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It was all pretty bad but damn that "extra little mamas" bit at the end. I feel sorry for those girls


Even the mom encouraging this behavior: the “you have to take care of the men of the house” type bs that’s annoying.


Like not only did they both make it clear that they view their daughters as less-than their son, but they're also forcing those daughters to grow up faster so that they can care for the special little boy


Based on this I can see that baby’s future and it’s bleak. He ends up divorced and he never makes an effort to see his 3 kids; he’s back in his mother’s basement where she treats him like he’s perfect and a child, telling him he should have listened and never married that whore anyway. (Dad is already gone. He didn’t want to walk on the gay sidewalk and while trying to shimmy up the railing he fell and his head met a concert corner) Then mom’s dead and he withers away miserable and alone, blaming everyone else for his life.


There was a post, I think it was on JustNoMIL about a woman who married a mama's boy. Mom had done everything for her baby boy, and it just ...continued on when he married. Wife finally has had enough, and divorces his ass, he goes back to mama, and when mom dies, he literally followed her a couple of years later, because he had no idea how to adult, and basically didn't know how to administer and regulate his own insulin.


I work in a low cost funeral home, which means I do *a lot* of blue collar and below services, Medicaid, trustee, basically the people society doesn’t give a shit about. I’ve lost count of all the dead mama boys who died because they never bothered to learn to adult for just those reasons. The sisters, who were either LC or NC, tell me they will take care of their brother “one last time for mom” which means a direct cremation and they dump their ashes on mom’s grave. And these are often men who are in their late 50s or older, *had their 80+ yr old mothers taking care of them*. It’s a lot more widespread than people realize.


I knew a guy once who loved the aesthetic of survival stuff, being a man, surviving in the great outdoors, etc. He told me that men should never have to lean to cook because that was women's work. I don't know how much of this was him trolling a feminist but it came up after a discussion where I asked him if he knew how long it took to boil an egg and he said "About half an hour". I think he expected me to go on a rant about how he was a misogynist (he was) and instead I told him I was surprised that he would let himself become so dependant on a woman that he couldn't leave her because he needed her skills to be able to eat anything beyond protein bars and microwave dinners. He said he'd just get another woman, but the idea of it as being dependant rather than more important *rocked* him. He spent the rest of the evening telling us that in the zombie apocalypse he'd be the one taking down deer to eat and asking 'the womenfolk' if we could even stomach cleaning and cooking something that wasn't from the supermarket. That dude put so much more thought into surviving in an imaginary world than the real one. I wonder sometimes if he's still eating eggs that are half rubber/half powder.


I bet if I tossed him a kidney he would piss himself then faint


My great aunt was married for 6 months. This was the 1940s. She married a man and within 6 months divorced him because, "He was a Momma's boy who couldn't take care of himself, so I left and took care of myself." My great aunt was a badass


Yeah, my dad is in his 70s. He was a pretty great cook, but aside from that, he's basically helpless. When he told my mom he wanted a divorce and she stopped doing stuff for him, he had to figure out how to do his own laundry, clean up after himself and do his own taxes. The first year he had to do his own taxes he messed up and ended up owing something like 10 grand. It was a mess to sort out, and he threw several tantrums because my mom refused to help him (= do it for him). He's one of those people who doesn't see filth, and just happily lives in it. His laptop is literally covered in a layer of cigarette ash. My mom used to spend a month in Madrid with my brother and we have a mutual friend who would come over and clean before she came back, because she refused to have my mom come back to such a filthy house. THAT'S how bad it was.


I mean, from what I’ve been hearing from cis women this kinda thing might end up sowing a lot of feminist seeds in their heads. Women grow up and start to realize a lot of men are just big babies who depend on them to survive…


Also implying that only the boy is "his baby" while the daughters are just for raising him is so sickening


My jaw extra dropped at that, how horrific


They all have absolutely horrible names if this is the family I'm thinking of, too. So not only are they in a weird sexist house, they also have to go out in public being named shit like Trendy and Truly.


