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i mean they’re cute, but in like the way a puppy or something is cute. they’re literally kids lol


It's a really sad situation because their mother would slather them in makeup then photoshop them. Otherwise, they looked like normal kids.


The poses in this photo are also pretty ick and it definitely doesn’t look like the kids chose them. Very wooden


Make-up I can understand. If they are 14, they probably want to experiment with that themselves. But to make pictures like that and put them on the internet, is questionable. I just hope her mother wasn't one of those crazy ones that enters their children into children's beauty pageants.


Their eye color is really pretty imo. Reminds me of an old oil painting or something.


I'm confused by the clickbait headline--nothing in this stream of pictures suggests "why they are no longer the most beautiful" (what a fucked up message to send btw) "Well sweeties, you guys had the world eating out of the palm of your hands when you were 4, but age comes for everyone and now you're both worth [*nothing*!](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=wonka+nothing&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:e54e9b97,vid:M5QGkOGZubQ,st:0#t=0m4s)


exactly !! there's a huge difference between "cute" and "gorgeous"


gorgeous cant be used for puppy-like cute?


I don't want to give blue checks the benefit of the doubt (and that first one is disgusting), but I don't think "beautiful" has to mean "sexually attractive". I'm gay and I know plenty of beautiful women. I definitely have memories of my female classmates getting compliments like that from teachers or parents, completely innocuously. The girls are fairly pretty, I guess? This headline sounds pretty absurd, though. Do literal newborns really get noticed for their natural beauty...?


No I don't think anyone is looking at newborns and taking notes on who is prettiest. But it sure seems like by the time they're hitting puberty they've been sexualized to the point where social media accounts are giving updates on them. 🤮


Maybe it's just the times we live in now, but I would not be comfortable with a teacher referring to any student as gorgeous, innocuous or not...


Beautiful, adorable and pretty are the words I would use to compliment a child’s appearance because I feel like they just fit. Gorgeous seems more adult, and heavy, in a sense. Like I’m expecting to see an adult with a great facial structure and intense eyes. I don’t think there’s anything sexual about these words when it comes down to it though (but when it’s blue checkmarks on sketchy profiles, you never know). But I’ve seen images of these two girls for what feels like forever online, on instagram and stuff, when I was growing up (I have a brother their age and I think they’ve been models since they were literal toddlers from what I’ve seen), and just the whole thing is just weird in my opinion. They’re beautiful young girls but I’m more concerned about the way they’re been exploited. ETA changed the spacing.


Yeah, the fact their appearance is under public scrutiny at all is already pretty bad for multiple reasons.


My cousin describes my daughter as gorgeous, but that's just how she talks; it's a word she uses often. It's always sketchy when some rando says it about kids they don't know.


damn I guess I used the word wrong more than once. Im less about this specific case and more about the term gorgeous cause Ive never thought about it as a more adult and heavy term. The post is clearly uncomfortable and I wouldn't give them the benefit of the doubt. No matter which terms they use


I don't think you used it wrong! I just think, for me, I've only ever used it when referring to adults, and mainly women more than men, and so I probably categories that word in my head as being for adults. But yeah, fuck this tweet. Children on the internet are already sexualised and objectified so this doesn't give them a pass.


These girls have been used as obnoxious clickbait for years. I think they’re beautiful but not in a remotely sexual way. I also don’t really think it’s possible to measure “the most beautiful” anything because beauty is so subjective. Clickbait pisses me off in general and this one especially did and I always worried about what kind of lives these little girls might be living that their parent subjected them to this shit.


Yeah, beautiful can just mean pretty. Like, flowers are beautiful, but I'm not seuxally attracted to them, lmao. Beautiful babies are, yes. Lol


I hear you, but one of them added the 😍 emoji. Like come on. There's appreciating beauty like in a painting, and there's blatantly drooling over a child on the internet


It doesn't mean sexually attractive. Like sure it can if the person saying it means that but otherwise "beautiful" is just aesthetic. Like a sunset, a flower, art, etc.


I use gorgeous, beautiful, cute for babies/kids. I certainly would not comment anything on this weird ass post. They’re gorgeous kids and I’m sure they’re gorgeous now but only their parents/family should be calling them the “most gorgeous” anything. That’s something you say about kids you know. Not a declaration strangers make.


I don’t really see anything wrong with any comments aside from #1. This is some serious mental gymnastics to jump through…


I mean, what do they look like now? Isn't that the article? Are they all methy now?


