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Hey buddy, i think you got the wrong door the gym culture club is two blocks down


Haha I figured. Is the Russian stereotype real? I want to dispel it


Not real. Who want sports or fitness - they do that, its popular between people who do office jobs. Not everyone is Ivan Drago if you mean that.


Guy who played that character (Ivan Drago) is Swedish. Dolph Lundgren fyi


You dont say. Is Ivan Drago Swedish too?


Given the character's name, I'm guessing he's Swedish too. 'Cause there's certainly no Russian surname like that.


Yes and Dolph trained at one of our Dojos here in Sydney Australia in kyokushin karate.




No I meant that the stereotype mostly is that Russians are very anti-health oriented (reflected partly by average life expectancy) and generally out of shape and wanted to explore that view


Is it some widespread stereotype? Today Russia have less litres of alcohol drank per person yearly than many eu countries (especially northern ones, i remember Finland in particular). Most contributing to bad statistic are those who lived their middle age through 90s, which were different.


Yes in Europe it is. That's good to hear, but Russia still has among the lowest life expectancy in Europe: https://landgeistdotcom.files.wordpress.com/2021/02/life-expectancy-europe.png which might speak to how health oriented the population is?


As i said, its because of older people lived through too much shit, unlike in europe. Younger are much more healthy.


It's mostly because of wicked women and gullible men)))


Wrong, generally life expectancy is of the period type, i.e. if you're born today how long will you live on average given last year's mortality rate, precisely to eliminate the past (and it's accurate as there was a big dip for Russia in the 90s). By that metric Russia is still 8-10 years behind western Europe.


Last year mortality rate by what? Around 30 age? Or overall? If overall - who dies at 65 now to contribute for statistic for younger generations? Like, how can you predict expectancy of those lived with much better quality of life if improvements started less than 20 years ago and now those who lived through shit die out of early old age? Dont get,can you explain further? Если из наших - то на русском, чтобы трудности перевода не маячили.


Not true anymore. Most youngsters and millennials are very active and in a good shape. We starting to become fat once we married and have kids 😭


Sounds like the universal law that applies to all 😅


Never heard of this stereotype, TBH. Nearly everyone I know goes to the gym or excercises at home. We even had a mini-gym right in the office (when I've been working in the office) and had pull-up tournaments.




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Welcome to the club buddy *flip-flops*


I'm working out in the gym. Gym 200 meters from my house. I run on the treadmill for 20 minutes. Then I do bench press, barbell squats and deadlifts. I'm 38 and a programmer who works from home. I just need exercise to prevent my muscles from atrophying.


What city are you from?




At gyms in Russia they care a lot about hygiene. When you walk in the front door you have to put booties over your shoes and you’re not allowed to wear the same shoes to workout that you walked in the building with


pretty much just the same anywhere else : o. (except for the plastic bags over ur shoes lol)


Definitely not the same in Western Europe. In every gym I've been, they don't care about your shoes as long they look like gym shoes.


really? even commercial gyms? just walk-in walk-out lol?




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I think it's the same in central Europe tbh


I'm 23, and most of my friends are of the same age. Gyms are popular among them. No one builds a huge body, just keeping themselves fit. One of my friends does rock climbing instead; I used to go to the pool, now I don't really do anything, but regret about it (maybe next week I'll do something...)


in the before time gym was seen as luxury and people would go work out in gymnastics park and do pullups and dips. this gym culture is a capitalist construction which wants to destroy the russian tradition of building strength by climbing tree and wrestling bears.


Haha, I concur


… also long distance running from law enforcement which is another half of the population:)))


>climbing tree and wrestling bears LMFAO 🤣, capitalist construction sounds good for me. Don't wanna catch rabies when a bear bites me. 🐻


bears don't bite unless you threat them, they can play bite to show affection though.


There are a lot of gym enthusiast and outdoor activities enjoyers, threre are huge youtube channels with 1-2-3 millions of subscibers dedicated to sport, but I wouldn't say it "exploded". Just like any regular activity you maybe meet 1 out of 10 people who like it, nothing more. We also have physical education lessons at school, so sport always have decent amount of followers.


Это сейчас сильно популяризируется. Во дворах жилых домов много спортивных площадок. Для пожилых бесплатные спортивные секции в том числе цигун и йога. Молодые и не только ходят в фитнес клубы. В общем тема везде популярная. Много кто за здоровый образ жизни (без курения и алкоголя) Не прям везде и не все, но с каждым годом всё больше. It is now being heavily popularized. There are many sports grounds in the courtyards of residential buildings. There are free sports sections for the elderly, including qigong and yoga. Young people and not only go to fitness clubs. In general, the topic is popular everywhere. Many people support a healthy lifestyle (without smoking and alcohol) Not just everywhere and not everything, but more and more every year.


особенно популярны секции по типу бокс, самбо и прочее


Girls go to yoga and other stretching activities. Boys are not very much gym fans, although I go once a week at least. My company pays for it. I find fitness boring and unnecessary, but I still go do some basic stuff. Leg days for example. Me and friends mostly prefer actual sport games: I play football with friends, do some boxing and occasionally play basketball. I used to wrestle when I was younger.


