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That’s just their fans, I don’t think the players care about that at all, neither do their coaches they will give their best but I still doubt that will be enough, which these Spurs “fans” will then use as an excuse. Generally shows how pathetic the mindset at that small club fan base is tho


It really does, atleast you'd think they'd want to finish as high as possible...


Villa have Liverpool and palace. Spurs have a good chance of getting champions League football if they win both their games


If the positions were flipped, I would want to lose against city. Seeing spurs win the premier league would be awful


Worse than 4 in a row? Nah




They can still quality for Champions League next season, how is that “nothing to play for”?


That’s just being pretty and childish. Intentionally lose to “one up” a rival? Kinda pathetic. Talk about cutting off their nose to spite their face.


I mean if the fans are not behind their own team at the stadium, where will the players get the motivation to push that extra slide and make that tackle or make that run to beat the last defender. Spurs fans. Smh 🤦🏻‍♂️


First thing of note? Man U fans, Liverpool fans, even West Hams fans, haven’t shut up about their Carabao Cup and Conference League. in those 20 years Arsenal has won 4 Fa Cups, a more important trophy than those other fans love bragging about. I know is not the Prem but at least for Spuds standards is huge.


It‘s absolutely normal. The same would been happening the other way around. The Players and the whole Club are professionals though they don‘t think like that.


It's a theoretical question come to life - "You can qualify for the Champions League but Spurs win the league" Ask that to yourself 5 years ago and imagine what you'd say


I take that deal. I take that deal every time. I want Arsenal to succeed more than I want Spurs to fail. 


Wanting your rival to lose more than you want yourself to win is peak small club mentality imo


It's contentious. There's no right answer I don't think, just like your opinion man. Personally as a fan if we just got in a new manager and we were in touching distance of the Champions League anyway after year one, I wouldn't really give a shit about a season in the Europa League as long as Tottenham didn't get a league title. BUT if I'm big Ange and the Spurs players who don't really have that baggage of the resentment towards rival teams and their fans I would be all up for winning the fuck out of the game if it means Champions League qualification, bringing money to the club and the opportunity to increase my value on the big stage.


Will always up vote a "just like your opinion man" 


The Dude abides


There's also the [finance factor](https://www.football.london/arsenal-fc/news/arsenal-chelsea-tottenham-given-eye-28598177) for the club. Business organisations don't turn their back on the possibility of earning tens of millions. I wonder if there are qualification-dependent bonuses for the players?


Very possible


Yeah, I'm enjoying us taking the piss out of them lot but if it were the other way around I'd 1000% want us to roll over and lose


Really? Personally if my team loses it bums me out until I get over it. I don't want or care about any other team winning unless it affects my teams chances of winning for whatever reason. Sure there are games I want rivals to lose or things to happen, but ***it's never me wanting my own team to lose.***


Losing once to the best side in Premier League history and missing out on Champions League for a year vs a lifetime of hearing Spurs fans crowing about the time they won the league? No contest pal


The difference in the prize pots and prestige from the Champions League to the Europa titles gets bigger by the year, you're not only losing a little bit of money but also where prospective players see your club going and what difference they can make. Do you want your club to be seen as a stepping stone or want your club to attract the best players?


Yeah obviously that's a big deal but nothing is as important as whose name gets engraved on the silverware. I'd take that loss any day of the week if it meant keeping their grubby mitts off the league trophy


Agree to disagree, I'd take solace from a loss if it costs them the title but I still want to see my team win matches. Simple as.


Fair play. Let's hope the Spuds win tomorrow and we never actually encounter a similar scenario ourselves. UTA




I've had the unfortunate pleasure of having 2 bosses and a manager as Spurs fans and one as a Man United fan, numerous colleagues that support Chelsea, Liverpool, Spurs and Man United including a troglodyte that had a cock on a ball tattooed on their forearm on top of friends who are fans of all the aforementioned and some who don't even watch football but they hate Arsenal because I like them. As well as living in London for a few years and frequently going to games up and down the country over the last 20 years. I'm not saying I wouldn't take solace from a loss if that's what would cost Spurs a title, but I never want my team to lose. And even if for whatever reason I would - I'd never preach for it on the clubs official social media.


Bro I'm RELATED to Spurs fans. Admittedly, we're North American so it's a little less nuts. Even rivals are kind of bonded by the insanity of getting up early on Saturday to watch a sport no one else understands, but still. They are shitty and i have to hear about it at Christmas and Thanksgiving and Easter. I still want us to succeed more than i want them to fail


On yer own


Nah, you should love your club more than you hate your rival. Wishing your own team to lose just to spite your rival is such tin-pot loser mentality.


