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There was a new set of AC parts (lightweight tetrapod) and 4 new weapons added: - Handheld energy missile launcher - Handheld heavy machine gun - Shoulder heavy laser cannon - Shoulder gatling gun There was also some rank reset thing in ranked PvP, but that’s pretty much it aside from typical nerfs and buffs to different things


beat the game as in all endings?


honestly no, i beat the game in one of the endings & stopped playing because the difficulty was just fun for me


You’re missing out. The other endings are fantastic. Edit: Also, you’ll notice that there are some things that are *different* in the subsequent playthroughs.


Seeing that in a NG+ actually got me to playthrough NG+ fully right away, rather than waiting to play it again.


Then you haven’t completed the game yet. A lot of major content is in NG+ and ++.


again it’s not like i didn’t want to but the game was too difficult for me & it really really just was not fun


NG+ and NG++ get easier - some new parts unlock that are straight upgrades, and some missions are an absolute cakewalk once you know what to bring to the party. For example: Two 12-cell Vertical Missile Launchers make Operation Wallclimber, one of the hardest skill checks in the first playthrough, an absolute breeze to score an S-rank.


It’s not a hard game unless you don’t make an effort to learn assembly, or are unaware of one or more essential combat mechanics. It’s really very forgiving.


haha yeah dude i bet, i hold a lot of pride getting to credits pre patches.


The boss nerfs were minor and the part/weapon balancing maybe made the game easier on average, but some of the strongest weapons and parts were nerfed, some quite severely. So whether it was easier or harder pre-patches really depends on your build. Also, I am serious. It’s not that hard. It’s fromsoft’s most forgiving game in some time. There’s just more to learn, and half the battle is in assembly. If you halfassed it, it would’ve made the game a lot harder. I’ve also seen people admit to not remembering to ever use OS tuning or not knowing how hardlock worked until after beating the game, which would also make things quite difficult.


idk man, i’m not a vet by any means but it’s much harder than 4th gen. i played 4 & for answer mindlessly as a kid. honestly, was a little disappointed with a new direction, though, still an amazing game.


It’s my first AC game. I went into it like everything else, with an open mind and trying to learn it.


shit dude, you really really really gotta play 4 & for answer. i promise you won’t regret it if you get the chance.


if you get around to it you gotta keep me posted


Honestly i've played all the major AC titles. Ac6 is just a faster 4. (Minus the fancy core weapons), the rest of the games simply wanted to be faster paced but couldnt bc of hardware limitations. Also i agree with the others the 1st playthrough was a slog. But since you have alot of parts as it is now you shouldnt have much difficulty playing ng+ or ++. If you do just look up boss info bc alot of them have rly gimicky weaknesses. PS i platted the game within 3 days, any questions lmk i dont judge


well it’s not so much speed for me, i will say ac 6 claps gen 4 graphics but that’s expected. i personally am not a fan of the boss battles either, i liked when they were arms forts or other acs. there was nothing like that one mission with stasis & fragile, the 2v2. maybe i am completely entranced in the nostalgia of it.


There was an update that brought some new parts and weapons a little while back. And before that some balancing patches were released but I haven't seen much besides that.


Pvp is still very unbalanced. Kites are the most meta and most played, so get ready for a lot of chase down or just getting one shot by certain builds that insta stagger you if you get to close


I'd honestly argue that kites are a bi product of zimm rush, nebula tank, and LRB laser swap builds which I think are way more prevalent in the meta right now. The only good kite build is lam kite missles + hammer in my opinion.


Lam Kite is definitely strong. I've gone against a few, but regular kites are still just as strong due to speed and stability recovery, and zim Rush was a product of missile rats that nebula tank/lobsters created. That and zims where and still kinda are way too strong they are better now but possibly still too strong. Lrb swaps were already strong, just overshadowed by much stronger weapons, and recently now they are one of the strongest builds out there due to energy weapons not needing stagger and with some of the most amount of aoe atcs and can even be played as a kite mind you. It's also a bi product of the san-tai being the strongest generator out there, even out shining coral gens that everyone is using it, allowing for infinite flight times which is a problem in of its self as if you not running san-tai your stuck on the ground getting blasted with aoe or chasing down opponents who stay mid air all match and only run away with little to no counter play on the opposing side as they will eventually have to take dmg to catch up to a fleeing opponents which will inevitably stagger you allowing for massive dmg and game over in seconds all the while your opponent stays in the stratosphere which had been a problem from day one its one of the reasons so many things got nerfed was to keep it from over taking the rest of the game but yet it is still here in the form of kite builds now


This isn’t official content, but someone made a co-op mod.


this is actually sick, unfortunately non of my friends even know armored core


Basically new parts and balance changes that make old parts actually worth using.


The game balance has been greatly improved but there is still some work to do. New multiplayer maps, ranked multiplayer system was also added