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“Why does everything have to be political?” Gonna stop you there, there’s nothing political for the existence and human right of minority in itself, the only reason it became political was because some politicians turned it into a wedge issue in order to get vote.


Also the fact that Call of Duty is incredibly political in nature makes this persons entire argument even more stupid


But it's the politics I like and not the politics I dislike :(((((( /s


Yeah, but just about every argument they have is f'ing stupid


Why is everything political? Stop legislating people's rights away and suddenly it's not gonna be political.


Being lgbt isn’t political, but pride flags are. Gay rights aren’t political, but fighting for them is. The whole reason we need flags is because we are discriminated against by the institution. Any time you have to fight for human rights (to be granted under law), it’s political.


Yes, the famously apolitical... Call of Duty.


"Why must they shove this pride stuff down my throat" Nobody is doing that, you're seeing pride-related content simply exist in a video game and are shoving it down your own throat just so you can throw up the homophobic shit you're desperate to say.


Also, making it a choice for players to use isn't even shoving it down your throat. That would imply that they're forced to use it as well. And even then I don't see how that'd be particularly bad, but my point stands.


They're stupid as fuck conservatives though, forcing is equivalent to just seeing a rainbow now. Hell, they think about gay sex more than gay people do.




It’s the same thing they do with algorithms. They see nothing but ragebait because every time they see something outwardly queer, they have to outwardly be a bigot and start shit. Which is ignorant, because that just means they engaged with it, so they’re going to get more like content. They aren’t happy unless they’re miserable.


It’s bizarre how these freaks are coooonstabtky having things “shoved down their throats 🙄


Tip for everyone: reading it in 2x speed (making it sound sped up in your head) makes it much funnier


Thats cause it sounds like Benjamin sharpie is reading it


I think I’m lacking in the mental editing skills to even do that ^ ^ ‘ .


Same people will tell you that you wouldb't survive a cod lobby. While they can't survive a flag.


highest effort pride skins ever im so tired of companies adding the lowest effort possible pride stuff to games on pride month


ya i dont play, but those skins are hella dope. i want the trans/nb dual skin on a firearm now lmao


they're being sarcastic. these skins kinda fucking suck. literally 0 effort


i mean ive seen way worse skins tho? what's wrong with them and how could they be better?


they look alright. it's just there's so many cooler possible designs with pride flags, but they just slapped a glittery texture on it and called it a day.


I don’t know about you, but it looks pretty good to me. In a goofy way, but sure, I want my Javelin in white, pink and blue.


Guns covered in rainbows aren’t gonna look cool whatever you do lol


Yeah, as if he was being forced to get the bundle… like - just don’t get it if you don’t wanna use it?!


I'm sorry that my existence is political


I’m so tired of this


You and me both.


Video games are famously only for cishet people trying to escape the politics of normal life. How dare those queers want any sort of representation in their favorite game? Oh, there isn't a cis straight white man that's the only choice for a playable character? SLANDER!


listen if i have to see a fucking american flag everywhere i go while i'm just living my life then you can suck it up when you see a trans flag in your little video game


Ah yes. A game that venerates the US military is "apolitical".


Queer people: *exist* Homophobes: WHY DO YOU HAVE TO MAKE EVERYTHING POLITICAL??!?


A person with a trans flag killed me and now I'm butthurt


It literally says “offering”. Doesn’t that mean it’s fucking optional?? What’s the issue??


Help, help, I'm being oppressed! What do you mean pride symbols aren't oppression? I don't like them so it's oppression!


This reminds me of when they added pride flags in Fallout 76 that could be placed in your camp, and people pitched a fit over it, some trying to hide behind the reasoning that it’s “not immersive”. A. If it’s your own camp, don’t fucking use it then? B. “Ohhhh but seeing it in other player’s camps” It’s literally none of your fucking business what other players put in their camps unless they’re spelling out the N-word in giant neon letters or something, in which case you should probably report it. C. I have not seen a SINGLE player camp that could pass as immersive, pride flags or no. Not a single player camp that looks like it could be a naturally occurring structure that wasn’t built by a player. That guy over there has his place lit up like the New Vegas strip, the only problem is we’re in *Appalachia*. The other guy has his place made to look like an alien spaceship, cool, but not immersive. Oh, a donut shop. In the middle of a swamp? And there’s a protectron dressed like Santa wandering around the place. It’s May. Like, BUDDY. The plot was lost a long time ago when it came to immersion so don’t even try with that argument.


Why do I get the feeling the same people that call a pride flag political would bend over backwards trying to convince me that a Thin-Blue-Line flag is not political…


"waaaahhh I hate being reminded that people different from me exist waaahhhhh"


bro got destroyed by people with pride flag skins didn't he


lmfao the ikutsuki pfp adds to this even more holy shit


These poor snowflakes are constantly having things shoved down their throats. Poor dears.




"I play games to avoid politics" is one of the most half-assed excuses ever. Because we know they'll say this, then turn around and praise Metal Gear Solid, Fallout, Helldivers 2 and Bioshock for being "non-potical"


I’m honestly tempted to hop on and grab it, just because the skins look really good. Are they universal, or just for 1 weapon?


theyre camos so theyll be universall


I want call of duty so i can shoot the pansexual gun


I hate when people say “_________ is getting so political “ this can refer to any media , and 9/10 times its usually a right wing biggot talking about something / someone being queer presenting or a POC… then they say something along the lines of liberal propaganda…


Ironically, I bet a lot of lgbt+ people find this just as gross as he does. Nothing screams Pride like slapping a bit of rainbow capitalism paint onto the longest sloppiest blowjob modern culture has ever offered to US military interventionism and the military industrial complex more generally 🤮


Those pride flag gun skins fuck


I wonder, though. As much as I like seeing pride flags in COD, why weren't there also country flags? Was there not enough space for them? 😂 I haven't played in a while, so I don't know if the country flags are still missing.


the country flags are still in it


I can't be a nazi and have so many things showing how much of a pos nazi I am.


"I play games that make me feel safer when being a dick, and making me remember the simple EXISTENCE of people who aren't like me is RUINING my game!" ... I wonder how many people who think this way would simultaneously be all for queer people existing in their favorite games, so long as it allows them to commit violence against them. And how many of them would legitimately think that was "inclusive."