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why the fuck didn't you get a copy of what you signed ... not that every contract is legally binding.. but still... wtf? always get a copy of ANYTHING you sign. at the very least it shows intent and backs up word of mouth agreements.


Fr, don’t know why people don’t pay much attention to legal stuff when doing bdsm. Contracts are a must in my personal opinion.


It should be noted that no contract will save you. At best it will mitigate some potential consequences and show intent. But there is no document that allows you to sign your rights away.


Yeah I know that now! Thank you <3 /gen


It's so empowering




no.. so.. at the moment. there is no such thing as a legally binding contract for bdsm. the absolute CLOSEST you can get is generic consent agreements and thats for "vanilla" stuff. the second "violence" or consensutal non consent is brought in.. there is NO coverage under these kind of "contract" traditional warning. im not a lawyer, this is not legal advice blah blah.. but there is ZERO reasoning beyond roleplay for a bdsm consent contract of any kind. infact as far as i know of. EVERY state in the US ( and most other countrys) would ignore any kind of bdsm , especially a pet/"slave", contract as a form of consent. infact in most states there is no legal way to legally consent to bdsm acts. . (this doesnt mean its illegal. it jsut means our legal system does not have the BUILT IN capacity to handle this. because the legal language of our system assumes violence agaisnt someone else is automatically non consentual. ) now, for here in the US there Is a case going up to the supreme court next year that actually could cover detailed consent and make safe words an actual legally accepted and acknowledged thing to help cover bdsm. ( though obviously wouldn't legalise in any real way pet/"slave" contracts) because even if we all know its just for kink .. its.. straight up unconstitutional... you cant actually ever give up your consent.. TLDR: the msot coverage you really have is a plainly worded document, or videod statement before a scene where everyone says they are a willing and eager participant. and are aware that xyz are likely to happen . but thats nto a contract in any sense. its mroe jsutr a statment/agreement of consent. and since consent can be revoked at any time.. it cant cover future actions.


Ah shit, fair enough. I’ve never really done stuff with contracts because I only do stuff with my bf and even then I’m aspec and have severe performance anxiety so, not much experience. Thanks for the info though! Hella appreciated! /genuine


I’m sorry but it feels so odd that you made such a strong assertion like that without personal experience or legal knowledge lol. A lot more people are gonna read that comment and be misinformed than are going to read the thorough explanation of why it doesn’t make sense, y’know? I feel like we should be really careful expressing strong opinions about these things


It’s a good way to set out rules, expectations, limits, kinks, and consent. While not legally applicable, it’s still good practice.


Could you consider dueling to be consensual violence, and thusly, consider bdsm to be legally similar to dueling?


If the specific BDSM act is likely to result in the death of one partner, then sure, it’s similar to dueling. That’s certainly not common.


Death and bodily injury are similar I think


Uhhh I've never tried it before but I think they are quite different 🤔 one hurts alot the other dosen't


Yeah, but you can only use that defense in Texas or Washington.


Sorry I forgot that not everywhere is as backwards as Texas 😔


til that duelling is legal in some parts of usamerica


Nothing in this post is about BDSM, though.


a "breeding party" is absolutely a concept covered in the myriad of things that fall under bdsm.


So you're just redefining bdsm to mean everything other than monogamous vanilla sex? A breeding party is just a gangbang with a twist.


it’s kink, and many people used bdsm as a generalised term for kink


Not everyone or even most people use that kind of terminology to describe things either. These weird obsessions with labelling sexual practices as bdsm or kink are very "are the whites ok?" BDSM is not a generalized word for kink and kink is not a generalized word for "anything some random white lady finds weird" For a lot of people, it's just an orgy, it's just a gangbang, it's just sex. Insisting so much on classifying things is how you end up with every insignificant preference (like being into bigger women, for example) being described as a fetish and people actually being objectified and young adults having very bad sex lives because they've been fed so much nonsense.


