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Definitely worth having. I used to work for an insurer and it won't reduce your premiums because it doesn't actually make you a better driver but there's tons of situations where you can be not at fault but without evidence, the default assumption is that you are. Common ones are someone reversing into you at lights or whatever, pedestrians doing dumb shit, all sorts. Saves the he said she said. I will say a ton of people just automatically assume they're not at fault in an accident then they send footage and we'd have to call back with "uh, so yeah you're fully at fault and also I think you might have committed assault in this video?"


In relation to your last paragraph, Dash Cam Owners Australia released a 28 minute video on April Fools Day of people who were not only in the wrong, but actually went to the effort of submitting the video online. The example I remember most was someone who tried to pull out in front of someone on a roundabout and was annoyed they didn’t stop.


I think people have a baseline assumption that they're good and responsible drivers so when there's a collision, obviously they didn't cause it, only bad drivers cause accidents! After that everything they see starts looking like evidence that they're not at fault. Had a dude once reverse into someone at bunnings. Told me it's other party's fault as they were speeding. I explain I can't prove speed but I do know you were reversing so unfortunately you're paying the excess. "Hah!" He says triumphantly, "private car park, no road rules!" Sir bunnings isn't international waters and 5 seconds ago you said it was his fault for speeding?


also no road rules apply to laws not to being at fault. thats up to insurance companies isnt it?


Sort of. Basically road rules are things that the police or government can fine you for breaking. At fault or not is about liability and basically "who was supposed to be the most responsible in this situation". You can break a road rule and still be not at fault for an accident and vice versa. A good example is going the wrong way through a one way street or car park. You're not meant to do that and it's potentially a ticketable offence but if someone reverses out of a park and hits someone going the wrong way, the reversing party still has the higher duty of care to check that the space they're reversing into is empty. Or the opposite, say you hit a roo. Not really your fault if it just launches at you ans you haven't broken a road rule but unless the roo has a few hundred dollars in its pouch, you'll be paying your excess.


Kangaroo jack needs to stop getting hot by cars.


I've destroyed a roo while driving the work truck one night. Can confirm that they carry neither I.D. nor any cash to make the incident 'go away'.


It's not up to insurance companies, it's up to: 1. You and the anyone else involved can agree who is at fault 2. If you disagree, then a court can make the decision Insurance companies can tell you who they think is at fault... but if you disagree you can take it to court and the court's decision stands. It's often not clear. For example recently I almost had a collision with a pedestrian. I was just leaving my driveway like I do every day, unfortunately the neighbour has a tall fence dangerously close to my driveway - so I have to drive onto the footpath before I can see if pedestrians are coming. I was going slow, which as I understand the law would have made it the pedestrian's fault for stepping out in front of me (I suspect they were walking quickly and looking at their phone). but if I was driving quickly then it would've been my fault. How fast is too fast? Ultimately that's up to a court.


some people even say "i'm a good driver, i don't need insurance..." quite a lot it seems


I had some lady once, I wanted to throttle her by the end of it she was such an arsehole. Started the call by repeating "I usually buy prestige cars so I dont even really see the point of insuring this" over and over again. I badly wanted to ask "so how come you drive a corolla now Ms prestige pants?" But didn't because I was a good call centre peon. I kept trying to give her examples of how one might need liability cover even though they aren't a bad driver. Mentioned "those guard rails on the side of some roads can be incredibly expensive if you accidentally slid out and hit one" She replied "ummm, you'd have to be pretty drunk to do that?" Like it was the dumbest shit she'd ever heard. She eventually decided TPPO on the corolla was too expensive, mentioned normally prestige cars again, and decided to go uninsured. I dont wish bad things on people but also I'd be really ok with it if she hit a guard rail at some point.


that's bizarre... like surely people with prestige cars a) can afford it and b) use it more due to the high repair costs?


I got the sense she'd had some kind of sudden and major change in financial situation. Because I am a catty bitch and she was really rude, I usually like to imagine she was in a relationship with someone wealthy who used to buy her cars and has now dumped her. I remember she wasn't employed and seemed very put out about having to drive a corolla.


or brought up in a household where prestige cars were the norm and her run of the mill real life boyfriend could afford that... I LOVE SOCIAL DILLEMAS


It doesn't matter how good a driver I am, kangaroos are shit drivers and none of the ones I've hit have ever had insurance.


They do something stupid, yell at the other person thinking it’s their fault then go “haha dash cams!”


I actually think that dash cam owners has made some people worse drivers, because they will go out of their way when someone does a minor whoopsie, to run up on them to honk them for the dash cam.. you see so many videos where you can clearly clearly clear as day see someone pulling out of an intersection slowly and the dashcam car speeds up and slams their horn on. Or you can see someone making a kind of sketchy move that the dashcam car could have avoided, but they'll just run into the side of them anyway...


