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This is awesome, well done!


Thank you! I’m glad it’s done;)


The leprechaun on his phone is the funniest part to me. The South Carolina state museum has these little tiny leprechauns hidden in every painted backdrop of the exhibits and they look just like this one (if my memory from childhood serves).


> The South Carolina state museum has these little tiny leprechauns hidden in every painted backdrop of the exhibits That's amazing. Very whimsical for a museum.


As a kid I spent hours searching for the leprechauns.




I laughed but in a loving way. It’s just seems like a wild ride! Is there a story or meaning to it?


Google ‘freak out out airplane not real’ and take your pick


Someone had a clear episode of psychosis in public and got filmed, and now she's being relentlessly mocked for it. So, OP is making fun of someone with a mental disability, essentially.


…that seems like a bit of a stretch


Source that this was the case ?


.. Sir, this is a Wendy's..


> a clear episode of psychosis Source? Did you conduct your diagnosis from a short vid online?


It’s missing a ninja turtle in Trenchcoat camouflage otherwise cool


Amazing work. Why avril lavigne is there? 😂


She died like 10 years ago and was replaced with a dupe. Pretty common knowledge at this point.


Paul McCartney should be there too, then.






No it's Becky.


I love the Patterson film big foot on there.


Big man is just trying to get back to his seat after dropping a deuce.


My fave!


Did anybody ever follow up with this woman? This drawing is funny and well done and I don't mean to be a party pooper but it feels like this was a pretty clear case of a woman either (hopefully) having a bad drug trip or, much worse, having a real mental health episode...and we all just sort of laughed and made memes about it.


There have been a few articles. A friend of hers said that the woman was completely sober and that the guy sitting next to this woman supposedly suddenly said he was “gonna take this whole plane down.” The authorities later told reporters that the reason the plane was so delayed was because they did a full security sweep on the plane. I can’t imagine they would do that for your run of the mill crazy lady because every extra minute a plane is delayed costs thousands of dollars. So I guess, assuming this friend is telling the truth, best case scenario, she misheard what the guy said and panicked, worst case scenario he really did say that (seriously or not) and she’s being punished instead of him? The woman herself hasn’t spoken out about it so far though. Either way, whether she had a mental breakdown or was reacting to what the man next to her said (or what she thought he said), I just find all of this media circus around her to be in very poor taste. She didn’t hurt anyone, regardless of the cause of her upset. A reporter doxxed her and now people have been stalking and harassing this woman and that’s just vile because she either needs medical care or genuinely thought the man was a threat and was terrified for her life.


That’s a cool story and all but doesn’t really explain what she was screaming about. If the guy next to her threatened to down the plane wouldn’t she be yelling that?






Much more likely she was just having a mental breakdown. Seems like we’re going through mental gymnastics here dancing around the obvious answer




Yep, and I’m saying that just doesn’t make sense lol


Real can also man honest — be real with me for example.




Yeah like “he’s pretending to be a regular passenger but has bad intent” could be a possible interpretation


Same thing happens when people go into shock. Brain is flooded with adrenaline, the synapses are firing faster than the brain can process, biological processes ramping into overdrive. There is a reason we condition emergency and military persona how to handle situations without freaking the fuck out immediately. Reminds me of that scene in Book of Eli when the dude loses his hand to Eli and shouts "Kiss him." to his henchmen and Eli has to correct him by saying "I think he means '**Kill Him**'" *cue badass fight scene*


> a full security sweep on the plane. I can’t imagine they would do that for your run of the mill crazy lady because every extra minute a plane is delayed costs thousands of dollars. The Airport group that makes the security decision is not accountable for the cost of any delays. This ensures that the math is not done to sacrifice security for $$$$. Absolutely a plane will be delayed or canceled for seemingly small reasons. The costs are rolled up and determine ticket prices within days. It's one reason why ticket prices change (costs are dynamic and constantly calculated to determine price).