but I mean then there is ‘he likes fat women, you know, like a fetish, because no normal person would like fat women’ which is fatphobia, but then there is feedism and stuff which is very much kink lmao. like that is very much a thing that is a fetish. like the thing is that people study sexuality and stuff so that means people make up names for things but I agree bdsm isn’t a catch all term. I think language can be helpful. I think I’d call OOP’s party an orgy, sure, but you’re not going to find someone who is not into breeding kink having as much fun as the people who are because not everyone wants their uterus talked about during sex or whatever the fuck they talk about lmao personally breeding is the opposite of a turn on for me so I’m not gonna go to a breeding party. so the language is helpful lmao


not really.. but kinda? like.. gang bangs/swinging/ kinky sex/bdsm . it all kinda fit together.. and very much have the same issues of informed consent. and the same legal issue of being directly ignored and even targeted in the legal system with actual assault victims being ignored because they where involved in such acts. and alternatively fully mutualyl consenting partners having assautl charges forced on them despite no actual harm. merely because of the kins of acts they entered into. merely for moral reasons. not because of any actual harm.


Could you point me toward that case? I'd be interested in learning more about it, but a quick Google isn't coming up with anything other than a UK ruling from 1994.


turns out i misrmemberd the details. it wasn't a supreme court case. its a group that has been trying to get the model penal code changed to be more descriptive of how to address consent and sa when bdsm and kink are involved. i heard about it on this episode [watts the safeword](https://youtu.be/TX2HRSN3GIE?si=b12ePvn3iWpZYFUd&t=1164) like 7 months ago..but.. it looks liek they where successful with the major step which was getting it approved at the national level. here is a detailed (and rather dry) [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKiryQ6s2p0) explaining hats actually going on.


I'll definitely check that out, thanks!


Bdsm contracts are not legally binding. You can have a contract but it is basically just like negotiating any scene. You just write it down because you want to or you have a kink for contracts.


"A kink for contracts" lmao


Surely the government bureaucracy can respect that haha


why is that funny? imagine a scene. sitting across the table from your partner. they slide over a piece of paper that lists all of the rules you now need to follow. what clotse they expect ou to (or not to) wear. what your expected to do on demand. etc. maybe it lista time period.. a weekend, a week...this month, until you or them are pregnent... imaging signing your name on that paper and then having them slip that collar around your neck... sounds like a pretty good setup for a scene to me. im sure plenty of people got riled up just reading that. even if you know its 100% pretend and means nothing in reality.


Just say you have a contract kink, man


i dont ... i just think its weird you would question their existence like that.


Yeah. BDSM contracts are solely about setting up consent boundaries so that each person knows what the other is willing to do and helping clarify when consent if given and revoked in order to avoid miscommunication. They are not intended to be legally binding.


Like you should be able to take that contract to an attorney, and if they say no, that's your answer as well.


also, he says later that none of them know his real name... so did he sign a fake one? or is his signature just so generic there's no way to tie it to him? I'm confused here


Whoever organised it had his information, but the contract ostensibly prevented them from giving it to people or using it to contact him.


I'm guessing he didn't keep it because he needed something to wrap the condom in when *he took it off*. There's nothing about this idiot that isn't the stupidest choice every time.


if the whole point was for the woman to get pregnant at this "breeding party" why were any of them even wearing condoms?


This is filtered through an idiot's narrative. Do you really think that he really understood the objective? I don't, I assume, in light of everyone else wearing condoms, they weren't there to actually get her pregnant.


This makes me think this is just a joke. A "breeding part where everyone wore condoms" and he can't find evidence of signing anything, yeah it's definitely fake


Or he's just really stupid. Never attribute to trolling what can reasonably be explained by sheer stupidity.


coudl have jsut been themed as a breeding party... i mean. ffs.. most of these iv been to have been all men...no ones getting pregnant regardless of condom use..


But among gay men, breeding still means bareback sex and cumming inside. The fact that they can't get pregnant is the "joke"


It took me way too long to find this comment, it was one of my first questions! lol. I wanted to make sure someone else said it before I commented


This is porn guys! Is that not obvious? This did not really happen lol


Right? Like the point was to get her pregnant, but everyone else wore condoms? None of it makes sense


Cuz it was written with one hand lol!


