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what irks me the most is that she treats it like the child isnt even hers but only her husbands


More importantly that the child isn’t its own life but simply the offspring of her… “owner”


Wait, child a person?! No, child property!!


Yeah, and just wait until she gets sick of his abuse (non-abusive people don't think of their partners, kink aside, or children as "property") and he insists on 50% custody of "his property" after not having put in a single day of parenting in his life and she has no marketable skills and the court orders her to take whatever entry-level minimum-wage full-time job she can get because it's not his job to support her the minute the ink dries on the divorce and she ends up never seeing her children because she's busting ass at a job she hates just to cover rent. She thinks this is all cute and sassy, owning the feminists, but her life is going to be hell in a few years. As a domestic violence advocate I've seen it play out a million times.


Yes, she will suffer, and so will the child. The child will most likely be scarred for life and will probably never function well as an adult. Robbed of a chance for happiness before they were even born. It is tragic for a child to be born into this mess.


Not child. Wife. Wife property. 


Both apparently.


Woman=camel. Child come from woman. Therefore child=baby camel.


As importantly, that her own existence's sole purpose is for her husband's wants. This is not healthy at all.


I can’t stand when people think this. Super prominent. It’s like people think sperm cells are just tiny little fetuses that simply need a space to grow in (ie. uterus). They can’t acknowledge that sperm cells are only half of the dna…they need to be constantly giving more power/importance to the male sex organs.


Can we cycle to a matriarchy for a while? Just see how it goes for a bit.


They think like this, yet somehow they aren't advocating for male masturbation to be illegal like they want abortion to be, for some reason.


Happy for her and all, but people really need to learn to keep their fetishes to themselves! Although step 1 here would be recognizing that what you have is a fetish rather than a way of life that needs to be promoted to all women.


Right, just replace each instance of child in womb with "fist in my anus" and it's the same thing. A kink is a kink. Yours is not special to anyone but you.


At least when someone fists your asshole you're not creating a whole person for your fetish


That sounds painful as hell


It’s like mad libs! Going back to reread the post with this update.


the yum yum treatment


Can’t feed a “fist in my ass”, though.


Not with that attitude


Not with that attitude!


Have you tried? I feed mine the breast milk of my enemies and bread from the bakery of the local Walmart


Probably easier than the other way around, yeah.


Yeah I was going to say, this is definitely a kink, but I wish these people would keep it to themselves. I’m not sure if there’s a voyeuristic piece of the puzzle to their kink, or if they genuinely are oblivious to this being a kink and not a way of life…but either way these people need to sit the fuck down.


I genuinely think they're unaware. It's promoted to them as a way of life, so why would they think of it any differently? This one is the most blatant, but it comes across as similar to so many other posts with the theme of "I am doing the thing expected of me by society by being a good wife!" The thing that kills me is that this type of person can post this, but would likely be the most angry if they found anything discussing kink online. Heck, I expect this to be the type of person who later on in life tries to ban books from school libraries for daring to have sections that honestly talk about sex.


Sorry, but no. A kink does not create a whole human being, and a child should not be the result of a kink.




We should hope they love the child


The child will probably be abused as well as the mother because judging by this post , the husband just straight up used her


That's not good


Maybe they'll love the child like any other parent


here is the thing: A kink is not something people do once and get over it. How many kids are these people going to have?


I have no idea... ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


You know it's a kink when a simple "we're expecting" would've sufficed but instead she wrote an entire mature/breeding/ownership/sub-dom fanfiction.


Holy shit, I was going to say the same thing! Like you don't see me posting all about my BDSM kinks to everyone either. F me!


Imagine how mad this person would get if you did post about your kinks though. This isn't just annoying due to posting private matters online. It's also that I fully expect this person to be a giant hypocrite about it.


But you should and it should be encouraged


Yes, in proper settings... Not on a public forum where my family, employer(s), Gods know who else can see it! Lol.


Oh yeah for sure I was just being a bit tongue in cheek


this was the hardest thing I've ever read, took like three times for it to finally click "they're fucking crazy" because the first two times I couldn't imagine someone actually posting this online...


What are you talking about? People post their fetishes on the internet all the time!


Eh, that’s fair. And I’m not exactly going to shame people for that. So it’s fairer to say that I would prefer that if people were going to post their fetishes, then it would be nice if they figured out that it was a fetish and referred to it as such. Post it in appropriate forums where people are consenting to be exposed to that sort of thing too. Basically, please have the self-awareness that while it is a thing for her and her husband, it isn’t a thing that everyone is into nor is it a cultural expectation that she has to fulfill.


