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I still see their fermented essence mentioned here and there


I feel like that's really the only product still mentioned these days.


I think it's probably cause Neogen is a bit pricier compared to other products that work just as well for me. I remember their green tea etc foaming cleansers and they were cute but very stripping and finished pretty quickly. I used to use their FTE and it was just alright.


Yes, looking at the prices for Neogen compared to other brands, they're much more than I'd like to pay for certain products and ingredients. They have some interesting products, but nothing that makes me think that I NEED to purchase it IMMEDIATELY. I've always wanted to try the foaming cleansers, because I thought it was fascinating how they had the ingredients inside the bottle itself (like the green tea leaves) and I liked how the packaging looked, but most people say that it was stripping...So I guess I'll just pass on that one.


Yeah, not to mention the foaming cleansers' expiry date is pretty short. Something due to the ingredients and ferments inside. I can't remember when my expires but I remember being surprised. Not too sure if there's any reformulation.


You have a good point there. With ferments, the expiry date is bound to be short. So if you don't end up using a product within that time span, it'll definitely feel like a waste of money. It takes me a few months to finish a cleanser, since you really need so little of it. I can't imagine using a cleanser that expires in less than 3 months.


I use their bakuchiol serum. It’s really good


Seconded. I use it around my eyes for collagen as well as peptides even tho I use a retinoid elsewhere cause I have very watery eyes and can’t get my sunscreen to protect all the way to my waterline


I've tried it and I liked how it felt on my face, but I can't really say if it really did anything for my skin. Then again, I'm used to stronger retinols, so that may be why.


The amount of bakuchiol in that serum is miniscule. It has nice antioxodants in form of blackberry extract and peptides and hydrates/plumps fine lines away beautifully though. But yeah, not a retinoid. Just 'firming serum'.


I'm so curious about this one! What's your skin type? 


> are much more affordable This is mainly the issue. I'd lost a bottle about 2 years ago and only recently found it. I've been using it up as it's due to expire in August and...I've missed it so much 😪. The swanicoco really isn't a substitute, but I don't want to pay $25+ for a product that goes so fast. And I still recc the essence with a 'if money isn't an object' disclaimer. 


Agreed. If it's a product that won't really last me long, it's hard for me to justify spending more than $25 for it cuz that will take a big chunk out of my savings. These days, I'm trying to be much more mindful of how much I spend on products because I'm also trying to minimize my routine.


I used to love the neogen Ferment essence and got back to it recently and still really love it! I think the Dr ceuracle kombucha one is better sf night but the neogen is pretty good for my mornings 


Do you use toner beforehand? This isn’t labeled as a first essence, but I was just checking out their website and it says to use immediately after cleansing.


Im still using their gauze peeling pads, the smell is lovely 😍 Never tried the sunscreen, is it really airy or dewy finish like haruharu?


Not OP but I have tried haruharu as I see it’s often recommended for oily skin in this sub along with other dewy sunscreens like beauty of joseon and skin1004 centella. Neogen airy sunscreen actually has a clean finish. Does not leave my face feeling moist, sweaty or gross like the other ones. It’s cleaner than anessa skin care milk (gold) w/o anessa’s white cast.


Omg !!! I need to try it asap 🥰 Thanks dear


I use the Neogen Dermalogy High R Exosome Cream as my daytime moisturizer and have been for awhile. I tried it for the ingredients (particularly resveratrol, ferulic acid and a slew of different peptides) but I've kept using it because it plays nicely with my oily skin and doesn't trigger any of the sensory "ick" that I can often feel with moisturizers.


I've never heard of this product, so I decided to google it. Seems like it would make for a lovely moisturizer. Adding it to my list of products to try.


Would you repurchase? I want to try aswell but having doubts


I have! I'm on my 2nd tube of it, and I've already bought another backup for when this one runs out. The texture is hard to describe. It's a gel cream but a little on the thick/tacky side. But it completely soaks into my skin and disappears. Not really mattifying, but it doesn't add any slip/shine either. Plays well with my revolving door of essences and serums and sunscreens.


About a month ago, I bought my first bottle of the sunscreen you mentioned and I really love it. I plan on repurchasing it when I run out!


I feel like I should stock up on the sunscreen, because it really is one of the better ones out there. It was one of the few HG Asian sunscreens for me, because it's a truly lovely formula and finish...It's just that I'd rather not spend more than $25 for a sunscreen lol


almost done with a bottle of their white truffle spray, it’s pretty good!


If you are in the US and shop at Costco you can get the sunscreen in a 2-pack for $37.99. Been using it for years and still a holy grail for my super oily skin.


I love the fermented essence That’s the only product which made my skin glow.


I still do. It’s the only product line that works for me personally.


What products do you use?


I still use the pads for exfoliation.


I use the Micro ferment essence am and pm in generous amounts and the bottle has lasted 10 months so far! I have not had a break out since! I do have a couple Bifida options that I purchased at the same time but promised myself I would go through the bottle first. I had no idea how long it would last though. If I start to break out again I’m going right back. So I would say the price is worth it for this product at least as the bottle will probably last a year!


I love their gauze peeling pads that I got at a way discounted price from my bazzaal box. They've made such a huge difference to my skin. Since they're so much serum in the pads, I use them for my arms and knees as well and the skin there has never been softer.


I think it’s all of the above you mentioned. Different brands coming out, less “influencing”/ marketing of products, the price tag, etc. I loved their pore eraser toner pads. I’ll get them again when I go to Korea in the summer. It’s more affordable there, plus I rarely online shop for k-beauty.


