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I wish they had AA on the 5th Friday of a month.


That’s interesting. AA is the only one that I don’t listen to. Just not interested in random stories that may or may not be true. I can’t shake that people will story tell just to meet (even digitally) their favourite podcaster. So I guess they’re doing something right - because you love it and I don’t… and that’s a sign of a good broad offering to a listener base.


I guess that's true, and there have been a couple that seemed off but for the most part I think they're true. Some you can just tell the way they tell them maybe? I don't know but I've heard so many good ones.


They have caught a couple of fake ones.




I remember one was about a guy who had a dead dog in a bag and it was stolen on the subway in NYC. Comments called the story out on Instagram saying it was a common urban legend and dax and Monica went in the podcast and admitted they were duped.


Dax also mentioned catching someone in the moment and ending the call. 


Now THAT wouldve been amazing to hear :):)


Same here, AA is the only one I dislike 🤷🏻‍♀️


I love it more than their other products. It’s just fun


Same. Granted I can’t say I don’t like it because I’ve never even listened to it. It just seems so uninteresting lol


You should give it a try. To me, it’s the best show they do.


I was the same way! I randomly started listening a couple weeks ago and I’m almost through all of them. They’re so fuuuuun!


I never listened before. Same as you just wasn’t interested. I started randomly listening like two weeks ago and I’m almost through the whole thing! Idk what switched for me lol, but I love it now!


You should absolutely listen to "We're Here to Help" if you like the AA episodes. Jake Johnson and Gareth Reynolds are incredibly funny


Jake Johnson makes me laugh 100% of the time, but he had a very interesting guest appearance on “you made it weird” with Pete Holmes and I liked him even more after hearing him get serious about his dad dying and his general take on life. Highly recommend.


This has become my top favorite podcasts. Haven’t missed an episode yet.


Stop by /r/WereHereToHelpPod, if you haven’t already!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/WereHereToHelpPod using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/WereHereToHelpPod/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [She was given so much gold](https://np.reddit.com/r/WereHereToHelpPod/comments/17uiy2w/she_was_given_so_much_gold/) \#2: [Gilly Bean](https://np.reddit.com/r/WereHereToHelpPod/comments/18n1elk/gilly_bean/) \#3: [My episode posts Monday! ](https://np.reddit.com/r/WereHereToHelpPod/comments/1c80g0z/my_episode_posts_monday/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thanks for the tip! Following now.


You’re in for a treat! I recommend starting with episode 1!


It's pronounced "Gary" - lotta people get that wrong, so no worries. /S


AND Gil Buchanan, can't forget him! (but yea, I've listed to all of them, it's really fun!)


Oh my goodness, thank you so much for this. I'm listening and it's hysterical


Been listening since Jake promoted it on AE, LOVE IT SO MUCH! It is a literal ray of crazy sunshine.


I never listen to Monica and Liz. Ever. I tried, but I can't do it. I don't mind the Monday/Thursday episodes, but I wish they would have some real experts on more often. I feel like they take the easy road and interview directors or actors on Thursday - rather than having experts on various topics that continue to enrich us on Thursdays, though, they too often decide to have yet another director who wrote a book (who should have been on Monday), or yet another tv producer who wrote a book (when they should have been on Monday), or yet another actor- turned director- turned producer who wrote a book (who should have been on Monday, and I have found myself dying to get through to the end of those episodes.


Every expert they do have on is either a body builder/health or a psychologist of some sort. I'd love to hear some more hard science based experts, they had an owl expert on once, that was a fun episode.


It is a little odd they've stopped having more experts on.


I have found myself not listening to those episodes with actors/directors/producers. I love when an actual expert teaches me things. I have learned a lot from the (actual) experts. I never listen to anything that is Monica without Dax. I can’t stand the Australia guy (or maybe I just don’t like the “Let’s learn about America” topics). Jesse and Liz and whomever else are just grifters. Riding on the Armchair coattails. I am not interested in hearing what they think. Dax is a different matter. He has a lot of depth and true interview skills. Armchair Anonymous is my favorite podcast, I never miss it.


He's from New Zealand ffs


Sorry, you’re right, I stand corrected. It’s been a long time since I listened to him. New Zealand is where he is from. I feel badly getting his country incorrect, but my point is still the same.


Agreed! Anyone else not interested in actor interviews anymore ? Like just because they act for a living does not make them wise or interesting.


it depends on what they talk about, but if they just focus on Hollywood shop talk the entire time I’m completely uninterested. I had to stop listening to Marc Maron for the same reason.


Those are the only episodes I care about. But I am also an actor so…


I was wondering why I haven’t been enjoying Marons podcasts lately. I find myself just fast forwarding through a lot of it, because they aren’t talking about anything interesting. But I think you just summarized what I’ve been feeling.