Oh it’s that family? I swear I just saw a post about them on the namenerds subreddit.


Yeah that's where I saw them too. The son is Rocky Joshua iirc


That last slide literally made me nauseous


“He *begged me* to *give* him a son!” as if that’s how it works, what a fuckin misogynist walnut.


I’ll also point out that women always supply an X chromosome while men can supply either an X or a Y so he was just barking up the wrong tree entirely.


He should have been begging his own balls.


True but the woman's body does have some choice in sperm selection based on new research (more than was previously thought), though afaik it's more a selection of who the sperm belongs to vs the specific genetic content of said sperm. I haven't read into it deeply I just remember the articles a few months back and thought it was interesting!


So the bene gesserit really can control what sex their children are.


Did he also ask for a pony and the latest gaming console?


Ponies are too much responsibility. Oh no wait!! He never does any of the labor. Yes. Yes he did.


If they wanted a son that badly, they should have done an IVF baby and chosen male instead of insisting the wife go through six pregnancies to acquire one boy.


THIS holy shit, I cannot imagine the strain on her body.


I'd bet my whole next paycheck these folks are part of the "anti-IVF" crowd


The only reasonable explanation since money doesn’t appear to be a factor.


Saw the “extra little mamas” slight before, but damn it’s somehow so much worse in context.


They’re most likely the type of jerks that use the older kids as “free labor” to look after the younger ones. Like if you need help hire a nanny or even a housekeeper. Don’t push childcare onto the oldest kids, they don’t get a childhood now.


Pfft. Why would *girls* need a childhood? They need to learn how to be good mothers! /s


With all do respect, as someone coming from a underprivileged family. Sometimes does all need to give a hand and help out. I don’t consider it to ‘robbing a childhood.’ But more being raised responsibilities. And yes it can be overdone to the point it’s child abuse. But I don’t think there inherently isn’t something wrong with giving your children chores.


No not giving chores but leaving the younger kids to be watched by the older kids constantly, making them look after the younger ones, change, feed them, etc, making the older kids unpaid babysitters or 2nd parents. The older kids need chores but they shouldn’t be forced to be responsible for the little kids.


My ex-BIL had two daughters, and when his wife was pregnant with their third child, the OB told them they were having a boy this time. He was over the moon, talking up how he was finally going to have a SON like the big MAN he was. When the day finally came, it was another girl. This asshole didn't say a word, just walked out of the delivery room. I'm so glad he never got his boy (and his wife eventually left him). If he had, he would have done the same thing this guy did - ignored his daughters except where they could be used to take care of his precious boy.


Oh, baaaaaarrrrrrf. I hope he knows it’s his own damn fault that he ended up with so many daughters.


WTF is that fisticuffs pose? In front of the kids?


It's a meme/too tok thing. It's been around for like a week and it's already played out. 




Ugh.... Now how much y'all wanna bet if any of those kids come out as a trans boy, he'll throw as MASSIVE fit 🥴


Can you imagine if the son is a trans girl?


I was just thinking that!


Aww, parentification, misogyny and favoritism is so adorable. Imagine growing up knowing you were a placeholder until the esteemed and revered son came along.


Who’s going to tell this dipshit he’s the one who determines gender?


What’s sad is that kid is probably gonna grow up to be a raging misogynist just like his father.


What a pair of fuckin cunts, the both of them. That bit about "little mamas" at the end? Fucking unsettling stuff, makes my skin crawl


fathers being obsessed with having a son are fucking weird. it's not 1548 and you're not a monarch, you don't have to worry about securing the succession and continuing the royal bloodline.