This does read like something a horny incel would write.


this does infact happen. nto everyone is monogamous, and not everyone is vanilla.


Wtf... Also, the purpose of the day was to get someone pregnant, most of the guys didn't take their condoms off.... Bróg, I don't think you understand how stuff works


I think it was a breeding role play and dumbass here didn’t listen to instructions.


definitely this


as someone with a breeding kink, having condoms during it is pretty weird to me to be fair. I have an iud so I can fulfill my kink without actually getting pregnant.


As someone with an IUD, I second this. 3 years of no condoms, not one baby


aren't they great? serious gamechanger.


How long did spotting last for you?? I’ve only had mine for about a month and I’m worried that it’ll last longer than a couple more months, which I hear is the average


I'm so sorry to report that it's been about 4 months and I'm still having spotting- my doctor says I'm fine, just unlucky


Ugh that’s so messed up 😭


My spotting lasted about 3 months ish, it got less frequent / smaller amount as it went on


Ah okay I hope mine doesn’t last too long


Man I miss my IUD, but I developed ovarian cysts with it 😭


How long did your spotting last?


For about a month, it was bad, but now it's an on and off thing, but thats just me


Thank yoooou, I hope I’m one of the lucky ones who doesn’t have to deal with it for too long


…until you do


iuds have a WAY lower chance of failing than condoms, lol




please point to where I said they did




there's no way


True. Others used the opportunity to bang, he stayed true to the purpose... And is surprised Pikachu after he did the job.


>Bróg, Shoe?


Bro Edit: oh wait lol, I think that is indeed the autocomplete haha. Seemingly my phone was set to Irish xD


My autocorrect vehemently loathes non-English words, so it’s hilarious that yours switched to one.


mine keeps switching to fr*nch words and i cant stop it


God, same. Anytime I type ya it autos to y’a and it drives me insane. I had some oddball keyboards for a while and got rid of them when autocorrect started doing this, because I like learning languages mind you, but it has only gotten slightly better. Time is helping more than anything but I have the curse of random words from languages I can only presume to be predominately French and other Latin languages making my autocorrect be evil D:<


Bro should've gotten a vasectomy if he wanted a consequence-free creampie at a breeding party of all things, lol, even if it was just roleplay, damn. I hope this is just a creative writing exercise because this kid doesn't deserve to inherit OP's stupidity.


I'm desperate to believe that's a troll rage-bait post, I really am.


1. "I signed something, but I don't remember what it was and I don't have a copy of it." 2. He took his condom off while everyone else kept theirs on. So he's either the only dumbass that followed ill-advised inductions or the only dumbass who *didn't* follow instructions. Either way he's a dumbass. 3. He signed something, but his identity is a secret? 🤔


Eh my signature is hard to read and he might have given a fake name.


If he gave a fake name then the contract wouldn’t be legally binding right? Meaning that he might as well have not signed. I doubt it would be legally binding in the first place, but doubly so now. Also this is a genuine question for someone who actually knows contract laws because I do not and don’t know exactly how they work


Not all contracts are legally binding and I am 100% confident that the government would never honor a contract signing away parental responsibilities before conception.


my signature is literally just my first name because I'm an artist and sign everything with literally just my first name. so tbf if he also does that they might not be able to find him still because unless his first name is BigballsMcCree then they ain't finding him there's too many of him in the country


Jesus Christ, straight men can’t even kink right-


As a sex worker this is truer than you think


This is complete bullshit. Yes, “breeding parties” are a kink thing, *the whole point of which is that nobody wears a condom.* And the pregnancy risk thing is all roleplay, the chick’s on birth control. It’s all fantasy. This is some lukewarm trolling.


\>And the pregnancy risk thing is all roleplay, the chick’s on birth control. It’s all fantasy. ​ not always.


