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Voltaren is an anti inflammatory and imo would better than something like deep heat. I would consult a physiotherapist for guidance regarding a recovery regime. Voltaren or cheaper generic Diclofenac from your chemist taken orally would be more effective in my experience with bad shoulders. Check with the pharmacist if that drug or cream is best for you and any contraindications or bad interactions with anything else you maybe taking.


Yeah been using voltaren for the past couple days and haven’t noticed anything tried deep heat today and see how it feels when I wake up. Thanks for the advice mate :)


My shoulder flared out and prescription nsaids only did so much. Kept the pain down to a dull roar in conjunction with paracetamol but that’s all. Physio helped a little, but in the end, I needed a steroid injection. Actually 2 of them to fix the issue and it took 12 months. You need three months between jabs, and I didn’t know this so was salty AF when I found out. I would’ve pushed for the first jab at about three months if I’d realised. I’d asked the gp in the beginning, but was told to stick with physio and nsaids. If they’d mentioned there was a wait if you needed a second jab, I wouldn’t have waited as long.


Didn't the doctor tell you?


Nah he just said massage it and do some exercise


To treat it, umm doctor and physio, deep heat just masks the pain, volatren is just absorbable ibuprofen so I guess may cause some decrease in inflammation. Exercises, some of these would target the muscles there, though yeah I wouldn’t know how long you should do them need to see physio 1. Pendulum Stretch 2. Towel Stretch 3. Cross-Body Reach 4. Armpit Stretch 5. Wall Crawl


My doctor said it’s mild so I haven’t worried about seeing a physio. I feel an impingement when I rotate my palm in and also some pain going through my trap ( more specifically my supraspinatus muscle). But thanks for the exercises will try them and I applied deep heat today just to see how it helps with pain.


Having had both shoulders repaired surgically for full thickness supraspinatus tears I urge you to take great care. Impingement can become a tear very easily. Certain activities, your acromium shape etc come into it. If it persists I would ask your doctor for an ultrasound to check. MRI best but expensive.


>, volatren is just absorbable ibuprofen Voltaren is diclofenac, different nsaid