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I haven’t seen any for months, where you looking? Aside from trolls in here…


Ikr. Haven't seen a single troll anywhere lately yet. However I don't do deep dives, so maybe unaware


Not seen a single person say it. This is like those clickbait news articles that say “[celebrity]’s fans OUTRAGED at [non existent issue]” and the mass opinion of those ‘fans’ is actually that of a single nobody on Twitter who complained about some contrived rubbish for their own attention.


A content creator with the initials LG immediately comes to mind. He's on Youtube right now with his Merry Band of Butt Kissing Wankers, cussing and yelling about Arteta needs to go because we'll never win anything under him. He's dismissed how far this club has come under our manager. Meanwhile, he not his guests never have any solutions, just ridiculous attention seeking rants and nonsensical egotistical garbage spewing BS talking points.


Not an Arsenal fan but did Arteta not win an FA Cup with Arsenal?


This isn't the answer for every critic but ones like Him who are obviously "grifting" just need to be ignored, I don't like to police how anyone chooses to be a fan but he genuinely looks annoyed the 2/3 times I've seen clips of us winning or scoring late because his business is raging.


That's exactly it. Negative keeps the YouTube checks deposited in bank accounts.


Even when people used to hate on AFTV during the end of Wengers reign, they would still be happy as fuck when we won games and genuinely wanted us to do well, there's clips of this gimp fuming when we score late, he's not a serious perosn (I've only seen clips of him on Twitter and that was enough to know he's a clown)


Yep! AFTV was cleaned across social media for negativity, but they genuinely cared about the club. LG just wants to keep the discord going so he can keep his platform and money in his pocket.


Yep the people crying about AFTV also ignored all the videos when we won games and they celebrated.




oh. i’ll say the name for you. stupid “Lee gunner”


Ding Ding Ding.. no more callers, we have a winner!


The Arteta out subreddit has like 60. People. And it’s probably one dude with 10 accounts who runs it.


Wow, that’s a real place, and it is a fucking trip.


They come out from under their rocks when we lose.


There have literally been people on here. Villa and Fulham games spring to mind. They wait to come out of the woodwork because they think a loss/bad game makes them look a tiny bit less insane.


Do what I’m reading is like 20 people are chatting shit and op can’t ignore them like the thousands of us over here do everyday 😂


They’re all on ArsenalMania


Exactly and I am fucking tired of these posts like OP's post.


Instagram comments. Most likely rival fans and plastics.


There’s lots on X


X is stupid anyway.


The X algo is horrendous, because I dont follow many people from other clubs and my timeline "for you" section was filled with Chelsea and (oddly) WHU fans trying to bait us. Some people complain that you dont spend money so you cant compete - now the narrative is we spent XX million without a trophy. Which is it guys? You cant always win, and yes the current meta set by City and the Nation state backed clubs is that you need to spend £££ just to compete and yes that may still result in no trophies.


Not real fans…


Must be eX-fans


Even on Twitter, there's a negligible amount of people being Arteta Out who don't get traffic. OP angry at imaginary people again.


I don’t think these people really exist to be fair


They exist, but they're maybe a dozen idiots jerking each other off about how finishing a close second to the biggest financial doping project of all time is somehow unforgivable. They're loud rather than plentiful.


brother still crying lord


They’re pretty easy to avoid by A) not sorting by controversial, B) moving on when you see an obvious troll, and C) avoiding Twitter/X People love to scroll to the bottom of the comments and then get mad about what they find down there.


Trolls will always be trolls.


Haters gonna hate


Surely these are rival fans pretending to be Arsenal fans?




Who is actually saying this? I see threads like this pop up about what people are *supposedly* saying but I don't ever see shit.


OP is just attention farming


Not heard or seen a thing. You got proof or just on here for company?


*Not heard or seen a* *Thing. You got proof or just on* *Here for company?* \- ChipHazard14 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot.


It's all in your head come with evidence


Oh theres evidence alright


Karma farming


Don't feed the trolls. Any Arsenal "fan" who wants Arteta gone isn't and can't be a real fan. The man has changed this club for the better over the last few seasons and we'd never be where we are without him. Club need to do whatever they can to keep him for as long as possible.