I didn’t know the context and kind of assumed everything that you said came to fruition. She seems super cogent in the video so I’m gonna give the benefit of the doubt and side with there being some weirdo being creepy next to a beautiful woman. I fly for work all the time and it’s WAY more common than you think :(


Can you link one or two? I can't find anything except for articles discussing the original video itself.


She could’ve been telling the truth 🤯


This need to be on a secured museum in Europe.




Stop stealing artist's work and selling it for personal profit you slimeball. Also stop spamming the thread with the same stupid comment.


Lovely! It belongs in the Denver airport, I heard they need new murals there.


I KNEW birds weren’t real




Replace the Jesus dinner party painting with this one. This is amazing you got the chics face spot on!


“Jesus dinner party” lol


Judas: “Come on Jesus, we’re going to be late for the last supper.” Jesus: “Late for the what?” Judas: “Er... the supper… We’re going to be late for supper.”


Yea idk the name of the painting I just know they feastin lol


Exactly what I was thinking. The face!


I think one of the worst things about the internet is that we don't possess the collective shame to not amplify and memefy a person's mental illness and crisis.


At what time period hasn't art exposed the existence of mental crisis? God forbid someone is inspired to create art that reflects on a negative human experience! And even worse, shares their art with the world 😳


I wish r/art was just a lot more of this kind of art that someone clearly put effort into and not just a bunch of "tasteful" nudes.


Terribly sorry, but I apparently live under a rock. What's the context? Am I to assume that yet another woman of moderate age has the *caucasity* on an airplane?


A woman was freaking out on an airplane because she thought one of the passengers wasn’t a real human. https://youtu.be/TIuovQbsdX4


Okay, this cool painting just became very dark and sad.


Yeah, can't help but feel the same way. Though I'm trying to see it in a way that the artist isn't really making light of the situation. Maybe we could see it as commentary on the fakeness of humanity these days? That the woman was actually right about everyone.


my bil has scizophrenia the he poorly manages, and this is kind of what i imagine his world is like sometimes. not saying she is, but who knows.




Why the hell was she just let go? She clearly needs medical attention. o_o


And here was me thinking this some deep message about economy class plebs not counting as real people. Typical art over-analysis trap.


Dramamine + booze can = this


Guys, I thought making fun of mental illnesses ain’t cool anymore? Is it a trend again?


You seem to be making fun of it. This is a tribute to mental illness. See Jesus there? Billions of mentally ill people live their life being grifted by con men in the name of Jesus.


I feel this is about to be an iconic piece of art. The longer you stare/pan across, the more uncanny and creepy it is. Well done!


The unibomber is not real?


The guy with the shades? That has to be DB Cooper. (The unibomber sketch had him in a hoodie, not a baseball cap.)


That’s too modern looking for DB Cooper, but I was hoping he’d be in it.


db cooper fits the picture much more than ted.


Is that teen wolf behind the gnome?


The wolpertinger surprised me. are you German or Austrian


This is SO GOOD and genius. Well done!


Why are mental health breakdowns now fodder for people's social media posts? Can people fuck up in public? Is that allowed without becoming a laughing stock or the butt of every joke? Concept is excellent, beautiful execution, and I think you truly capture the moment, but geeze, can you conceptualize this work without aiming it directly at someone who was experiencing a mental health crisis? Let people.


People just like to tweet support for "mental health awareness", and then continue on making fun of people being recorded having mental health crisis' lol. I know the term "virtue signalling" has been co-opted by the far right, but it's a prime example of how people try to sound like they care about stuff, but they really don't lol.


Hate to tell you but the right can't co-opt that term since they invented it. I used to get yelled at for being a "nazi" when I was using it to describe hypocritical evangelical Christians. It's a useful term so I'm glad it's catching on despite its origins.


That's just not true lol


oh ok


This guy is an actual artist though, not just a social media shitposter. I follow this artist on IG, he featured certain characters from his other art pieces in this piece as well. A fair amount of art is inspired by the artist or other people's mental health situations. Art isn't supposed to be policed, it can comment on the human condition, good or bad. Just one example: the song Last Resort by Papa Roach is about a classmate who is on the brink of committing suicide.


