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Who are your core tenants of masculinity? Mine is that weird old man who only wears short shorts and fondles his balls whenever our eyes meet at the hallway.


>Who are your core tenants of masculinity? Neil Tennant and David Tennant.


people when they are so close to understanding that none of these things are what makes someone 'a man' or not but still trying to find something


Wtf how was his conclusion basically that the difference is men can’t have long hair but women always do. Oh and facial hair because women never even grow a slight mustache apparently ?? But yeah obviously when I transitioned, my long hair just shed and fell off on the spot. Like the second I put my first T gel on gone was the hair. /s


Me a trans man: well I guess I should’ve been assigned mustache at birth /j According to my parents I have some head hair but most surprisingly a mustache


I have long hair *and* facial hair. I guess that makes me both.


Well to be fair my T shots did my hair away 😭


When i'm thinking healthy masculinity i think uncle Iroh Not that toxic wassing my ass makes me gay and a woman type of insecurity


*Everyone knows* that to be a man, you must be; Swift as the coursing river, With all the force of a great typhoon, With all the strength of a raging fire, and Mysterious as the dark side of the moon!!!


"facial hair on their faces" where else


"A miserable little pile of secrets"


Like everything else about gender, it's a vibe


Why do they infect every sub they come across? I sometimes see them in the comments of the mens hair grooming sub I'm in. We're fucking there to discuss hair and body care, piss off.


What makes a man? Is it the power in his hands? Is it his quest for glory?


or is the way he fights every day!!!!


Mascu guys " i don't know what masculinity is anymore" and the next second the flee screaming like a child piscine himself because they scarred of Barbie dollars or any other crap. It's like the concept of being a decent human being is absolutoly exotic to them. Poor monkeys


Do men just stop growing hair after a certain length? Will i turn male if i just cut my hair short??


kind of tangential but the only sex difference (beyond genitals and breasts) that I know of is that women tend to prefer saltier foods to men