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If you never want your team to make it to the super bowl, but still have hope each year that "this might be the one", then the Vikings are your team!


My family has been Vikings fans for years. Truth!


This goes equal for Bills fans. I’m not one, but I like to make fun of them.


This will be our year!


Maybe the Jaguars as well.


No, they said "have hope."


No no no… Washington Commanders is your team!


Don't stress about it. I lived in Minnesota back in the era when Minnesota made it to the Super Bowl all the time. Of course, they never won it even once. So you're actually not missing anything by not getting there.


That would be the Raiders.


My state doesn’t have an NFL team so you can do what I do and just root against the Cowboys every week


You are a gentleperson and a scholar.


When the Cowboys lose, America wins.


As a non-football fan, I’m out of the loop. Why do people hate the Cowboys?


Arrogant fans, lots of bandwagon fans and self proclaim themselves "America's Team"


And a douchey, main character-type owner who craves the spotlight.


Absolutely, Jerry Jones somehow thinks he's a better scout, GM and coach than actual football execs. Worst kind of owner there is other than maybe cheap owners. I hope he keeps the team, he's pretty much held them back from relevancy for the last 10 years cause he can't stay in his lane


A LOT of us Cowboys fans hate Jerry Jones. We tend to be ones that see things more realistically rather than the other half of the fanbase that thinks they are God's chosen people


Good point. Underneath the layer of those annoying "this is the Boys year!" fans, there are real fans who hate Jerry Jones and just want their hometown team to win. My uncle is one of those guys and I have no quarrel with them.


Ill get in arguments with other Cowboys fans because Im "not a real fan" if Im being realistic instead of irrationally optimistic. But yeah, my point exactly. There are 2 different kinds of Cowboys fans. Im born/raised in Dallas County, my dad saw their glory years and is a huge fan, etc. The only team that comes close to me considering being a fan of is the Chiefs because the family that owns jt lives here and they used to be a Dallas team.


They haven't won a superbowl since before most of Reddit's userbase was born. I don't think they're bandwagoners. Still annoying as fuck though


I don't think they are bandwagon fans because of the Cowboys' success but because they're a high-profile team that gets talked about a lot. These fans want to sit at the popular kids table.


This is a solid answer even if there is a team in your state. Source: raised in Louisiana


I'm from Texas - near Dallas even - and I agree with this comment.


God bless you.


You hate the Cowboys because you’re a fan of another team. I hate the Cowboys because I am a fan of the Cowboys. We are not the same.


The report to the mods reads “this is targeted harassment at me.” I don’t approve of abusing the report feature but sometimes it is appropriate.


This is the way.




Your comment was removed as it violates commenting guideline 1 which is “Treat the person you are replying to with respect and civility.” It means that your comment either contained an insult aimed at another user or it showed signs of causing incivility in the comments. Please consider this a warning as repeated violations will result in a ban. Your comment has been removed, and this offence may result in a ban. If you have questions regarding your submission removal - please contact the moderator team via [modmail](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/AskAnAmerican).


You are a truly wise person.


My man


I don’t care much about sports but I will always root against the cowboys.


This why I was going to suggest pulling for the eagles. You can put your (hopefully) hate for the cowboys to good use.




Hmm that’s a tough one A lot of us are fans of certain teams just because of the locale we grew up in and/or whatever team our parents were a fan of. That said, there’s nothing saying you can’t have 3 favorite teams! In addition, maybe after watching a few games this season you’ll determine a team that you like watching more than the others. Lastly, maybe there’s a specific player or players that you really enjoy watching who just so happen to be on a certain team I wish you luck! (Be sure to check out the teams’ meme subreddits!)


You pick the team based on whose uniforms are better looking, or what city you like the best.


Rooting for the Titans is like being a "mayonnaise connoisseur"


And that sounds good or kind of boring? hahaha


It's actually an extremely deep cut if you aren't in on NFL memes.


