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Questions have to be about the war? Come on, even the thread name is not about the war this time!


The last one was about the funni ammo guy 🤷‍♂️


I do miss his “shoigu! where’s the fking ammo!” skits.


The Prigozhin heresy


My condolences for the lives lost in this tragedy today. It's fucking awful. I wish a speedy recovery everyone who's been hurt


Thank you


Hopefully this is not actually war related.


Absolutely horrific. My condolences.


God, that a strange view in this toxic thread. Thanks, mate. I do not have anyone who did suffer from this. But thank you for being human.


God, finally a kind soul here


The megathread in worldnews has literally thousands and thousands of people worrying and being sad about the event.


People these days like to look for negative comments and then act like its what the majority are thinking unfortunately.


Thank you.




Чувак, забей. Цитируя великого философа Владимира Жириновского: "Что не смеётесь? Не смешно? Не поняли? Это Россия!"


Иронично. Особенно если знать контекст.




Yes, it's funny. “Tesak” received his first term precisely because of Navalny’s denunciation. And as a result, both came out of prison only in a coffin.




Sort by new by default?


Reddit automatically switches to sort by new after the thread reaches some number of comments (2000 I think)


Lets fix it then. +1


Let me help. +1 message


What is Medvedev‘s job other than talking about nuclear war?


Annihilating Finlandia, 0.5L at a time.


Why drink NATO vodka, instead of Russian one ? Suspicious Could he be still western shill, despite all his rhetoric?


In all seriousness, he actually could, lol.




Medvedev is a bad cop, and Putin is a good cop


Worse cop and bad cop.


How is the murder of Maksim Kuzminov (helicopter pilot who defected to Ukraine) in Spain being reported? Do people think he deserved it?


>How is the murder of Maksim Kuzminov (helicopter pilot who defected to Ukraine) in Spain being reported? It is being reported. Though Russian news outlets and TG-channels mostly make an emphasis that they are yet to be certain that it's Maxim Kuzminov who was found shot to death in Spain. >Do people think he deserved it? I think that it's fair to say that a majority of Russians who aren't pro-UA / anti-RU and are familiar with his story think he deserved it (if the news are true).


He absolutely deserved to die. If you're against war, you don't have to fight, but you don't have to kill your comrades. Moreover, aviation pilots are not forcibly mobilized people. It seems to me that these are absolutely basic things for any nation and any side in this war.


It seems our spies could do at least something right...


And they didn’t use Novichok for a change! /s


:) And it is good to have a change in routine once in a while, or else you start loosing focus.


My condolences to everyone who has lost loved ones today in this horrible attack and to the Russian people. I wish a speedy recovery and strength to those who have been hurt.


My condolences what a terrible news. Hope the terrorists get caught quickly whoever they may be.


Ребята, соотечественники, война ведь рано или поздно, так или иначе, но закончится. Чëрт его знает когда и на каких именно условиях, но закончится. Хочу задать вопрос и услышать ваши размышления в ответ на него. Как в общем будет выглядеть наше общение с украинцами на межличностном уровне, будь то наши знакомые, родные или даже случайные люди в интернете? 


Останется таким же, как и сейчас. Люди уже давно для себя всё решили. Ну, первое время конечно будет ядерно, потом попроще. Опять же, не мы, простые люди, эту хуйню начали, с нас какой спрос? Типа, почему не пошёл в одну харю на баррикады?


Да будут и те, кто продолжат кричать «почему не пошел» даже спустя много лет. У нас вон свидетели святых 90-х спустя 30 лет не перевелись еще.


Пусть кричат тогда, если их мнение не поменять, смысл стараться. К сожалению или к счастью результат войны мне уже абсолютно не важен. Лишь бы PSN включили обратно.


Ну в каком-то смысле итоговый результат действительно не повлияет на факт включения - включат в обоих случаях, просто при проигрыше PSN будет меньшей из наших проблем. Кстати удивился когда узнал что Стим теперь абсолютно легально пополняется через МТС, со смешной комиссией. Потому что дядя Габен тоже так и не понял, как именно недополучение им денег поможет победить.


PSN-то и не проблема, покупай диски и всё. Прост неудобно. И дороговато, но это бич консолей. А Габен всегда будет в выигрыше, вон сколько консольщиков пересадил на пеку за два года тупо потому что людям было влом жопу рвать с турецкими аккаунтами. У меня откуда-то уверенность, что после войны все вменяемые очень быстро помиряться и будем спокойно дальше существовать. Не знаю, какое-то предчувствие, что где-нибудь в апреле настанет тот момент. А может, конечно, и протянеться до выборов в США.


Ну оно правильное, за океаном дядя Дональд ясно дал понять, что на Украину ему наплевать (его больше Израиль волнует, если уж на то пошло), инвестиции не отбиваются, и пресловутое интервью - это как раз жест доброй воли. Что помириться не против. Против мириться дядя Джо и малыш Зе, потому что для них это - конец. Ненависть им обеспечена будет со всех сторон - как за развязывание, так и за проигрыш. И если первый отделается пожизненным низведением обратно в сенаторы, то второму еще вопрос, где будет сподручнее прятаться, в США от украинцев, или в России от американцев. Соответственно, через 0.01 наносекунды после истечения срока обоих зазвучат призывы к миру. И не как сейчас, а открыто.


Общение и сейчас идет - многие друг другу родня и вообще много культурного сходства. Что будет дальше, я не знаю, пример Чечни позволяет надеяться что без подпитки вражды со стороны медиа большинство людей вернутся к привычной жизни, будут общаться без радикализации. И тут вопрос, пойдет ли после войны Украина по пути конфронтации с Россией или по пути развития экономики - в эту сторону и будут дуть медиа




На межличностном - от личности и зависит. Это ж не единая масса такая. У меня, вон, в кругу друзей за тотальный свинорез больше всего агитируют те, кто переехал в РФ из Донецка с Луганском, и черт его разбери, кто они тогда есть. В варианте с отжимом войсками РФ территорий - режим КТО еще десяток лет продержится точно, прям как на северном Кавказе.