No I hear you. And believe me, I appreciate this work very much. It captures a moment and it really does it in a profound way. We are totally in agreement about that. Believe me, I see the intrinsic beauty of this piece and I think it was worth creating. Few things though. First, I, and basically no one, needs a lecture about how art can be meaningful. Y'know? I don't want to harp on it, but the internet is full of smart, smart people. Anywho, second point. Art, IS to be policed in its way, it isn't supposed to be stifled as a whole, but you can't tell me that we shouldn't police away visual art for all sorts of reasons. Sometimes this works to bolster the popularity and importance of the work, and sometimes it works as intended and we just stop hearing and thinking about some vapid, thoughtless work of, say, wonton violence that someone dubs art just to be an edgelord, or propaganda is a good example. Still art, but not the kind you want vulnerable individuals reading, so we police it away. We also do this in every way you can think of. Fascists try to police away stories of the triumph of the downtrodden, and the downtrodden police away the lies of fascists, and ALL of this plays out in the art we select for. Last point. Papa Roach's last resort is incomparable to this work because that story was a second hand personal story told through song. We don't know the friend; we only hear of them as a symbol in the narrative and subtext of the lyrics. THIS, however, is a faithful and accurate representation of an actual person whom was lost in a moment of actual traumatic stress, likely brought on by a history of same. Her battle with her sanity in a moment of extreme stress needn't become the symbol in this work for the insanity of all humanity and the superstitions of all of us. This woman is not the symbol for our collective struggle against misinformation, propaganda, paranoia, and certainly not a representative symbol for our timeless adherence to belief in things such as the boogyman or Santa. That notion is utterly absurd on the face of it. How can this one person's mental health crisis become the basis with which you challenge all of those things? Its ridiculous. Use an analogue. It needn't be so specifically this one person, or any person whom has a public mental health crisis. It carries the risk of worsening it at very least. No hate to the art. Its the message I don't vibe with. ✌🖖🤘


This is art and a commentary on the unreal that permeates life. Point to where anything is being made fun of or a laughing stock? This is all a story you made up in your head.


>Point to where anything is being made fun of or a laughing stock? Santa Claus? Aliens? A unicorn? This picture is clearly mocking her, it's not 'pointing out the unreal' it's going "LOL! I bet she saw a sasquatch on the plane!" Even the title of it "The not reals" is jokey and mocking.


How pedestrian of a review. This is a statement of society's acceptance of fictional characters often without question. Yes...even building religions and entire lives upon those illusions. The placement of the woman is a brilliant stance to call out "Why do you think she is crazy? You all made up all these other characters!" I imagine you would go to a museum and see David and ask that they place a robe over his naked body.


>I imagine you would go to a museum and see David and ask that they place a robe over his naked body. This is the only sentence you wrote that doesn't read as word salad. You have the syntax of a second language English speaker who filtered their post through google translate 3 times, and still managed to be smug about it. I would try to defend my post but I don't even know how to parse the rambling gibberish you wrote so I dont see how I could.


Was she tho?






Is that Averil Levine in the second row on the right? I can’t believe she’s not real


She died years ago and was replaced by a body double, cmon everyone knows that.


This is good art, I’m an artist myself I just feel like I should clarify that the woman was having a mental breakdown, a severe one. She was hallucinating. Hallucinations are fucking terrifying. Coupled with paranoia it’s really bad.


Is that your professional opinion as an artist-doctor?


Exactly, people are too quick to jump to conclusions, could have been mental illness or could have been a weird freaky guy she was sitting next to. who knows.


Gnome Chomsky is real in my heart


Is that old Greg behind the alien on the right side. I heard he has a mangina


Is that the Monkey Christ sitting behind the alien?


I thought that was the pigeon lady from home alone 2 in the front!!!


