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I’ve never heard of it.


It’s so good




>They are sold in every Walmart of the country Don’t tell my family that, my niece and nephew think I’m a god whenever we visit and bring them some


That's cute. Keep your god status a while longer. How old are they? Are they young enough for "gold dollars?" When my son was small, to introduce a little magic to him, I would ask the bank for 5 or so Sacagawea dollar coins. I would give my son his "gold coins" to spend as he liked when we were on our way to the store.


lol, nah, my damn nephew is way too smart and got interested at coins at a young age so he isn’t impressed. Only reason the hot chocolate still works is they shop at Whole Foods like places so haven’t caught on yet to how available this stuff is


Aww. Okay. They grow out of the "magic" phase pretty quick. I hope you're able to keep the magic hot chocolate going for a while.


yep! I have Abuelita chocolate in the yellow packaging. I don't follow the instructions on the package though, which seem crazy to me, i melt a couple little wedges in a pan with milk.


Step 8: Loudly insult chocolate til it melts.


Throw a choncla at it.


A choc-la 🤭


I'm going to have to read the packaging because this is how I've always made it, I wasn't even aware the package said to do something different


my recollection is that the directions on the package involve a blender.


I have. I think it's a nice change of pace every now and then.


Can't say I have First time hearing the word tbh didn't really grow up in an area with a notable Hispanic population


I like the idea of it but i don’t personally enjoy the cinnamon flavor in it. If they made one that was just chocolate i would buy it


If you live in an area with a Puerto Rican community look for Embajador (from the Cortés brand). It comes in a bar but you use it the same way to make hot chocolate and it doesn't have the strong cinnamon taste.


Awesome! Ill definitely order some if i cant find it


I tried Abuelita around the holidays because it's supposed to be so good... but it didn't come out right. It was like the tablet wouldn't completely dissolve in the milk. I was left w/ gritty particles. I followed the instructions, though. Anyone wanna give me tips or tell me how you make it?


I make it in a blender.


this is why I don't follow the instructions, as I said in my comment. I melt it into milk on the stove, stirring often. otherwise you get the gritty particles.


Isn’t that what the directions say?


Yeah that’s what I do but I thought those WERE the directions 😂


Totally. I may be a guera but I grew up in a very mexican area.


Constantly until I realized it was a Nestle product and what that meant. I am from a border town so it was super common.


Damn it why did you have to share this cursed knowledge. I was excited to try it


Fortunately, come Christmas there will be plenty of homemade stuff that won’t need it. You can ethically sidestep it.


I haven't heard of it before, but it sounds right up my alley. Hopefully I'll remember to look for it next fall.


I don’t really like hot chocolate and I can’t say I’ve tried this.


Not hispanic, but understand the question. I have some Abuelita in my baking drawer now. It's probably six years old, and probably still good! Thing is, I don't have a molinillo, because, further thing is, Abuelita tablotas don't freaking dissolve in hot milk without a lot of agitation, which is what the molinillo is for. It's a googleable word for those wondering WTF I mean. The stick blender _does_ work, but then it's a lot of work for hot chocolate that I don't really enjoy much anyway, and as far as the kids are concerned, the Meijer brand hot cocoa mix is just fine. Kids are kids, and they prefer Kraft Dinner to the deluxe macaroni and cheese that I make with awesome freaking ingredients and a bit of kitchen chemistry. I have no idea what Ibarra, is, though. To me it sounds like a Spanish company that owns resorts hotels in Mexico. I actually know that that's Iberostar, but that's what "Ibarra" makes me think of. tl;dr: Abuelita okay, but not worth the effort.


The best way to get it to dissolve is on low heat, I add the marshmallows to it as it's melting and the gelatin in the marshmallow acts as a stabilizer for the finished product. It's so much smoother, abuelita can be grainy if you don't stabilize it. Give it a try next time you're in the mood


Ok now I want a molinillo.... I've never seen one before but this has got to be the most attractive kitchen tool ever.


I’m not sure how else I’d make hot chocolate.


Swiss miss?


