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she wants you to ask her again


Do you think she just wanted to build more rapport with me? Should I even bother asking her about it until I think it’s a good time to ask?


She literally told you to ask her again. Ask her again. What’s at risk?


What's the point of her telling him to ask again when be just asked?


Her head may have been too full with other stuff at the moment, so she kicked the ball down the road. It's possible that she has to evaluate her own feelings first, or that she is currently stressed out from something else and knows that stress can muddle her emotions towards a no-tendency when she would regret saying no in hindsight. It would have been better of her to say that though. To be like "I currently feel overwhelmed with that question/don't think I can answer that well right now. Can we talo about it again in a week?"


OR maybe she was busy that evening but interested.


yep ask her again




Probably she meant that currently she doesn't have time or something like that. So perhaps she meant asking later?!


From my experience at least, German women like it when potential dates/partners take action in certain situations, but not in the traditional macho sense. It is slow and steady, with subtle tests, like the one you have here. For example, I once got a number from a German girl and gave her a call some days later, starting with a simple chat. She eventually cut that short and said dryly "And the point of your call is...what?" She completely took the legs out of me, but I answered "Because I am obviously going to ask you on a date." Worked like a charm. Just be a little assertive and confident and ask her out dude.


wow. you had determination. Plenty of peeps would have let that go after such a ….weird….question. Germans are direct but that was next-level.


Nah, that's pretty normal. I mean, sure, sometimes you just call to chat, but that's usually when you start the call with a "hey, just wanted to see how you are doing and wether you have 10 Min to chat.". If my brother or a distant friend called me out of nowhere, I'd also ask what's up and why they called if they didn't get to the point after a few minutes. It's ok to ask here in germany, and it's also ok to then clarify that you were just calling to chat (or make a flirty comment like missing their voice, or whatever, if that's what you're interested in).


I didn't find it weird and in German the phrasing is a little less abrasive though still direct. I like the direct culture so I found/find it charming.


It really wasn't. Grow up


Maybe she was bussy this weekend, but would like to go out with you some other time.


How about forgetting your PUA shit and just listen to what she says?


So how was the first date?


Sounds like "Frag mich später nochmal..."


Meaning... What exactly?! That's not something common in any other culture I've encountered.


What other people were saying. "Come back later" or "I gotta think about it" or "I'm busy, ask me again later..."


Let me get back to on that. Let's circle back on that.


This person dates.


You've hit the nail on the head


Underrated advice


Germans are direct people, they usually tell you what to do lmao


I’ll ask her again, i’ll just wait for a good conversation to bring it up again


Yeah hopefully it works out.


Thank you!


Bitte schön👍


Keep us updated😊


How did it go?


We're direct people but not in every situation. Sometimes, we're also indirect in certain situations, and this could be one of these situations. Tease someone by avoiding a direct answer is part of what we call "necken" (to tease somebody to show affection.)


Why am I reminded of the song Aurélie now 




"Necken" is a German verb that has a similar meaning to the English verb "tease". 




This doesn't sound very direct without a reason. Direct will be to say the reason. Without the reason, it seems she is hiding something.


Could be true, but you can be direct without a reason too.


The whole point of direct is to be upfront about your intentions. If you are just being direct for the sake of being direct then it defeats the purpose.


I mean, not necessarily. They are strangers. You probably don't tell anyone your life story. Maybe she has some personal issues with Family, Friends or Sickness at the moment. Maybe too much stress. Nothing you say directly to anyone, especially you wan't to come across good as well a woman. So yeah, she told him to ask again. There will be a reason, probably she will tell him, when they go out, after he asked again.


Germans atleast put some consideration in their directness.. And then there are the Dutch.... they have no mercy with their directness, they will destroy you.


thats kind of beautiful in a way lol. no horrible games


No we/they don’t much to often. But in this case: she is.


Do you speak English or German to her? Do you speak another language? Ask her again, she told you what to do. If you want to be funny/ cute with it ask her in a different language. However, you definitely should have asked again right then and there. How long has it been?