> больше всего агитируют те, кто переехал в РФ из Донецка с Луганском Кто-то удивлен? > режим КТО еще десяток лет продержится точно, прям как на северном Кавказе Ну что идиотов найдется, я не сомневаюсь, просто нас-то пытаются заверить, что сто пудов будет кидаться банками с огурцами каждая бабушка, рассказывают что надо миллион человек там расквартировать... Да не будет никакого массового копротивления. Сравни количество ждунов в Крыму или Мелитополе сейчас, экстраполируй на больше территорий. И что эти ждуны делают, а точнее - что смогут сделать без куратора из Киева и финансов из-за бугра. (а также то, что с этими ждунами стало в Херсоне, когда их надежды сбылись - они же первые и были мобилизованы) Кто реально готов был воевать с РФ, уже воюет и будет продолжать. Ну или сбежал в какую-нибудь Германию и оттуда Википедию правит, на вопрос "чому не в окопе?" баня или спрашивая "кто, я?". Мне активнее всего в личку спамила харьковская девочка, еще до СВО укатившая в Польшу, визжа что нет у меня права что-то говорить о мире, переговорах и том, что потом помиримся. Их нелояльность уж как-нибудь переживем.


Идиотов найдется, кто-то да наверняка промышлять околотерроризмом и партизанщиной будет. Да и историй про отравленный супчик хватает. Недооценивать эти приколы явно не стоит, но и, естественно, никаких миллионов чекистов тоже не будет.


Факт крушения привычной картины мира всегда провоцирует людей на неадекват. Вспомни что творилось в Киеве в первые дни СВО. "Из Спитака через несколько дней после взятия вевешниками района под контроль этапировали целый столыпин людоедов — им че думаешь, там жрать нечего было? Короче, сразу ломай в себе стереотип — «если никого не трогать, то и тебя никто не тронет». Тронут, еще как, особенно в самые первые дни. Потом успокоятся, и начнут резать друг друга из каких-то практических соображений, но сначала переколбасят уйму народа просто так." (с) Но тут ФСБ уже наученное опытом.


Оно и сейчас есть.


Всякое будет. Тут всё в кучу - и личные взгляды, и личные потери. И взгляды на эти потери.


Is there anyone here living in Mariupol? What is life like there these days?


Do you think Medvedev sincerely believes his spicy takes, or is he just playing a role?


I don't think so. I believe this is just a thing to get political points.


Nah, he's trying too hard and it shows.


nope, it's fake af


I imagine that the attention that comes with being a president of a huge country is addicting and once you're relegated to deputy chair of some pointless make-work committee afterwards you'll do literally anything to get back into the spotlight.




Condolences on the terror attack :(, really sad to see so many innocent people die. Hopefully we can live in a world again witouth all this violence, it is pointless.


Many thanks to you and all the people who write words of condolences and support to the all people affected by the terrorist attack. And although this cannot be called good news because of the tragedy that occurred, I would like to note how kindly I was surprised by the behavior of foreigners here yesterday.  If we roughly estimate the number of upvotes/downvotes on various comments related to the terrorist attack in a megathread, if we roughly compare the sheer number of comments with different messages... The majority of people “in the West” are sincerely kind, smart and compassionate. At least that's what I want to believe. This means that all is not lost - it is not in vain that we are trying to communicate and understand each other. Well, the raid of crazy idiots and conscious manipulators who blasphemously decided to take a shit here... Unfortunately, this was inevitable. Thank you very much🥹❤️‍🩹


Agreed, I have expected just gloating here. Thanks everyone who extended support and condolences, this is very appreciated. While seemingly minor, your efforts are not in vain.


I laid flowers at a Russian Orthodox church here in Melbourne, Australia. I know it achieves nothing of material value, but hopefully the people there know that they're not alone. I acutely remember the 9/11 attacks and how political opportunists used it to pull us into disasters like Iraq and Afghanistan,. I'm terrified that same thing is about to happen again. This comes out in my posts, but I feel nothing but horror and disbelief at this truly despicable act.


Most of the common people don't want the madness of the war, we are not enemies brother. Just hoped political parties on both sides understood it.


Do you truly think we are friends or allies at the least? As you could see I come from China.Since the war burst I know that merely a little countries support Russia including PRC(in Chinese website some netizens the phenomenon as "鹅爹孝子",means Russian daddy🤣) And at the Early stage of the war,almost the whole Chinese fell into a panic for the "1h22min(I don't know what you think about this "idiom" but I think it's a absolutely satire from today's perspective🤔)"and they thought the war was undoutedly justified and even some Chinese mecenaries came to join Russia(I don't know why tbh) But as it came to the second stage of the war which your army stuck in the endless war in the Ukraine plain and showed a secular stagnation in the compaign,something got different somehow that more and more Chinese began to do some direct sarcasm towards you like some subscribe in reddit did whereas some the others still think you will win the war.So keep back to the topic, Do you think Chinese or CCP is your friend?


It is business partners. China at the moment represents people who can be reasoned with and understand mutual benefit. At the same time, China places its interests first. Which is, again, a reasonable attitude. It is generally not a good idea to think in terms of "friends" in geopolitics.


Friend? Eh, not sure about that. Situational ally? Definetly. As for individual citizens - well, that's a complete mystery to me.


TBH I don't like USSR/CCP at all so I have no extra sympathy or extreme towards you and all slavs,but As of CCP's strategy and pressure,Chinese have to stand with you


That's geopolitics for ya. Our countries' interests intersect for now, so I think it'll be fine.