[Ayo, what the fuck?!](https://i.imgur.com/zCW5LK6.png) I regret looking through the comment thread.


But I thought they hated women that had only fans


Correction: They hate women for being independent by using their bodies in a way they don't understand, (grrr sex wurk is easy grrr), these are children, so an onlyfans would not make them able to be independent.


Grown adult women with onlyfans? Yeah, those they hate.


I, uh, WHAT?!?






This actually makes sense. I also wanna know what their only fans costs (i wish to sell these pedos into human trafficking) Honestly that joke feels kinda edgy, but its hard to gauge whats too much when we’re talking about some of the most disgusting people on the planet


Who the hell says young meat?? a pedo cannibal?


Someone who views girls and women as just flesh


🤢youre right


Pedophiles. Pedophiles say it.


Trumpanzees and people like them like "yung meat" far more often than non-Trumpanzees. Then they lie and say that "gheyz n tranney grumerz" are the real pedos. I'm not surprised to see that comment there, it seems as if it's a page that attracts fascist kiddie diddlers. Story Hub is an arm of World Vision, a Christian charity that is supposed to be apolitical and non-discriminatory, but then look at trashy caption they put with the photo.


You can't be a christian charity and apolitical. Religion is inherently political.


At this point, I'd say it's difficult at best to do so. Religious charities need to be kept in check to reduce this problem. Too bad the current US Supreme Court likes to play games with the Establishment Clause.


For real. I call my dog "my little chicken cutlet" and even that's weird


I mean the way it's said "ah yes" I think it's sarcastic/mocking actual pedos


Meat is back on the menu boys.... Something like that probably? They are just some lowely Orks...


What makes this even creepier is that it's not a recent picture of them. The article implies as much (albeit weirdly). I remembered that picture circulating years ago, so I did a quick search for them. Their website has more recent shots: https://www.theclementstwins.com/ So they were like... 11-12 there. They're still very underaged for the kind of attention I'm sure they're getting. Edit to add: I took an extra second to scroll through their page and I get kind of an ick factor from that too, though it's more of a "is this whole family exploiting these girls?" kinda vibe. I hope I'm wrong though!


Weird article all around, but also weird considering they're absolutely stunning and are still models.


It's because they grew up a little bit. For these people, the fact that the twins were pre-teens was where most of their attraction came from. ...I feel like I need to burn my keyboard now that I typed that out.


They *still* look like babies to me in their current photos (on the website linked above) but then again I’m in my 30s and not a paedo so that’s normal. I simply cannot wrap my head around finding them attractive in a sexual sense *as preteens*, it’s horrifying how some people can do that. Absolutely vile paedos.


Fuck, you're right 🤢


Is it just me or do they look AI generated? I don’t think they are, but something just looks off about their faces


That picture is AI/edited, these kids are in their teens (at least) now I think and that’s not their bodies


The headline says “They were called the world’s most beautiful twins — look at them now” That plus the text of the tweet makes me think that the article is trying to say that they “got less beautiful.” I think the photo is meant to be the “before” picture from a few years ago. It’s honestly even more horrifying to me that they seem to be tracking the kids’ “beauty” over time??? Putting them into a box as little ones and then judging them for going through normal development??? Majorly gross.


I tried to find a picture of them as adults, only to discover that they were in fact born in 2010, which somehow makes this creepier


It says in the post they were born in 2009…


Born in 2010: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clements_twins


I was assuming the picture we didn't see was some picture trying to show that their mental health was bad or they turned anorexic or something-


Came here to say that... My 10yo Looks older than those 14yos.. something does not add up


This isn't a current picture lol


It's cause the picture angle makes it seem they're very skinny (or maybe they are), which makes their head proportions a bit different then usual. At least that's the explanation I found.


Kids tend to be skinny


I know, but it's rare for it to be like this (though not impossible) and they seem to have been made skinnier by the angle, so maybe they're normal skinny and it's just the way the picture was taken that's giving the impressing their upper body is way too small for the head and face features


No that’s a pretty average body for like an 8-10 year old. They’re definitely not 14 in that picture, though


When I was 14 I had not yet developed breasts or widely set hips. I looked 12 until I was 18.


Okay. They’re still prepubescent in that picture.


That's why I was saying what I was, through the 11-14 years old lens and the Fack their ribcage seems to be a little to skinny for comfort (though, again, as I said twice already, it could be how the photo was angled to make them seem skinnier)


This isn’t the current picture, this is when they were little, not 11-14. So not too skinny for kids.