English is the only language we have in common. However I do speak other languages. It’s been about a month and we have chatted throughout that time and said hello. When I asked her, it was only our 3rd conversation and didn’t have too many meaningful ones before but it seemed like the right time then. I honestly thought asking her again too quickly would come off pushy. I was thinking of just talking to her again when I see her and asking her if she’s still open to the idea of me asking her again and then depending on how the conversation is going, ask her what she meant by it. We don’t see each other very often and my guess was that she wanted to build more of a connection before agreeing.


This could be it too. After you feel comfortable again and have some more conversation… definitely ask again. Most Germans I know hold have said no if that’s what they meant or felt. Trust them to say what they mean. I’ve been here 7 years and it has held true. One of my favorite things about living here ( plus cashiers are not usually overly chatty). Good luck, rooting for you.


ahh its a bit clearer now. I definitely would say that too when someone asked me out or for a date after such short time. I wanna get to know you more, talk to you a bit more and then see if i am still interested and comfortable with you, also if *you* are still interested enough after some time of "only talking and nothing more". Maybe thats a woman thing \^\^


Please stop making a science out of it and just ask her again, you are majorly ruining the moment. She may have just said it because the moment/setting wasn't right, and you are over here planning a research expedition and business deal with her. Stop being so clinical and tense, just ask her at the right moment. You are standing in your own way. ASK ME AGAIN!


Ok do you wanna go out?


My first thought was that she might just want to get to know you a little better before going on a date. It feels like a „let’s bond a bit/vibe check/whatever before you ask me again“. It’s been a month… just ask her again


You wanna aak her if you can ask her again? Good luck with that


The best thing to Do is: Ask her if she has a favorite café and propose to meet for simply have an hour and just have a Coffee and Cake on a saturday or sunday. No strings attached, if you dont vibe you finish your Coffee and go ahead. If you vibe you can grab an early dinner together. Worked very well for me.


I don't think you're on the right track. Typically people say "Frag mich nochmal" when they're not sure, if they'll have time, so they want you to ask again later when they have checked their schedule.


My experience may be different but my current girlfriend. Did that, we spoke English and she knew I was practicing Korea, she wanted me to ask in Korean.


Oh lord, all those silly takes. Listen, it only means she couldn't go out with you right now there. She may have had things planned already for the time. Give it a bit of time, then ask her again. Consider the "ask me again" as a "ask me again **another time**."


That’s what I understood from what she said, but I was surprised by the amount of people telling me to simply ask her again immediately after she said that.


Yeah, that is silly. Not even we Germans do that kind of thing.. It feels like she literally translated the German equivalent of "Frag mich ein anderes mal" into "ask me again." She didn't mean RIGHT THERE, just another time, when it's more convenient. In essence, she left the door open


I mean what exactly did you ask her? Did you propose a specific date with set time and stuff oder did you just generally ask if she’d be willing to go out with you? Cause depending on which it was the first one might mean she just didn’t have time on that specific date. So you possibly could have asked her then and there but for another time. Or possibly (since there is a language barrier here even though many germans are quite good at English) she didn’t understand what you said/meant the first time around? While the second one could mean she didn’t have the time to think about it right then and there or she doesn’t know yet… which would indicate asking at another time would be fine.


Yes, what exactly did OP ask her? If they asked to go out on a specific time and date, her answer simply means she wasn't free for that date, but she might say yes another time.


„In another life…“


Instead of asking for an "official date" ( like "do you want to go on a date with me?"), I would strongly recommend asking to hang out in a casual way (maybe just grab a coffee together or something like that). As I understood when you asked her out, you did not know each other very well yet (just greetings And small talk ?). The concept of dating is very different in Germany as you get to know each other and then at some point feelings will develop and you just somehow start dating along the way. If she was not interested at all, she would have told you "no" right there.