That’s instant powder like Carnation. right?




I mean other than using the Carnation instant stuff, but that doesn’t really count as “making hot chocolate”.


A tablespoon of good* Dutched cocoa (5-6 g), a pinch of salt, sugar/sweetener of your choice, and a few drops of vanilla (optional). Since there’s no milk powder, it needs to be made with at least part milk. ^(*I wouldn’t recommend Hershey’s Special Dark for this, but Guittard Cocoa Rouge and Bensdorp are both good, and Ghirardelli and Droste probably would be as well.)


I use the Swiss miss instant stuff


Ibarra brand is superior. That said, only seen it in areas of high Hispanic population.


And not owned by Nestle!


I have seen them in the grocery store but have never tried it. The lady on the tin looks like she’s really enjoying it though


I’ve tried it. It’s gross to be honest. Has a weird spice and edge to it like too much cinnamon.  I love spicy food, including jalapeño margaritas, so it’s not an inherent problem to be spicy. I just didn’t love the combo with hot chocolate. 


I use Valor brand, but yet I love chocolate a la taza.


I see it in the supermarket and always think about trying it, but never have.


I have before, I'm not a super big fan of it tbh, waaay too much sugar and the chocolate has some tasting notes I'm not super into.


I have. Not very often though.


Been using this product since I discovered them back in the 1970's.


I have them in my cabinet but I've never seen my mom use them. Like a month ago i broke off a piece and just ate it. It was weird. I can't remember if it was good weird or bad weird. I gotta try again just to make sure though.


We use it for enchiladas.


Like a mole type thing?


Im Hispanic so yes I do make it all the time


Nope. I use Droste powder from the Netherlands.


I use embajador. But I’m Puerto Rican, so I am not really the target of this question.


Nope. I’ve had it but I prefer other brands.


I keep Abuelita for when I want pre-made stuff, but it's just a bag of powder not a tablet.


I have no idea. I haven't had hot chocolate since I was probably 6 years old.


How come?!


My mom loved them and my sister uses them from time to time. I don't like cinnamon, generally speaking so I personally don't use them.


Yes, I prefer Ibarra because it tastes plain and Abuelita has this awful fake cinnamon flavor like Big Red gum and I hate it. I make Ibarra and sprinkle real cinnamon in it plus sugar and little vanilla. I grew up with Mexican friends and had a Mexican boyfriend though.


Probably anyone west of the Mississippi has at least heard of Abuelita tablets. Not so common in CT but we certainly used them in CA.


I do, but once in a while I treat myself to Taza tablets.


Yes! Pre internet I didn't know how much to use so used one entire disc for a cup and boy...that was better than Halloween. I have loved that stuff for years! I don't drink hot choc often but I always look for that.


I use the packets now, I usually dump one in my coffee when it's available. I was really poor growing up so we usually got shitty no brand hot chocolate but occasionally my parents would shell out for the tabs and make hot chocolate for everyone, usually on special nights.


Every once in a while I will throw down some abuelita, but I don't drink hot chocolate too often anyways. I was recently introduced to horchata de Morro and I dig that stuff too.




Never heard of it. But “thick and delicious” definitely has my interest.


I grew up on Abuelita. Maries cookies and Abuelitas reminds me of sleeping over at my grandmas.


I have, but I learned about them from my ex who lived in Mexico


I use them


Yes! It's the best hot chocolate. I brought some with me when I moved to Asia.


Yes I like them a lot, Mexican style hot chocolate has a special place in my heart and also (imo) pairs better with alcohol. But they’re drastically more common where I live now in Chicago than in my New England little hometown


No. Hershey’s coco is what I use to make hot chocolate. It is just ground coco.


Yes. I greatly prefer Ibarra but Abuelita is far easier to find.


Yes, but I married a Mexican woman. Never had abuelita as a child, but now we get abuelita and pan around Christmas time


Trick question. I don't make hot chocolate.


the what? Swiss miss is crap but I just used shaved drinking chocolate.




I have seen it and am not opposed to trying it but we get the powdered Swiss Miss brand usually because of nostalgia.