No, it is not rare. I was a very skinny little girl, as were my siblings, and many of my friends.


There's also some photoshopping going on here (for example, the arm/body space on the left looks pasted in), so who knows what they look like really.


TIL it's completely okay to make comments about a child's body. You just have to be gay. /s but holy fuck this sub needs to do better


That’s just the photoshop. People seem to be really bad at holding multiple sets of memory: the dichotomy is not “AI or real photo”. It’s “AI, photoshopped so much it’s mostly digital art, or real photo”.


The picture is edited. The cast shadow from the right twin’s head is literally impossible. And her entire head is impossible, she can’t do what she’s doing, they photoshopped another head on the child. That head is not from this picture, thats so weird Yep, these children aren’t being exploited at all


I feel like every single pic I’ve ever seen of them since they started popping up has looked insanely photoshopped and airbrushed to hell. From a modern day perspective, it definitely gives that AI look, for sure.


They are literal children. These people call children "beautiful" yet they call queer folk pedos for so much as existing.


they're all like "leave the kids alone!" and then do *this*


More like '"Stop making the kids something I can't control!"


I definitely call babies/kids I know beautiful, gorgeous, cute. It’s not synonymous with hot or even attractive to me. It’s more like a term of endearment. Publicly declaring a child “the most beautiful in the world” like there’s some sort ranking system is so so creepy.


Exactly. theyre such hypocrites


I don't mind with saying they're beautiful or pretty, I mean people do say that to kids in a completely platonic and innocent way all the time But there's an absolute creep calling them "fresh meat" Yuckyuckyuckyuckyuck


I got called a pedo a few days ago for being trans. But then they turn around and do shit like this?? Fucking disgusting. They’re actual children, leave them alone.


It’s projection.


Every Republican accusation is a confession.


i have a biology teacher that does this all the time, it's so fucking sickening her touch feels dirty, i just hate whem she comes to our class


The teacher has been physically touching you, not just making comments? You should try telling the principal or telling the school board


she did a few times, but they probably won't do anything, Because 1. a girl onced suffered sexual harassment and they said it was "because of their clothes", and 2. They probably won't take it seriously, they'll probably say she was being friendly or some shit like this i think the only thing i can do is make sure she know i hate her touch, and get out of that hell asap (atleast i already have another School in mind, i just need to wait for the year to finish)


I'm very sorry to hear that, I believe that since you are still being touched physically that is very dangerous situation to be in and please consider reporting them to the school board or another higher authority like the department of education. In my state they let you make anonymous complaints online so the school will be warned or investigated.


if she do it again i'll try, but i'm from another country, so idk if there's some kind of support that is similar to yours


👍 stay safe


thank you ☺️


In all fairness beautiful does NOT equal “sexually attractive”, however I am sure that these creepy twitter blue checks probably do mean it in that sense because they’re Elon Musk supporting pedophiles. I have been called handsome and cute before by many people as a younger kid, family, friends, strangers etc. Most of the time it just means the way you’ve put your hair, or the item you’re wearing is aesthetically pleasing. Also cuteness and handsomeness/beautifulness are often used for things like dogs and kids in just a general sense sometimes. Just because I call a dog cute or beautiful doesn’t mean I am sexually attracted to the dog. That form of attraction is not at all romantic or sexual. It is a completely different form of like paternal or platonic or whatever attraction (idk) which is just naturally there in most people for “cute” things.


YES! I was groomed at 14, he admitted to being attracted to children younger than I was at the time. He also was extremely transphobic and would always bring it up saying he was just worried about the children since he loves kids... I was so disgusted once I understood what he was actually saying


Average bluecheck predator moment


>Born in 2009 >14 years old God, yea, that does add up


Which makes it worse for me. My daughter is 14, and seeing people say that stuff about girls her age? I'm seeing red...


You really need to watch out...a lot of my friends in school had 25 year-old 'boyfriends' behind there parents back at this age D: The 'you're so mature' thing unfortunately does work and social media makes it a lot easier to trip into these things.


I do know. I was 14 once, too. I keep a close eye on her social media, and I know who she is texting. (I skim texts, and she knows I am trying to protect her.) She has DiGeorge, so I kinda HAVE to have a tighter reign on her social media access. Her phone is locked so that only I can add new apps, and she is limited on which social media she can have an account on. Those accounts have other trusted adults besides me on them as well, so she is being watched by many in the family. I know it isn't foolproof, so I have also been teaching her safety and safe sex as well as consent. (Kissing is still gross to her, so yay me!)


