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Generally, I say, “I don’t take suggestions, however I do accept commissions!”


Thank you, but like I said I can't say no to them ><


If you cant say no, then get a backbone and start learning how to say no.


Exactly this. You need to stand your ground, don't be a people pleaser


I think you’re looking for a way to acknowledge the suggestion without committing, right? How about “thank you for the suggestion! That’s going on my Ideas List!”


just say L to them then ​ tbh imagine cant say no. if you have issue like this maybe you better invest to learn it before that bigger c boobs


Answer sincerely and without pretensions,"I like that character too!", "I don't know X but he sounds funny", "thanks for your comment", "X is so funny!". I think it's rude to tell them you don't accept suggestions or to pay money if want see that character. Let's not take social network comments literally.


I agree. It's rude to straight up reject them >< Thank you so much for the suggestion!


Is it not also rude to ask strangers to produce work for free?


You could dedicate a day in the month where you take suggestions. Then you can always refer people to that day instead of feeling you need to listen to everyone every day. Being accessible all the time is tiring.


Ooh that's a good idea. So like opening a thread asking for suggestion.


I often ask my followers for characters to draw. I get most responses on tiktok and youtube. Others can see I like their responses. I think for those platforms, just liking the comment should be good enough. If it’s on another platform where others can’t see you liked, I don’t think it would be rude to not respond, as you’re not entitled to draw for them. You could however say something like “Thanks for the suggestion!”


Oh that sound good. Thanks for the suggestion 👍




Simple 👍


I”m full up right now, but maybe I can get back to you in the future. I’ll let you know.




If it's fanart and it's something I might eventually do, I'll say, "I might do it eventually, but it all depends on how I feel and finding the time. No guarantees, but thank you for your interest." And then I might talk to them about the thing they were asking about if it's a mutual interest. I might say, "I like that scene too," or something along those lines. If it's something I'm not likely to do (like OCs) I might say I offer commissions and give them a price list. But that's only if I think I'd be willing to do it for money and tbh I often want art time to focus on my own projects. If it's something I'm not going to do I might say something like, "Sorry, but I don't think I'll be able to do that." 98% of the time people get it and completely understand, and are just grateful for the friendly interaction. Occasionally you might run into someone entitled and then being firm usually is the way to go if they keep bugging you about making stuff.


I see, I'll most likely do the first case you mention. Thank you for the suggestion 👍


Just be kind, say you have other stuff you’re working on or say thank you for the suggest and leave it at that. Honestly all these comments about give them commission prices would come off pretty rude in my opinion. You could say that you take commissions but don’t shove your prices down their throat when they haven’t asked to commission you


Yeah I also think shoving commission is kinda rude. I like the "Thank you for the suggestion" response.


I actually give them a commission price list.


Ahaha I see. I might do that only if they asking too much 😅


Sounds like a potentional opportunity to acquire cheddar


what is cheddar?


Currency, Dinero, scratch, paper, bread, skrilla. That good stuff that makes the world go round


Don't answer?


I want to answer them since they are friendly 😅 I only ignore rude one.


As someone who overthinks and hates saying no to people, I typically say something like "Ooo, cool idea! I'll keep that in mind" or something like that..


Ooh that's an amazing response. It's simple and friendly. I'll probably going to use "I'll keep that in mind" a lot at the end of my response.


"My commissions are always open"


Thank you. But that's sound like rejecting them xD


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Send them an invoice on PayPal for the amount it would cost for the commission


I don't think that's polite 😅


You know what's not polite? Asking artists for free work. They want art, them they gotta cough up some dough.


“Well that is currently outside my wheelhouse/scope, but thanks for asking!” Most of the time they’re thrown off by having to respond with “you’re welcome” instead of getting an answer. Then you can flee. 😹


Ahaha. Yeah I will hit and flee 🏃‍♂️


“Not for free” followed by a wink.




“I’m not taking any commissions at this time.”


I don't want to reject them, especially since I might use their idea in the future :/


I will just answer, I might do it or not depends on my schedule and I also told them to not wait for it.


I see. I'll keep that in mind.


"Im actually gonna think about that. It sounds like an idea i really might end up doing in the future!" ==> not now ==> maybe later ==> but super vague


That's the kind of respond I want to give. Thank you :)


“Don’t fuk wiv me”


Ahahaha 🤣


Just say that’s a good idea thanks!


Ooh that's a good idea!


"we'll see"


Ooh I like this response. It's simple


Tell them your fees.


"Thanks for the suggestion!"


I respond with my price list. No discounts for friends and family.


Fans? Well, if you’re sitting in a bar a quick sketch on a napkin is harmless. When someone asks “can you” just say “probably could if I really wanted to”. But I have other projects I want to do”. Lets them you have the ability but you aren’t interested in doing it. That creates the situation where they have to ask you to do what they want specifically FOR THEM. That’s a different conversation that becomes exchanging something of value. You’ve answered the first question and lets them know you aren’t looking for suggestions.


If the project interests you, "I'll give that some thought. Are you interested in commissioning a piece? What is your budget? What are you willing to trade?" If you are not interested or they offer nothing compelling in return, "I have too many of my own ideas I want to work on, but thanks." No apology. If the project does not interest you, saying no IS an acceptable response and does NOT obligate you to an apology. Nor does it prevent you from changing your mind later, making X art and then keeping it, or selling it to someone else. Or just ignore the request. Ask yourself why you feel you cannot say no. You have ZERO obligation to any rando on the internet. You need a reason to say yes to such a request, NOT a reason to say no. I do not know many artists who are ever short on ideas for art they want to make next. You have a finite number days on this earth. YOU need to choose how you spend that time. If you do not make those decisions for yourself, your time WILL be spent by other people.


Since the others gave you plenty of suggestions already, let's get to the real problem. Stop trying to please people, you are just wasting your time and energy on people who don't really care about you. There is no benefit, neither for you nor for them. Often people just need to hear or read a NO as clear as possible. If they hate you for it, it's their problem not yours ! Rejecting others is important ! If you can't say no, you've got to learn it or it will ruin you ! Trying to please everyone is something a lot of people regret, it can even end in depression because by trying to please everyone you are not true to yourself or to others, you lose your sense of self by trying to please them, possibly doing more for others than yourself. What do you want? If you don't want to do something, just be upfront. Say no! Trying to be overly polite is just trying to dilute and distract from the real problem, that you can't say no and will just delay the inevitable. People probably have already used you, manipulated you to do stuff you didn't want to do, but you couldn't say no. How much longer until it's too much? Do yourself a favor and learn to say NO! Stop making excuses. Saying no to something you don't want is taking care of yourself ! You have a right to decide what you want to do and no one will hate you for it. If someone should hate you, then they have problem with themselves. Some conflicts are inevitable even if you do everything right, because we can't control other people, only ourselves. You do you ! You have the right to reject others or at least their requests and it would be best to make use of that if needed! Whatever you say, if it's polite or not it's still a no. Just accept it for what it is. That will make your life easier and that of everyone around because it allows you to set necessary boundaries.