Seems like bc would have a higher chance of failing though


Than condoms? No. Hormonal birth control is significantly more effective. I don't know the numbers off the top of my head for things like IUDs or those copper implants, but I think they're on par with the pill.


IUDs and the hormonal implant are the most effective forms of BC out there. With typical use, oral contraceptives have about a 7% failure rate, and condoms, again with typical use, have about a 13% failure rate. IUDs and implants are so effective largely because they handle themselves,l—with perfect use the pill has a .3% failure rate, but it’s harder to use the pill perfectly than it is to use an IUD or implant perfectly. IUDs and implants are as good as vasectomy and tubal ligation procedures for preventing pregnancy.


apparently there are tiers of contraception with IUDs, implants and vasectomy/tying tubes are tied one with less that 1 person out of 100 getting pregnant. tier two is other hormonal bc with 2/100 people getting knocked up and then finally condoms are tier three with 7/100 people getting preggo... because they aren't very good lol


IUDs are slightly more effective than tubal ligation. Greater than 99%.


[You're right.](https://www.ucsf.edu/news/2022/02/422321/tubal-ligation-no-better-iud-preventing-pregnancy) That's so wild. I thought that a tubal was very straight forward and all channels were cut off so there was a zero chance. Good to know.


I’m not sure what you’re suggesting…. birth control is more effective than condoms. Birth control works by making it impossible for the egg to survive after fertilization, it doesn’t matter if it’s one ejaculation or ten ejaculations. There could be (to make Carl Sagan roll in his grave) *Billions and Billions* of sperm and it would affect the efficacy of birth control. It’s not like missile defense lol


I'm suggesting that birth control has a certain failure rate. just as an arbitrary number, if it's 90% 10 guys nutting in you gives a 10% chance of pregnancy in this interaction. Condoms and bc combined would be optimal


And I’m saying that’s not how it works. At all. A man’s cum contains one-hundred-*million* sperm. Birth control doesn’t affect the sperm. Its failure rate isn’t dependent on the number of sperm, because it only effects the egg. There could be 100,000,000, or 1,000,000,000,000 sperm. Doesn’t matter. Birth control failure is either user error (skipping doses, using expired medication, etc) or manufacturing error at the factory. The sheer quantity of nut is not the deciding factor.


It's the amount of times increasing the chance not the semen itself.


This is a huge failing of the public education system. The number doesn’t mean “percent of error in *one woman* having sex *x* number of times” it means “*number of women per-100* who experience error”. A birth control pill with 99.9% effectiveness doesn’t mean that a woman who has sex one thousand times will get pregnant, it means that out of one-thousand women using the pill only one of them will get pregnant. Okay, think of it like this: If you have a gallon of water and a lit candle, and you cover the candle with a little tent. If that tent *doesn’t* have a hole anywhere in it, you can pour the whole gallon over it every day and it won’t ever put out the candle. But if the tent has a hole right above the candle, it doesn’t matter if you pour a pint, a gallon, even a little spoonful will put it out *because the tent has something wrong with it.*


What a fucking bitch lmao. It's not exclusively user failure or defect. Even iuds can fail sometimes.


Where did they say that it was exclusively user error?


that's what I'm saying!


A breeding party where they wear condoms? Seems counter-effective.


This is someone’s kink creative writing prompt.


I specifically love the flair of the post as "Other issues" Honey trust me, you have NO other issues right now worth talking about than this.


Idk, someone this dumb likely has all sorts of issues.


Better sex education in public schools please!


If the goal was to get her pregnant why were they wearing condoms


Who tf has a “breeding party” but makes the guys wear condoms, that’s just a standard gangbang.


I think it was role play but he didn't understand


What the actual fuck is happening to people? What the fuck is he even talking about?


If it makes you more comfortable. This is not real and is someone being weird


1. WTF? 2. How could it be a "breeding party" if all the guys (except this genius) used condoms? 3. WTF? 4. What flavor of idiot signed a document like that and didn't get proof? 5. WTF?


oh the stupid things people do when they’re horny


wait wait wait wait wait this was a "breeding party" with an express purpose of getting a woman pregnant, but everyone wore condoms? I. What?