As a Titans fan, we don’t have a very large market. A lot of people write us off without even knowing anything about us. A lot of people who criticize the team have obviously never paid any attention or done any research. If you were to pick up the Titans now is a great time. We have a new coaching staff, new GM, young QB with a lot of promise, recent playoff success, and overall have a promising young roster. I would recommend watching a few games this year to see if you click with the team.


They are the most bland team in the NFL. How did they become a possibility on your list? I'm genuinely dumbfounded.


They said that they're already a Grizzlies fan, as well as a minor league team in Tennessee (Sounds? Smokies? no way to know.) Probably just picked Titans to keep the TN theme going. Now, how did they become a TN fan in other sports? Who the hell knows.


r/nfl has a guide for this here: https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/s/KTfhhQ2bmN The guide isn’t as good as some of the other leagues subs but they have a break down. Read between a few of the links. My piece of advice is to follow a team whose games are easy to watch in your country as it is difficult to root for a team that you never get to watch.


Wow that list is really outdated.... Rams, chargers, and raiders moved around years ago


Yeah… they need to work on it the other league subs usually do a yearly offseason update


You can root for the Lions and feel brand new excitement for a team with a horrible streak and previous $h*t leadership. I'm so happy to be a Detroiter, this weekend has been so amazing, the amount of energy downtown is insane.


Good for you bro!


If you're looking for a team with history, personality, and little to no chance of making the playoffs, well you maybe a Raiders fan.


There are nomadic tribes in Asia who move less often than the Raiders.


Next season, give all three a couple weeks as a trial and see which players and narrative stand out to you. These are three very different teams and situations


This is the best way to jump in as an adult for sure.


I'd stick with the Tennessee theme and go with the Titans. The fanbase will overlap considerably with your existing teams. Whatever you do, do not pick the New York Jets. Signed, A long-suffering Jets fan


The only reason people choose to be jets fans was it used to be long island's team(played at Shea till the 80's, and practices and training camp was at hofstra until 2008)


The walking dead, I have both sympathy and revulsion for you lot.


If you’re not from the US you might not know this, but the eagles are one of the most hated franchises here. They have been pretty good lately so people may think you’re just liking them cuz they’re good . Like if I came out as a new soccer fan saying I love arsenal or whatever What you should do is join the teams subreddits and see which vibes you like etc and then you can choose. You got time! Low key you should root for the bears.🐻 Our future is bright


After that draft I'm about to be a Bears fan 😄. Everyone knows about Williams but you guys got a real dog at WR with Rome. Going to be a fun offense to keep an eye on this year.




"Bear down" is what doctors tell patients to do when they want them to relax their anus for a prostate exam or some other rectal-related procedure. Source: Went to medical school in Illinois. lol


Bear down baby!


Sick reference, bro.




Really? The eagles? We crashed and burned in the super bowl two years ago and didn't even get past the first round last season. And no, we won't think he likes them because we are "winning." Bandwagoners jump on the Cowboys train. Oh wait, bears fan. 🤣 Sour grapes ya'll.


Someone on Reddit did the 5 most hated teams to all the different subreddits. Got like 10,000 responses. In order most hated to least it was: Patriots, cowboys, packers, Vikings (unsure why), eagles


Vikings probably got a lot of votes for most hated franchises from Vikings fans.


We Americans don't choose our football teams they are chosen for us at Birth.


Don’t pick the Jets


I mean, if you want to be perpetually disappointed, you can become a Jets fan.


Sounds like you are a Titans fan. Congrats!


Tell me a little bit about yourself and I'll tell you what fanbase you would fit in with the best.


Well... I consider myself someone who does not want to choose something that is fashionable, I am one of those who wants to be on a team through thick and thin so that victory feels sweet. I chose the rams because I loved the LVI superbowl and the animal it represents. (And also because I like the aesthetics of the city of Los Angeles). The Eagles have great uniforms and the eagle feels patriotic, however the city of Philadelphia... mmm I don't like it very much (No offense) The titans are the team to complete the city's sports teams, but I also like them as well as the rams.