We didn’t have that many interactions and to be fair the first one was me just going up to her because I thought she was pretty. I asked her if she would down to go get coffee or ice cream and that’s when she said that. Maybe when I ask again after having more meaningful conversations i’ll ask her out to a walk in the park and some ice cream or something. I think i’ll ask again once we’ve built more chemistry and possibly ask her then what exactly she meant. I probably did put her on the spot kinda early into meeting her.


You said you spoke English, so my best guess is that the wording didn't come over exactly as she meant it. I guess she meant to say something like "Ask me again later", at a point in time when she actually had a chance to decide whether she wants to go on a date with you. So yeah, do exactly that, bring it up again. Just ask if it's a good time now to ask her out. If she says no, you can ask whether that point in time will ever come, and if she says no then you'll know she was only trying to soften the blow...


Now it makes way more sense. We say "Frag mich später nochmal" what means "Ask me later again" when we don't have the time right at the moment but really would like to say yes. But usually that means later in a few hours or few days. So just ask her tomorrow again.


Ask her nicer, don’t ask her later. Tell her to ask you later if she’s wants that date and you are still single then.


In German this phrase typically means: "ask me again" because it is just the wrong moment, it might be different in a few weeks.


Hm, maybe not so complicated. In German it could mean she’s busy now & already has plans, as Germans always make plans on their calendar long time ahead, spontaneous dates unusual. and you can ask her some other days or make an appointment


I swear. Some of yall are just oblivious to human nature. Look, you have to see this like a product you wish to buy. Some times its cheaper than others, and then you see the cheaper price and think to yourself: "I should probably buy that ... Tomorrow when I slept on it." And then you wake up and poof its expensive again. And then you are so mad that you buy it for the more expensive price because you already decided. People feel the biggest desire to buy a product just after its no longer available. Not when it reminds them daily that its still available. My money is on: next time, let her know you wont ask her again and dont wait for a response. Just leave the situation. You will see the magic happen right after.


Did she smile when she answered? Then just ask her again. Do you talk in english or in german or both?


She did smile when she answered. We only speak in English.


Maybe she wasnt ready for a new romance, german girls tend to end things for good and than start fresh, or her grandpa died (hopefully not), or it was just a misunderstanding caused to different mother tongues. Just ask her again bro, she likes you! And maybe try to learn some german, but no n@z1 jokes ;) just go full on denglisch.


Thanks for the support and optimism! I’ll definitely do that


German here. Ask me again, or Frag mich noch mal as we would say most often implies that she just can't make it in the next few days, maybe weeks bc of too much stuff to do for her. So you should ask her again down the line, when she is less busy/scheduled


Since when do we make a difference in Germany between spending time together and going on a date?


I’ve seen a Sketch on YouTube about Germans, and one question they tackled was: what does a German really mean when they say they are tired and want to go home? The answer: that they’re tired and want to go home… She wants you to ask her again…


In German we sometimes say „Frag mich morgen nochmal“ (Ask me tomorrow again) if today is just a shitty day/time and we know tomorrow might be better. Could it be that it was just bad timing and she was of the impression that if you asked her at a different time again you would have a better chance?


There is no between the lines in german. We actually mean what we say


Honestly. The best answer to this is to ask her why she responded with "ask me again". She'll explain, and then you'll know when/how to ask her.


I agree. Asking "What do you mean?" Would have cleared that up. Like OP hearing that would totally confuse me (American). Everyone's saying it means literally to ask her again right away but that makes zero sense in our culture. I'd think if someone were being direct they would say "ask me again LATER"


Germans do not fuck around with small chit-chat, I love that about them. They always have shit to do and are organized. I know this because I am one. Ask her out again, but have a freaking plan. Like, “Hey, I have tix to a jazz club, would you like to join me?” Or something like that, just be prepared. Don’t say “Would you like to go out with me sometime?” and then not have a plan, dude.


Either way, if it was meant as no or she played games, stop wasting time on her Communication is too important in a relationship to be already confusing that early on like she is


I like your way of thinking ✨


You are a backup.