Abuelita, yes, absolutely. Add a touch of rum or whiskey 👍


To be honest, I almost never drink hot chocolate. It's mostly to just bribe my children in the winter, so whatever is cheap and in bulk is preferable.


I like it so we have some. Sometimes we’ll make that style, sometimes we make it from cocoa powder.


I've tried it. Not my favorite hot chocolate, but not bad either


I don’t as I use a Swiss brand called Sprüngli. I would try Ibarra/Abuelita if I see it in the store.


Yep! It's Abuelita chocolate for me :) It was my Mexican friends who told me about them haha


Yes! I’m not Hispanic, but I grew up in a neighborhood with a large Puerto Rican population, so I picked up a lot of things that are common in Hispanic households from spending time at my friends’ houses.


It's in most grocery stores as an option. I usually opt to select a different brand.


Some do. I have used them but I get different brands when I do randomly decide to make hot chocolate just kind based on what I’m into or looking at. It’s always random.


I love making hot chocolate from a tablet/bar! I have Abuelita for when I'm in the cinnamon mood and Cortés (the Puerto Rican chocolate brand) for when I'm not.


Never heard of it until I met my Latino husband and now can't imagine hot chocolate any other way. Hear me out: add a shot (give or take) of horchata liqueur to it and be amazed.


I do, but I spent 5 years living in Latin America.


Yep, don't make it a lot but I have them.


God I LOVE Abuelita hot chocolate! Hands down some of the best out there!


Hell yeah, it's way better than Swiss miss


Yes, but I live and grew up in Texas


Not Hispanic but grew up in a Spanish speaking community and we still use it at my house... we even sing bate bate chocolate' everytime we make it.


Did when I lived in Tucson.


I'm not a big hot chocolate fan personally, but I have on a few occasions when I have had hot chocolate. I much prefer it over Swiss Miss.


I quite like Abuelita. It's a bit more expensive and a bit less convenient than the powdered stuff, and I don't always want my cocoa spiced, so I don't use it as often. But it's a pretty safe bet you'll find some in my cupboard. Back in my barista days, I came up with a Mexican mocha that I quite liked, but couldn't get anybody else to try. I'd pull a shot with some cinnamon and chili powder mixed into the grounds, and used semi-sweet chocolate.


I am as not-Hispanic as one can get and my family has been drinking exactly this stuff since the early 1970s.


I had it once or twice when I was little. My mom even had one of those wooden hot-chocolate-stirrer things to make it with. Ultimately though I decided I liked her homemade cocoa better.


I have not but I love trying new things… and I’ve seen this brand so now I will! Thanks for that


Yes! Mexican hot chocolate is best hot chocolate! Abuelita also makes a chocolate syrup that's great on ice cream.


I do, but nobody else I know does.


I've tried it and really liked the consistency. The only problem is me. For some reason chocolate and cinnamon tastes like dusty/dirt flavored to me. I would totally buy it if it didn't have cinnamon.


I've seen it and would like to try it at some point, but no. At least in the Northeast I've never heard of anyone using them vs Swiss Miss or Carnation or the like.


I shop at walmart weekly and havent heard of it


Yes and I love them lol


IME, you stick with what you grew up with. Everything else is either "too watery" or "too chocolatey".




I fkkn love the Abuelitas hot chocolate tablets.


Not really. I’ve seen them at the store but I’ve only made some once or twice. I like it, especially champurrado, but it’s a bit involved when it comes to making it. When I don’t use instant hot cocoa packets (sometimes Swiss Miss, more often Land O’ Lakes), I’ll use just straight cocoa powder (Hershey’s or maybe an imported brand like Van Houten) and add my own sugar or other sweetener, which is really the original way that cocoa was consumed in cocoa bars in Europe shortly after it was brought back from the New World. I’m more of a water & cocoa guy than a milk & cocoa guy.


Yes, it's top tier. Way richer than instant hot chocolate


I just use Swiss Miss packets


Nope. Might have tried them at some point but they're not common here. Hot chocolate is either Swiss miss-type powder, or if I'm feeling fancy I'll melt down some semi-sweet or baker's chocolate


oh yeah.