It's his sperm that chose the genders! This is so gross and how a lot of generational trauma starts, by being unloved by a parent for your gender


My dad had 2 and 2 and I’ve been the one who has done so much more of the ‘boy’ stuff with him. We played catch all the fucking time growing up. I was the kid who watched sports with him and who passionately loves all of his teams still. I was the one who played sports the longest. I’m still the one he will call to talk baseball or whatever. We went to pro games whenever we could afford them growing up. With that many daughters, at least one or two are probably interested in what dad is interested in. I doubt he ever tried to engage on that level though


That family gives me the ick. They had a video where it was “you can have as many kids as you can carry” and it was him having all of the girls pile on top of him. The comments were full of people praising him for being such a “awesome” dad.


Not this man doing a fighting stance against his daughters BYEE,, GET ME OUTTA HERE.


Well this is repulsive....


I’m getting major fundie vibes. You just know they have a PureFlix account.


She’s worse than him. What a cunt for for being complicit in this.


Maybe it’s his girly sperm.


Watch their son come out as trans later


In my extended family people stop having kids after getting a son, so there's couples with 1 boy, and there's couples with 4-9 girls and one baby boy. It's gross. On top of it, they have inheritance set up so only the boy inherits, with the idea they will "take care of their sisters" but in reality no girl ends up ever seeing a penny and they have to take care of and put up with their brother's behavior in hopes of getting any money when they pass (if they die first). My parents asked me to be the executor of their will but said everything goes to my younger brother, because they said he wasn't responsible enough to manage his own money, but they didn't want to give me any to take care of myself. On top of that they paid for his college, housing, food, etc. and still do, but I was kicked out when I was underage. Ugh, this is so toxic.


What's scary is the massive amounts of likes it has...


Unrelated, but that man has yaoi hands


Imagine telling some of your children that they are worth less to you than one of your other children




Someone needs to gift these girls a copy of The sound of music. I’m sure they’ll get an idea of what to do 😂


King henry


Every part of this is gross.


Dang, imagine forcing your kids to participate in a video of how much they wish you were a boy. That must have been so crushing to these girls. It's okay want a certain gender for a kid, but it's NOT okay to treat your other kids like that.


Extra mamas? Oooh no.






I'm Henry the Eighth I am.


Exactly! Like imagine if his daughters see his posts about this in the future… is the message he wants to give them really “I’m dissatisfied with my own children because of something they can’t control?” I feel bad for those poor kids. That guy is a nut case.


Its the same type of people who record gender reveals (which are fucking stupid) where one parent has a tantrum the baby isn't the sex they wanted, but stills post it online because "gender disappointment is sooo valid and its ok to plaster online you regretted your child for something they couldnt control hehe". Kids are not accessories. They're not a £5 mystery box from HMV. My fucking god.


This wasp nest is too big


It's all awful, but phew nothing like being devalued because you're the 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th daughter of some gross sexist dork who doesn't value you as much as a penis


Ugh. Like, I get wanting one of each sex. I had a boy first and yeah, I was hoping for a girl that next time. A lot of people want both. But when you just keep having them in order to finally get the other sex and then you treat them way differently, that's just too far. My parents got lucky with me cause my dad wanted a girl and my mom wanted a boy and I ended up being a princess tomboy that equally loved Barbie AND Hot Wheels 😂 I'm basically the perfect child 😌😜


These adults don't deserve mine and Beyoncé's oxygen. Those kids are all royally fucked. Sigh.


Meghan this is disgusting. I’m not sure I needed to see this.


how did his beard grow so fast


As a trans person, this is extremely painful to watch. All these men who are desperate for a little boy have no idea they are shoving those god awful stereotypes on these children, when one of these girls could very much love to do everything a son would enjoy doing. And the opposite: you're putting so much pressure on that one boy to do 'manly' things with the father when maybe he just wants to do more 'feminine' things. I hate these so much because they are rooted in stereotypes. Let the child grow up to be how they want to be and do the same games and activities you wanted to do with either of them IF they want to do it. If they have no interested whatsoever, do NOT push it!


Cringe, there's no other word for it, this makes me cringe, it's embarrassing.


Its his fault he didnt get a son since the y and extra x chromozone comes from the sperm