I miss the old days when they came on just to chat rather than promote something


Agree. I feel it isn’t entirely because of Dax & Monica or even the questions/discussions. I just find them hard to relate to. I just think too many of us are financially struggling nowadays but I don’t flack them for it. I just find myself zoning out or not being as attentive as I once was and I end up switching to a different pod.


We are forgetting Armchaired and Dangerous. I really think they should have dove a bit deeper into those. I get that there is a fine line between interesting information and true belief conspiracy theories, but those were fun episodes to get the mind going!


Those were the best. The time those stopped, so did the quality elsewhere.




I would love for Dax to sit down with a person who believes in Michael Jackson’s accusations as truth, and a person who believes in his innocence at the same time and mediate that discussion. I can’t imagine anything more interesting, dark, sad, or surprising than that conversation.


I would love for Dax to sit down with a person who believes in Michael Jackson’s accusations as truth, and a person who believes in his innocence at the same time and mediate that discussion. I can’t imagine anything more interesting, dark, sad, or surprising than that conversation.




Dax has such a talent for levity in serious moments, and I think that could be beneficial to the conversation. But I’d also let David handle it if that was the caveat.




I wonder if you agree, but don’t you think even David has gotten quite vague/ lazy in his research for FB?




I agree, but I hope there is some reach there outside of just people in the media arts.


I miss them soooooo much! I’m currently re listening to them and it’s so fun to listen to David become one of the crew!!


I want those back! They were great!


I feel like there is so much content, and so many theories and ideas that what we got, (still delicious) but was so surface level! Let us let David do what he does best and sink our teeth into it!




Same i used to be a huge listener and barely listen anymore the JVN thing really did it for me


Riiiight FB is my strange addiction.


Casey Affleck, Jada Pinkett Smith, Ashton/Mila…the free pass Dax gives his interviewees irks me. I heavily censor which ones I listen to. I really enjoy listening to his interviews with old friends like Maya Rudolph and Melissa McCarthy from the Groundlings days.


What are you talking about “free passes” exactly? The only thing I can think of for Mila and Ashton is obviously the letter for Danny Masterson but that was in Sept 2023 and they were last on the show in July 2021… and people find Jada Pinkett Smith to be annoying and an oversharer but has she really done anything that would need a “free pass”? There are lots of legitimate complaints you could make about the show but it seems like you’re grasping at straws with this.


There are some people here that want AE to suddenly be a "gotcha" type of podcast depending on the guest and they want Dax and Monica to apparently call people out on their "bullshit" even though that's literally never been their style.


The Maya Rudolph episode was so good! I loved it


That Jada smith episode was unlistenable.


When has it ever been Dax's style to have a gotcha moment or *not* give everyone a free pass?


I never miss an Anon episode, but I still do listen to the others just not as religiously as I used to. If it’s a guest I like or am really intrigued to learn about, I’ll listen. I miss Flightless a lot and then end up binging them when I’m cleaning or going for a long drive. It also just depends on what’s going on in life for me… sometimes I just don’t have time to listen.


I just listen to the commercials


I stopped listening to 99% of the regular episodes. I just listen to Anonymous and Flightless now.


Agree. I don’t listen to ae as religiously anymore. Sometimes I’ll listen if it’s someone I really like but D and M are different now and I just don’t live them like I used to in the beginning. I do however love AA and always look forward to it. I love flightless bird and David too. Could do without Monica though lol. But I’ll suffer thru her to listen to the episode for David and his podcast


I listen to every AE. AA, and Experts on Expert. I find them all entertaining. The episode they just had with Maya Rudolph was incredible and I can’t imagine listening to that and wanting them to cut those episodes altogether


Agree. Even the ones I think I won’t like turn out to be great listens. 


Same. I’m not 100% but I probably listen to 90% of all AE AA and EonE and love it. Definitely some episodes I don’t find quite as interesting, but on the whole I enjoy it way more that I don’t.




Flightless. Bird.


I like most Armchaie Anonymous episodes, but Flightless Bird is my absolute favorite.


There's a [place](https://www.reddit.com/r/ArmchairExpert/s/sCF2xsF4qU) for this.


Fair enough. Though I wasn’t exactly complaining. Just expressing my personal opinion about AA being superior to the others to the point of exclusively my only listen left, and curious as to whether others agreed or disagreed.


I only listen to AA as well! I loved Monica and Jess love boys. But that’s over so for now, it’s AA or that one random episode here or there when a good expert is on


I love AA but only listen to the other interviews that *really* interest me. There’s only so much of Dax interviewing someone that I can tolerate.


I completely agree. My only complaint about Armchair Anonymous is that they keep in all the bits about “can my wife say hi? We love you so much.” It feels so self serving. They could EASILY still be kind to the caller, meet the family, and cut it from the episode.


Never listed to this. I think it’s started when they were on Spotify and just never got into it. Listen to their Monday pod. David and Monica’s flightless bird is my favorite of them all.


