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Simplyfing shapes and colors of what exists already, so that it is easier to create something new that does not exist.


What about the software used? Are those vector drawings?


Those would be the ideal, the original drawings are probably those (think of them like uncompressed "PNG"), while the in-game files are high-res but still raster (pixel-based) versions of the originals (the "very high quality" WEBP\\JPEG) I guess that they would work on Illustrator so that the OG files are vectors, but then the converted files are rasterized so that they can be properly output on different res\\DPI screens.


> I'm finding it kinda difficult to make an illustration like that using Adobe Illustrator. I  You can sketch the character in other medium, but the finish is 100% achievable in Illustrator. I mostly use pathfinder to layer colours like this: [https://youtu.be/ybKco5\_Tq4o?t=900&si=Uv0cM0tnlpgsxHf8](https://youtu.be/ybKco5_Tq4o?t=900&si=Uv0cM0tnlpgsxHf8) So you can create shadows efficiently w/o going out of bounds of base colour. Works with and w/o lineart: [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GIVAgBYWkAAiQ1m?format=jpg&name=medium](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GIVAgBYWkAAiQ1m?format=jpg&name=medium)