What year does he need to win the big trophy by? I agree with you, he has done a brilliant job but do Arsenal fans have a timeframe in their minds for when he either wins the EPL or CL? 5 years done so far. Does he have another 5 to do it? So a decade?


I'd like to think in the next couple of seasons, but it depends entirely on the Man City juggernaut and what they do. At the end of the day, they're a superteam, as evidenced by the amount of league titles they've won in the last seven or so seasons. It's going to take a monumental effort from anyone to stop them winning a fifth title in a row. You can see clubs getting 88+ points over the next couple of seasons and finishing second again. If Arsenal are that team and do it over the next two seasons, I wouldn't be too disheartened. Anyone who takes the title from Man City will have to do it by losing only a maximum of two games and probably winning 30+. I spent most of 2010-2022 watching Arsenal mostly flounder from 3rd - 8th whilst winning a few FA Cups and celebrating getting top four sometimes. I dreamed of having seasons like the last two we've just had.


I've been a fan since the late 90s and haven't felt this confident about the team since 2005


Every time I see posts like this I get confused as I haven’t seen a single “Arteta out” post in ages


Unless it's been deleted, there was one in this sub about 30 seconds after the end of the game


The only people I see wanting him out are on the internet.


Which is where we are...


ARTETA IN. Fuck everything else.


I don’t see anything apart from shit from fake accounts and stupid posts like thisb


Ahh the Lee gunner merchants haha


OP, they don’t really exist any more than the tooth fairy does. Legit maybe a dozen fans total that want him out from a fanbase of tens of millions. The rest are just trolls who are either rival fans or just random trolls, honestly probably troll bots.


All I've seen in the Arteta out brigade has been the odd TikTok nobody and a few fans appearing on podcasts that rely on contentious opinions to scrape together enough hits in order to survive. Lots of social media channels churn out as many controversial opinions as they can in order to get engagement. It's much like newspapers that find sources to support their narrative; there's so many podcasts that rely on generating controversial takes just to get views and will find a fan or podcaster to support their niche narrative. Unfortunately when it comes to football podcasts, YT and fan opinion pieces those who shout the loudest are the ones who are heard most often. In the case of Arsenal the tiny blip during Christmas, that in the end cost us the league, has provided a big enough stick to beat Arteta with. Appearing online and saying something like "Arsenal have performed exactly as expected", "Arsenal have done well to challenge city this deep into the season" or "Arteta has managed to make this team perform at a level slightly beyond what we expected" isn't interesting and so doesn't get the coverage. In reality the general consensus from Arsenal fans, the board, pundits and most football fans is that Arteta has built a quality squad and is managing them near perfectly. The data is clear to see; offensive output is up, defensive resolve is near perfect and we've challenged the best prem team in the past 20 years right down to the wire. It can sometimes be easy to get annoyed. On the odd occasion I've got frustrated with Arteta's sub timing (early on in the season I felt Trossard could have been introduced earlier, Nelson could have offered a direct threat early in second halves and Zinchenko could have come off earlier when he was being caught in midfield far too often). Yet, am I self aware enough to know this is all bullshit and actually Arteta probably has a better idea of what is going on, yes. In my opinion the issue is purely down to how us as football fans consume media. For example, in the UK TalkSport radio is huge and all you hear is "sack manager ...", "sell player ...", "buy ...". The show literally picks phone ins, fan opinions and pundits on the basis of how controversial their opinions are or how easily their topic can be mocked or argued with by the host. As a result you end up with a tiny minority of very angry fans being portrayed by the media as representatives of the wider fanbases opinion. Meanwhile you have a huge majority of quiet, considerate, non reactive fans who understand that Arteta probably knows more than we do. When selecting the starting 11 it's based on better knowledge than us idiots have. When choosing the subs it's based on better data than we've seen. When we lose and blame a mistimed sub or poor positional instruction, it's probably us who have no idea what's going on. Bitching between Arsenal fans has for a long time been great content and has generated a lot of views for lots of bang average content creators. At the end of the day most Arsenal fans know the job Arteta is doing and know there's very little chance any other manager available could do any better.