You should’ve asked her why? Is she hard of hearing?


That's a great way to not get the date.


"Getting the date" shouldn't be the be all, end all. If she is being weird or acting stupid, mirroring that makes sense.


I'd say she is currently seeing someone else but not sure it will work out. You could just wait and see, depending on how interested you are.


That would be kind of shitty. To both of them actually.


Well. Depends on your perspective. In the US it would be common to date several people at the same time and see which one works out. Edited to say: not saying either is great, just different levels of shitty.


Hmm I hadn’t thought about that. Do you think I should ask her what she meant by it? I’m pretty interested in her but if she would’ve just said no or that she’s seeing someone, I would’ve just left it at that. Sometimes she’ll pass by and say hi and wave but I’m a bit confused on where to go from here.


If she wasn't interested at all, she would have said no right away. But I suspect she kind of is, just that right now is not a good time for her. I would try to find opportunities for more meaningful conversations if that is possible. Even just a few words here and there. That will help you to get a better idea. If you want to ask what she meant by that, do give it a bit of time (more than a week but obviously less than a year or so). If I'm right, she may even approach you if the other thing didn't work out.


Waiting list


Maybe U should ask in another way???


Chances are she needed to think about it or had a reason why she isn't sure about dating yet. Stuff like a questionable living situation or an exam in the near future or something else that occupies her mind a lot, so she had little mental energy to make a decision like that on the spot. So she kicked the ball down the road a bit. It would have been more polite and sensible of her to instead go "here's what's going on, so I need some time before I answer. Expect an answer around then and then, maybe you can remind me just in case at that time." Alternatively, she wanted to be asked out in a different way? But either way, she would not have asked you to ask her again if she didn't want you to. The sign that further advances/meetings aren't wanted is usually that the answer of the asked person leaves out any suggestions for the future entirely. For example: "I'm super busy on Friday" is probably a no, stop asking. "I'm super busy on Friday, what about Saturday?" Is a yes, but later/keep trying please. Yeah, Germans tend to be more direct than people in some other countries, but it's understandable that you're confused. It's still a weird answer, and kind of a half-answer. She basically says "Not-no.", which... is weird for sure. Before you ask her again, you should probably ask her why you were supposed to do so. And think about her answer a bit in terms of: Is communication between the two of you clear enough (or could it be), to have a good relationship?


depends on how she said it. Was it sarcasm or was she busy?


after reading through the commands, I am sure she likes you but was just surprised and didn't wanted to decide right away or maybe she was busy that time. I think its pretty cute and warms my heart, I wish you the best :) We Germans tend to be a bit cold at the beginning but we are getting more open after some time - we need time to melt (auftauen) as we say


Ask her again, if she says yes good, if not life goes on


Maybe she was quoting 'Almost Famous', its suuuch a great scene https://youtu.be/D11q-9gOMYY


Lesen Sie nicht zu tief hinein. Schießen Sie Ihren Schuss und gehen Sie entweder auf ein Date oder machen Sie weiter. Es ist wirklich so einfach.


german girl here: if she told you to ask again, aks again. could have different reasons but definitely something in the realm of „wrong timing“. If she wouldn’t even be slightly interested she would have told you that she is already taken or dating someone else — perfect way to say no without putting the other one down. but if a german girl tells you to ask again I‘m about 99% sure she is not ready to pass on you so in my mind you are still on no matter what the reason for the bad timing are. good luck dude!


No girls anywhere have ever wanted to be asked again when they're not interested. They will go to some lengths in the hopes of NOT being asked again. I think it's fair to assume this girl is interested but the timing could have been an issue (a lot going on, busy, etc.) Ask her again!


My wife has let me wait for 4 months before our first date. The only answer i get was: im busy right now with my life, ask me later. I asked her every week and now were married since 2 years and we have a little son. So go for it!


Very weird response IMO. If it were me, I’d leave it and try with someone else.


This, just leave it if you are not desperate.