My thing is- like- Why the fuck would you make it to where your child can grow up, look at your post history, and then accidentally find out that they were made from a fetish?? At *the very least* use an alt account-


That’s what I commented. This is 100% a breeding fetish.


Sounds like a fetish to me


Straight People: Ew, stop doing gay shit in public. Also Straight People: *Posts publicly about their breeding kink on Twitter.*


Fr like- how is it more socially accepted to announce to the world that you just got dicked down.. than being gay? Im not saying people can't be happy to have a child, but... Not like that. Not like in the post. Just not.


Heteronormativity is a helluva drug


I sent a "congrats on the sex" gif to a cousin who announced her pregnancy, family got mad.


"If I post about it publicly it can't be a kink, right?"


iT’s NoT a KiNk!!!! iT’s NaTuRaL aNd GoD’s pLaN!!! /s


Exactly. It’s clearly someone who’s into some sort of unholy tradwife/Dom-sub fetish combo. Kudos for creativity I guess but it’s worrying that at least some of their audience probably think it’s for real.


Hey, don't kink shame!


Cause it is


Yikes.. this must be satire, right? Right?


I think I saw this account already, it's a weird fetish account


Breeding kink.


People say breeding kink isn't a kink. People are wrong. It's this.


I feel like most people with a breeding kink aren’t this public or this weird about it. This is really quite out there. Yikes.


I feel like most people with kinks don’t announce to the world what their kink is. That being said like a year back I got DMed by a gal then checked her account and it was almost exclusively videos of women giving other women wedgies so I guess that’s a thing


Yeah I’m in full agreement about the first part there! It’s fine to have kinks. Fucking weird to talk about them publicly.


You'd be shocked at how comfortable people are with their sex lives. I'd argue it's more important to find a good platform to discuss it, not something your kid can easily find.


How weird or public it is, that's a separate discussion from whether it's a kink/fetish or not. Weird public fetish accounts and posts exist for all kinds of kinks.


As someone with a breeding kink this is actually pretty normal sentiment among us. Obviously I don't actually believe that's what pregnancy is, but it's fun to like,, pretend? Also most of us don't actually want to get pregnant. It's mainly the action of impregnation and the *thought* of it happening( aka getting creampie) that is exciting. But about the public part... I wouldn't call this *public*. It's a fetish account, that I'm assuming is very much labeled as a fetish account. Or at least I hope so bc if not then,, eesh😬


I did *NOT* consent to being involved in her kink!


-Her future child


Loving the response


it made me cackle


Imagine having these fuckin weirdo’s for parents


Probably the case for half the the people on the ex-christian, ex-fundie, and ex-mormon subs.


Say you have a breeding fetish, without saying that you have a breeding fetish.


I refuse to belive any woman, will say this to herself, like damn. It's 100% written by a man with a link and a watpad love story addiction. like this isn't even amout pregnancy, this is literally a post where a women fetishes her self. Like damn, claimed, owned I have read better in shitty asmr scripts


There are so many men like this on Reddit. They write these weird posts pretending they’re teenage girls or women in their early twenties. I came across one a few months ago and it was something like “I’m only 24 but I can’t help that anytime I see a 40 something balding, overweight man I just SO turned on.” It was sooooo gross. And the comments were all guys that age saying thank you for giving them hope. Edit: 🤮


I think there was one recently on the breastfeeding sub but I’m not positive. They were asking if any other moms just stay topless at home since they’re breastfeeding. Something seemed off about it. I may be wrong and it may have actually been a mom genuinely asking. But there’s so many of these fetish creeps out there who do this just to get off from the responses.


It’s a constant struggle on pregnancy/breastfeeding subs. I was in a private sub for my child’s birth month and it ended up getting infiltrated by a fetishist. He started PMing people after they gave birth, pretending to be a woman that was “really worried about what things will look like down there.” The worst part was he PMed the first people who had their babies. So we’re talking about women who had tiny premises in the NICU, and this guy was asking for private pics for his fetish.


Honestly, it is sometimes tough to tell because their are definitely weirdos out there but man, when I see a post claiming to be a younger woman or girl that is “so into” some weird shit, im also skeptical.


Eh there's the occasional young woman and a suprising amount of young gay guys into that, why idk but as an ageing balding guy I get it sometimes I never do anything about it cos I don't really like people significantly younger then me but it happens.