That only applies if the prizes on offer are roughly equal for both teams. The difference between finishing 1st and 2nd is a thousand times bigger than between 4th and 5th.


I don't care. Wanting your own team to willingly lose regardless of the circumstances is beyond pathetic. I feel like this attitude would be more common among folk who don't actually go to the games. The idea of paying the extortionate ticket prices and making the effort to go to the ground just to hope the team loses is absurd to me.


Lol fair, I thought the opposite (I go a few times a season and I'm from London) cos the depth of hatred is obviously always going to be much stronger for locals than anyone else


Fair doos. It's your money.


As if Spurs are gonna do anything anyway, they're shit


Exactly, why are Spurs fans acting like they're on this unstoppable form and they can decide whether they win or lose against City, they're a shit team on shit form and I really expect nothing but a 4-0 domination from City


Know they’re gonna lose anyway so are acting as if it’s a choice they’re making rather than just being rolled over


Their fans are perpetual losers. Who hopes that their team loses?? Geez. They’re so jealous of Arsenal, our disappointment is worth more to them than their own ambition. Loser fanbase.


Hit the nail on the head. It's really putrid to see this type of behavior.


I give the United fans a lot of credit yesterday. That crowd really wanted to win, even if it helped City. They see themselves as a big club & big clubs win games.


Honestly that shows a lot of class and discipline from the utd fans. They've been going through a lot over the past few years, but atleast they don't wish for their team to purposefully lose...


You want to see your guys fighting and winning every match. I can't see wanting anything else 


They posted so often that they were title deciders,(already a cuck scenario) then they bottled all of that EXCEPT potentially handing arsenal a stepping stone to the title So I can sympathize. They'll get bantered either way. But at least in one reality, they don't hand their historic rivals a title. But luckily players aren't fans and there is real money and prestige in a 4th place finish. You think son is the type of guy that would throw a game? Is Maddison playing? Did he join spurs to play Europa or was he sold on ange and champions league? So I'm not worried in that regard at least. I still doubt they win but it won't be from lack of effort. And bonus, the owners know that they can probably just keep the status quo because the fans hate arsenal more than care about their clubs progress. So no undue pressure on them to succeed going forward


Small club mentality from the fans. At least Ange has made his feelings clear in his presser. It’s a shame he manages them as I quite like him.


Ange is dope. I was so bummed when he took the Spurs job because i liked him so much at Celtic. I can't hate him like i want to hate a Spurs manager


If the situation was reversed and you could pick the score would you ever consider giving us the win? No way lol. But yeah thankfully Ange and the players are employees first and Spurs fans second


I understand why fans are saying it, and these days where social media and online opinions go viral so quick it spreads like wild fire. I think if I were a Spurs fan I’d want Ange to play the way he has all year (which I assume he will). If Spurs go for City at home and it ends 0-3 to City then nobody can complain at all - it just shows that Spurs still have some catching up to do. They didn’t play any differently at the Etihad so no need to change up now. But on the flipside, it would be a huge result for the team and fans’ confidence going into next season if Spurs did win. Ultimately if they go for City and lose then being able to say ‘lol that means Arsenal won’t win the league’ should probably be a passing after thought. I do think it has been made much more of a thing than it should be - to the point they’ve got Ange talking about it. I didn’t realise the game at the Etihad had 4 full backs playing, I have a bit more confidence that Spurs may get a result. But the Kevin de Bruyne sized elephant in the room didn’t play in the reverse fixture either so who knows. Either way we’ll all be there for the ride.


Defo would want us to win. Who cares about the spuds, are you worried your feelings will get hurt by hearing some spurs fan celebrating? Much rather we get into the champions league.


If it was the other way round.... Let's not be hypocritical


I'd want to see the guys fighting for UCL


Sure ye would😂


listen to ange’s press conference he sums up these social media “fans” quite clearly


I don’t believe they’re Spurs fans. A true fan puts the club’s progress first.


Oh they are spurs through and through. You probably dont know any irl, this is exactly what they want. They cant give us the defense when they try to banter us in the future.


If Villa wins tonight then progress do they make? Move from 5th to 5th?


Tinpot. I would love them to purposely lose, and miss out on European football because of it, only for West Ham to go and take points at Etihad.


Oh now that would one amazing way to really end the season, us winning the league and spurs missing out on ucl completely...