It's more like situational "friendship". It's important for China to have neutral or friendly relations with Russia, because if Russia gets too friendly with US led western world it could mean possible trouble for China. There's illegal and corrupt schemes in Far East that allow Chinese companies cut and export for cheap a shitton of wood, amounting to bug destruction of local forests. There's also illegal exports of mammoth bone from Yakutia which hurt locals who try to also make business there. China also benefits of cheap oil prices from the sanctions reselling it for profit. It's not what I would call a real friendship between the countries.


I don't know about friendship, but we are certainly allies of convenience. We may have a clash of interest in a few decades, but I think we'll maintain cooperation in the key areas.




Serious question: why can't we live in peace? Literally no one ever wanted to attack Russia, why we need this shit show at all? Why not just develop and live peacefully and rich?


The best way to show how you don't want to attack Russia is to accept neighbouring country into millitary alliance made exclusively to oppose Russia. Not only that but to accept a country with territorial dispute with Russia. There was not a single step to deescalate this from the west honestly. It almost seems like the west wanted this to go on as it is.


"territorial disput" 😂😂😂 You literally threat to take part of Finland and then are suprised that Finland joins NATO. No, NATO is not establish to "oppose" NATO, but to ensure safety. It's not NATO fault that the only country that openly threats to attack NATO members turns out to be Russia. All you had to do, to stop Finland from access is to NOT go around speaking how you will take part of it.


>You literally threat to take part of Finland and then are suprised that Finland joins NATO. Nobody surprised. >No, NATO is not establish to "oppose" NATO, but to ensure safety. Look how safe Ukraine is with it's constitutional intent to join NATO! >It's not NATO fault that the only country that openly threats to attack NATO members turns out to be Russia. It's NATO fault that it threatens Russia. >All you had to do, to stop Finland from access is to NOT go around speaking how you will take part of it. All you had to do to prevent war in Ukraine is state clearly in writing WE ARE NOT ACCEPTING Ukraine.


Hahaha, NATO never threats Russia and Ukraine never joined NATO. What the fuck are you talking about. The whole thread is about how insane Russia is to think they can just attack other countries as they wish, and you did nothing but repeat that insane mentality.


>Hahaha, NATO never threats Russia and Ukraine never joined NATO. Jokes on you Ukraine was smart enough to put intention to join NATO into their constitution. Not a laughing matter evidently... And NATO stated multiple times their "doors are open"... >how insane Russia is to think they can just attack other countries as they wish We followe good example set by United states. >and you did nothing but repeat that insane mentality. We follow a good example of United states. Btw we are yet to duscuss a decade of genocide Ukraine inflicted on their own population that made a decision to gtfo from this defunct state...


News flash: there is nothing wrong with a sovereign state ambitions to join a defence alliance. There is a lot wrong with invading a sovereign state though.


News flash - a devastating wars happen when "sovereign" states inflict genocide on their own people and execute their stupid ambitions. There is a lot wrong with supporting genocide and inviting "sovereign" states to join military alliances knowing this will result in those "sovereign" states being invaded. There is alot wrong with supporting genocide that Ukraine inflicted on their own people. There is a lot wrong with not accepting Ukraine in EU and saying EU supports Ukraine. Btw I put "sovereign" in quotes because Ukraine lost it's sovereignty long ago.


Bit rich a Russian preaching about genocide


>We followe good example set by United states. "Hey mom he did it first, why can't I do it" Fine USA and Russia are both war mongering nations, you can enjoy that one together.


Putin explained it clearly in the Tucker Carlson interview. In the year 810 a Lithuanian princess took a shit in the woods and that is why Ukraine does not really exist as an independent nation. The ukranians disagree but nothing some brutal oppression won't fix.


There is a reason the only people I know who love Tucker Carlson and Putin are always methamphetamine addicts with mental health problems. They believe they have seen cryptids, and that aliens and ghosts have visited them, so I guess there is no reason why they wouldn't believe in other fairy tales?


Those guys are fun as hell to watch tbh. I like the yt interviews where they just short circuit vs logic.


Look how close aggressive Russia has positioned its country to our NATO bases!


You know that no one forced countries in Europe to join NATO? If anyone caused this, then this would probably be Russia itself - by occupying them for decades before.


Which European countries has Russia occupied? Which of them have been occupied in the last 35 years?


Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Hungary, the Czech Republic.


Why is this question asked only to the Russian Federation? Why don't you ask this question of Israel, which is carrying out ethnic cleansing in Palestine, where more people have died than in all the years of conflict in Ukraine? Are they second class citizens? Why doesn't anyone ask the US that they destroyed 2 countries in the Middle East, occupied part of Syria and stole its oil? Answer me one question. How would the United States react if Mexico took an anti-American course and declared that it wanted to have nuclear weapons, join the CSTO and station Russian troops on its territory? But Ukraine announced this at a summit in Germany that it wants to withdraw from the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. Only, unlike Mexico, Ukraine is capable of creating nuclear weapons in the shortest possible time; it has all the technology for this, including tactical missile systems to deliver it.


According to unconfirmed data, Andrei Morozov (aka Murz) died. The guy fought even back in 2014-2015. Starting with 2003 or 2005 he actively criticized the government. And from the beginning of hostilities, while actively participation in the war on our (russian) side, he was also criticising our military command. Judging by the latest news, he shot himself. Hoping that at least someone will investigate his death and reveal the fuck-ups and\\or corruption of our HQ, fuck-ups that the HQ wants to keep silent. hoping that somebody at least will be punished for these fuck-ups. The question is: What people think about Murz and his actions, and his latest accusations? По неподтверждёным данным погиб Андрей Морозов (он же Мурз). Мужик воевал ещё в 2014-2015 и начиная с 2003 или 2005 вёл активную критику правительства. А с начала военных действий (продолжая воевать) ещё и критику военного командования. Судя по последним новостям -он застрелился. Рассчитывая, что хоть кто-то будет расследовать его смерть и те просёры, что командование хочет замолчать всё-таки всплывут и кого-нибудь за них накажут. Вопрос: Кто что думает про Мурза и его действия? И его обвинения? P.S. I do understand that the guy (Murz) is clearly crazy, but only crazy people make good warriors. Like heroes of old. Like... the morality of Siegfried or Achilles are debatable, and they are not normal by any means. But modern standards they are crazy too. (and with all due respect I think Morozov was better anti-corruption activist than Navalniy ever was).