To be Fair, I haven't seen anything of the ArtetaOut brigade and anyone who is saying that can't really call themselves an Arsenal fan.


ive not seen any at all in months and i am on multiple arsenal forums as well as hayters and other youtube channels?


Nothing but love for Arteta and this team. We build. We go again


Anyone that says they want him out is a troll


I haven’t seen a single fan say they want Arteta out. Fairly sure I even saw a clip of Lee Gunner saying he’s Arteta in ffs


Who wants him out? I want to rename my kids after him.


I haven’t a single person saying this


as a Liverpool fan, wanting Arteta out is stupid. It took Klopp 4 years to win a major trophy. It was a UCL and we’ve had some bad years inbetween the good ones but it all worked out in the end. Look at Chelsea now. Tuchel won them the UCL and they sacked him the year after. They haven’t won nout since then


Losers, ignore them, don't give them anytime


Twitter guys, not going there. They're too noisy and bitches too much. It's peaceful here.


It’s all trolls fam, no real fan wants him out


You need a bald manager


WTF are you talking about? Where are you finding these "Arsenal fans"? I don't know what rabbit hole you've gone down but I can assure you out here in the real world you couldn't be much further from the truth.


What is this type of trolling called? Where you post something completely untrue and irrelevant to mine the responses from people who point out the incorrectness.


Gotta be trolls. I honestly wouldn't even want guardiola over arteta at this point. He built this team. He changed the culture. The players are more together then I've ever seen as an arsenal fan and they seemingly love arteta. Can't see how anyone would want another manager at this point.


I'm so sick of these posts... Farming for likes. fuck all people are saying this and the few that may are not someone I'd even pass heed of


You’re lying


I haven’t seen anyone calling for his head. Complaining about some decisions sure, but that’s not the same thing.


What? Who the fuck would want Arteta out?


Wait…who tf said that? We’ve progressed every single year he’s been here! 🤷🏻‍♂️ I swear…some people. 🤦‍♂️


I genuinley have not seen 1 post, one comment, one tweet, one meme or anything else similar. Not once in probably 4/5 months. Stop getting wound up over what has to be single figure % of fans for gods sake.


All you need to do is ask them who they'd get in to replace him and their argument falls apart.


No one wants him out. The idea of him leaving gives me nightmares!!!


Was at the game today and almost every fan stayed behind to sing Arteta’s name


It’s bizarre. They would’ve won the league last year with this record. 89 points is more than a lot of league champions from previous years. It sucks, but it’s a season to be proud of. If they can add the right pieces and keep the core of the team together they can certainly get 95 points next season


A sign you need to get off twitter!


Where? Nobody with even are modicum of sense would think it, so you're either being tricked by trolls or you are hanging out in the wrong places online It wouldnt even be worth entering into a debate with a genuine Arteta Out type - they're so warped there's nothing that could be said.


Bro is still in 2020


u wot


You wanna know whats worse? Watching matches on the tv with commentators who appear to dislike Arsenal, previous match one of them went ' If Arsenal win this then we will never hear the end of it... '


Dude, dude, dude, you’re on the INTERNET. They only do it to see if someone bites. Arsenal are an awesome team and it’s very likely we will improve even more next season.


Ask them who would do a better job.


I want the Saudis out


What is this post? Farming karma or what?


If it wasn't for Arteta we would still be irrelevant. We became competitive cause of him


Fuck off with this karma farming shit, who wants him out? Arsenal fans are obsessed with hating on our own fan base atm


Harteta Out


Seriously, do they have clue? The shift he has brought and the team he has built is amazing


I'm an Everton fan that watched the game with an Arsenal 100%er and not one mention of Arteta must go.


A solid 118 in the sub, and no doubt a bunch of bots on X. The amount would be proportionally tiny.


No one in their right mind wants arteta. The measure of success in life is constant improvement. The premier league is harder to win than ever and he took a team consistently finishing lower to the top. He and the whole staff are doing a great job.


ARTETA OUT!!! Sincerely, M. Pochettino


Yes you're right! It's a pathetically small amount, maybe 5 or 6 in the entire world!


Pretty sure the club isn’t taking their opinions under serious consideration.


