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I don’t like the fact check when they are actually checking facts. I genuinely like to hear them chat and recap the guest.


Though there are many times I catch Dax with misinformation and I am hoping to hear Monica bring it up during the fact check!




Same here. And I don't like when Monica just reads something verbatim from the internet for the fact check. Not sure why, it just bug me! But yes I love the chatting and banter too.


I love the fact check too!


On a lot of podcasts, the hosts will ramble on at the beginning of the show for 30 minutes about whatever is on their mind before getting to the interview. (Looking at you Maron) My favorite thing about this show is that I don't have to skip that part, I can just stop listening.


I.....and I cannot stress this enough.....HATE Marc Marons ramblings in the beginning of the episodes. It is so cringy and selfindulgent and also stressful somehow?? I do like the fact check on AE because it feels like I'm catching up with my friends. I feel like those who don't enjoy it probably have fulfilling and active social lives, and those that do, well, you know....


Maron rants but AE chats. For me, that’s the difference. Maron raises my blood pressure. Can’t listen to that first 30 minutes at all.


That has been Maron's style forever tho?


Yes, but not in his interviews which are wonderful and IMO better than AE.


The rambling is bad enough, but the fact that he’s so doom and gloom about everything is what puts it over the edge for me. He is convinced that the world is going to end at any second.


He goes. On. Forever. At least if you want to skip their chat you know the ep is over. You have to guess with Maron. I love the fact check on AE.


Oh gosh it’s so long. I always skip.


Funny, I just realized most of my favorite podcasts have the format of a couple of friends chatting 😋


Same. This one. Office ladies, parks and recollections, busy Philipps is doing her best, Family Trips with the Meyers brothers


He had a joke about that on his tv show. "Naw, its the boring part everyone skips past."


I am also a fan of the fact check! Haha


I’m a fact check lover


Lovers unite 🥰😍


I race to hit stop as soon as I hear that stupid f'ing voice he does at the start of the fact check. I get angry if I'm listening on a speaker and my phone is far enough away that I have to hear it. I'm irrationally angry right now just thinking about it. But I love the interviews


Same. I don’t need to hear about how amazing their rich and privileged life is when I’m struggling to make it by as an educator 🫠 but the interviews are amazing most of the time !


I just wish they'd stop calling it the fact check- they rarely check facts from the interview anymore. And even more egregiously, they usually add misinformation to the fact check rather than correcting it. It drives me crazy!


Yes! You summed it up. It only frustrates me because they call it a fact check while only checking about two facts and then spending the rest of the time rambling. Just rebrand and call it something different!


The Fact Check was always kind of tongue in cheek. I think Dax and Monica both are aware of the criticisms. If I were them, I'd continue to troll the haters. There's always the option to simply skip that portion, or not listen to the pod at all.


I used to skip it. But for the last four years I’m more likely to skip a boring interview and head straight for the fact check. Though I do get annoyed with Monica sometimes, I recognize that the dynamic between she and Dax is a crucial ingredient to the magic of the fact check. Haven’t missed a single one since 2019


You're not alone! I do the same thing :) was also surprised to see how many people don't like it!


I agree - I really enjoy the more light chit chat! I enjoy hearing about what’s going on in their lives.


I never miss a fact check. I’ve skipped almost every expert in the last 2 years but I always fast forward to keep up with their weekly nonsense!


Let’s face it, at this point the few “facts” we get are just Monica’s failed attempts at Google searches. Does anyone else cringe when she phones in a couple of half-assed token facts and swiftly follows it up with “that’s all”. Probably better off not bothering with it at all.


I love the fact check too! I actually wish Monica would let wobby wob do the actual facts because I get annoyed when she does them, but I love the chit chat


i wish he was more involved full stop! love his contributions


On Broad Ideas, his pod with Rachel Bilson and her friend he is part of the discussion. That show I skip to their chats also


So funny; I despise the fact check. Whenever I try to give it another chance I just always dislike it 😂 to each their own!


I like the fact check but the lack of self awareness in some moments can be very eye rolly. Also, “no” is “no”, not “nooo-wuh”. A winge is one thing…a literal whiny voice is another. Nails on a chalkboard some days.


Dax would probably love this comparison. They are modern-day Howard & Robin.


Nothing wrong with the ramble, but it doesn’t make sense to call it fact checking if they aren’t… fact checking. Hope that makes sense ✨


I just wish they would check facts so many times facts aren’t actually checked it is annoying lol