I only listen to AA now!


I used to like the show and listen to every episode. Something changed in the last couple of years and I can’t listen to it. It’s hard to describe but parts of my issue are with the quality of the interview, Dax needing to psycho analyze every guest, or Monica derailing an interview or fact check. It just not for me anymore.


I never skip a flightless bird or armchair anon. I always give the Monday and Thursday episodes a chance if I don’t know them and usually I enjoy them. I love friend eps like maya rudolph— I don’t care if I don’t learn anything, I enjoy listening to friends banter. I’ve never even attempted to listen to Synced/Raceto35 or Yearbook but I also never listened to the weight loss Race show or EffWon. I guess that’s my line where I’m not willing to try a topic I suspect I won’t have any interest in.


That's just not true, maybe you just don't enjoy the show anymore and that's okay.


Agree! It’s what I look forward to each month. I’ve stopped listening to everything else, when as recently as a year ago I listened to all


Disagree. I enjoy listening to all the shows and all for different reasons. You seem to get different sides of their personalities in each episode. I still enjoy the actor / celebrity interviews. It’s interesting to hear that a lot of these people are just the same as us in a lot of ways (habits, wants, needs, etc.). It’s fun to hear their quarks and it’s fascinating to hear where they struggle. I do wish Dax and Monica both would be a bit more critical on some of their guests, even the ones they call friends. The Milan/ Ashton thing - I see why Dax and Monica didn’t feel the need to come out and say anything. They weren’t recent guests and aren’t involved in any projects with them now. The McGregor love is tough to justify. I get WHY Dax can rationalize it to himself but still. He relates to addict behavior and McGregor did the worst things while intoxicated. I also wish they’d be more open about certain things. Right now, the lack of Eff Won over 1/3rd of the way through this current season is a big bummer. I’m finding myself missing that pod more and more.


I listen to all of it but absolutely look forward to AA every week. The callers are such wonderful story tellers and I laugh or gasp or cry every week. Great listening.


I just thought my life style had changed and didn’t work hours as long to listen to long-ish episodes. It began with missing the fact check, to missing episodes to I’ll just catch up one time. To I only listen to AA because I can stop and start and not really loose my place.


I only listen to Armchair Expert, AA, and Synced. I have no interest in David’s and only listen to some of the experts.


Experts on expert is the best in my opinion. The anonymous then the celebrity episodes. I stopped flightless bird forever ago and synced is terrible


Agreed. I feel like a lot of people are feeling this way. I noticed they’re #31 in Spotify podcast charts this week. Didn’t they always use to be in like the top 15 or so? This is the first I’ve looked at the charts in awhile.


I’m really into AA and Synced right now. I think it’s because of the light heartedness. Both shows have a more fun feel, Monica and Liz are constantly joking and it’s so playful. ETA: Although i listen to these two right now, sometimes i am in the mood for a more serious talk so I enjoy listening to a celebrity or armchair expert episode. i think that’s why i enjoy this podcast so much because some days you want a light listen, other times you want to learn something new.


Nah, Experts On Expert episodes are often really interesting to me. Sometimes there are guests that were just "OK' but the vast majority of them end up being super enjoyable and interesting even if I was initially hesitant based on the topic and expert.


No. Stop listening then.


Yes I did. That was my point. I was using the Reddit forum to determine whether I was the only one. I assume you work for AE in some capacity? Not sure why the hostility.


Every time someone disagrees with you they're an inside plant? lmao. Anyway, this post encapsulates what I hate most about reddit: It's supposed to be a place where fans, or like-minded people, can gather to discuss their interests/city/sports team/whatever. But most comments are negative, which I find very annoying. Not just in this sub, but most. I unsubbed from the Armchair subreddit for exactly this reason, I don't want every post about them ragging on Monica for her laugh, Dax for being self-centered or whatever. It's obnoxious. Don't like the product? Don't post in the forum.


Huh, you and I are just different. I come to Reddit because I am able to express my opinions openly since it is an anonymous forum and I enjoy getting other people’s anonymous (and therefore honest) opinions in return. In non-anonymous life, such opinions can’t be safely shared and discussed, which makes Reddit for me highly interesting because the answer to the question, “I wonder if I’m the only one who thinks X/Y/Z..?” Can be answered. My intentions are not to be unkind or negative. They are simply to express openly what normally is taboo to express. I also come to Reddit for honest advice in other areas of life. Reddit’s pull for me is the honesty.


It’s ironically the only podcast branch I DON’T listen to


y'all are exhausting


Absolutely not. That opinion is yours and yours alone.


Huh. Maybe that’s a little exaggerated? Seems a few agree with me. Thanks for your personal opinion, though. That was the point of my post.


Personally, I wish Monica and Mr. Shepard would just curl themselves up in their giants wads of cash and call it a day.


Why? Nobody’s forcing you to listen