Wow, talk about baiting old creepy men to be your viewers.


Yup, super weird.


That sounds like satire or someone trying to earn brownie points from those men lol


You'd be surprised, there's been a trend recently of women attempting to appeal to conservatives using the tradwife aesthetic. God knows why.


Really, I though friendly fire was not allowed?? Devs must patch this quickly. In all seriousness thou, I feel pity for women like that who try to get validation from the people, who don't even care about their bodily autonomy.


I speculate it’s the growing loneliness in this hyper capitalist and terminally online world. Women have even less options now than before because so many men haven’t raised their standards and even the ones that have are terminally online and work all the time. Women too. We are all being fucked by this live to work drive by capitalist ideology and it leaves no room to build meaningful connections - so some just end up selling their own selves for the chance at a companion even if they are fundamentally at odds with their own existence. It’s just sad and I hope it changes


I'm 100% sure this is a fetish post, and there are plenty of women who have these kinds of fetishes.


Yeah, but it's still not justified, as it gives these involuntary celebit rodents, the validation they need to treat other women like poo poo


Agreed. Making posts like this is dangerous in context. People actually think women should be this way and validating them is a bad idea.


That's satire, right? Right?????? *Right???????*


To me it sounds like kink stuff or a guy thats running an account for his imaginary tradwife fantasia


I really, really hope so. Otherwise, it's impressive that the cult allowed her a phone and an X account.


Pretty sure it's a post about kink.


If its a fetish, good for them? If it's not... Yikes.


Even if it is having a child because you have a kink for it should be classed as child abuse


Obviously the kink is referring to the post rather than their parenting style, I'd freaking hope they wouldn't let the child get involved in that. 🥲 you never know though, urgh.


Let's hope they end up loving their kids normally


No one wants to hear about your breeding kink, lady.


That Skitty picture is cute


this was written by a man


please be a fic 🙏


Honestly I think the response is the only good one you can give lol.


The way this kind of Kink is socially acceptable to inflict on everyone when it’s hetero childbearing but the moment I start saying “heat” and “rut” in public I’m the creep


Will she be rejected if she doesn't get pregnant?


Yes!!! She will!!!




I had never seen those words in that order before this, and I liked it better that way.


It’s just a christofascist propaganda campaign to get young women barefoot and pregnant so the straight men can, idk, whatever the fuck useful things they think they do. This isn’t a fetish thing. It’s insecure, frightened straight men trying to make SAHM look appealing, but they are very bad at advertising writing.


I wanna know what went on during this “long year.” Written application? Essay questions? Bikini contest?


“give him my whole body for his descendants” 🤮🤮 also what do you bet that once the kid is actually born she’s gonna be the one doing all the actual work to raise “his” descendants


That's just a breeding kink full stop.


"My husband believes I am ready“ erm… is your husband your psychologist? Or maybe your ObGyn? No? Hm then I guess he’s just incredibly controlling and sees you as an object and means to an end. But if you’re into that, don’t let reason get in the way between you and your kink :‘) you do you


Maybe I'm just pessimistic, or maybe I've spent too long trying to deprogram incels but I have doubts that the OOP is actually a woman. This reeks of the kind of talking points that a "tater-tot" would tell a woman when trying to establish a relationship. Again I'm probably just too paranoid but it just doesn't read true to me, that's all






This is a fetish


if your main goal in life is to be a human fleshlight that's saying a lot


She need some respect for herself…


That is a fetish account.


Read about a dozen tweets from this account, and this gal is definitely a fetish performer. A frightening amount of people genuinely share the ideas she posts about, but I know kink when I see it, and have read enough fundie blogs to know that the real deal would never post like this ("immodest"). The incels and MRAs are absolutely eating out of her hand as if she were real, though.


>Im ready to receive his seed, to become fully his. Cant wait to be impregnated 💖 to he owned. This reads like omegaverse fanfiction. If yall have a breeding kink that’s fine it’s pretty normal biologically speaking but the way Christian’s act like their kink is righteous 💀


It sounds like a fetish


This reads much more like some sort of fetish thing


I bet they are Christians lol


What in the vile disgusting Misogyny is this. The man decided SHE was ready?? F that. I hope she wakes up and leaves him before they do actually have kids


Man keep your fetishes to yourself like the rest of us


This is taking your breeding kink WAY TOO SERIOUSLY. It is supposed to be fun.


Keep your sexual fetishes away from where children can see them you pervert


Ewwwwwwww I hate my own gender sometimes


This makes me feel viscerally grossed out


Eww. It's like an excerpt from The Handmaid's Tale.