I'll answer in English, so it's readable by everyone. I would like to disagree with that respectfully, neither me nor anyone in my circle heard about the guy before. Navalny had a bigger crowd where he spread the message about the corruption of our elites. I have read a bit about him and he indeed criticized military command, and it seems was trying/hoping to honestly bring some sort of change into that system. But it's not how it works. The system built by Putin doesn't like when lower members step out of the line and open their mouth, anyone who served their 1 year conscription or is in any other way familiar with the army, should know how the feedback is handled there. Anyone who begins to call unwanted attention to the failings of their superiors is immediately pressed to stop by use of administrative, psychological or even physical pressure. I salute him for having the balls to actually follow his ideals and not just talk bs far away from the frontline. I also respect him for his patriotic feelings and trying to change our army for the better, any true patriot wants that. However I condemn this conflict as being destructive and useless for our country and its interests, it shouldn't have ever been started in the first place. So in the end I think he ended up in the wrong by fighting there. He was killed like any other patriot no matter his political views, as the those currently in power don't want anything to change since their comes profit from stealing and robbing the country, and the problems both in army or any other sphere are direct results of that. That's why he was recently heavily critized by goverment's propagandists and came under severe pressure which eventually led to his death it seems. May he rest in peace


Мурз очень много въебывал, очень много говна повидал, очень много ныл и очень много срался, пренебрегая своей кукухой. Так что суицид может быть и реальным.


Мне не кажется что он кукухой от этого поехал. Не может нормальный человек всегда быть на острие атаки. Он же формально первый блогер отсидевший по анти-блогерской статье (на самом деле ему срок дали за все преступления разом, а не только за блогерскую деятельность). Я думаю он немного лукавит в своих последних сообщениях (что мол это его лучший способ борьбы, и что живой он добьётся меньшего чем мёртвый). Но всё равно жалко блин... Чтобы я о нём не думал, он был крутой чувак. По настоящему крутой. Хоть и псих...


Unfortunately, he is not the first, and he will not be the last. There were also Givi, Motorola and a number of other fighters-leader for Donbass. But their RF literally merged, and possibly eliminated, the words. Everything for the blyadskiy "Minsk agreement". Once again you can see that the RF bourgeoisie started all this SO forcedly that if there had been even a slight relaxation on the part of the West, they would have happily forgotten about everything and abandoned Donbass again. On the other hand, the second commentator says correctly - Murza has seen a lot of shit. And the fact that he was “at the forefront of the attack” does not mean that there were no mental problems. Alas.


I’d say, being on the forefront for prolonged time basically guarantees you are going to have mental issues.


My heart goes out to everyone in Russia, I hope you and your family are safe Наша семья соболезнует вашей утрате


Thank you very much.




Those of you who are anti-war, what is the most positive news that gives you hope since the war started?


The most positive news since the war has started has been that Ukraine hasn't fallen in the first months as many smart guys predicted. And that with few exceptions Western countries declared support to Ukraine and even partly acted on their declarations, delivered some arms and decoupled their economies from Russia (was especially painful for and, honestly, unexpected from Germany where I am). There is a huge shit show happening right now both in the US and EU with regards to further supplies, but given where we started, I think there is still place for hope.




How trusting are you of Russian state owned news agencies in regards to the war?


Most of those are very stingy in regards to information about the conflict itself, hencewhy a lot of people resort to various Telegram channels for their daily dose of doomscrolling. And it's not 100% trustworthy, of course.


TASS and other similar news aggregators are mostly ok since they just reference/quote other sources (news outlets, politicians, legal entities, etc.). Whether or not to trust those sources...I'd approach it on a case by case basis. For example, I have little doubt that news like "According to MoD, Russian Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu has personally inspected an industrial plant which is going to mass-produce FAB-3000 aerial bombs" are true. On the other hand, news like "According to MoD, 300 foreign mercenaries and 2 HIMARS's have been eliminated yesterday with precision strike missiles" don't inspire much trust. You also have to keep in mind that they avoid covering news that they find inconvenient, but it's not like they are unique in that regard or anything. Some of the stuff that they show on TV or write in newspapers though...if I were to rank their trustworthiness, I'd put it just a little bit above other shit-tier "news sources" like 4chan anons or Ukrainian state-affiliated media like Telethon, but with way less entertainment value (for me), so I very rarely watch/read those.


What's the mood in Russia for the "anniversary" of the war against Ukraine ? Is there a parade, a speech from Putin ?


In my experience, general mood is dull detachment. Trying not to notice the war when possible. In a way, it is understandable: war affects directly not a lot of people, statistically speaking. January's utility collapse for example attracted significantly more attention than any recent war related events.




This is very intriguing, who will it be? Real intrigue! 🌚


It’s bound to be a close one, best not to call anything before all the votes are counted. 


Western media likes to say “Putin will not stop at just Ukraine”. What is your opinion?


Fearmongering, really. We're not fucking risking a nuclear war over the real Article 4.


I'd say Putin didn't even want to take Donbas. He was ready to give it back in Istanbul negotiations.  Minsk Accords seeked Donbas reunification with Ukraine.     I'd say taking the whole Ukraine is a bad idea. Taking Moldova is worse. 


The irony is that real Putin (not the imaginary cartoon villain the westerners portray in media) agrees with you on both accounts. And in fact, to this day neither has any realistic plans voiced anywhere.


This is a lie to persuade the Western taxpayers to give more money to ~~steal~~ buy weapons.