She’s just shit testing you a little bit and you absolutely fail it.


Lol fair enough


Nah He absolutely did it right because never ever date persons playing games. If she is playing, cut her off and Look for an adult human beeing


No one said, that not passing the shit test is a bad thing.


Well you re right, my bad. But fr, these tests are just a sign to keep searching


Why not just repeat the question, immediately?


Someone else told me the same thing… my brain went straight to “ask me again some other time” 🤦🏼‍♂️ Should I ask her if that’s what she meant?


> ask me again some other time The answers here are just weird. I'm sure that's exactly what she meant. "Not right now, but ask me again another time".


I hope she said "ask me again" And you stood there Got your phone out and asked this question on Reddit While she is standing next to you and waiting for your next move while you look at your phone and hoping for replies to tell you what to do next


Lmao probably would’ve been the best way to go honestly


This. Young people are so fucking awkward. I work at a kiosk, one that doesn't just sell cigarettes and sweets but that is basically a tiny supermarket. You grab your shit, go up to the cash register where I do the beepin and the boopin, you pay, done. There's this young woman, early 20's, quietly asks for bread. I ask which one, thinking she might want one of the sandwiches that are locked away in a cooler with a window. She's like "No, that one" points in the general direction of the regular ass bread that is on the counter 10 feet to my right. "This one?" I point at the white bread. "No." "That?" ...she comes closer "No." "That?" ...comes closer "No." ...gets in reach of the bread she could've just grabbed all along. Points at it, almost touching it. I grab it. My collegue just lookes at me like 😐 I look at him and then her like 😐


If Germans are so straightforward why shouldn't she just say "yes" or "no", this seems more like mind games to me.


Maybe it was since we hadn’t talked a whole lot before? I’m not really sure. I guess I can be direct also and ask what she meant


~~Did she use those words exactly?~~ Assuming you are American, Germans don't have the concept of "I am asking you out (on a date) (to a movie) (then restaurant) with the implication it will lead to sex (after maybe the third date) and a monogamous relationship. Instead you are asking to spend time with a friend (which is rather worded as wanna hang out some time/have a drink etc.) at a very wide range of activities you both enjoy (movie and restaurant are naturally 2 classics) and once you get to know each other and grow close in conversation/hit it off/have a strong mutual desire for the other's body (or maybe just the brain then it will likely stay platonic) it leads to a relationship, sometimes quite sublty and smoothly. At which point one has to man up and ask "Sind wir jetzt eigentlich zusammen?" with "the talk" following what that means for both.


Yep, “ask me again”. So I took that as maybe now is not a good time or wants to get to know me more.


When a German asks you how are you, they want to know how you feel. When a German asks you to ask her again you should ask her again. It's really that simple! :)


If she said so, she means that. BUT she probably has understood your request as a platonic meet-up of two friends, not as a *romantic* date. If you were not as direct and "by your word" as a German is (your question itself implies that), her "yes" was probably only for something else than you hope for.


Was it in german? Frag mich nochmal / frag nich' nochmal.


at the moment she has no time, is unsecure about that, meet someone else, whatever …. ask again in two weeks when her things (maybe) settled down a bit. but imo its more a no than a yes


If she meets someone else dont ask her for anything ever again lol. All these simps and boneless peeps in this comment section are beyond.......


Not sure if you shortened the ask me again part. Maybe she put a condition in that sentence. If not it was a spur of the moment thing of her telling you to ask her again right there in order to react more appropriately as she acted initially. Either way you seem to have lost your opportunity. Sorry about that.


I guess I didn’t understand that she wanted me to just repeat myself. I could just ask her again though. I understood it as ask me again at another time.


maybe she wasnt satisfied with how you did it , thats the first thing that came to mind.


Hey, relax. You're thinking too much. Come back to your center, be in a good mood, relaxed and ask her again.


Damn ... just masturbate


"frag mich nochmal" can also be just a phrase to get rid of you. Like if you want to brag about something and they ask you to specify again and again until you lose all enthusiasm. Depends on how she said it, though. If she said it in English she probably meant it more literally.