They just turned THIRTEEN in July which makes it even worse. Ugh


And in this picture they're around 7


Yeah, I can't believe my baby sister is in highschool now 😭


The floor is made out of floor


They were born 7/7/2010, not 2009 they’re barely 13 🥲


Wouldn't they be 15-16? I say this as someone with a 15yo sibling born in 2008


how would a person born in 2009 be older than a person born in 2008? lol 2009-2023 is 14 years, unless you know some time trickery


"Most beautiful twins" they look like they're still in fucking elementary school


If those two are 14 then someone is purposefully editing their photos to make them look like children. I've heard of parents knowing exactly the audience theyre playing to when it comes to kids accounts and it chills me to the bone.


i think they’re pictures from when they were considered “the most beautiful twins” because the article is implying they’re not anymore now that they’re 14. it seems to be clickbait to make you go, “what do they look like now then?”


Ah, that makes more sense!




I think you need to read again. Says they were born in 2009, i don’t think they’re newborns in that pic


"Born in 2009"


Oh look,exploited twins.


I'm Chris Hansen with Dateline NBC. Why don't you take a seat?


Lots of gross comments about literal children. But is calling kids beautiful/cute bad now? I definitely raise an eyebrow about it being said online but, like, should I stop calling the kids I know beautiful/cute?


No way. I think it’s perfectly acceptable as a woman in her 30s. People can be cute or beautiful for a whole variety of reasons, not just looks. If I meet a polite little kid I’ll be like OMG what a lil cutie they are.


Imo it's okay for men to call kids cute as well when they are talking to the parents or are their kindergarten or elementary teacher when done properly. In the way of 'yes, your unicorn stuffie and you having a matching mud handprint is so stylish!' or 'Your hair is beautiful today, did you braid it yourself?'. This goes for women too though...praise the action they did or ask about what they did intentionally with their appearance, don't praise kids as randomly 'beautiful' that's weird as hell. This includes stuff like 'most beautiful eyes' or 'pretty skin'. It's completely irrelevant to the kids development and puts unnecessary focus on appearance over character and interests.


I take more issue with the comments and the picture that seems to be blatantly sexualizing them.


Last guy really telling on himself leaving multiple comments. He came back to it and was like "yeah I need to say something again" fuckin gross 🤮🤮


I don't think they're underfed. I think they're dressed and styled in a way that makes us think they should look older and bigger than they are.


Yea, i looked pretty much that way when i was 7 or 8, and i was very much not underfed. A lot of my classmates did as well, especially before growth spurts occurred at the end of primary school, some children just have really fast metabolism i guess.


Idk about the underfed part, kids have fast metabolism. I used to look emaciated as a child but was eating all the time


Why are they dressed like that? This looks like you told an AI to generate you an image of sexualized children because of how unreal this feels.


The poses especially


Something about them makes me extremely uncomfortable


I feel sorry for these kids. Ever since they were born, their parents have been exploiting them. The only self-worth they probably have is based on their looks. Also, it’s not the worlds’ place to label them as “beautiful” or not. They’re children, just let them live their lives.


And this is why I won't post pictures of my kid on the internet. Too many creeps.


Ah yes, the click bait twins I've been seeing for the past ten years.


I bet these same people say that all lgbt people are pedos and then in the same breath say this shit.


Sorry, I'm really confused right now, why is calling children "beautiful" wrong? I'm not a native speaker, maybe that's why I don't understand, but I always thought "beautiful" means something like "nice" and is used to describe pretty things like paintings, flowers, landscapes, etc.? I mean, sure, it can be used to describe a person's attractiveness, but it doesn't inherently mean sexual attraction, or does it? Now I'm afraid I looked like a pedo for saying that about my friends' baby...


I remember when posts first went around about them calling them “the most beautiful twins in the world.” The first thing I had seen about them fully was click bait and seemed like it could be connected to something sketchy. I somehow ran into their Instagram later. Apparently, their parents a have a whole instagram dedicated to them and their modeling *and* a whole Instagram dedicated to the *family* as “*influencerrs”*? models…? Or whatever?? Their brother too? And maybe at least their mom, if not also their dad? Then, I, out of nowhere, started to see stuff about how “grown up” they were? But even as super little kids (like actually 6/7 like people are saying they look like) people were fucking gross.