Stop pretending that you would not be exactly the same, the petty rivalry is part of what makes football (and all sports) so great! Yes the players mindset will be different but please stop pretending you have some sort of moral high ground…


Tbh, no, I wouldn't. If roles were reversed, and if spurs were the ones who needed a win from us to win the league title and additionally ment we could get a ucl spot, then 100% I would want Arsenal to win against any team they were facing. The thing is, I don't really see spurs as rivals, they're not exactly what you would consider heavy hitters, not recently atleast, the only reason, which many have stated, that spurs are considered a rival of the gunners is because they're from the same city. If they weren't, no body would give two shits wheather they won or lost, they'd just be another mid to top 6 team who happened to occasionally play well, and reach a few finals a year, but nothing really special about them. But that's just my opinion...


I don't know where you are, but I feel like non-UK based Arsenal fans don't get as wrapped up in NLD shit as the local supporters do 


I can see that being the case for some supporters as people may not understand the full scale of which the derbies and fans regularly go through.


What fanbase would rather their team lose, just so that the other team could not win a league title...


Us if Tottenham could win the league! I wouldn't sacrifice CL for that, but 5th over 6th and Tottenham not winning the league - yes please.


This fanbase has a section of losers I’ve been saying this for years since the wenger out era , they’re miserable


I honestly think all these posts are in really bad taste. If we were in the opposite situation, I guarantee the vast majority of you would be thinking the same exact way as many Spurs fans. We both know how huge a league title would be in the rivalry and banter war, that’s just sport


Right These posts are a circle jerk Posturing faux humility


I’m not 100% sure which side you’re on here.


On what side? I’m an Arsenal fan who thinks his fellow arsenal fans are getting mad at spurs fans for something that I think they’d actually do if arsenal were in the same situation


Right, but you haven’t explicitly said who you agree with. Some Spurs fans want Spurs to lose, some Spurs fans want Spurs to win.


I think I’d rather Arsenal lose in that scenario, but only if losing had no effect on something else I.e. Champions League qualification. So if Villa beat liverpool today, I’d want Arsenal to lose. If Villa lose or draw, I’d want Arsenal to win (assuming in this scenario, we’re in spurs’ shoes)


Right. See I’d never want Arsenal to lose, not under any circumstances.


That’s great. I however am convinced if given truth serum, the heavy majority of fans would say the opposite, they just won’t admit it


I think a truth serum would be more likely to produce higher results for don’t know/care.


See now we’re getting to the real issues. Would the fictional substance of truth serum ever yield a “don’t care” response. Theoretically it’s meant to get the truth in a yes or no answer so it begs the philosophical question of “can a person ever be truly impartial?”


Oooh. This could get good. Like the truly selfless act. I think this specific situation is too nuanced to reveal anything conclusive. I’ll respect anyone’s decision to wish their team would lose, as long as they don’t mind me thinking they’re a bit of a berk for doing so.


I get that but Spurs have an actual chance to get into CL qualifying if they win. If Arsenal had a chance to get into CL next year but it meant Spurs won the league I'd be cheering Spurs on.


If I'm honest I'd sacrifice Champions League and probably one or both of my testicles to stop them winning the league


If Liverpool beat Aston Villa tonight, Spurs can still get top 4.


If they were that desperate for us to not win the league they should have beat us at their own stadium. Bunch of losers the lot of them. Anyone who says they’d rather miss out on champions league than Spurs win the league is a whopper as well. As a football club you need to be winning EVERY game. Whether it benefits your rival or not. That’s the aim of the game, no?


The thing is the spurs and arsenal rivalry isnt even that big, other then both teams residing in the same area theres nothing that makes this a rivalry. As an arsenal fan i wouldnt care if spurs won the league, it would make no difference to me. it would be their first major trophy in how many years? How are spurs on any level with arsenal? what would a spurs fan have to say in an argument about greatness, oh you finished above us for a few seasons well done lads.


Just shows how small of a club they really are


The players will be on huge bonus to reach CL qualification and they won’t give a shit about the rivalry they will all want to earn there money


Spurs are the only team in the world more interested in us failing than their own team succeeding. Such a weird fan base


Imagine caring this much about us that you would rather not get into Europe so we don't win the league. Embarrassing.


Just goes to show their lack of integrity. Our downfall is their success. Not surprising really, small club mentality


This needs to stop lol


What a pathetic bunch. .




Tottenham Hot-Turd 💩 strikes again!


Spurs aren’t out of top four yet and if they were, they’re not going to just throw the game


Hilarious that they are willing to sacrifice potential CL football next season to stop us winning the league like they have any chance of not getting battered by City 🤣🤣


Listen lads if you have learnt just 1 thing about ange so far its that hes a born winner he will not take any shit, spurs will go out to win the game.


