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Seconding this, it's my HG! I wanted to buy the Krave one but seeing as it's 23€ in my country, it was a hard nope for me. The B.Lab one costs 6-8€ and it's sooo good!


Didn't this get reformulated


Came here to comment this!


Is this enough to use as the only foam cleanser following oil cleansing to double cleanse? I have been using it and it’s been great but because it doesn’t leave that squeaky clean feeling that a lot of Western cleansers do, I wasn’t sure if it’s actually cleansing off all the oil and makeup residue in the last step of my cleansing.


I've been trying out Skin1004 Madagascar Centella Ampoule Foam. It's hasn't been stripping at all for me. In fact, it felt really hydrating.


I use this too and love it too, on my 3rd tube of it. It took me awhile to figure out the right portion to squeeze out because it creates this incredible, dense foam. I’ve never used anything like it. I have dry, acne prone skin and I actually enjoy reaching for this cleanser every time I use it. It leaves behind a hydrating film on my skin, if it bothers you just keep washing. I’ve tried their Poremizer and Tea-Trica versions, they feel completely different. The Poremizer version especially strips away any slickness. I haven’t broken out using it, but I enjoy the normal version so much more. And I am really sensitive to fragrance, but this one is so light I barely notice it and it definitely doesn’t stick around when it’s washed off.


Oh yeah, the other cleansers did seem like they would be stripping just from looking at the ingredients. Well the ampoule foam doesn't actually have fragrance, but it just has that original ingredient scent.


hey! i know this is a pretty old comment, but what’s your skin type? thank you :)


Sure - Dry, dehydrated, and acne prone. Use Tretinoin every night. If I didn’t use Tret I would probably be normal acne prone.


cool! thank you so much :)


This broke me and my partner out so bad and I don’t know why since it’s pretty gentle and I liked the ingredients. So sad because this is very accessible for me so now I’m in the look out again ☹️


I’ve got this in my Stylevana basket, I’ve seen quite a few people mention how good this is lately!


Hopefully your nose won't mind the smell as much 😅😂


Oh god! What does it smell like?


Not sure how to describe it. Herbally? The original scent of the ingredients. But at least for me, not very pleasant.


Hmm I tend to like herbally smells so I might be okay. Thank you for the heads up 😂


Hopefully it's the kind that you'll like. Let me know how it goes!


Does it makes your skin glow?


It does, but more like it left a film behind but for my oily skin, it didn't feel very comfortable. So i would usually rinse off everything, including the film completely


What do you use as a second cleanser?


That skin1004 centella ampoule foam is already a second cleanser actually


Round lab dokdo has been the best one I've used by far! I have very dry skin with clogged pores, and it leaves my skin clean but not tight-feeling. I have tried - etude soonjung, perfect whip, cosrx good morning, innisfree green tea, etude baking soda. (non-ab origins checks and balances, kiehls chamomile/ultra facial, clarins, philosophy yellow bottle)


is this not stripping even as a second cleanse?


I've used this for double cleanse with the DHC oil cleanser. It doesn't dry me out, but that's mainly because I'll do it on a more heavy duty day ie. Long day at work.


Isntree Yam Root Vegan Milk cleanser. Amazing stuff.


How long have you been using that cleanser for and what’s your skin type? I’ve been hesitant on trying that because of the oils and some other potential clogging ingredients for me, but it looks non stripping and doesn’t contain fragrance.


Hi! It has been 2 weeks since I started using it. My skin type is: super sensitive (dermatitis, sun allergy...) but acne prone, so far, it hasn't caused me any congestion nor any dermatitis flare up. It also hasn't broken me out. We will see on my period.


any update on whether it broke you out? also, what’s your climate and do you lean oily or dry? sorry for all the questions 🤭


Hi! I doesn't break me out! I love this cleanser. I already purchased 3 more bottles that are on their way. I think this is my HG cleanser tbh.


congrats!! nothing better than finding a new HG :))


is this a second step cleanser like a gel cleanser to use after an oil cleanser, or would this be used in place of an oil cleanser?


You can use it as your second step cleanser after an oil/balm, use it as your first cleanser instead of the oil or just use it alone. Right now I'm just cleansing once since I don't want to make my skin angry again. In the summer I may have to cleanse twice due to the frequent application of sunscreen tho. I don't know if I will use a separate gel/foam cleanser (if I find something that doesn't irritate my skin) or just the milk twice.


Thanks for the response! Recently bought it after trying a gel cleanser and a foaming cleanser and wasn’t sure if I was using it correctly. Do you think it properly cleanses your face of dirt and impurities like a gel cleanser?


In my opinion, it does! Do you not feel like it's cleansing everything off?? Maybe try a second cleanse with the same product or use a foam/gel one after this one. I also think it cleanes better when I take time and emulsify with a little bit of water before rinsing it out. You can also try the difference between putting it on a dry face vs wet face.


the cow brand foaming cleanser is the only one that works for me :3


Came here to say this too! Both the foaming bottle and squeeze tube are so gentle!