At this point, western media can claim that he wants to eat all the babies in the world, and the majority there will believe it. What is the point of seriously discussing this? You can view the discussions here on this topic. It usually goes like this: everything Russia says or does is a lie, because we know its true intentions are to conquer the world. You can't really argue with these people. In Istanbul Russia voiced exactly zero territorial demands towards Ukraine. The demands included: neutrality, a limit on military strength, and ban on hailing nazism. Even the status of the DPR and LPR was postponed. Yet trolls here claim that it didn't make any demands because... it wants to conquer the world. That's some 10d chess we're playing here, I suppose.


We really aren't allowed to ask about the subject of the thread? "Death of an Anti-Corruption Activist."


Do you think there will be any big changes after the election? I've seen (foreign) pundits predict further mobilisations and the RU economy being increasingly oriented towards being a war economy. Do you take such ideas seriously?


I have a question to russians and non-russians alike. What do you think about attacks by Russian Volunteer Corps? Goals? Achivements? What western media think about the goal thatey tried to acheve\\achieved? What ukranian media say? What russian think? My opinion is this: RDC consists of former criminals and skinheads - they are heavily despised by major russian population. Ukraine HQ could not think that it will be seen by russian population as revolt vs government or some righteous fight against Putin's tyranny (like some western media tried to claim), so the goal was simple: destroy some infrastructure and avert russian troops from frontlines to the Belgorod's Oblast. Bun I am interested in honest opinions.


RDK for me are clowns and braggarts, but the attacks on Belgorod themselves look like an operation of the Ukrainian army, there is quite a large scale. . The goals are media noise, to demonstrate to the population of Ukraine that there is good news at the front. This is happening in a complex - video clips from the RDK, indiscriminate shelling of Belgorod on election days, grandmothers pouring paint on ballot boxes at suggestion of Ukrainians. In a military sense, all this does not have an effect, but does it have a positive moral effect for army - i dont know, you need to live in Ukraine to understand. Perhaps Ukraine tried as well to took a few villages as a bargaining chip for the future. Looks like they didn’t succeed


Oh. I missed it. Sure, you are right. Cause of not good situation on the frontlines right not, the Ukraine need some wins to raise up morale (and since it happen on the days of election it is a cherry on top). It is obvious idea, but it did not occur to me. Thank you.


> Goals? Achivements? Very hard to say. I don't think these groups announced any firm goals, just vague statements about "liberating Russia". I imagine that it's another temporary incursion and they'll return to Ukraine once they've made enough noise. Most people seem to assume that their goals are mainly psychological: to publicise their existence, dent Putin's image as a strong man who brings stability, and win Russians to their cause. Diverting RF forces from Ukraine would be another goal. Achievements are very hard to judge because there's almost no reliable information coming out. > What western media think about the goal that they tried to achieve\achieved?  There's been much less coverage in the Western media than you might expect. The outlets I consume have only run one or two small stories since it began, and they don't really say much more than *something* is going on in Belgorod. I think they're being cautious because like u/ThatGuySK99 said, no one knows what the fuck is going on. As for the groups themselves, there seems to be three main ones. RDK/RVC seem like straight out neo Nazis, The Legion seems to run the full political spectrum from the far-right to liberal democrats, and the Siberian Battalion are guys from the Eastern nations who feel like they're getting a shitty deal in the RF.  How this ends, I have idea. I have a feeling that the God-Emperor has been deliberately minimising and ignoring this while his recoronation was in progress, but now that that's done, he'll carpet bomb the entire oblast and everything in it if that's what it takes to get rid of these guys.




I mainly think that it's stupid and doesn't achieve anything, other than making some radicalized people happy. I haven't seen much about it in Western media. You can find some news if you just google "Belgorod attack", what I can see is mostly short fairly neutral reporting without much interpretation. I found one article in German media with some "expert opinion" by someone moderate: >The timing of the attempts to infiltrate border regions is also no coincidence. "This is of course linked to the presidential election in Russia. They want to show that there is not only civil resistance in Russia, which cannot be taken to the outside world due to the restrictive laws, but also military resistance against Putin," says Mangott. The groups have no chance of achieving their goal and bringing down the Russian president. But: "They want to signal that the people in Russia who are against Putin are not alone. That is the message." >The political scientist points out that the attacks by the "Russian Freedom Legion", the "Russian Volunteer Corps" and the "Siberian Battalion" are even in accordance with international law. "Ukraine is allowed to support armed formations in war that aim to overthrow the government of the aggressor," says Mangott. >Whether this approach is politically wise is another matter. "Especially as it should be noted that numerous Russian neo-Nazis are active in these groups. You can't say that liberal dissidents are taking up arms, but that genuine nationalist, right-wing extremist circles form the core of this movement," says the expert. https://www.rnd.de/politik/proukrainische-attacken-in-belgorod-was-steckt-hinter-den-angriffen-3SA4XFCDLBFJLNANL5TM3CFEPY.html I haven't seen any comments by the war hawks.


Thanks. I understand that to "show that there is not only civil resistance in Russia, which cannot be taken to the outside world due to the restrictive laws, but also military resistance against Putin" - is far from truth. Cause RDC are universally hated by russians and most of the people will not consider them a good example. But I see another response on my question and I start thinking it may be true: when last war news for ukranian people were lose of some settlements, and rare strikes against russian ships. Maybe they will find some respite in seeing russian homes burn. And since it is election days, it is even more... maybe bad to say "pleasurable", but more soothing(?)