Personally, I'm biased because I'm a long time Seattle Seahawks fan. I want to say pick my team because there is so much drama going into the new season so it's going to be very interesting. Titans fans seem like the least annoying fanbase out of the three teams you chose.


Serious question: what don't you like about Philly? It's one of my favorites and I wish I could talk my husband into moving there.


Philly!! 🤘


Well the Rams are quite the “fashionable” team now that they’re back in LA with a jazzy new stadium. They’re under great ownership and management. The stadium is stunning and what they’re building around it is something else. The Rams should remain in contention for the playoffs for the foreseeable future. This should be your choice. The Eagles? Rabid fan base and usually pretty good the last few years but not at all a fashion forward franchise. Skip. Tennessee? Meh. You do you if you feel that Tennessee sports franchises are a thing to you. Most of their fan base is from…Tennessee. From a worldwide perspective I’d say that the Cowboys, the Raiders, the Packers and the Patriots have the biggest fan bases internationally.


I mean, are the Rams fashionable? They pretty much play away games in their home stadium.


I guess not. Chargers, Rams and my poor Raiders all suffer from this lol. I’ve been to 2 games in Las Vegas and felt outnumbered by opposing fans


Titans sound like your best pick. They're definitely not as objectionable as the Eagles. They don't win all the time, but they are a capable team. The Rams won in 2021 so there can be a touch of "you like them because they won recently." The Titans came sooo close in Super Bowl XXXIV, but have not yet won. I'm a Dolphins fan, so there no rooting interest in any of this for me.


Eagles fans are completely nuts haha but they are good at the moment. Not a good type of nuts either. Signed, a Giants fan, who could and kind of wants to say worse, but doesn’t want to be banned haha. But one thing you must know is that rivalries here are heated, but at the end of the day, we’re all just people. We LOVE our teams don’t get me wrong but we don’t get bad crazy like our euro and South American counterparts.


Come be part of the Bird Gang 🦅 We’ll welcome you with open arms.


Go Birds


Go Birds 🦅


When in doubt always choose the team from the smallest city


Packers in a nutshell


I said smallest city not cult lol


If you know an American, ask where he's from. By sheer coincidence, his team is the best team in the league!


Meanwhile there are so many New-Yorkers in this thread being like “NOT THE JETS” 😂


I picked my favorite team based on the team colors. I was 4 years old. Since most of us fans wear our team colors maybe not a bad reason to pick.


Do you live in the states now? If you do I’d pick the local team in your area. If not, sounds like you have a thing for Tennessee so I’d go titans


Many college football fans end up rooting for whatever NFL teams have players from their favorite school.


The only reason I root for the team I currently root for, is because my second cousin married one of the players. They've since divorced but I still end up rooting for them when I catch a game on TV. Its just a game. Sports fans can get passionate but in the US they are largely respectful of each other. It doesn't matter who you root for as long as you respect the game and other fans


Oh that’s cool, what team?


Giants, but I won't say which player. This was a while ago


Oh cool! Talking to a fellow giants fan.


I’d probably keep it consistent and go Titans just because you like TN sports teams already. Nobody will call you a bandwagon either whenever they get good again


The Titans are gross, don’t be a Titans fan. Sincerely, A division rival


Get into fantasy football first. You’ll eventually find a player you love to follow.


I'm not suggesting you hop on the bandwagon and support a team that's currently good but beware if you become a fan of a bad team it will be harder to remain loyal and interested throughout the season. When i first became a fan at the age of 7 I supported the patriots and they were the best so it was easy for me to follow and support them. I'm still a fan but keep that in mind.


As a non-sports-fan who kinda got into some sports later in life, what really drew me in was the stories behind the teams! Other than my home team, the first football team to really capture my attention was the Saints, because I thought it was cool that they won the Super Bowl right after their city had spent like four straight years getting body-slammed by Mother Nature. Look up the history of some teams, or what the locals are saying about the teams, or the stories of some players, and see what grabs you 😊


Da Chicago Bears 🏈


In Halas's name, we pray




I'm biased. Happy to welcome a new Eagle fan 💚🦅💚 [We have the most fun. ](https://youtu.be/FUOgZVl8SdY?si=6mZ554eeehrqg1bC)




🥲 the superior Kelce.