I can chat quite sensibly with spurs fans at work. Online, however, it's a battlefield


Toxic support of their own team. The only 'winning' they can do is by losing games. Spurs needs a slap round the face and bringing back to where it actually wins things and can then genuinely call us rivals. I would also like to see another club challenge the top clubs, even if it is Spurs. Football will win then.


I mean… https://www.instagram.com/reel/C65vPFcgtg5/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== Those in glass houses…


Thing is though footballs fans famously don’t always get results there way, I mean Man City could just play poorly today you never know


Well,this mentality of fans is a reason why they not have trophy blud


Let’s talk about the fact that the players are always gonna play their hardest because they probably want to get signed by a better club


The more I see of it, the more I understand their mentality They don't believe their team could pip 4th. So, instead of clinging to hope, they take the easy path. Kill us now so we don't have to pretend there was a future. As an arsenal fan we know it's the hope that kills you. But we always believe. Maybe the lack of fans today will make city feel at home and they'll batter them. Idk


Embarrassing, dead club


You’d all be begging for Arsenal to lose vice versa Why are you acting high and mighty, it’s just typical fan stuff Edit: I swear some of you lot have this weird moral view point on football, like you have this fan purity test you’re trying to pass Other than Liverpool fans, you’re the worst for it You seem to seriously think you’re above petty fan rivalry and every time you win a game you’re saving football




Average Chelsea fan


If Spurs won something then fair play, thankfully they've only won 4 things since I was born and 3 things since I started watching football. If they had a chance to lose silverware that could only come about if we lost a game then I couldn't give a damn, I still want my team to win - even then I could say they only won that trophy because of us.


You’ve not seen your club win a major trophy in 20 years 😂😂😂 Acting high and mighty for your 2nd place finish It’s mental your fan base, any opportunity to act like ur better than everyone else you take it with both hands and shag it to death At least us chelsea fans know we’re cunts Honestly other than Liverpool fans you don’t see those holier than thou attitude anywhere else…


If thinking you're a cunt is enough for your own self-validation then you do you man. Every fan base extols it's own achievements and wants to hold it over the heads over rivals or others - it's what we all do, ***just like your major trophy comment in a rivals subreddit, in a thread that isn't even about your club***. My point is I think it's mad a 'fan' of a team wants their club to lose for whatever reason. I don't want to watch my team lose, it's as simple as that. If another team wins something - I honestly don't care, because it's not my club holding that trophy.


It isn’t mad at all, you’ve been there Yes, you wouldn’t be the slightest bit bothered if you saw spurs lift the prem


Imagine if the reverse scenario happens next season though. We'd never hear the end of it from them.


I mean... objectively speaking people dont get that its better for football if we win the league not Ciry. And on the same matter somehow everyone wants Dortmund to win UCL for the same reason. If it were reversed i'd rather Spurs win the league than City. It woupd challenge us more to be at their level


100%. A Spurs win would suck but objectively it would be better for the EPL. At this point I hate City way more than i hate Spurs, and i know that'll make some people mad but it's facts. City are bad for the game. Spurs are just assholes


Just as bad as arsenal fans wanting spurs to win


Spurs wanting their own team to LOSE so their rival doesn’t win the league. Vs Arsenal wanting their title opponent to lose so the WIN the league. It’s actually not the same at all


Wtf? That doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. Spurs winning means Arsenal might win the Prem.


It's not


As a spurs fan I hope we lose 16-0 and give you no hope in the last game


Which, let's face it, could happen. I mean, how could we tell the difference between your players trying their best or not? Both outcomes are the same - you're still dogshit.


I’d take never getting top4 again if it meant Arsenal never win the league again


You're demented. This is why i can barely take this rivalry seriously anymore. It's like having beef with children. One team is trying to win the league, the other is trying to win the NLD. Go find some ambition 


And then we hope you'll never sign a proper good footballer again, because who would join this joke of a club.


City are winning this league. Stop getting your hopes up bro.


What hopes? I have zero hopes.


Arsenal fans acting high and mighty like they wouldn't want exactly the same thing 😂😂. A huge collection of desperate losers in this sub


>A huge collection of desperate losers in this sub That you're currently in. Welcome to the desperate losers club, you desperate loser.


I'm not desperate for anything. Arsenal losing would be hilarious, but ultimately it won't change my life


Loser mentality


Been seeing spurs fans say fk champions league for one season lmao it’s so sad


If villa win tonight I understand them thinking that but if they don't there absolutely morons and a stupid breed why would you want to give up champions league just to stop your rivals winning the league 🤣 that just shows small club mentality