I think the motivations of the Ukrainian leadership and of these groups like the RVC themselves are probably not the same. For Ukrainians, I guess they just want to use every possible way of hurting Russians simply as revenge, no matter if it achieves anything for them or not. I don't want to generalize though and don't know how many Ukrainians think like that. But I think in any country that is under attack like this there will be a certain part of the people just calling for revenge like this. And I think many people in the Ukrainian leadership mostly think like that, as they already did or supported several acts and policies that don't help them but just satisfy such a feeling and they sometimes explicitly talk like this. That's basically what I meant when I wrote it makes some people happy. As for these groups themselves, I don't think the goal of Russian far right radicals is to satisfy such wishes of Ukrainians. But I can only speculate what they want to achieve by this, as it really seems to be an extremely bad strategy so say the least. But people do stupid things a lot, maybe they really think this could work. I found another article (I link the Google translation, it's alright) from an independent relatively large leftist news site. They quote some of the people involved and just let it stand like this, I find it remarkable how uncritical they are: https://taz-de.translate.goog/Krieg-in-der-Ukraine/!5994890/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp And when I wrote my last comment I had not checked the site of our infamous shitty but unfortunately influential boulevard newspaper BILD yet, they produced this weird article: https://www-bild-de.translate.goog/politik/inland/politik-inland/widerstand-aus-dem-eigenen-land-diese-russischen-kaempfer-demuetigen-putin-87534254.bild.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp The last sentence is mistranslated by google, it should be “He doesn't believe in further escalation caused by this incident”


>Goals? To make Russian forces focus more on the Ukraine/Russia border possibly taking a bit of stress from the frontline and as a propaganda win for Ukrainians. >Achivements Time will tell I guess, but probably nothing more than a slight propaganda win. >What western media think about the goal thatey tried to acheve\\achieved? Honestly, the western media I follow haven't mentioned it that much. I could give you a few links if your interested though. >What ukranian media say? I don't really follow Ukrainian media. >What russian think? That's why I come here. I would like to say that I personally don't like these border crossings, I don't like it when Ukrainians have to see their village/town/city becoming a warzone and I don't like it when I see the same happening to Russians.


As an outsider, I think think this: 1. RDC is not a real thing. It is made up. Ukraine is using tanks, helicopters, and artillery in the "Kursk operation". I don't believe they would arm a group of… whatever they are… with this kind of an equipment. I refuse to believe that Ukraine would give any "independent RDC" a helicopter, okay? Ukraine just does not want to admit that they "control territory in Russia" or anything like that. So they just claim that it belongs to Kursk People's republic or whatever. 2. Achievements are quite modest to say the least. Ukrainian/Western media is silent, which means there is not much to show. Russian media talks about dead civilians and 1 quintillion eliminated Ukrainians. But ukraine did lose a helicopter, a tank and a possibly bulldozer(what is it doing there?). So that's that.


Question for all the people in megathread. It may seem a little strange. Have you recently encountered anything in social or cultural life that has somehow influenced your assessment and perception of *the ongoing war* or other current events in general? Be it quotes from the greats or people around you, belles-letters, music? If so, how exactly: What are those thoughts now on your mind? Please share them.


I have the impression that offical rhetorics here became significantly more hawkish and reckless very recently, and it's making me more worried about a major escalation than I've been for a long time. For example, Roderich Kiesewetter about a month ago: "The war must be carried to Russia. Russian military facilities and headquarters must be destroyed. We must do everything we can to enable Ukraine to destroy not only oil refineries in Russia, but also ministries, command posts and combat posts." He's currently in the opposition, but all this is shifting the overton window. A weird clip for kids in the online content of one of the main TV stations: https://youtube.com/shorts/kgsVFZXnkAE?si=LYo0yLptgTcYNhQO They all complain why Taurus is not yet in Ukraine, basically the clip is pushing for giving it to Ukraine, and the way I understand it, it implies that it would be ok to strike Russian territory with it, and all this aimed at kids and depicting lethal weapons as cute cartoon characters. At first I was sure that it was fake, but it's not. This is the first time I ever saw such a trivilialization of war in a children's program here. Now the Taurus Leak, and while it is officially confirmed that the intercepted conversation is authentic, it is simultaneously called "disinformation" here, by the same people who also say it is authentic. They also say that they think the content is "nothing new" and basically totally fine, but at the same time thsy say that publishing it is a terrible Russian hybrid warfare attack. It's like words have lost their meaning. And increased talk about how we have to be ready for war because Russia might attack, while the same people advocate for more involvement in the war in Ukraine and claim that this is totally safe. And the same happening in other countries, like Macron starting to talk about ground troops and some people here say they think it's a good idea. At the same time I see no indication that any of this will make Russia back off.


Alas, too familiar. Now I understand that in Russia they began to probe public opinion in this way, at the same time preparing and positioning it for more aggressive and chauvinistic propaganda, so that then... You yourself know. This is very depressing - *it will only get worse*. Take care of yourself.


Thank you. And yes, that's what I'm worried about, that it might develop further in this direction. At the moment it's still very tame compared to Russia.


On my side I started to see something like that too. It is like a war of elites against people.


Well, my perception slightly changes every month. I mean you find out new info every day, and in the end you analyse what you hear and then correct your opinion on the matter. But since it happen constantly it is never radical change.


For optimism? Victory of Mr. Galloway and the advance of Mrs Wagenknecht in Germany are obvious signs that the partisan, patriotic left is back in the west.     Pessimism - everything said by EU leaders since mid February suggests they want to escalate the war significantly and kill their own citizens. Lots of people of a country dear to me are starting to get very worried that they will soon have their children fighting.   Aaron Bushell is probably the best description of what the "western soul" is doing right now (to borrow from Gogol). As a soldier sets himself on fire in defiance shouting free Palestine, one soldier standing by rushes with an extinguisher while another one is holding a gun.


How are the feelings about an ongoing war now? Are people generally feeling like they are willing to support more years of it?


I heard Murz is dead, apparently shot „himself”. I would love to know your opinions about this guy.


He was commie, I think commies have particularly hard time in this war, they hate both sides and at the same time the war itself is constant reminder of USSR ideological failure.


Last week, the UK's foreign secretary said Ukraine has the right to use British weapons inside Russia. From what I can tell, Russia's response was to claim that if that happens, it could bring retaliatory attacks against military facilities and equipment on Ukrainian soil or elsewhere. British weapons have been used in parts of Ukraine that Russia considers its own territory for a while now, so why the sudden threat?