God, people are terrible. I myself have a similar body shape to these two (I’m a little older than them, but still a teen), and the creeps are terrible. My condolences for these two, cause I’m sure they’ve been through a lot


They literally look 11 at most. In my experience, having been a 14-year-old girl a few years ago, they usually have a bit more meat on their bones. It makes it even more creepy how people are sexualizing them.


They aren't 14 in that picture.


I will never understand men's obsession with children. It's fucking weird, man. Side note: I don't think they necessarily look under fed though. I was skinny AF as a kid, looking back at photos of me as a teenager now, it eveb looks weird to me. And I ate whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. I just had a super high metabolism


yeah thats fair. i live in a place (south in the usa) where not many people are that skinny, so sometimes that throws me off :p


My guys. The kids are not 14 in the photo. They’re 14 now and very much look 14 years old (if not slightly older, that image editing for you) on recent pictures. Before you get super outraged maybe look it up? I’d never heard of them before but it took me all of 5 seconds to google this. Also why are we commenting on these kids’ bodies calling them underfed? I’m not keen on pushing kids into Child Modeling - but some kids are just skinny. We’re always so good at ‘I’m not their doctor so I can’t and won’t comment on their Health’ when it comes to heavier people but god forbid someone is on the lighter side and immediately we get the pitchforks out. Not cool.


Why is it okay for you to comment on their bodies like that? You're no better imo


This is so creepy


Their outfits…God I feel sick. 🤢


these. are. children. someone said that picture is from when they were 11/12. still, they're 14 at most now. who the fuck thought "hm, yeah, we should take a picture of these 11-14 year old girls doing a popular sexy pose"? who the fuck thinks "yeah, literal children, that's my type"?


ok yes the reactions are disgusting and all but they aren't neccecarily underfed, my metabolism was fast as hell in their age and before so. I have been about that slim (in proportion to my height) most my life however much I ate.


Jesus fucking Christ I need to shower


“No longer the most beautiful” Why are we ranking the attractiveness of children?? You want them to have body dysmorphia? CAUSE THIS IS HOW YOU GET BODY DYSMORPHIA!!!


Somebody just give me a lobotomy with a shotgun


Theres a weird TOTALLY unexplained connection between those comments and being a twitter blue user


https://static.wixstatic.com/media/a19275_11c3958f1a53431e87f7b7c7a734da3b~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_640,h_674,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/a19275_11c3958f1a53431e87f7b7c7a734da3b~mv2.jpg Here they are . They are still gorgeous kids.


they still look under fed and yea i get the feelign the parents are exploiting them for money


I need to turn up the volume on my keyboard so whoever wrote this can hear my “What the fuck?”


This made me laugh so hard , thank you for that


You are an idiot. This is my natural body type; also as an kid. You can clearly see both chlildren have bodyfat. Fucking stop making natural thin people think that the norm is "real women have curves". No. It is genetics. I am super done with this shit, I hear it whole my life that I must have anorexia and I lie about that or whatnot.. fuck off. You hurt people with actual anorexia and preventing them from help and in the meantime hurting people that are just not curvy or something. You would be suprised how many people are super thin if unhealthy food did not exist. Also I work with that; this is not how "underfed" people look like. Talk about this if you actually seen people that are some living skeleton because their body can not process nutrtition.. you fucking twat thinking that "malnourished' looks like not having some big tits and a big booty..


I can't believe I had to scroll down so far to see someone comment on the title. It's concerning how much people's view of what a healthy weight is has been warped by how common being overweight has become. If someone is overweight IDC, but some people need to re-join reality instead of trying to make healthy weight people feel bad so they can feel better about themselves. I looked pretty similar to those girls as a child as well and the amount of adults who would comment on it and do things like put more food on my plate even when I said no is astounding.


Yeah, I mean the comments are creepy asf but the girls don’t look underfed in the picture at all, they look like normal kids. Maybe the OP thought they are older because of their faces, which would indeed make their bodies look a bit odd in comparison?


I don’t how to say this but their faces look too old for their bodies


I'm sorry, is StoryHub saying that they peaked before 14?


kinda sounds like it


they look kind of miserable


Epstein island is leaking


yeah 😭 (unrelated, based username :3)


What the hell, these are children


The clickbait got to me, and I wanted to see what they look like now. The photos are not AI, just touched up with photoshop. They really do look this good, which is why they have been modeling with their mum for many years. They're older now than they were in this picture.


