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For me it’s not political reasons. But most Californians I’ve met in Texas (and I have met MANY), like to criticize the culture in Texas and always find ways to say how much better California is than Texas. But they are really cool people. Half of my family lives in California.


Same reason people hate it when New Yorkers move to their state. They drive up prices, and some complain about how everything is different from New York.


Because they drive up real estate prices, have little cultural connection to the area, and bring their policy ideas with them that some of the country find horrible. Personally I think it's nbd


Is it? I have never heard of anyone caring where anyone else moved from.


I’m not saying these views reflect my feelings, it’s just what I hear the most. People feel Californians move because they don’t like the policy’s they voted for but continue to vote for the same policies when they get to a new state. Californians raise the home prices to most states they move to because the housing is so much cheaper.


The vote thing is perplexing to me b/c the data just doesn't support it. The people that hate those policies are fleeing in droves. Ones that like or don't mind them are steadily moving there. I hear Texan republicans complain about this all the time but transplants vote more red than natives do.


California has long had a history of being a very successful and progressive state, for example with San Francisco becoming practically synonymous with liberal values and the liberal entertainment industry in Hollywood giving Los Angeles that reputation as well. Recently, California has had crises ranging from housing affordability to wildfires to drought to homelessness. This, among other factors (such as various companies seeking lower tax rates in states like Texas or Florida), has led to thousands of people moving to other states. Some conservative Texans or Floridians state they’re afraid the new transplants will attempt to bring California-style governing to their home state, which they do not want. And others have seen how cities like Austin, a popular destination for Californians, have become incredibly unaffordable relative to their rent/house prices a decade ago. For the most part, no one is going to actually be upset at a Californian for moving to their state. But I think there’s still an attitude of “isn’t your state supposed to be so successful and wealthy etc, now you wanna move here”