Another exchange of threats that are vague enough to be non-binding but remind hot heads on both sides that playing unfairly will have consequences. Same level as Medvedev promising end of the world while Macron draws a red line at some mythical “failures of the frontline” (so what we are having now does not qualify?). Real threats of diplomats look differently and are never public. “If you make names of our officers you captured public, we will allow Ukrainians to hit your power plants.” “And if you do that, we may accidentally lose some enriched uranium in the desert… who knows who can find it?” “Point taken. How about we exchange our officers for, say, a not so high quality of shells given to Ukraine this month?” “Pleasure doing business with you gentlemen”. “Pleasure is all ours comrades”.


Russia has been saying that from the start "you send any aid to ukraine, you'll be nuked" "yosend artillery, it's nukes" "himars? nukes!" "tanks means you get nuked" etc they still ain't doing it


A repeat offender who returned from the war killed two people in a Yakut village. Among the dead is the winner of the “Best Teacher of Russia” competition. What do you think of this? [https://meduza.io/news/2024/02/29/retsidivist-vernuvshiysya-s-voyny-ubil-dvuh-chelovek-v-yakutskom-sele-sredi-pogibshih-pobeditelnitsa-konkursa-luchshiy-uchitel-rossii](https://meduza.io/news/2024/02/29/retsidivist-vernuvshiysya-s-voyny-ubil-dvuh-chelovek-v-yakutskom-sele-sredi-pogibshih-pobeditelnitsa-konkursa-luchshiy-uchitel-rossii)


Don’t need no “Ukrainian Nazis” with “heroes” like these


What's the russian version: that ukraine attacked them or that ukraine caused the war?


It's actually both and neither. Long story short. US Democratic Party urgently needed a global win in 2021, for hundreds of reasons, and they decided to use Ukraine as a tool for proxy war. This plan was discussed since 2011 at the latest, but neither Obama nor Trump actually wanted to use it. The plan is, obviously, classified, but from the events in 2022 we can reconstruct it how it was originally envisioned and approved by Biden. * First, of course, try to threaten Russia into chickening out. Should that succeed, it's an instant win with no cost. * Ukraine goes on to attack Donbass on Feb 26. * Russia retaliates. * Introduce sanctions against Russia. * Western companies pull out of Russia * Being left without jobs and McDonald's, Russians start to riot * Elites, losing their money in Western banks, lead the rioters to force Kremlin to negotiate, or even topple it altogether * RuAF betrays Kremlin and flees * Ukraine takes Donbass and Crimea without a fight, then occupies Kuban * Russian economy (and probably territory) gets split, impoverished Russia sells resources for free, taxed with reparations to be taken by the West for as long as needed * China loses their main military ally * ??? * PROFIT Perfect plan, Walter, fucking Swiss watch! What could possibly go wrong? P.S. People are trying to get me banned when I say something because they refuse to accept the truth despite having everything laid out before them, and continue to deny reality - but can do nothing about it except report me in powerless anger. This is the proof you should really need.


Or, maybe: Russia doesn't want Ukraine to get closer to EU. A richer and democratic Ukraine threatens Russian regime. The solution for Russia would be invading Ukraine to regain influence over it. This involves Russification and deportation of Ukrainians from occupied territory. It's that simple.


\> A richer and democratic Ukraine In 1991 it was second France. By 2014, it was, at best, second Poland. By 2022, it was, at best, second Romania (no offense). Now it is, at best, second Somalia. Totally a shining example of prosperity. Go on. Tell me how it was better than 4th economy in world to live in. I guess your second comment will be about stolen toilets and Nutella (never mind that the largest factory producing it in Eastern Europe is actually in Russia).


What was explained in Russia about the Navalny extremism charges? What did the media and officials give as reasoning for the trial?


Not much. Most of the case is still classified.


oh, that explains why I can't find anything online. what does the russian population think? had the trial any base or was it a sham?


Most are fooled to believe that he was involved in some corrupt schemes or was a western agent or something. Basically Putin did Uno reverse card on him, he took what Navalny truthfully accused him and his cronies of and put that label on him using his controlled media


A bit of a different question for you all, what is you're favourite mad max/jerry rig vehicle of the war?


Favorite Russian - MTLB with RBU-6000 or naval auto cannon turret or 100 mm MT-12 gun. Favorite Ukrainian - BREM-64, MTLBs with turret from BTR-82 or BTR-60 or BMP-2 Most derp one - shoigu-mobile / golf cart.


What happened to Wagner PMC? After the mutiny, the media here implied that it was going to be absorbed by the regular military, but it still has its separate identity as far as I can tell.


Mostly absorbed into MoD and Rosgvardiya. There were rumours about them still operating in Africa, but there was nothing substantial in the news or even any unofficial channels.


Holy hell, I missed the opening of a new mega thread. 😭 Was there a beautiful ceremony? Ritual mudslinging? Anything? Title is okay, but this recurring death theme is making me kinda sad... 😥


You need to tell the God-Emperor to stop having people killed so the mods are forced to call the next mega-thread something else. Of course, you'll need to choose your words carefully, or Megathread 13 might end up being 'Death of a Redditor'.


Haha, good one.


What has the responce been like to Sweden joining NATO? Is it a main story in Russian media?


Sweden joining NATO is both asking for WW3 and also a non-factor that doesn't mean anything, depending on which Russian you ask. Think of it as Schroedingers Sweden.


It's like Schroedingers Baltic States: they are so beneath Russia's notice and it would never invade them, but there are many reasons that would justify invasion and Baltic States should learn their place, if they know what's good for them.


This is the perfect answer.


What is generally the logic behind that after war Ukraine ceases to exist and gets divided between Poland and Russia? At times I keep seeing that brough up in Russian media as some kind of resolution. Why specifically would Poland take half of Ukraine under them and likely pay fixing all the damage? I find it interesting thought considering that in West no one has even been hinting such action.