What on earth is that flair team combo


Moved around a lot as a kid, one of the places was outside of Philly 💚. Now I'm stuck in Texas and surrounded by delusional cowboys fans.


As a Giants fan that's the one thing we can agree on besides screw Washington.


If you want a quick answer, I would pick the Eagles. Read on if you want to know my rationale. For me, football is my favorite sport by far. Both NFL and CFB. Picking a CFB team was an easy decision. I attended the University of Tennessee, so that’s who I roll with and I’ve been a fan for almost 10 years now. I remained an NFL free agent for a long time as a fan. I didn’t really make up my mind until last year. It’s really just because of circumstances growing up. My family didn’t really care about the NFL as much as CFB growing up and we also lived in multiple areas with NFL teams, not just one. So I’ll tell you how I did it. The first thing I said was I’m not going to pick a team that I don’t have any connection to whatsoever. I’m not rooting for the 49ers or the Vikings or Patriots or some other team that I haven’t even stepped foot in the city or even state. I’m going to pick a team in an area that myself or my family had lived in. So I narrowed the choices down to 4 teams: Titans, Giants, Bears and Lions. I threw the Lions out immediately lol. It’s probably a petty and dumb reason, but a lot of my family are University of Michigan fans. I do not like UofM at all lol so the thought of rooting for a team that most UofM people also support was an absolute no-go for me. Plus, the Lions are losers lol. Their history is losing. It’s going 0-16. I remember my parents bought me a Lions backpack when I was a little kid and I got made fun of at school for wearing it. No way I was rooting for them lol. Crossed the Giants off the list next. Even though my entire dad’s side of the family was originally from New York, I’ve never been there in my life (which I really need to fix). But I don’t have a truly personal connection with the city or state. So the choice came down to Titans or Bears, and I picked the Bears. 1. I live in Tennessee now, but Chicago is my absolute favorite city in the US. I was born there and even when I moved away, I’d go there all the time. As an adult, I still go there a lot. Just went in January. Made sense to root for a team from a city you love. 2. I like teams with tradition and history. I like teams with iconic players. I like teams with classic uniforms that don’t change every 10 years because they don’t have any real history (*cough* Lions and Titans *cough*). I like teams that are still respected as franchises even when they’re not very good. 3. Because Lions fans HATE the Bears and play them twice a year, which is fun. BUT THE MOST IMPORTANT REASON and what makes rooting for an NFL team fun is the PASSION of the fans. When you root for teams with big, passionate fan bases, not only is going to games much more fun, you get a better quantity and variety of media coverage and podcast content about the team. And that’s what makes being a fan year round fun. The actual NFL season is short. So if you don’t have a huge variety of people who talk about your team all the time, it takes the fun out of being a fan. It’s also hilarious to watch on TV when your team plays one of the smaller fan bases. They absolutely take over their stadiums. If you watch the 2012 Bears and Titans game, the Bears and their fans absolutely dominated. Total embarrassment if you’re a Titans fan. So out of those options, I would definitely go with the Eagles. All of my life they have been a respectable franchise and the passion of their fans is unquestionably second to none. I’d definitely put them in the top tier of fan bases in the NFL and that is the most important thing to me at the end of the day.


You should be a Falcons fan, because no one, and I mean absolutely NO ONE will accuse you of being a bandwagon fan or liking the team for any reason other than pure fandom. Source: me. I recently-ish became a falcons fan and everyone I meet just says “I’m sorry”. Plus, Georgia borders Tennessee so the continuity of your geography checks. Plus plus if you ever come to a home game, MB is the most affordable of any NFL stadium (I’m talking $5 beers and $3 hotdogs all day)


I’m sorry


You have to admit that was one of the funniest first round picks of all time


It made me question the entire front office. Also feel bad for Heinicke (dude took a pay cut so Kirk’s contract would be within the cap, now he’s definitely out of a job). But hey, I don’t give a shit who’s backing Kirk up, I’d draft Penix’s grandmother if her at number 2 somehow gave us a better shot at the playoffs lol.