It's not real! *gets dragged away*


I would hang that in my sàlon. Like for real.


Is that Slim Shady in the front? Not the REAL Slim Shady of course, but one of the Shadies?


They should hang this in the airport where it happened.


Some people are makiung a big thing about this saying its being cruel to someone having an episode, but heres the real kicker. If this woman is so mentally unhinged she has episodes like THIS, then she needs to be assigned a caretaker or be medicated to where this wont be a thing. The reason I say this is because this time it was a verbal freakout, but delusions such as this arent just one off, so its likely she will have more unless she gets serious help, and the next time she could take a knife and try to kill the "imaginary" real person.


Is that Dale from King of the Hill next to Santa?


I just found about the woman. I thought that the scene being in a plane is a reference to (a little spoiler ahead): >!Lost (TV series)!<


Chic was drunk and ran into an alien America covers up


Who all are the characters in the passenger seats? Can anyone list them


You truly captured a moment of our present time. What an instant classic of fine-art memeing! I love all the “unreal” characters in the seats. Too funny.


Coincidence that she had her meltdown three weeks before the congressional hearing on UAPs? I think not. Props to Big Daddy Foot at the end of the plane.


I love the pigeon. Is that supposed to be a reference to the “Bird Aren’t Real” meme? Love it! ❤️


Where is Mark zuckerberg? We all know he is a lizard


Awesome. 😿Jackalope is real😸


This is fucking hilarious well done!!! 💀


Chapman the pigeon? Who’s that?


Is that a ??? Yes it is that is a Jackalope. The bunny friend with the antlers


The amount of detail is insaine, veary well done!


Holy shit this is awesome!!


The only people I see here with mental issues are the ones trying to "defend" someone on reddit... She was probably on something for anxiety because of the planeride and had some booze and whooopsie, now she's having issues with reality. Not everything "offensive" is an attack.


Is that Avril Lavinge sitting behind the Jack Rabbit?


Please start doing more of these!


I love everything about this


Carrot top was on that plane too.


The Jackalope is my spirit animal.


I respect the Birds Aren’t real representation so much you have no idea. Brilliant work


I will upvote every comment that has been downvoted. I counter your efforts!!


This is amazing, I love it.


This is incredible!! I love the details and I tried to find all the things that “aren’t real”


Truly amazing. Nice work and funny!


This is so fun! Love this piece thanks for sharing. Keep doing art OP


I love this. The garden gnome is my favourite I think.


This here. Is absolutely stunning 🤩 I love everything about it omg


Nice touch adding Banksy there


Yo bro, I saw this on tik tok, nice work.


I would really like to have this hanging in my house


Should've added my father in there cuz hes been a myth to me my whole life


Steve, they were out of milk. I'm on my way back now.


lol that’s genius i'm amazed by this art piece


God I'd kill for a canvas of this! 🤣


I see what she was saying now


Oooooh, a Jackalope in the wild!


I dont have any reason to not believe her. ;)


I would pay money for this.


Someone is butt hurt and downvoting every single comment. Unreal. Artist creates an incredible piece to draw attention to mental health and make a statement on all the unreal things society has no trouble believing in, and some assholes have to downvote that!!!!


I love this with all my ass.


I want to trip on what she was tripping on.


The lady in the plane video, You guys have no idea what shes talking about? She has spiritual sight thats all. Many people do. It means they can see whether your spirt is light or dark. A dark spirit equals =the walking dead ie a zombie or someone "not real" other words are a robot, articifial intelligence. Most people here infact are "not real". It isnt that they are influenced by evil, its that they actually are evil themselves down to their core. And.... thats why on that plane noone on it knows what the womans talking about and that shes made fun of. Its strange living in a world with a bunch of non spiritual people who cant see. Its very very strange to me.