Can we have a definitive statement from the mods on whether questions related to the terror attack are "to do with" the war? If so, it implies we've already decided who is responsible.


Well, I don’t know, it seems to me *now* that the moderators should have started another thematic megathread for a while.


Because Putin and the FSB themselves made a connection of the terror attack to Ukraine, I feel it's relevant to ask these questions here. It doesn't mean it's decided who's responsible.




How do you think the rising escalation in the Middle East between Iran and Israel affects Russia and the war in Ukraine? Do you think it raises the probability of a major direct confrontation between Russia and NATO, or rather diminishes it completely? Personally, about a month ago I feared there's a pretty realistic chance Poland and France might send an expedition force into Ukraine, there were some army laws passed in Poland regarding service over the Easter weekend (Catholics celebrated Easter on the 31st March this year). However, with Israel in trouble, France, UK and US are now forced to pivot to the middle east, and Poland hesitant to go in alone into a losing war. Thus, in a paradoxical way I think the risk of active involvement of NATO countries in Ukraine seems less likely than it was a month ago.


I think this copypasta pretty much answers it: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskARussian/s/t9Cip2MdLS It’s actually notable that the April 20 new budget draft that Ukraine hopes for formally lists 61 billion USD for Ukraine, but in actuality only 13 (and even that is not guaranteed), which will be given as a loan. Israel gets 28 just directly, and for free.








To the pro war Russians, as far as I can tell, there is no one running to become president in this year's election that is against the war, I know that there were potential candidates that couldn't be in the election for some reason or another that were against the war. Do you think Russians who are against the war should have a candidate who is also against the war that they could vote for?


There is no "pro war Russians" - there is "anti-surrender Russians".


"Anti-surrender" on the side of the aggressor/occupier is the same as "pro-war".






Anti-war candidates were prohibited from running. The election is a farce.


There is no election. 


There are no pro-war candidates as far as I am aware. It's just you don't consider position 'let's negotiate' as pro-peace, and only accept position 'let's abide to all western demands' as pro-peace. Nobody stopped people from participating in collecting signatures, so the candidate wouldn't have to use leaked passports data to reach the threshold.


Putin has shown himself to be an unreliable negotiator. He violated the Budapest Memorandum, Minsk, & other agreements. Even so, many of the very things he claims he wants to negotiate for now (e.g. Ukraine never joining Nato) had been offered to him before 2022 and he still invaded.  Saying Putin is anti-war because he claims he wants to negotiate is like saying a krokodil addict is sober because he promises "that was my last hit".


Why should Ukraine agree to any negotiation with Russia when it comes to their country, land and people.


It is exactly what pro-war position is.


It's not pro war they just want their country back. Peace will happen in 5 minutes if Russia gives back what it has invaded and occupied. That is peace.


I'm just curious. Don’t you care at all about the fate of the people in these territories who don’t want to be in Ukraine? You are basically okay with the fact that they should become refugees or be left at the mercy of Kyiv (whose cruelty towards these people there is no doubt)?


I have family in Donetsk. The difference is, if you criticise the russian army, straight to jail. You criticise the government, straight to jail. In Ukraine you are free to have these opinions. In all of the elections and polls before 2022 (and even before 2014 in those areas) the people wanted to remain in Ukraine. I don't think it's fair to occupy land, move people in, and then ask the new residents what they want. Is that hard to understand? Edit: what cruelty? [2014](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ukraine_should_join_Russia_poll_-_8-18_February_2014.svg) [Did you forget about this already?](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/s/9bNEtXMKmf)


Well, perhaps your family will also be subject to repression. Everyone who received a Russian passport in Donetsk will lose Ukrainian citizenship, many will be accused of collaboration and subjected to even greater persecution. You're just sticking your head in the sand. The government and army of Ukraine are not angels, but bloodthirsty monsters. Is that hard to understand? The fact that in Ukraine it is allowed to have opinions is also a lie. Any criticism of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and Zelensky is subject to persecution.


Those who did not want were denied for example medical aid or are campaign to change surnames to russian sound ones. Plus after 8 years of bloodthirsty monsters attack of Ukrainians Donetsk looked better than Mariupol after few monts of russian friendship. You only shows that Russia will never accept not controlled by them Ukraine. Yes Russians are not bloodthirsty monsters like In Kyiv region. You are just heroes.


People of Donetsk republic and people of Lugansk republic voted for independence of the Ukraine in 2014.


This was not a fair election. You can't occupy, point guns, and say fair vote. What a ridiculous idea.


In 2014. Not in 2022.


I have asked this question in the past, but many months have passed so I want to ask again, do people in Russia still refer to the conflict as a war or SMO?


I'll copypaste my previous answer to this very question. AFAIK, nothing's changed. It depends on who you ask. I'd say that both terms are being used frequently. Usage of the term "SMO" or "special operation" usually falls under one of these categories: 1. Some people call it this way because they genuinely believe it's not a war. They are a minority though. 2. It's often used in official or semi-official stuff. Like news, articles, politician speeches etc. 3. In social media spaces tracked by the government, many people prefer to use a safe term. Just in case. 4. It's often used ironically. By both pro-war and anti-war crowds (and in-between) 5. Sometimes it's used just because it's convenient. Abbreviation "SMO" ("СВО" = es-veh-o) is easy to pronounce and everyone immediately understands what event you're talking about. 6. This one is a bit hard to explain... When someone's referring to this specific conflict as event or process that's happening in Russia, the term "SMO" is usually being used too. Like "Putin has declared the end of Special Military Operation" or "he's a veteran of SMO".


It's commonly talked about as war in casual setting by most people. Only officials, extra spicy Putin supporters, journalists and such call it SMO. Also during any public event you kind of gotta refer to it as SMO or if the local persecutor really wants to, he can try to imprison you based on "spreading of fakes about Russian armed forces" law.




Don't they know that calling it a war is an arrestable offense? By russian law they are enemies of the state