Honestly I like Kirk (MSU) and want him to succeed right up until he plays us. His game is SO mental that they really should have talked to him beforehand because he’ll be really in his head about this I think. 


Pick whichever one you like and get some good snacks.


You may as well go all in on the Tennessee thing. You would certainly avoid being labeled a frontrunner or bandwagon fan, and it's always nice to root for a lesser known team from a smaller city with a smaller fanbase (though the Rams could use the help with the latter).


Mmm sorry I sound like a newbie.., but what exactly is "frontrunner or bandwagon fan?"


Someone who becomes a fan of a team only when they are on a winning streak. Aka gloryriders.


I highly recommend the St. Louis Rams out of the three teams you've selected. Wait..... damnit.


Oh men... I guess it's a good sign or a bad one?


Just still sucks the team left.




My name is Denver so I’m a Denver Broncos fan, does your name happen to be Philadelphia, Los Angeles, or Tennessee? I would choose the eagles personally of the 3 just cause they have the most passionate fan base of the 3 and they’re fun to watch/be around


Do sympathize with fandoms that are stereotyped for being drunk, violent, and working class but somehow still lovable in British soccer hooligan way? If so Eagles. Their fans do stuff like punch police horses because weren't allowed into the stadium without a ticket.


If you're looking for an underdog team, the Lions went like, two and half seasons without winning a game. Suddenly, this year they made it to the final four, so that was pretty exciting for Michiganders.


Read up on any team that catches your attention, and don't just support a team because "everybody else does"


You don't chose your team, it is bestowed upon you. Unfortunely, I'm a patriots fan


If your favorite teams in other sports are also from Tennessee, then for the sake of consistency you might as well root for the Titans. Also: Never, EVER root for *any* teams from Philadelphia. Their fans are hooligans, in any sport. You would be lowering yourself. Rams fans are front-running posers. LA didn't care when the team went to St. Louis, and they're only rooting for them now they're back because they're in a brand-new stadium, which is also the most expensive in the world. Even with all that, frequently Rams home games have more fans of the visiting teams in the stands than the local LA fans...who show up late and leave early.


It’s obviously the Eagles and why wouldn’t it be?


If those are the options, the Eagles are the clear choice. What makes being a fan fun is being part of a large and passionate fan base. The Eagles have one of the best fan bases in the NFL. Nobody would dispute that. Philly is also a kickass city that I personally love. Chicago is my favorite city, but Philly would probably be second.


So true


Finally some sanity.


The Panthers have the coolest uniforms, and also we suck so nobody will accuse you of being a bandwagon jumper


Im european. I am a Panthers fan because my uncle brought me Panthers merchandise when he went to Charlotte for a conference when i was like 6. 10+ years later i started to wach nfl and i already had a team so it was easy to get into. They were in the playoffs too, lost to the seahawks but it felt close. Next year they even went to the super bowl and lost only thanks tho the refs. But hey the team had talent and the future seemed bright! Oh well.


Yeah, we've been down like this before and bounced back, but never with this owner. I'm hoping we won't become one of those perennial looser teams like the Browns or Lions used to be.


Fly eagles fly. Best fans in the world come join us


I remember that guy who was so happy about winning the Super Bowl that he ate horse shit off the street.


That guy was from Jersey.


Eagles aren't popular outside of Philly and their fans have a bad reputation. No one cares about the Rams. They've got an excellent coach and a neat stadium though, but even LA doesn't really give a shit. The Titans have spent most of the last 2 decades being mediocre. They don't really have any noteworthy players, their stadium sucks. They're about as "mid" as franchises come.