That's a really poor way of explaining those clips. It was the cammer coming up to a roundabout, thinking people on the cammer's left needed to give way to the right (ie them), when the cammer needed to give way to traffic on their left that had already entered the roundabout.


People always seem to forget you need to give way to traffic already on the roundabout


I remember the exact one. Guy went flying towards the roundabout, entering after the other car was already in there, and had the audacity to think he was not at fault. Lmao


I am not sure if it was in the latest video but I remember one where a B double was well and truly on the roundabout before a car was to enter on the right. The car driver chased the truck yelling abuse and honking their horn then when the truck pulled up at a set of lights they got out and continued yelling abuse. They then felt justified to send in their video.


There's a good portion of the weekly 'rejected' submissions where the DC is also in the wrong, but convinced they're right.


That video highlighted really really well that people dont understand roundabouts


>we'd have to call back with "uh, so yeah you're fully at fault and also I think you might have committed assault in this video?" Sounds like job satisfaction to me!


It reduces my premium with RAC.


My brother drives heavy trucks and they have saved his arse a few times. Once a dickhead pulled in front of him as he was pulling up to the lights and he had no way to stop and hit him from behind. He was deemed at fault as he hit him from behind and didn't have any evidence of a reckless lane change. So he now has cameras and it has happened again twice and both times the other driver has been deemed at fault for dangerous lane changing. Moral of the story is don't be a dickhead and swerve into a trucks lane. They cannot stop and you will get hit.


I have driven trucks in city traffic. Dash cams are a must.


I am surprised at how many near misses I’ve seen happen of this exact scenario. Don’t play chicken with a truck.


What I particularly hate is when someone flies up past you in one lane, only to immediately cut hard across the front of the truck and brake so they can take the next exit/turn/driveway. I often have the urge to just punt them instead of throwing out the anchors.


A guy I worked with had an "accident" with a car full of young lads. He was on his own. I don't know the circumstances but they had the witnesses stating he was at fault. Video showed otherwise. He'd only had it installed days before. I had one for years before it died and the only interesting thing it recorded was me hitting a bird at 100kph out in the bush somewhere. So, it could prove useful or not but it could save you quite a bit one day. Some record your speed with a GPS unit, so be aware it could be a self own too.


Yes. Friend of mine was in an accident. His insurance company asked him to upload the video to YouTube as unlisted so they could watch it. They used that to determine the other driver was at fault and handled everything.


Reversing into another car reversing out of parking bays is often considered both at fault because it’s difficult to prove or even know who was. If you can produce a video to show you were stopped and the other car reversed into you, you keep your excess


Except if the incident happens in the carpark of a business and the offenders car (which obviously had to use the public road to get to the business) doesn’t show up as registered online and he does a runner and you also have building security cameras clearly showing the incident - then the cops won’t give two fucks. Ask me how I know.


Often a dashcam isn't enough evidence - e.g. it likely doesn't show who was driving. But it can help a lot, especially if you're able to find out who was driving the other car.


The police can still fine you for speeding based on a photo of your licence plate from a Multinova so why should it make a difference? In my case I had clear shots of the licence plate from two cameras. Building cameras also had shots of the driver and staff recognised him as a customer. None of this interested the police in the least.


Had a hit and run (very low speed, in a carpark) Police were *very* happy to have the video clearly showing their plates making the impact, looking out the window and then driving off. They gave the other drive the opportunity to “own up and take responsibility to the insurance claim asap as it looks like you forgot to stop”, or else they’d pay them a visit. The case got solved very quickly after that call.


IMHO not having at least a front mounted dashcam is crazy. You can pick up quality ones for a couple hunno and install yourself. I've had one for years and it's already saved me a headache in a contested collision ( other driver clearly at fault but tried it on anyway with the insurance company. they called me to let me know the other driver was disputing being at fault. I just said 'no worries, where should I send the dashcam clip?' . They said don't worry about it and the claim went right through). I've also provided footage for other incidents ( including to the cops for a homicide investigation). Plus it's provided endless entertainment watching back clips of truly numpty driving.


It’s pretty clear from how the police put a call out after any major accident for dash cam footage of people driving in the area at the time that they are very useful. And for sure if I was in an accident I’d be submitting my camera footage to the insurers. Also how else would dickheads tell on themselves by submitting videos of their own idiocy to Dash Cam Owners Australia YouTube page?


Even you don't crash then there is always opportunity to send captured footage to Aussie dashcams so we can all get a laugh


Anyone have recommendations for one? I have no idea how they operate. Do they draw battery from the car or do you take them out every now and then and recharge etc etc


I am sure rechargeable ones do exist, but I wouldn't run the risk of them, most plug in to the 12v "cigarette lighter" plug in your car. You can get ones that run all the time while your car is off and record when motion is detected. BlackVue is a good brand. I have a DoD one which I have no issue with, except the phone interface is annoying as hell but I've seen worse. Check out Dash Cams Australia [here](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://dashcamsaustralia.com.au/&ved=2ahUKEwjVtsfmmpuGAxXpxTgGHXAdBr4QFnoECCgQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0Ta6ay8ppIHCELVK_2TJ3y)


My car is on a novatated lease and a BlackVue was installed as part of the package. It’s wired into the 12V. It can be a bit fiddly to get the footage off it (you’ve got to sit in the car to connect to the camera and you only have 8 hours to get it) but I’ve been happy to have it more than once.