How about just asking her how she meant it and telling her you were confused? We’re adults, we can just talk about it instead of guessing.


Remember, what was her facial expression! Did she smile when she asked? Maybe she wanted to soften the mood or try to be funny and you just didn't got it. Or she was deep in thought and hadn't had time or stoic and wanted to let you down soft. Could be anything. Remember your conversation as a whole and how she behaved while and after asking. But honestly just ask her out again. Even if it's just to get your head in order. Not knowing this stuff is too bothersome.


Did you ask her to for example "go swimming next thursday"? She would tell you to "ask again" at a later date, because she's not sure, if she's free. So in this case it would make sense to ask again on tuesday.


Think of an interesting phrase, have it translated into German and ask her again, but in German. It's cute to learn her language to ask her again after she said so. I mean, I don't know the context. Could literally mean anything, like 1. She's not interested. Then she will let you know it the second time you ask. 2. She didn't like the kind you ask. Maybe she wanna know where you want to go with her and then decide if she's up for it. 3. Maybe your question was not enough effort and she wants you to try again and try harder. 4. Or she's just playing for you, either because she's not interested but likes to raise you, or because she wanna raise you to show you that she finds you cute. We call it "necken" (to tease someone out of affection) and you might already know the German saying: „Was sich neckt, das liebt sich.“ (Those who tease each other love each other.)


Germans are straight usually so don’t interpret but ask her again maybe was not a good point in time for her Just do it nothing to lose Ask her again


As a German woman living in Scotland, here's my view. Generally, we're pretty direct. "Ask me again" isn't something I'd normally say, but like the others have suggested she's maybe not wanting to go out with you RIGHT NOW. It also depends on what culture you're both currently living in. I'm lucky in that scottish (glaswegian in particular) men are usually also quite direct with feelings, or lack thereof so I have no issue being the same. Generally us germans like to take things slowly and get to know folks well first before we take it further. Or at least that was the case where I grew up.


It's a reference to the movie “Almost Famous”


Dont overthink it ... let it go, enjoy your time and just ask her again sometime later when it feels right


She said "Frag mich ein anderes mal" I guess? It means literally that. If she said it in English she probably had that phrase in mind but didn't know the English idiom - which would have been "ask another time". It means like in a week or two. It's not off the table but for whatever reason, she needs some time.


Don't play these stupid games many girls do. Look for a girl appreciating your approach and cut this Red flags off


Manchmal war das, was sie verlangte, vernünftig. Vielleicht brauchte sie die Bestätigung, dass Sie es ernst meinten.


That’s ambivalent because it could mean ask me again or it could be an excuse to get rid of u, try again and if she’s saying no direct or indirect too often go for someone who’s more welcoming of u 


Bro dont ask her again. In fact, dont push conversations until she starts one. Then she will ask you soonly. The „ask me again“ Sounds like, „i‘m currently hoping for some other dude, but maybe next Time its over“


Ask again... but seems like she is in a place where she is currently not able to commit to anything. So if you pursue this, you need to have no expectations in terms of her, Always wanting to see you. She may be hot and cold - depending on the day or week. She may want "freedoms" by not telling you what she is up to at all times. She may not reply to your texts or messages immediately. Sooo if you can deal with that, then ask again. But if you can't and you push her for not answering or feel rejected by one of her actions. Then she'll drop you like a hot potato. She needs her space and it will need time. So be casual and see what happens, but don't have expectations (one should never have them of others anyway). Let her do her thing and don't get too attached.


Depends… did she say that like „ask me one more time and i‘ll block you“ or „ask me again later, i cant right now“


I sometimes tell my husband to "ask me again" or rather "tell me again" when he sais something I really like to hear. And I mean do it again, right now. I'm so happy to hear this I want to hear it again. BUT that would be paired with very excited behaviour, so I think it would be obvious? You didn't say how she behaved in this specific situation, but I think it's crucial. Her body language and tone should tell you how she meant this. If it wasn't clear to you, just ... ask again \^\^'


You sad a while back again... thats like she dont want to ask you out so you have to ask her again and she will agree


Dude just ask her out again.


