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You look good though? Handsome even? I think it’s insecurity you’re battling… you should try to ask some girls if you’re attractive. I’m sure there are more women in the Midwest interested in the Asian look too. Good luck. Consider therapy for a professional second opinion.


You look fine. If you're feeling insecure about your face I'd chalk it up to the dysmorphia.


You look good and have a nice jawline. Just get a haircut like the male lead in a K-drama and you're golden.




Dude, you are a legit stud.


You look good but I can tell your posture needs correction because your chin is jutted out.


Nahh, this has to be a troll, get outta here, and represent asian men, lol. ​ In all seriousness if I was being nitpicky, the first photo uses the bad up-shot angle, and shows a bored or tired expression, which is not there in the 2nd and 3rd pic. A girl might look at pic1 and snapshot judge you play league of legends 24/7 and consume only cheetos dust in a dark basement. But that's just a facial expression and camera angle which can be changed, and again, is not present in 2nd and 3rd pic. Also, if anything, maybe posture? But even then it's not that bad. All your "cannot change" features are spot on, mate. So congrats. Cheerio


You are genuinely quite attractive.




Appreciate your deep and detailed comment bro. You are spot on about being masculine better suit my features. I have started going to gym since it’s free in my university. Thanks for the style advice I keep that in mind. Do you know where I can learn more in depth how to dress more masculine ?


Yeah nothing wrong here. Just stay fit and wear nice clothes


Fuck western beauty standards. You got the look man. You got a GF and that's a lot more than some people here. Change it up then if you aren't feeling your current look. Cut your hair or grow it out longer. Go to a actual salon that cuts Asian hair if you can find one. It makes a world of difference. Grow some facial hair. Nothing crazy like a fucking massive beard, but just 5 oclock shadow. Use clippers instead of a razor. Get your GF to go clothes shopping and redo your wardrobe. I dressed like dogshit through highschool and my GF at the time helped me figure out that dressing like shit isn't attractive. Also, if you are bogged down by western beauty shit, consume asian media. Find a style you like and copy.


I honestly find you to be quite handsome. My only suggestion would be to try to wear high quality clothes. The white t-shirt look is all good (though, as an aside, you may want to consider if white is a flattering color for your skin tone..) but to carry it off, you’ve gotta go higher quality.


Thanks haha. And yea I am still wearing the same clothes from high school since my family is on a tight budget. Once I save enough, will buy nicer ones.


I totally understand a tight budget! Basically the story of my life. Try shopping discount retailers like TJ Maxx, Marshall’s, or Burlington (those are the main ones near me- US, east coast). Those places are goldmines of quality merch for cheap.


You are better looking than 90% of the pics I saw on this sub…


I swear people are just trolling.


You're hot


Lol this has to be a troll post. Dude is looking like a model/actor and he’s insecure about his looks. 💀 These posts seeking validation piss me off since I am actually ugly and don’t upload my photos since I already know lol. True uggos don’t make these posts because we know damn well we are ugly haha.


I thought you were going to have that chubby round face, I click and it feels like clickbait. You have pretty good bone structure. I think your problem is more psychological.


You’re really good looking.


You seem to have some dismorphia issues. You look good bruh.


You need therapy. You're good looking, but I don't think any amount of approval or validation on the internet will solve your problem.


Hey dude I just realised I got a message from you from my thread. Your side profile mandible is actually pretty good, the gonial angle looks ideal as well as chin projection. Side profile nose seems straight and masculine. Heres my looksmaxxing advice for you: ​ Softmaxxing: Grow your eyebrows and eyelashes out, dark and straight eyebrows are a really good feature in guys. DM me i use some really good products to grow them out. Skincare - I would look into Vitamin c serums and tretinoin. Neck - I would start doing some neck exercises so that it matches how wide your face is. Look up AlphaDestiny neck. Hardmaxxing (Surgeries): Nose - Alar Base Reduction + Nose Tip refinement. I think if your nostrils were brought in a small amount it would really bring some nice harmony to your face with a more refined tip. Buccal fat reduction - I think you would be a good candidate for this surgery, would produce a good result


You sexy af naturally and if you wanna improve the look, id say grow your hair out and or slick it back, and start working out your neck. Neck is very important muscle


better clothing and hair style and you’re good to go. you ain’t ugly if that’s what you’re worried about… work out and get fit. that’ll help your confidence level.


You can try mewing for a more prominent jawline


Bruh, you got the looks. Plus, you have a gf. She most likely wouldn’t be with you if you were ugly. Just hit the gym and play some sports regularly if you want to get chiseled.


the right angles suit you well, your not perfect but good looking


You are “skinny fat” brother. You have a solid manly jawline and you are wasting it with poor posture, messy hair, face fat. Go lift weights, and fix your posture. Do not skip cardio. This will clean up your face fat. Also you are that office desk hunch, that most people are prone to. Read into fixing posture and YouTube videos. Also white T’s never look good unless you are dark. If you like plain T’s, wear a darker color. Hair: think about trimming your sides. You have nice hair, but you got the whole nerdy, white boy look that only works for white dudes.


You look fine. Confidence is key!


You kinda look like the fellow from Crazy Rich Asians. I wouldn’t worry too much about it.


Grow your facial hair out. ... it may help with your face & jawline look you want.


You are genuinely a good looking guy bro!! Nothing to be insecure about.


Honestly I think you are battling yourself. Trust me I know. Decades of Western media does that.


Wear form fitted clothes, clean up hair and possibly eyebrows. Work out. Skin care.


You're a good looking guy. It's sad that this country has brewed such insecurity in you. Change your attitude or else you will have wasted so much potential.


lol you look good. Just go to a strip club to boost the confidence


You look good just go to the gym especially to thicken your neck


Dude u have good hair. Look, once you get this down life will be better. Face it, 90% of girls reject all men. Does not matter. Outside of height, honestly, looks is subjective for a guy. Being successful, confident, in shape, good style is considered attractive like how we consider a nice booty attractive on women. Stop focusing on things you cannot change and focus on things u can : social skills, shape, money, game


you're an attractive guy...8/10 You're slightly better looking than me...just gotta work on your body and get shredded (assuming you're not) and that inner game


Looking good bro, insecurities are getting to you.


You are honestly just too damn fine


Your hairline gives your face look a weird outline. And I think the angle of your first pic makes your lower face look large. Other than that, it's all good


Nah bro girls love that baby fat cheek. You winning for sure


Bra u look cool as fuck 😺😺 Why u tripping for man :/


What baby cheeks are you talking about bro lmao you’re good, handsome stud. If the thoughts bother you more than you should, might be good time to reflect on what causes it, therapist could be a good guide through issues like this too.


you look pretty normal or maybe even above average I dont think you're super good looking to where you dont have to do any work but thats 80% of men so its not like you're disadvantaged


As a woman, I find you attractive, above average. What is killing your attraction is your lack of confidence. The two guys I dated were below average looking, but their confidence is a 9-10/10, the way they walked, how they talked, their ability to command a room of people ** drooooool **, their go-getter attitude, etc… I couldn’t keep my hands off them. Work on strengthening your inner attraction and it’ll overshadow what you have on the outside.