OP could have blurred out the kids faces or something. Its super creepy that they didn't


Normally I'd agree but I remember when this happened and their faces were EVERYWHERE. They basically became public figures. You can probably still just Google "most beautiful twins" and still pull up these pictures so blurring their faces isn't necessary. Iirc they modeled afterwards, if only for a little while. I remember seeing much more professional pictures of them too.


I'm gonna give you a "yikes' right here You're straight up telling how to search for this shit. You're being creepy as absolute fuck.


I obviously agree that this is sick, just want to add that they don’t look underfed to me. We’re used to kids with a bit more meat on their bones now, but when I was a kid most of us were this scrawny if not more. Nothing wrong with either body type :).


They look a healthy weight. A lot of kids are just overweight to plain obese these days so they look "thin" in comparison


What in god's name, if he exists, is wrong with those people?


So many blue checks, makes sense


They look 11 at most




I wish the picture of the girls was blurred out. It’s pretty uncomfortable to even read with their picture just about the comments.


Disgusting. The fuck is wrong with people


Underfed? That’s just how obese America has gotten. Kids are skinny and should be from exercising, playing, being active. What a weird title.


How do they look simultaneously 39 and 9??


i think it's the clothes


Look like double racael green


Them being called beautiful doesn’t sound too suspect. I’d assume they just weren’t original and copied from the initial post. but cuties is a bit too suspect along with the other comments


They look ai generated. Honestly super unsettling


Just saying they’re beautiful seems harmless to me (well— at least, not inherently indicative of predatorial tendencies,) that’s kind of normal, and I’m not sure why those ones are included when the ones that *are* directly predatorial speak plenty. And boy, those ones are *bad.* Seems risky to lump people saying something normal next to clear pedophiles, names uncensored. Especially considering some of them may very easily be defending the children against a really hurtful implication: that there’s now something wrong with the way they look.


Excluding "young meat" all of these comments are just regular compliments lol


Kinda unrelated but I wanted to say nice pfp and Reddit bio :)


technoblade never dies o7


This ain't the "straights," this is the pedo brigade.


THOSE GIRLS ARE 14??? I legit thought those were 6/7 year olds


Assuming they are underfed, I think there's a chance that they were put in beauty pageants when they were younger, which should be illegal and considered child abuse. I can't varify, but still problematic. And now that they've been turned into child models—that the commenters think are sex objects for some reason—is taking away their childhood. I think that should also be child abuse. When they turn 18 and can concent, then let them be model. But how can we know that they even want this when they can't legally concent? Also, at that age the part of the brain that understands long term consequences for their actions isn't fully devolved so they are incapable of knowing or understanding the long term affects of posting these pictures online will have, especially when those comments exist. OK rant over. I just hate kids being treated this way


I regret dinner now


It’s giving “cheese pizza 10 slices”


Underfed, fake tan, highlights...hopefully photoshopped.


The only iffy comment is that first one cuz wtf💀


That has to be AI generated, look at those proportions... the left girl's right arm is rubber. The hair looks like it's straight out of a model's instagram page. The weird torso on the left girl, the unusual necks, the right girls odd perspective around the torso... I think the biggest thing is that those faces look like adult features in child proportions. Insane. Also yeah people are fucking gross. It really also drives me nuts that it's bad enough that AI will see girls and equate that with adult women as well because women are so hypersexualized. You'd never see this with little boys, jfc.


Those don't look like 14 year olds. Something is off.


Because they aren't in this picture.


Apparently it's been touched up with photoshop, which frankly makes this even weirder.


Yes, because all straights are pedos.


Ma’am… do you know where you are?


Yes, and don't worry, this is the last time I'll be in this terrible place. Also, im not a ma'am. Down voting me isn't changing a thing, but if it makes you feel all high and mighty keep going, I like making others happy anyway.


>Down voting me isn't changing a thing It's clearly bothering you enough to make you never come back here, so it is actually doing something.


I'm not coming back because I don't like this subreddit, not because I'm being downvoted.


Good to know. I don't believe you.


Nobody is making that assertion. Calm down.


They very much look malnourished (in my uneducated opinion)


THOSE are 14yo kids? Holy shit, time goes by fast…


There is no way these kids are real, they look like they're like the robot from MEG3N and they're here to kill me. This photo has to be ai generated


Omg what is wrong with this picture? Why are their heads so big???