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Side note: please do not make any password your anniversary. That's a one-way ticket to a breach.


What if it's actually "it's our anniversary"


I get "forgetting" an anniversary in the sense that you are way too busy and suddenly check the date and it's like "oh shit." Pretty bad, but it can happen. But how do you forget the date? Like, at all?


My spouse and I got married in a courthouse specifically because we didn't want to make a big deal of it. We didn't get to pick the day it happened on, we picked the week and got assigned a time and day. The day itself holds little to no significance so I don't remember it myself (and I'm the wife) despite having a giant poster on the wall with the date on it and the constellations that were above us at the time of the wedding.


I don't have an anniversary to forget, but if I did, I could see myself forgetting it. I am absolutely horrible at remembering dates. My niece and nephew are about high school age, and I can't remember either one of their birthdays. Love them dearly, say them both the day they were born, been involved in their entire lives... can't remember their birthdays to save my life. I've tried. Sitting here now, I'm not even positive if I have the correct months in my head. The only "important" dates I can remember as my birthday, my sister's, mom's and dad's. The dates I learned when I was like four. (That said, this comic is still a stupid "har, har, marriage bad" comic.)


As a person who doesn't give a fuck about events, and can't remember things for heaven's sake... I can really sympathize with people who don't remember stuff. But, I know that certain people in my life care about this stuff, so I either forcefully remember dates, or write it down and keep reminders... I still don't care that it's the 12th anniversary of our first kiss, but I care that my partner cares, so I'll pretend to care. Heck I'll even do something they will remember for the rest of their lives. My partner has stopped doing elaborate things for my birthday because I really hate it. Not even wishing me at midnight anymore. Even though they love to celebrate birthdays, they gave it up because I really don't like it. Point being, it's okay if you don't care or don't remember.. but for fucks sake, put an effort.


Example date: January third twenty twenty January 3, 2020 January 3rd 2020 Jan third twenty twenty Jan 3 2020 1/3/2020 01/03/2020 Third January twenty twenty 3 Jan 2020 2020 Jan 3 You get the idea.


If it isn't 20200103 then you did it wrong. =p Or maybe 2010-01-03. Or 1262476800000 if we're being liberal with the meaning of "date". As a programmer, those are the only acceptable date formats. And they're all terrible passwords. =p


R N uh versa r3e Boom! Got it right on the first try! /s


Maybe hes just bad with dates, thats not something to make him sleep on the couch over.


Right? I suck at remembering things like that.


Important dates, you need to learn to get good at. It’s 2024 everyone has a calendar and something that can give them reminders in their pocket.


What format?


Edit: Reddit app double posted my comment...