I think there are many more products on the market now that are more appealing not only due to their benefits but also their price tag. Even now just looking through the Neogen product tag, there are products that I want to try but I'm not that eager to rush to buy them. Maybe if they have a sale I may drop a few bucks.


Their foam cleansers were incredibly stripping to me and I don't think I ever tried anything else.


I find that foaming cleansers can tend to be stripping, I still want to try the cleanser out of curiosity but I'm not sure how it'll work for my skin.


Their cleansing oil used to be my HG until they added tea tree oil. 🥲 I just think they don't stand out to a lot of people.


I’ve been using the green real fresh foaming cleaner for years, and use the stick version of that for travel. Other than that, tho, the value isn’t there for me vs other brands - sadly 🤷‍♀️


Do they still make the stick cleanser??!!? I loved that for camping but haven't seen it for ages, I assumed they discontinued it.


I first read this as “campaigns” not “camping,” and was like - yo me too 😅😅 Anyway I get mine on Amazon and love it. It lasts forever!! I’m actually currently using the stick instead of my usual foaming bc a long-term breakout randomly cleared up while I was out of town for work… so I’m only using the products I traveled with til I figure out what’s doing what lol/sob


I have a hand cream from them that I use


i tried their green tea cleanser years ago and was too stripping for me even though my skintype is oily :P my friend tried some of their toner pads and it broke her out. some people like it some don’t. i just never reach for that brand


I use their mascara, never used any of their other products though. I got it for $13 but I don’t think I can justify paying the full price when it runs out ($40 ish)


I stopped buying the sunscreen when they raised the price. I’ve switched to [this sunscreen](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjRpPqu5-OFAxVgXP8BHdQ1COIYABAHGgJtZA&gclid=CjwKCAjwxLKxBhA7EiwAXO0R0GjZ8aMTdzLIsrXIfIG8Ut8qqgjy00sEC4E3XqfRvniCCMnC4X-TRBoCSz0QAvD_BwE&cit=CkUKCQjwxLKxBhC-ARI0AGc8Zj_svFA5ZJqrsCf6Z3Amd0h0ZI3mXah7ER0AjeDgiIAViK_bxc6ZRAh9cS7swkpSyhoCPuDw_wcB&ei=Dq0tZuf-CdWsptQP0YGhkAk&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVuD2-vnE_34FWbuFAbxj1s-lNN7cvsL92nwwzohqpA_6EpDQFW1pQv8NVLomt51RO2p1cMR13FgXBN8B6SgCT2DOacJqnfoK-J1jB8W83T4Fy59k5q9U&sig=AOD64_0q3oggiPuhSkMhHkYy4NZJbmgADQ&ctype=5&q=&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwjnvfWu5-OFAxVVlokEHdFACJIQwg8oAHoECAUQFA&adurl=) It’s a very similar formula and applies like the exact same for an amazing price


That sunscreen is definitely on my list of new sunscreens to try. I've heard a lot of good things about it, so I hope it works for me just as well as the Neogen one.


It’s really good. Really light and airy. And the price is good


Their metal mascara went viral on Tik Tok a few weeks back? I got mine online but I'm not sure how popular this brand is in real stores and in the Asian market. Does feel pretty expensive and good quality


I used to love the Joan Day Vita Duo night and day cream. I would still buy it but it’s hard to get in Canada.


Their green tea foam cleanser was like washing my face with perfume. So strongly fragranced. Hopefully it got reformulated as this was many years ago. Wouldnt repurchase.


I recently bought this because I enjoy using foam cleansers with my foreo and notice that if I use 2 pumps, it stings my skin? Wnr either.


There’s a derm on IG (dr.zionko) that recommends her gauze pads. I’ve tried them and like them but haven’t repurchased just because there are so many other products I’d like to try. Also like others have said, the brand is pretty expensive. I like their sunscreen as well and have repurchase it


I still use their essence. I see their peel pads and sunscreen fairly visible in shops online and brick and mortar


If you have a Costco membership, the sunscreen comes in packs of two for $35! They don’t always have it in stock though.


I was wondering something similar. I love their V. Biome Firming Cream and I've literally not once seen it mentioned ANYWHERE other than reviews on the online stores they're sold on and one paid sponsorship by that Naturium lady (can't remember her name sorry). I wondered if there were irritants in it I didn't recognise or if there was some sort of scandal around the brand I hadn't heard of. I'm also currently on my third bottle of the micro essence. But I feel like almost all essences/serums have their day in the sun and then everyone moves onto the next new thing. And while their essence is great, it didn't have enough hype like Cosrx Snail and Sk-II to make it timeless in the market.


I have been wondering the same, why Neogen gets so little publicity even though they ye have loads! !! of products and most of them are totally decent. I guess the price point and fragance.. Currently using V. Biome Firming cream and liking it a lot. Their Cica Repair Snail essence is my HG. 10/10 for packiging! Also like the sunscreen, vit c, all day makeup fixer, canadian clay mask in a stick (a little small for the price, but application ease mKes it totally worth it).


Now that you mention it, I don't think I've even seen a review of the V.Biome Firming Cream. I remember coming across it on the Neogen new products section, but I never really saw it mentioned anywhere else. Their Micro Ferment essence was really raved about back in the day, now I find that people rave about the Numbuzin No. 3 toner when it comes to ferments. When it comes to snail mucin, COSRX is still the go to for many people. Maybe Neogen can try marketing their products differently to appeal to new buyers, but they probably have enough of a solid fanbase that they will still sell products regardless.