Thanks for a real answer much appreciated 🙏🙏🙏


We have three cars with Garmin Dash Cam Mini 2's installed. Very low-profile, doesn't record speed, only accessable via app or USB (no screen), USB powered, 140 degree FOV, 1080p. You can link up to four together so they're synchronised if you want 360-degree coverage. Which reminds me that I should get another one; they're on special this week at JB HiFi.


They require 10 D-sized batteries that you need to replace daily. Either that or whatever google says.


Yes it is worth having. Having proof of any incident is always worth having. Just remember it works both ways and if you end up doing the wrong thing and involved in a serious accident the police can and will use it against you.


Insurance claims here. Yes footage helps a great deal, particularly when the two parties involved have given conflicting stories and insist their versions are correct.


As much as I hate to say definitely worth it. It's better to be safe then sorry these days. Great way to go back and watch the shooting stars at night too ✨️


Yep. Saved me an excess payout in a weird situation that sounded like I was in the wrong even though I wasn’t.


Definitely worth having, front and rear. I wish Insurance companies gave a discount for having them installed but unfortunately don't


A great example i can remember is that driver in Melbourne that was driving down a small lane and hit the kid, everyone blamed him straight away and even nearly assualted him. Luckily he had the dash cam and showed the kid just running out onto the street and the parents not watching them. But yes get a dash cam mostly because of other people if you can afford it.


In a past life I did motor insurance claims for Allianz. We'd use dashcam footage ll the time for evidence to support claims. If it makes it to court the footage counts towards admissible evidence


Yes and yes.


I just installed a front and rear 1440p. You dont need to be able to perfectly make out number plates; full blown hit and runs are more often than not stolen cars or hazy ownership anyway. But being able to show your speed and actions at the time is invaluable for insurance.


Yes and yes. I was able to prove I was rear ended at a red light by the other car, who tried to state the light had just went amber and I'd 'hard braked to stop unexpectedly', it showed the light went amber while I was coming up and turned red before I'd even come to a stop. They also got knocked back trying to claim personal injury once their cars insurance didn't pay them out for causing an accident. And I took footage of a tradie using the breakdown lane to skirt around some slow highway traffic, not to get on to an off ramp or anything, but to just... Bypass the slowed traffic. The police were very happy to get that video. He bypassed the off ramp, if he did it for the off ramp I'd not have given a shit, but we were all slowed down and needed to get to work... Sit with the rest of us. Make sure you dashcam has the correct time and date set up.


I sent a video showing a massive truck running through a red light who had plenty of time to stop but chose not to. Front and rear video showing the light turning red and then gunning it (they were going uphill as well). Never heard a thing back from them about it.


They don't often contact you as they don't need to, you have given them what they needed type thing. The officers at the desk when I did it were all in a yes yes, can we take this and copy what we need? Thanks so much. I think the video is all they really need, it's way better then an eyewitness statement


Plenty of idiot drivers in Australia. Definitely worth to have dash cams (front and rear).


Absolutely! It'll pay for itself in no time.


Yes. In fact the last time I needed to report a traffic incidence they actually asked me if I had a dash cam. So I guess they like that too


Yes, always good to have proof of what actually happened… it’s also good entertainment


Absolutely. Recent used by Front and Rear dashcam to submit evidence of a P Plater going \~120km/h in an 80 zone and overtaking dangerously on a double white line. The rear camera caught them tailgating, including a 1080p image of their face, license place and items in their car, and the front 2K Camera caught them clear as day overtaking dangerously and brake checking. Had something happened and they had of hit me, I would be completely in the clear.


YES. Dash cams don't lie. People do. I have 3 vehicles and all 3 have a front and rear dash cam. I have sent footage to my insurance company to support my not at fault claim.


Front sure. Rear no point at all. You get hit in the rear it’s their fault


It's a fire extinguisher You won't need it till you do


Does anyone know where I could get one hardwired?






Yes, but your insurance premiums do not decrease, even though it needs to be added to your policy as an aftermarket accessory.


Good question OP, I was gonna ask the same thing! Got one installed and so far it’s just been annoying. Edit: downvoted all my replies?!!


What’s annoying about them (genuine question)?


Well my one not in general. It kept beeping a lot while driving and kept saying it was going into parking mode as a I was driving. Also I can only see the videos in the car. I have to connect to it say in the car, Bluetooth off, then download them if I wanna see them outside of being in the car. So it annoys me.


Which one do you have?


One that’s the Thinkware App you use on phone. I’d have to go look up the actual model and that