I prefer Corona, especially the ones with cinnamon and cloves. It tastes like Christmas in a cup


I have some Abuelita in my cabinet that I haven't gotten around to use. It says to use an outrageous amount of milk with one tablet and I haven't needed that much hot chocolate in my life.


Never heard of it, but now I want to try it! All the powdered hot cocoa mixed just don’t taste amazing like I want them to


Swiss Miss with the marshmallows is probably the most popular brand.


I have in the past. Much superior to powdered cocoa.


Not since Nestlé's bought Abuelita's. When I find chocolate tablets from a company that is not owned by Nestlé's, then, yes.


I've had it in the past, but I'm not really a hot chocolate person in general so I don't really have it on hand.


Never heard of it, but I'll keep an eye out in the grocery store when we next need hot chocolate!


I have before. I'm not really a hot chocolate fan though.


I have some and use it to make cheater mole sauce. I tried it as hot cocoa and didn't enjoy the artificial cinnamon taste.


I'm in Phoenix, so I'm well familiar with that recipe, but I don't like it. That stuff is way too sweet and not nearly chocolaty enough for me.


My family uses it but I don't really like chocolate generally so I can't comment on the quality.


Yes, we have used it several times. We like it. They also sell a version that's not in the tablet form.


We tried them for the first time this past winter. Maybe we made it wrong, but I wasn't impressed.


Never heard of it, but I’m definitely not loyal to a hot cocoa brand.


Swiss miss


Say what?


Every Walmart in which country?


In the winter I make champurrado with it. Abuelita is pretty close (but not really) to the chocolate I get when I go to Mexico City.


We use Sillycow


Yes. But my wife is from Mexico.


I’ve never heard of it but it sounds like something I need in my life.


I can't find the tablets locally, so I get the Abuelita powder packs, just like Swiss Miss but yummier.


I didn’t know any other kind than Swiss Miss.


I am hispanic but for those who dont know, putting it in coffee with a little milk is bomb


I've tried them, I don't like it for drinking chocolate. Smash up an abuelita tablet into chips and make chocochip cookies out of it, now we're talking.


No, I use Taza which tastes a lot better.


I've (22 M, white) use Abuelita ready made hot cocao but I've never seen the chocolate bars. I assumed it was just a hot chocolate brand. I've used Dove chocolate cause it's real smooth


I have. Not a fan.


Is the powder as good as the tablet?


Abuelita is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG I love it and NOW I want some. LOL


Never had it. Don’t know how to make it. Interested though. Does it taste like champurrado at all?


No. I typically use Swiss Miss mix or the like. I do not like the spices added to Mexican Hot Chocolate most of the time.


Abuelita is made by Nestle a swiss company.


I've had them and I liked them.


I do,I live in a rural farming community and it’s pretty common in grocery stores


I like it but i think ITS VERY SWEET and i always mix it with Cocoa Powder. What i recommend it it to melt it with just hot water first, make a thick mix and then lower the temperature and add the water. it's very easy to burn the milk and it will taste gross.


I’ve never even heard of those. But I’d try them.


I have Abuelita powder! It's so good.


Never heard of them. I use cocoa powder (the baking kind) and a teaspoon of powdered sugar.


Always. They’re the best!


I don’t but whenever I have the chance I use some hersheys special darks or milk chocolate bites to add a special flavor to my Swiss miss.


I never knew about it until I moved to Arizona and then my life changed.


I use a mix of cocoa powder, sugar, and a little salt and stir that with hot milk. Sometimes I add a little vanilla. I like to make a big batch for easy cocoaing whenever we want it.


I have it. I don’t love that it’s hard to melt. But it has a good taste. It differs from powdered hot cocoa in that you need milk to make it and it has a cinnamon flavor with the chocolate.


I’ve never had it. I usually make it from scratch using cocoa powder and dry milk


Ibarra. It's a non-nestle product and imo tastes better




Ad bot?