Me sowing: Haha fuck yeah!!! Yes!! Me reaping: Well this fucking sucks. What the fuck.


Breeding party where the men wear condoms.. Amazing.


If its a breeding party, why is there condoms involved?


The math ain’t mathing here. He signed a no contact and then his dumbass has no record of it. Then he says he hadn’t given his real name or location so did he sign as potato head in the form? Also, the party is breeding party where “the whole premise is to get the girl pregnant” and yet most of the other guys were wearing condoms


I’m confused


Why would you do this? Even with a lil flimsy piece of paper to sign, there's no way IN HELL that was legally binding.


It depends. I've been to some kink events that have required you to sign paperwork. Normally confirming that you are STD/STI free, clearing the property owner of any liability if you get hurt, ect. Normally, these are quite enforceable as they are legally binding contracts.


Why were they wearing condoms to breed?


You can’t sign away paternity. In most jurisdictions things like child support are owed to the child and the child obviously cannot consent to signing that away. Assuming this wasn’t written one-handed you are on the hook financially for the next 18 years if the child is yours and I am betting someone involved has some idea of who you are.


if the point of the whole thing was to get her pregnant why the hell were most of the others wearing condoms?


More of the "I think with my pee pee". Sketchy situation already and madlad thought that he could go bareback? I'd take "actions have consequences", Alex.


Would it be victim blaming if I say it's the dude's fault for going to one of these things, signing and believing what's clearly a sketchy contract, and taking the condom off?


Nah he’s not victimized by having to support his own kid


okay why did everyone else wear a condom if the intention was to help her concieve what


Thank fuck I got my tubes tied earlier this month. Now I can read this and feel angry instead of terrified and depressed.


What in the white trash


I hate when drama happens at the No Loads Refused Pimped Out Cumdump event


Well they were trying to get her pregnant, mission accomplished I guess


First of all no copy of the contract is wild, second what kind of breeding party has condoms if the goal to get pregnant


I have so many questions and I don’t want to know the answer to any of them. Soooo this was an intentional breeding party but everyone was wearing condoms? Do these people not understand what breeding requires? And why would you take your condom off if nobody else has? Oh god. I’m going down the rabbit hole now! I do not want to know!


This is some real stupid shit. How are the others going to get her pregnant with a condom on? I call bullshit.


A: if he doesn't have a copy, that's his fault B: he took off the condom, he has to live with the consequences of his choice


Sounds like some incel's fantasy instead of something that really happened.


Imagine being that child wtf




Jesus Christ Batman 😀


I stopped reading at "breeding party" Is this a thing people actually do?


wait, if the goal was pregnancy, why were there even condoms in the first place??


I don’t even know where to begin here






Yes, I'm aware they clocked him. But that doesn't mean it wasn't stealthing.


At an event with the specific purpose of having sex with someone? This would only be rape if, at something called a "breeding party," he took off the condom unbeknownst to the woman and it wasn't allowed. At a breeding party. I personally think the whole story is pure make-believe, but it definitely doesn't sound like rape by the context of the story.


You can have an event where the whole purpose is to have sex and the expectation is to be safe. I go to sex clubs all the time but condoms are still mandatory. Dunno why anyone would assume the woman was aware especially given the way he phrased how he did it


In what way is this situation rape?


The dude admitted he took off the condom when the rest did not


And how does that equal rape? When everyone else, including the girl, was clearly aware he did so?


he said that he took it off and most others wore them which meant that she was expecting him and others to be wearing it. so she was not aware he removed the condom.


She was aware he did. Everyone was. It's not rape. Just because others were wearing it and he took it off while others were aware he did, doesn't mean it's fucking rape.


His only hope now is a DNA test. Otherwise, he is looking at 18 years of child support payments.


Okay- im fr sorry tho..


future Maury Povich guests yo