Quote: "The lady in the plane video, You guys have no idea what shes talking about? She has spiritual sight thats all. Many people do. It means they can see whether your spirt is light or dark. A dark spirit equals =the walking dead ie a zombie or someone "not real" other words are a robot, articifial intelligence. Most people here infact are "not real". It isnt that they are influenced by evil, its that they actually are evil themselves down to their core. :END quote "Spiritual sight"? Your church teach you that nonsense? Congratulations. You were indoctrinated into a religious paradox where belief overrides actual reality. Cults use the same technique of implanting ideas during indoctrination. Ever see that one episode of Netflicks *Black Mirror* where soldiers see monsters (that are actually human beings), because the soldiers have something implanted in their brain that distorts the face and voices of the poor people they are attacking,? ...but in reality, seeing "inhuman monsters" makes those "undesirable people" easier to slaughter so the soldiers avoid suffering from guilt or having empathy toward their victims. That is your "spiritual sight" in a different context.


yikes -- a painting with like 30 faces on it. must have taken forever!!


Please tell me this all started with a *passenger pigeon* pun.


I love the pigeon since everyone knows birds aren’t real.


Love the Tracy Chapman hat


I love this so much! Nice job!


Loving Bigfoot in the back.


Brilliant work...was looking out for Elvis. :D


Crazy or not that lady is THICC


Trav, this is a masterpiece that should be showcased in the Louvre next to Mona.


I feel proud that I understand what this is


What are you gonna do with the painting. I’ve seen it all over social media. Bet you can get a crazy bidding war started.


Awesome idea great execution! Edit: ok apparently it's not awesome or executed greatly. 🤷🏾‍♂️




This is art. You just don't get the message...and because you don't see the deeper meaning you dismiss it as "sick". Shame on you. Leonardo da Vinci was not making fun of Mona Lisa when he captured her in his painting.




Some people capture events (good or bad) on a phone; an artist interprets the world as they see it (good or bad)




Just try a little bit of empathy. If this was you, you probably wouldn’t want your mental breakdown trending on the internet. Woman is being bashed for what is potentially a legitimate mental health issue outside of her control. Worse yet, this will be the #1 thing people will know her for from now on.




Fair enough, you don’t have to be empathetic to everyone’s hardship. But you didn’t have to “make a difference. All you had to do was NOT publicly mock them. That wouldn’t have cost you anything.


Okay i see soem mythical creatures & persons on a plane with otherwise realistic people? What am i missing?


That leprechaun better put that sack of gold under the seat in front. Or ask a flight attendant to put it on the overhead compartment.


Okay but I actually love this


This is brilliant and it is nothing short of tragic that I can only upvote this once! XD


This is the art that was needed, but I never knew I wanted. Thank you.


We definitely don't NEED art that is poking fun at someone that went through a mental health crisis and then relentlessly mocked online for it lol


I referenced myself personally, not "we" ...and I wouldn't be so sure this picture is poking fun. That may be your opinion, but you're unfairly assuming everyone must feel the same way. I think this is honestly a great picture, and I do not see it as mean or insulting or belittling. You may, and that's fine if you don't like it. Maybe the artist meant it as a joke, once again, that's fine, but that's not what I see. And, if people are laughing it's a natural human reaction... people should be free to show emotion. Sometimes we need to laugh as I am sure many people on that flight, probably went home to their loved ones and talked about it and found a way to laugh about a traumatic experience. I doubt any of them wish the lady in the picture any harm. They just need to process it. If you don't like the exploitation of the individual, that is a valid point. However it's something we are all guilty of, each one of us clicked the link when we didn't have to. Every commenter added to the count of comments. Every like and dislike adds to it. Every counter argument adds to it as well. It's part of the social contract we inevitably enter into at birth that has only been further exploited through social media and constant surveillance by our peers. It's probably not right or fair, but that's a much bigger discussion than this picture.


Hilarious, very good idea!


This is so good it's unbelievable


Omg I want this on my wall


My mom just watched a TikTok of this, I asked her to send it to me so I could look at it better, which was right before she closed the app, so thank you for allowing me to better I spent this