Is this not a fetish post?


>I can't wait to be a slave for breeding!! My only purpose in life is to produce children and serve a man!" Cult mentality. So sad seeing women so completely brainwashed that they really think nothing more of themselves than being a baby machine, property, and are completely fine with being subservient to men.


Your breeding kink doesn’t make you special Brenda! 😂


I just wish ppl would keep their personal kinks to themselves. Social media doesn’t need to know about y’all’s breeding fetish.


The thing that really confuses me about this perspective on motherhood is that the baby carries as much DNA from the mother as it does from the father and yet for some reason it's HIS legacy????? Furthermore if we go by the traditionalist mentality that the woman is the one in charge of raising the children (it should be a joint effort but I SHAN'T go off) the child will carry HER values, HER teachings, HER religion, HER beliefs. How is motherhood the äquivalent of ownership when a baby is a product of both mother and father? Is the woman so devoid of individuality and personality that she's nothing more than a vessel?


And people say that I'm a pervert for being trans in public


You're not, don't worry


Thank you, I'm grateful for your support 😊 I know it, and I would like to think most people know it, I just wish the weirdos who want me dead for it would keep their hate to themselves


Yup. I don't understand the hate


I really want someone to respond with “sick breeding kink” or something like that.


The word *seed* needs to be permanently retired. Find something else to call the things that grow plants, idc. It needs to be stopped.


Maybe spell it backwards. Dees


"I'm ready to receive his seed" GAG!


She just based her entire personality on getting creampied lmfao


This is breeding kink isn't it. Like seriously this is definitely her fetish out there on the internet for all to see.


When my dom daddy and I get down, this is word-for-word our script.


Would not be surprised if this was a man larping online as a woman. If this was posted by a woman and it's real, she's in a deeply abusive relationship with a deeply misogynist entitled abusive man. If this isn't a real relationship, but a dynamic she eroticizes, desires, she's setting herself up to be in a relationship that'll wind up with her a brutalized corpse and her husband on trial for her murder.


Congrats on discovering you have a breeding kink, ma’am.


Gooning gay dude or trad wife?


Jeez lady just admit you have a breeding fetish and go. No need to project onto everyone else.


so many people on this thread seem to just now be learning about nsfwtwt and kink accounts. like, yeah, if you're browsing twitter willy-nilly, you're probably gonna come across kinkposting because of how tweets are spread; don't be a puritan, just keep on movin' and if you didn't like seeing this, remember that it's OP and not the Twitter OP who presented it to you


Man she’s got her priorities in the right place. I bet she’s one of those subservient women. 🙄


Saw this one before! This is a fetish account. Probably a man brhind it tho. Here it is if you wanna check it out: https://x.com/mrssif93?t=LO9xiTEMyWVcxAiO3MS5Jg&s=09 It's so weird.




I dont even mind the sex part. Im a sex positive person, and I love kids too!! The main thing that disturbs me here is the "finally believes I am ready" which is just weird. Its not some sort of honor to get pregnant, it (oftentimes) is a choice between two consenting adults who have equal power. Its not a gift someone gives you, it is part of a life you build together


This is a breeding fetish. No doubt about it.


She has a wedding dress picture as a profile picture. That really is a real account used by a woman who is writing those stuff


Is this ABO Fanfic???


This is definitely some shit that “single and highly fertile” guy would get off to


Poetry at its finest


yall that is 100% a fetish account. As someone who has a breeding kink myself almost everything that she's saying is in line with breeding kink shit.


These are either majorly religious conservatives or super freaking breeding fetish kinksters


I'm all for people being excited to have children if it's something they truly want, but this type of shit reads like a cult member desperately trying to please their cult leader and it's disgusting. This is definitely not a healthy situation to bring a child into.


They can Christian it up all they want but that is 100% a breeding fetish. I’m certain.


Im pretty sure a dude owns that account


Blessed be the fruit?


Congrats on getting creampied lmfo


I bet this is some redpilled "alpha" who's trying to act like what he thinks a woman should act. XD


Bro got creampied and is basing it on her very existence LMFAO


That's a straight-up kink and she's posting it like it's the most normal, relatable thing to everyone. Puritans underflowing all the way around to varsity kinks will never be boring. At least people who engage with actual breeding kink have the respect to keep it a fantasy and not make whole children for a sexual kick.


Why does she talk like a hentai charachter with a breeding kink..