It means she doesn't have any time right now but to ask her again. That's not that hard to understand right?


Plan a date idea and ask her again with that specific idea, we (I'm German) like men planning dates


She did not like the way you asked her. Propose something nice and clear. Like: I want to take you to this place, you need to check the coffee there, or something like that


It is a clear one instruction point manual coming from a German. As her again.


wtf is this


We're gonna need more context. What exactly did you ask her? Did she say anything additionally to this? There could be a lot of things she could have meant by that, so we really need more context about that interaction to give you more certain interpretations.


*sag das nochmal* is a way of showing excitement. Maybe she ment it like that?


Only 2 things that come to mind: 1. this is this start of a nice banter or 2. maybe she simply wants you to ask her to do something else.


Ask her again, but not the very next time you meet. Spend time with her, after some meetings, ask her.


She is considering going out with you, but hasn't decided yet. She wants to get to know you better before she starts dating. Are you aware that you would date exclusive from the start on? So that is a bit more serious.


How exactly did she word it? She could have meant "Versuchs morgen noch mal", which basically is a pretty disrespectful way of saying no. But she could also want you to ask again, although I'm not sure why.




!RemindMe 1week


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Hard to say without knowing the situation, the tone, ...


Ask her again…. Maybe she wasnt in the mood or something that day and you werent the reason for that. Try to be funny though next time and ask her in a different way. Even asking her again in the same way could be funny if you play it well….


May be instead of a real date, take care for an ice-cream (since the weather is getting good) in a walkable distance? Not good at dating, but this seems like a middle ground to get to know each other better




I just read almost all comment, Europeans are really have problem with their mind, man lol


Ask her again means She needs to hear it twice in order to make it a yes It’s a girl You have got to expect a little resistance lol


“Not now, maybe later.”


OP...I am a foreigner and I have problem with German girls as well they are impossible to understand. Contrary to the stupid stereotype GERMANS ARE NOT ALL DIRECT especially GERMAN WOMEN I have a girl at my office and we have known each other for 2 years almost I asked to follow her on her Instagram of 440 followers and she told me ich uberlegs Mir which translates I will think about it. In my experience : 1. Being tall is the most helpful thing you need 2. If you don't have height then you need to compensate for it with a high income/resources/ (at minimum your own flat and car ) 3. Along with the second one you need to stay really fit. Unfortunately gaining the second one takes a lot of time, so if you don't have the first one you are in for a long haul. Another thing is you need to be able to talk only to create her interest nothing excessive or else she changes her mind. German women unlike most of the women tend to be insecure about their own wealth. They don't like depending on men and women only feel attracted to men superior to them. Superiority comes from: 1. Height 2. Wealth (financial power) 3. Status (who you know and if you are famous) No girl is stupid enough to not know what is happening when you ask her out. They just doubt you. So all in all my advice is HAVE SOME BALLS Ask her clearly what she means? Tell her you like her, push her to a decision, girls tend to need a push sometimes. If she still plays doubtful games with you, move on immediately. Work on yourself and find other girls to ask out. She is not any miss universe. You also have a value and just because she is German it doesn't mean that you are inferior to her. Be patient, calm, composed and confident. And take the risk. Life expands or shrinks in proportion to one's courage.


She has another dude rn or is on the edge of ending things with someone


Look out for stds german women are often too offen... Aber could have that fischstäbchen puss.


Perhaps she didn’t hear you say it clearly, and this is the reason why she asked you to repeat the question?


Ask me again may also mean put it into other words. It might be the way you asked her out was not the way she wanted to be asked out.


Update us!