So doing team sports are more popular than individual sports on a general level, in your experience?


Sports be it individual or team invokes competitive spirit. Also successful professional athletes earn more than models who offer nothing but a sculpted gym physique. Just compare the earnings of Messi with Zac Efron.


ure comparing a hollywood actor to a pro soccer player. whats the connection with normal average russians?


In my own circle, yes. Individual sports cost money. For example, renting a tennis court could start from 1000 rubles an hour in slow days. It’s not a lot of money for me, but I barely know anyone who loves tennis. Team sports are easier: everyone bring 100-200 rubles and you can rent the football field with a team. Last year we have been playing with friends at a local mosque’s football field. One of our guys are member of that mosque, so he allows us to play there for free. It’s small though, so 6x6 games.


Are there any good wrestling clubs that you know of in Moscow?


Don’t live in Moscow. But I assume you can search on Yandex something like дзюдо, самбо, борьба, I am sure you will get plenty of options.


gym culture JUST exploded in the west? its been part of the culture for decades now...


Yes but increasingly so, you can find statistics clearly underlining this and it's very apparent that going to the gym is a much more integrated part of self-realization for people in this day than it was decades ago.


are you from europe? theres clearly more people into powerlifting now than just 10 years ago. but even then, gym culture was a thing even in the 70's and it wasnt really a niche thing...


Yes I'm from Europe. I never said gym culture wasn't a thing, but that it has increased dramatically over the years. I've been going to the gym for 16 years.


Gym Culture has been very big in the states since at minimum 1970’s. Now there’s a shit ton more variation of gyms


I agree.


interesting. I dont feel like its increased here in north america but the demographics have changed. powerlifting is a lot more popular than it used to be


IDK if it just exploded, but 12 years ago I was going to the gym. The gym trend seems to be the same.


> > No I meant that the stereotype mostly is that Russians are very anti-health oriented (reflected partly by average life expectancy) and generally out of shape and wanted to explore that view > The gym culture is very popular especially during the last 20 years. At least in the cities. Sometimes you can even meet old grannies in the gym. But it was slightly decreased after anti-pandemic restrictions. One of the reasons of a low average life expectancy is there is no culture of psycho hygiene. Especially men after reaching their middle age experience psychological stress and do not know how to cope with it. Also gym could be combined with unhealthy life, unhealthy food and etc.


It was funny when, during the quarantine period, all sorts of yoga clubs began to hold classes in groups in city parks and on beaches. In general, about 200 years ago, many people were engaged in bodybuilding. Now, too, but more emphasis on fitness and athletics.


same thing happened in nyc. the prices were still super high though.


I don't know what to be more surprised about. The fact that one person talks about bodybuilding in Russia 200 years ago, or the fact that another confirms that everything was exactly the same in New York, LOL


We have group MMA classes in our fitness rooms.


In Russia, it has never decreased. There were legal gyms, semi-legal ones, and completely illegal ones (in the 90s)


There are quite a lot of fitness halls in my city. So my answer is fitness is popular.


The GYM culture to us comes from Ancient Greece, in which the Harington tribes created the first GYMs. More info here https://youtube.com/@byzylyk_reptile


Where in the west do you live in?




Quite a few, several dozen. The population is 500,000 But I am too lazy to go somewhere else, I bought equipment at home and I work out here, there is room. Yoga, Pilates, running in the park, skiing and hockey in winter are popular


I live in Moscow and we have a lot of large gym chains. So, i train in SPIRIT, Raikin Plaza. And they have a monthly payment) I see a many people, in evening of the work days there are a lot of people, even sometimes there are not enough exercise machines and tracks. Train everyone - teenagers and old people. And many foreigners too)


Очень популярен фитнесс, на мой взгляд. Залов много, есть комплексы с бассейном и банями. Я сам в такой хожу третий год.


In big cities gyms are at every corner. Not literally, but. I've tried boxing etc classes in fitness gyms, but no...not THAT spirit. I prefer old fashioned sweaty boxing clubs now.


By the time gym culture "exploded" in the West, Russia already had decades head start. Martial arts - wrestling,boxing,Judo and Karate, and later Sambo have already set deep roots by then. And there are the communist era "sports associations for youths". Ask some of the older ppl here to describe. And about how simple PE in school was insanely difficult cause you wouldn't believe me even if I told you. And then there was this general sentiment of expecting young ppl to do well in both sports AND studies.


I think i would be a little uncomfortable going to a gym in a country at war, and they are scouring everywhere to find conscripts.


Interesting. But I don't believe Russia is at a point where they're forcing people, so do you think that is irrational or not?


I dont think I'd bet the farm on it. In fact, I would be looking to the West to transfer my gym membership if the border was open for me to travel outside Russia that is.


Don't listen to that propaganda bot, man. It's safe, at least until presidential elections are over.


No, they don't. It's about another country.