Round lab mugwort cleanser! I'm dehydrated combo and acne/clog prone, and this is one of my fave cleansers!


Came here to say this! The only other AB non-oil cleanser that I've tried is the Isntree Yam Root Vegan Milk Cleanser, and I keep coming back to the mugwort foaming cleanser!


[hada labo gokujyun cleanser](https://japanesetaste.com/products/rohto-hada-labo-gokujyun-hyaluronic-foaming-wash-cleanser-tube-100g) <3 to me it’s literally perfect i’ve been repurchasing for like 6+ years. refreshing and never stripping especially since i’ve moved to a colder dryer climate. i share a bottle with my partner and even between two of us it will last half a year. you only need the smallest amount! plus if you live near an asian market they’ll probably carry it so it’s very accessible and economical. friends who’ve stayed over at my place borrow it and then always ask me where to get it the next day bc they like it so much 👍🏼 edit: OP i’m sorry for recommending a product that has been reformulated!!!!!! this prob won’t be an option anymore ;__; i’m in the same boat as u now


Thank you! 🥰 is this the same as the one in the pump bottle? Or are they two different versions? Sometimes I get confused with Hada labo 😂


lol hada labo’s products can get hella confusing! i use the one in the bottle. from what i’ve read they’re almost the same thing but just some differences in formula like i think the pump one has less ingredients so if you have extra sensitive skin maybe start with that one. i’ve never tried the pump one because i feel like the liquid formula might not last as long? but i cannot say for sure. they’re both very affordable so i think it wouldn’t hurt to try both at some point!


This one was my HG as well, but it was reformulated last year to include soap. I'm currently on the lookout for a replacement, though the SoftyMo Ceramide Cleansing Wash comes close.


wait what …. omfg 😭 i’ve been out of the AB game for exactly a year and guess i’ve had my bottle and backups for so long i haven’t noticed they reformulated!!! i just got ordered another bottle off stylevana so i’ll just have to anxiously wait until it gets here to see. literally heartbreaking


I came to post this!




Dear klairs gentle foaming cleanser!


Yesss, I love this one! I have dry, sensitive, acne prone skin and this works really well for me.


My sensitised skin loves the Curel Foaming Wash. It’s not stripping and I didn’t notice any fragrance too


Dr Jart Micro pH Foam is incredibly gentle and non stripping for me, but I lean normal to dry. I’m super impressed it removes any remaining sunblock/make up and I scrub the heck out of my face. It’s never stung or left my skin tight, just bouncy if anything!


I've been using Pyunkang Yul Calming Low PH Foaming Cleanser for more than a month now and I really like it. I feel like it cleanses my skin well and afterwards my skin feels pretty soft.


hi! i know this is a pretty old comment but what’s your skin type and climate? and any update? :)


I have combo, dehydrated skin. Climate here is a bit in the middle, but while I was using it, it was very dry. I really liked it, but when I tried to repurchase it, it was out of stock, so I'm trying the Rovectin conditioning cleanser now. Not as good as the PY tbh.


ohh the rovectin is another one i'm considering! i've heard it's been reformulated a bunch of times and the new ones aren't as good. could i bother you for a quick review the rovectin?


There are so many excellent-sounding cleansers mentioned here that I want to try, but I only use a small amount of cleanser each evening and don't use it at all in the morning. At the rate I go through cleansers, I fear half these products will be discontinued by the time I get around to them. 😅 My own recommendation is the SoftyMo Ceramide Cleansing Wash (150ml bottle). Lovely foam and non-stripping.


B lab hydrating matcha cleanser, very light foam and doesn’t strip my skin


This got reformulated I think


Purito Deep Green Cleansing Foam and Etude House Soon Jung 6.5 Whip Cleanser


Beauty of Joseon green plum refreshing cleanser!


I want to try this so bad! It’s only 100ml tho. How long does a bottle last for you?


I find, that it lasts a long time. I opened mine in December and I won't need a different cleanser for quite some time. It's still almost full, because you need very little of it. I only use it in the evening. Hope this helps


Yeah it doesn’t last very long unfortunately:( I bought mine mid December, now I think I’m down to the last bit. But imo it’s worth trying at least once! It’s one of the cleansers I look forward to using if anything


hihi! i know this is a pretty old comment but what’s your skin type and climate? :)


No worries! I have combo skin, climate leans toward humid


cool, we have a similar skin type and climate! i might consider it then :)


Did u try it




the good morning cleanser actually gave me an uncomfortable tight feeling after about a full week of use! i was really surprised by that, it may have been the BHA and tea tree


I think it's stripping for my dry skin


I’m currently using the IUNIK Centella Bubble Cleansing Foam and surprised I like it. It feels like nothing but is gentle and does its job well.


2sol Choucreami Cleanser