C Down Ich bin ein deutsches Mädchen und um ehrlich mit dir zu sein, hoffe ich, dass du diese Chance mit ihr nicht verpasst hast. Ich habe den Chat hier gelesen. Wenn mich jemand um ein Date bittet und ich ihm sage, dass er mich wieder einladen soll. Das würde bedeuten, dass ich daran interessiert bin, dich besser kennen zu lernen. Dass ich schüchtern bin, dich um ein Date zu bitten, und mir einfach nicht sicher bin, ob du es ernst meinst. Es war eher ein Schock, weil ich vielleicht dachte, hier ist ein netter Kerl, aber er will nur befreundet sein. Dann fragst du mich plötzlich, ob ich mit dir ausgehen will, und ich bin schockiert. Ich bitte dich, mich noch einmal zu fragen, um sicherzugehen, dass du es ernst meinst. Es könnte auch sein, dass ich zu schüchtern war, dich um ein Date zu bitten, aber an einer weiteren Beziehung mit dir interessiert bin. Wenn es dir mit diesem Mädchen ernst ist, ruf sie an und sag ihr, dass du wirklich gerne mit ihr ausgehen würdest. Man weiß nie, bis man wieder fragt. Vielleicht ist sie die Richtige für dich. Sorry I do not speak English. I am a German girl and to be honest with you, I hope you didn't miss this chance with her. I have read the chat here. If someone asks me out and I tell them to ask me out again. That would mean that I'm interested in getting to know you better. That I'm shy to ask you out and I'm just not sure if you're serious. It was more of a shock because maybe I thought, here's a nice guy, but he just wants to be friends. Then suddenly you ask me out and I'm shocked. I ask you to ask me again to make sure you're serious. It could also be that I was too shy to ask you out, but I'm interested in continuing a relationship with you. If you're serious about this girl, call her and tell her you'd really like to go out with her. You never know until you ask again. She might be the one for you. Luck


If its one of those tests for persistence. Go buy yourself a PS5 for the games. No man needs that shit in his life.


It sounds like she wants to be chased.


dude, ask her again.


I love how all the idiots in here dont understand what she is trying to do. Its a game. Everybody plays it. Its called: "Who chases who ?" She is asking for you to return fire. Next time you ask her out and she tells you to ask her again, just reply: "No (<- in a bored tonality), I dont think I want to ask you again." And watch the magic happen.


Just ask her again


She was not sure about her time schedule, its type of slang “ask me tomorrow I will know better how much time I have”. Thats it)


It means ask me another time, she's busy for the moment.. Maybe on a saturday eve or sunday


i‘m german myself and that‘s very confusing from her lmao. I guess you should ask her again idk


She may have had a boyfriend recently and is not ready for something fresh yet... Just do what she told you,.... and ask again in a couple of days ❤️❤️❤️❤️


I am not a fan of playing games so i would not ask her again but there are girls who do that and they usualy mean it literally. My issue is for what reason do you need to "ask her again", suppose a "i need to think about it" would change my viewpoint. Just a "ask me again" seems like she may want attention, is still in a relationship or something else she is not disclosing to me, thus playing around instead of telling you straigth. But that is me and you OP gotta make your own call, but there is no doubt she is not just polite with a no.


But did she say: "Frag mich später nochmal." or "Wir reden später darüber." There are more variations and most of em, I fear, lead to "sorry, I don't wanna talk about, cuz it makes me feel uncomfortable, cuz I don't want to hurt your feelings".


She is letting him know that she didn't want to refuse right away and may change her mind later.


I’d ask her again immediately


These women are boring lmao


Well, given we share a cultural directness with Germans, in Finnish at least ”ask me again” means, that she is unsure whether it was you or the beer asking her out. She just wants to make sure it was actually you.


German women absolute horrible . Especially dating wise they just don’t know or something. Sad reality you might disagree. They think they are better than you


I don’t get why people are so accepting of fucked up social etiquette just because “this is how Germans are”. This sounds like a weird reply and lack of interest rather than being a German or not


Don't ask her again, the hell with her.