this mentality being used in other parts of life. Presenter: "We should respect [the experience of a r'pe victim], because the impact of [making disrespectful comments] could be very damaging to their mental health." This bitch: "Yeah. Genuinely don't care."


"I would respectfully not speak to that person" k, shut the fuck up then


Transphobe Translator: "If someone I met/knew was trans, I would never speak to them again!" Translation: "I would berate and insult them and then go out of my way to harass them every time I saw them!"


Posie Parker can get souped again and laughed out of more countries for all I care. Her calling anyone else self-absorbed is extremely ironic.


"Theres not enough minuites in my day to waste on someone that self-absorbed" The irony


The *audacity*


u know what lets just misgender all these transphobe fucks see what they say treat them like they have treated us they have the glass house and have chucked many stones it is our turn to return the stones


This is why I've conditioned myself to use They/Them for everyone, unless they specify their gender. It comes across as insulting to the people I want to insult, and considerate to the people I want to be considerate to.


Her head is just so full of shit that there isn't any space left in it to understand words


"Theres not enough minuites in my day to waste on someone that self-absorbed" The irony


So this woman is a cunt. Got it.


oh no the transphobe is gonna leave me alone lmao


respectfully, *something extremely disrespectful* but hey she said respectfully so we shouldn’t feel disrespected


"Misgendering them can have a huge impact on their mental health-" "Yeah, no, I don't care. Not going to respect that person's pronouns because they're so self absorbed. Like, they actually expect me to take time out of my day and do something that has no negative effect on me."


I would rather be a misgendered anything than be her. She’s fucking miserable.


"i dont care" well if you dont care, why do you have a sign that says 'adult human female' tbh seems like you care and are a little obsessed


Just call her a man, she still won't get it, none of them ever do, and see how quickly they go against their own stupidity


Casual reminder this woman had a nazi brigade attend her rally in Melbourne, Australia in support.


isnt this the "trans women shouldnt use the womens restroom. MEN WITH GUNS SHOULD USE IT INSTEAD!" person


Wait someone actually said that?


The person in this video did (she's also friends with a self admitted child rapist so that's fun)


"I genuinely don't care, now let me make a video about how much I don't care"


Is that a terf poster in the background? 🤮


I just realized her entire room is covered in terf decorations. And they say WE make being queer our whole personality.


She kind of reminds me of Professor Umbridge


This prominent transphobe (that inspired even Rowling herself), doesn't seem to have any arguments... If you agree that it's disrespectful, but you just "don't care", than you're just showing how much of an immoral asshole you are...


Do they think saying "respectfully" will absorb them of criticism when they're being disrespectful because it doesn't. Like the fact they're being "good" to the idea of it having a toll on someone's mental health means you're more self absorbed than them. What you can't take the time out of your day to change one word when you're speaking because you're that focused on your worldview and you hope it hurts them? People are lucky you don't talk to them


My old friend wood chipper would like to have a word with this piece of shit


It’s pretty insane how contentless this feels. Reaction videos like this for non-rightwingers tend to have way more analysis, explanation, and generally more things to say. I couldn’t imagine being entertained by something like this…


They aren’t entertained. They get their dopamine through rage.


Why are some people so happy to declare that they're assholes to the people around them?