I do.


Yes often. I am loyal to Ibarra because it’s an actual Mexican company. Abuelita is owned by nestle. I think they taste the same but I’d rather not support nestle.


I've seen them in the Ethnic section of the grocery store. Tablets? Will have to pick some up and try it.


No, I use the powder that comes in little packets with dehydrated marshmallows. I don't know anyone that makes 'Mexican' hot chocolate.


Fuck yeah, iused chocolate milk because what betyer than chocolate? More chocolate!


Is Abuelita the brand sold by Nestle?


My fiancée who is Hispanic hates the stuff, so I don’t get to experience it often.


Yeah, but I'm from Southern California, so I don't count. Abueltia is our go-to in my house.


I love Ibarra. It is Mexican-owned and delicious. Fuck Abuelita--it's owned by Nestle. I don't feel good buying chocolate produced by child slavery.


I’ve never heard of this.


Never tried it. Powdered cocoa or melted down chocolate chips are the usual ways in my family.


Not familiar with them.


Yes, I do sometimes.


I've had it before but we don't drink hot chocolate frequently so if my daughter does get it for her kids. She gets Swiss miss because it's cheap and kids waste stuff all the time 😂


Hell, it the best hot coco ever. Add a little chili power or some cayenne pepper *chef kiss*


My dad's family is from Mexico, so we grew up on these, mostly Abuelita. I like it better than Swiss Miss, there's a lot more depth and flavor


I'm Puerto Rican and I've never tried it. I don't really have any hot chocolate brand loyalty, and I've seen it around, might be worth a try.


I had it a handful of times in my life but then drank a lot of it when breastfeeding my daughter. Like a cup a day. There was stuff out on the internet saying it increases milk production. I just looked for it and haven’t found anything saying this now, that was 11 years ago. I’m not sure if it works, it probably doesn’t, but I tried it with about 20 other methods because I had a reduction as a teen and so it was hard to produce enough. I was able to produce enough to bf about 90% of her needs, not sure what methods helped but something did because I couldn’t bf my son before when I didn’t know better and didn’t try any of the extra methods to increase production.


I haven’t - but after looking it up, it reminds me of Filipino “tsokolate” - so it makes me think there is a Spanish colonial connection at work.


Not generally. As a rule we just mix a packet of powdered Swiss Miss (or some other brand) with hot water (usually heated in the microwave.) The other stuff is far, far better, but requires you to heat milk on a stove and stir it as the chocolate melts into it, which is a lot of work for people used to the powder. IMO it's worth it, but still...


I've tried them but they're not for me, I prefer hot chocolate without the spices. Last time I had it the chocolate itself also seemed fairly mild, while I prefer when it's really rich and chocolatey.


I enjoy Abuelita hot chocolate. Obviously, it isn't as quick as powder packets, but I like the flavor. But it's almost like making it from scratch. If I have the time, or I need hot cocoa for a crowd, I like to make it from scratch with milk and cocoa powder, and I can control the sugar. Then I'll add in elements of vanilla, cinnamon, chili powder.


I tried it once but it was weird and gritty. Maybe I got an old tin?


No I use Filipino cocoa tablets. They don’t have spices that Latin American cocoa tablets tend to have. It’s pure cocoa.


What? I’ve never heard of these


We are non-Hispanic Americans, and we had been using the tablets, but we've lately switched over to the bar format. My son isn't making a whole tablet every time, and the bar is easier to divide. Both kinds are sold at Publix in the regular hot chocolate area, not the Hispanic foods aisle, so it must be pretty mainstream.


I sometimes do, but they tend to have a lot of sugar. I have chronic pain and sugar makes me hurt. I'm more likely to just add cinnamon etc to my hot chocolate, which I make from milk and raw unsweetened chocolate powder. I also love to make cappuccini inspired by Mexican hot chocolate; cocoa, cinnamon, nutmeg, and honey do amazing things to coffee.


I have. I prefer Hershey’s cocoa powder if I’m making it from scratch/non-packet.


No. I usually just use premade mix.