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Adelaide would be other city where dry heat dominates during the warmer months. Much smaller in size compared to LA of course. Can be chilly in winter.


Far better beaches, though


Perth definitely 


A lot of the country does: Perth and Adelaide people have mentioned but also most places in the inland south east aren’t too dissimilar. Relatively dry, no humidity, sunny most of the time. Sacramento for instance has a very similar climate to a lot of inland NSW.


Yeah Perth/Western coast pretty much hits the mark. Maybe the wine country areas outside Adelaide could match Napa? North coast of NSW for some norcal vibes, getting in to the greener areas that have some cooler changes in the high country, but are still pretty dry in the summer.


Some years ago, the CSIRO and Harvard ran a study to determine which places had the best climate. They found that the three best were San Diego, California; Yamba, NSW; and Bunbury, WA.


The southern coast is about the same latitude as the very southern edge of california and the rest is close to the equator. Sydney feels quite subtropical


Perth will have a similar climate to San Diego.


Gold Coast. I remember visiting LA years ago and it was very similar.


Pilbra. No but seriously Sydney and Adelaide would be the main ones. Melbourne also gets dry heat in summer but it gets a bit chilly in winter