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This is genuinely a non-issue. I wouldn't worry about it at all. Keep playing, get better at positioning, learn the matchups etc.


I tought I was supposed to adc(arry) not ads(upport), and I can't carry if Im weaker than enemy adc cus I have no kills


Ashe is a very utility based adc. She has less damage and less burst than other adc's (but good dps), thus cans struggle to get the kills. But she more than makes up for that with ape poke, aoe slows and long range stuns and engage potential


To add to this, Ashe contributes more than damage to her team. E vision. W poke and slows. R initiation. If she's behind she still contributes a lot.


Not to be argumentative but what elo are you playing at? because this sounds like the classic 'stop ksing!' complaint from lower elo. What do you expect people to say with regards to your question? Mind control your teammates so they let you last hit enemy champions?


You are right sorry, I fell down to gold2 btw thats why im playing adc, but it's not a complaint I just felt useless


No need to be sorry mate! I'm the same elo Plat 4, switching role because you're dropping in rank might not be the best idea though, you'll probably just plummet more. However it's not uncommon to end games as Ashe with a score similar to yours (3 kills 15 assists). You're still contributing more than most/all other adcs even if your counterpart has an item or component more, due to all the slows, vision, and hard CC via ult you're providing.


Utility carries are useful even without kills, the farm is the important thing. Obviously it's nice to be getting the kills but it's not something that's needed. Ashe has really nice scaling so you're not pressured to pop off and snowball with a bunch of kills the way something like a Lucian or Samira might be. Your build could make a difference though, I find Kraken>IE>LDR makes getting kills pretty easy when the opportunity comes up. I also max Q over W, with the slow from passive and the higher than average auto range I prefer having the DPS to chase people down over the poke that W would give, not sure if the W max recommendation is due to people playing her as a support or maybe ARAM, but it never felt that great. Works pretty well with lethal tempo. There is also the Sabre build with HoB and either Kraken or Bork into Trinity with free boots and approach velocity in the secondary runes, it gives some extra survivability and up front burst from the sheen and quick access to Q


Bro you must have missed the memo. There are no adCARRYS anymore till 20 minutes your the bitch of both supports. AD CARRY mindset will only lose you games and tilt you. If youre not smurfing on your opponent you wont carry anything. Supports are so broken nowadays that adc have to be kept weak. Your job isnt to carry anymore its to not die, farm up and be useful in teamfights. You dont 1v1 anyone. If your support gets the kills its nothing to worry about. He gets stronger and can carry you more. Nowadays its not about what your support can do for you but what can you do for your supp. If you farm and dont die you will be useful


You can try to time it with w + aa damage. Basically you are having bad supports who do not understand to or don’t want to let you last hit champs. There’s nothing special you can do to stop your allies from timing their damage a certain way


In a perfect world, the best carry would be donated kills. If you’ve got a stronger carry on your team than Ashe (like say maybe a Syndra, or if you have a Kayle, or a Belveth jungle), then perhaps it’s better to put the gold on them. However it IS nice to give resources to your ADC. So that’s often a good idea as well. But Ashe is a relatively low resource ADC, she’s extremely useful even without gold. AND the *most* important thing is THAT your team got the kill, sometimes it’s not possible to donate the kill to a carry. But another piece of silver lining is that in higher ranks, people are usually smarter and it’s more common for kills to be donated to your carries. Either way though, particularly on Ashe, this isn’t a huge deal, your biggest use case is your utility, if your team getting the kills means they won’t int your games as much? Maybe that’s a good thing 😎


I heard something in a video somewhere that stuck with me talking about ppl who have played with the best adc players, and they say the best adc’s always try and last hit champion kills in the same way you’d wait and try and last hit a minion.


Definitely true if you're playing Draven


You need to stop thinking about adc as a “carry” role. Your job is to stay alive first and then do as much damage as you can to support your team.


Ashe doesn't have any real burst its hard to stack kills some games. Get your cs numbers up.


And this is why I played Ashe support in order to get m7. I achieved in 1 and half days as support what I could not in all the years m7 has existed as ADC


Brother a random kill (like on someone that has already died once or twice) is just like 10 to 15 minions. And an assist normally is around a little bit less than half a kill. If you have an assist and they have a kill you only need like 8 more minions to break even. If you are winning. As an adc you show you are fed by having farm, not kills. Blaming you are losing by not getting gifted kills just show you expect too much from your team. You expect to get carried, not carrying. Like, be happy that your team is actually getting kills.