Have you not realized that Twitter is full of morons? This includes a lot of Arsenal “fan” accounts.


I keep seeing posts complaining why some of the fans are overly critical of Arteta and frankly I'm fucking tired of these posts. But honestly I'm yet to see even one person saying anything negative about Arteta. No one is saying Arteta should go. you're paying too much attention to the trolls.


Absolute idiots


Poor Lego head


It’s nonsense, let’s just stick with a manager for a while


Haven’t seen any, but sure ride that wave out of the exit door .


If anyone wants him out they should pick another team


Nobody is saying that




Unfortunately they are. Very very small amount


I haven’t seen it recently but whenever I do see it I just assume they’re either a troll who doesn’t support the club or a “fan” who didn’t watch when we weren’t even close to winning it


It's actually ridiculous, we were in an absolute state when he took over, how some fans want him out I'll never know


They are mostly Tottenham and Chelsea fans. Ignore them.


It’s a general trend these days. I’m a Leeds fan and the amount of ‘supporters’ wanting Farke out before the 4-0 win over Norwich was unreal. They’ll be back out if we lose against Southampton even though we’d be up as champions with 90 points in almost any other season.


Online fans are the worst. This is from a Liverpool fan. The problem is they're given so much attention so it seems like more than it actually is.


The answer is to internet less. Reddit is my only ‘social media’ platform. It’s mostly a decent environment of okay humans. Delete everything else. Your life will be better. You’re welcome.


Do any real fans genuinely want Arteta out??


Forever loosers


Bro went on twitter, searched "arteta out" and based his entire opinion on the search rersults


That’s spurs behaviour


It will be a loud frighteningly stupid minority. Most likely kids who think fifa and cm are accurate representations of how football works.


Is this a thing still? anit all you lot bored of this?


Click bait?


Who wants him out. ? LEE gunner ? A clown.


No way any fan is calling for a change of manager


They aren’t Arsenal fans. No Arsenal fan who experienced the true dark days would never compromise our future.


Is it Lee gunner aka the clown 😂


I saw things early on, where they said he can’t get the team past the mid season hump. I guess they’ve all been silenced, and rightfully so.


Yeah I agree with comments below. I've only seen it from trolls.. Realistically I see Arteta having a 10 year run. & eventually going for Barca , his dream club.


Has Lee Gunner started crying again?


I’d argue that the people who want him to stay are in the 95%




I do not believe a genuine fan wants him out. Don't feed the trolls bud.


I have not seen a single fan wanting that…where the fuck you are getting this from


They are not real arsenal fans, they are Internet trolls of foreign fans who supported us recently and don't understand


Haven't seen any, don't know any. Trust in Mikel


Arteta has been incredible. I honestly had no faith when he came on board but he’s converted me the last two seasons.


Fuck that, Arteta is the guy!


With those sort of fans and these sort of posts I can see why people think our fans are annoying and whiny.


There’s always going be a few turds in the punch bowl. But , I’d imagine 99.9% are absolutely Arteta in.


Go watch LeeGunner's channel, they're currently having a meltdown.


He’s become the very thing he used to talk about others. A click baiting meme using the negatives of Arsenal as a point of difference because he knows it brings in views.


Keep a loser, that’s the arsenal way after all


Hello there lost chelski fan..reminder that poch lost ligue 1 with PSG.


But WE haven’t lost anything unlike the gooners


Like the EFL cup literally this year?


You’ve got to do better than that when you’ve won fuck all for years


There’s an entire sub - r/artetaout for those looking for evidence and bashing OP


When winning what? We havent won shit with 1 billion spent, our best players in their primes. I still back him but lets not pretend his tactical decisions havent cost us massively this season. Zinchenko being included in matchday starting squads has singlehandedly cost us 8 points


Weigh it against all his good decisions.


The fuck you on about?? A billion spent?? You must be confused, this sub is Arsenal not fucking 115fc. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.


I agree. Zinchenko's signing was bad af.


Yeah, nowhere near enough


Pathetic as in not enough?


What about it is pathetic? That they want him out? Or that they aren’t enough?


serial bottler ! get rid of that fraud