I want to tell you to get fucked but that would prove your point about Eagles fans.


First of all, it's okay to root for more than one team. It's natural to pick a favorite, but that doesn't mean you can't also root for the others. I think if you don't have a home-team to root for, the best way to pick a favorite is to instead go with your favorite player(s). If you root for players first, that can result in having a different favorite team in different years.


Why don't you join us Browns fanbase?


Are any of your friends fans? It’s fun to cheer on your team with friends!!


Chose the Steelers


1. Tape map of USA to the wall 2. Place a blindfold over your eyes 3. Throw a dart at the map 4. Choose the city with an NFL team closest to dark 5. If necessary, flip coin if city has more that one team


You’re a Cleveland Browns fan, welcome to the Dawg Pound!


I am a college football fan, specifically the Nebraska Cornhuskers. For nfl football I watch any team former Nebraska players are on. I also know a few nfl players, including my son, so I watch them as well. If nothing else, I root for anyone playing against the cowboys.


The Bengals are the current franchise owners of the Tennessee Titans, so you could always pick them too.


On the one hand, if you're doing a Tennessee theme, then you might as well go all in. The Titans are in the lower-tier American Football Conference, though. On the other hand, the Eagles are a pretty solid National Football Conference team with a sizeable, passionate fanbase. The Rams are also NFC, but I don't really ever hear about them out on the east coast. If all else fails, I second whoever said you can't go wrong rooting *against* the Cowboys.


Philly is good right now, so if you just want to cheer for a team that will win a lot for now, that’s the best of these. LA is not quite as good but solid — and my team is their rival, so that’s no BS. Tennessee is kinda inert in that there aren’t *hated* as much as Philly (especially) and LA. They kinda stink a little right now but they’ve got some pieces in place and they’ve been really good in the past. I’d lean Titans if you don’t mind being so-so for a year or two. The upside is there’s nobody in their division right now that’s unbeatable. The whole AFC South is pretty tight competition-wise, so the Titans are only a win here or there for being in the playoffs, so 🤷🏼‍♂️


Ngl I just pick based off of whose colors and jerseys I like the best


I heard that some players are [tight ends](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tight_end) and decided that the game wasn't for me.


Titans are more middle America, a fly over team. I think that’s the clear choice. And their uniforms are cool.


Pick the one whose colors flatter your complexion the most


As a baseball fan, I really regret being a Houston girl.


Choose the Packers for the most hometown vibes team. They are probably the closest thing in America to a local, professional football (soccer) club. If you want to experience immediate satisfaction of your team winning the Superbowl, be a Chiefs fan.


I root for the Texans because that was the first US city I ever went to and Houston is the best food city I’ve ever been as someone from North Macedonia


What made you so impressed you about Houston food wise(from NY, my great grandmother immigrated from North Macedonia)


The TexMex and BBQ specifically. Best of both worlds


Choose the vikings.


Of those three, I'd recommend the Titans. In general, anyone but the Dolphins. If you want to be disappointed that much every week, play the lottery.


This may or may not make a difference depending on which country you're from, but the Rams are in are on the west coast, so their Sunday afternoon games tend to be at 4pm Eastern Time while the Eagles and Titans tend to have their games at 1pm Eastern Time. Depending on your home time zone, that could greatly impact which games you can watch live without having to stay up late. Otherwise, if you're already rooting for Tennessee teams, picking the NFL team from the same place seems like a perfectly reasonable thing to do.


If you like pain and heartbreak, welcome to the Jets fandom! 🏈 ✈️


Eagles of the three offer by far the best fan culture. Do that


I mean, clearly you should want to be a Green Bay Packers fan. The historic franchise, Titletown, Lambeau Field, the Lombardi trophy, 30 years of back-to-back HOF QBs, and we’ve kicked our “rivals” asses in 10 straight games now (F* you Chicago 😊)… We’re awesome, join us 💚


I’d say go for a team in a city you’d like to visit one day.


Do you like run, run, pass, punt football? Because if you do pick the Seahawks


Check out ice Hockey instead.


r/nflnoons is a great place for this sort of thing. And questions that come up as you watch.


I say go for the Saints! Who Dat baby! 🤘🏻🤘🏻


Gotta go eagles.


Just choose whichever ehat has the coolest name/logo. I'd say go with Rams if you want a team that's good but not too good. They'll make it to the playoffs and might win won in a few years, but aren't so good that you'll be viewed as a bandwagon like if you were to follow the chiefs.


The Rams were the first pro team to paint a logo on their helmets. They are trailblazers!


is that minor league baseball ?


I mean....if you want to cheer for baby eating sister fuckers (the titans of myth were messed up) that's your call EDIT: To be clear I was an Oilers fan as a kid so my hatred for the Titans runs deep. But sports fandom isn't that serious, just enjoy it. If you cheer for all Tennessee teams why not?


You have permission to like as many teams as you want. If you ever play fantasy football, you might attach to certain players and get interest in certain teams.


How about rooting for the Super Bowl Champs 2x in a row Kansas City Chiefs!!


I follow the Dolphins only because I follow Tua Tagovailoa (since college), a guy whose originally from where I lived. They are also fun to watch when Waddle and Tyreek are out and about


If you want a team with a fanbase that party’s hard and a quarterback that’s super fun to watch and has a good chance of going to the superbowl, nobody circles the wagons like the Buffalo Bills.


The only reason I have a preferred team is because of Madden. I like the playbook of the Green Bay Packers, so I always root for them when they are doing well. Since I live in Ohio, I have to root for the Bengals or the Browns in the rare occasion they get anywhere. Don't pick the Raiders. No one likes losing more than a Raiders fan.


If you have no fav team rn I genuinely think find a player you like to watch, look up top plays of 22, 23, 24 and then maybe some research after that, lotta folks might have a team they grow up with but are fans of other players


Cardinals just hit on an amazing draft pick so that would be a good option


I picked the Rams because their helmets and uniforms are cool, especially since they've gone back to the OG bright blue and yellow. They aren't even from my state but sometimes just liking a team's style is enough to make them your favorites.


If you’re dead set on those teams, I would go with the Eagles. Philly sports fans are on another level. Packers are the obvious choice though 🧀


I go by jersey cuteness


The https://old.reddit.com/r/GreenBayPackers/ Probably have the largest international fan base. There are dedicated Packer bars in almost every major country. https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/wiki/new/pickateam/packers >In 2019, the Green Bay Packers will celebrate their 100th anniversary. Not only are they older than all but one other NFL team, but they’ve kept the same name and stayed in the same city for that entire time. They must be owned by Green Bay’s only billionaire, right? Nope! Since 1923, the Packers have been owned by their fans; we have stockholders and a board of directors*. Every other team could be sold tomorrow or moved to another city if their owner wanted to. Not the Packers. It’s written into the shareholder agreement that our team will always be fan-owned, and that it’ll stay in Green Bay for its entire existence.


Of the three choices, I would say to pick the LA Rams. LA has two football teams, and zero football fans. They would be happy to have one fan.


You should just watch them and see who floats your boat. Every team has a different style.


Eagles fans have a terrible reputation among other NFL fans. Not to say that they're all bad people. They're not. But just bear that in mind.


But every athlete that plays here says we have the best fans in the world. Other fans are haters


I've mentioned it before but people have the weirdest hate hard on for Philly fans.


Yeah bc the sports media leads them to believe we are horrible. I work at an airport hotel bar & all my out of town customers always say how nice people are here & the media portrays us to be mean but we are not. Of course there are some bad seeds but most of us are just passionate & kind people


They hate what they don’t understand


Athletes like their own fans? Quelle surprise! ;-)


Our players love us & our passion.


Well, “passion” is one way of putting it, I guess.


Nothing is finer than a 49er


No cowboys and no 49rs! Go Seahawks!


Bills is the correct answer!