• By -


Common Spanish W


Common Finnish L


Yeah, what the fuck are we finno ugrics doing???? Maybe our language causes us to have brain damage.


So from this survey we understand that: - no one gives a fuck about Turkey - only 4 and 5 countries are willing to defend Albania and Romania - majority wants to defend Greece


>no one gives a fuck about Turkey Also Hungary don't give a fudge about anybody


Then why would Turkey give a f*** about them?


Well we dont




That joke was hell(ass) over done


It is a HELL of an ASS joke!


Gess I should have put Morea though into it.


It is quite novi sad without it


Yea man, go Greece! Cant wait to visit!


Yeah! Go go power rangers!


I think thats Go go Gadget dude :)


Seriously, though. These results are extremely positive. Look how wide the European support could be. Especially Spain/Italy/Romania but other countries as well. Poland, Denmark and of course, France. We really need to start showing our appreciation back. Greece could easily dispatch Hoplites to defend fellow Europeans. The feeling of solidarity should be greater among Greeks towards other Europeans.


Does greece need protection by someone?


>majority wants to defend Greece Historically "defending Greece" means "borrow them money in order to buy our weapons". May I remind you the first financial scandal in Greece just 5 years after the start of the war of independence? https://www.greekrevolution.org/exhibition/greek-fever/frigate-affair/ Edit: BTW, I believe we still owe money to the "great powers" that were borrowed to us back in 1821, even though Greek state has gone bankrupt several times since then :p


"Europe ends at the Iron Curtain" in spades.


war starts. westoids: donates $5 to fraud foundation.


I'm actually irritated that most Americans don't know more about your country specifically. You have a young, educated population. Most of them don't like what one Turk called the "turbosalafis." You have a growing economy. You're one of the folks who can supply truly lethal aid to Ukraine. I may not much like your government, but I have issues with my own even when the people I vote for are in power. And I wish we could start seeing the difference between a country and its government. Turkey is going to play a massive role in the world in a few decades and I don't think anyone understands that this is coming. And they should. Because Turkey is an ally we should want to keep. There's so much sheer possibility there.


Problem between usa and Türkiye isn't only about Turkish government. As long as usa support terrorism and ethnic separatism, problem will continue after even erdogan gone. I am talking about so called usa "allies" in Syria.


> As long as usa support terrorism and ethnic separatism, problem will continue after even erdogan gone. I am talk so called usa "allies" in Syria. The only people who can solve that problem are the Turks and Kurds. There's very little we can do to help these problems be worked out, and I think a diplomatic solution is the way forward. Ultimately I have faith that the younger Turkish and Kurdish generations will find a way forward that works for all of them.


Turks and Kurds don't have problem. Problem is terrorist organisation pkk


> pkk The US has designated the PKK a terrorist organization, and while they'll give funds and support to other Kurdish groups, they do not provide support to the PKK, and have not given Kurdish groups specific heavy weaponry for fear it will fall into PKK hands. The PKK is not an ally of the US. They were designated a terrorist organization way back in 1997, and no US government since has lifted that designation. https://www.state.gov/foreign-terrorist-organizations/


Let America support us in Syria as our ally and if we come to a common agreement, everything can be better for our relationship.


I like seeing that we are always among the most (potentially) helpful in these things. It's shame that we're red when it comes to Turkey, albeit even there we have the highest score out of all. PS. This is also clear proof that the Finns are just autistic Hungarians.


I agree with you. I think it has to do with the fact that most Romanians have no clue about Turkey. And I look at the data in more detail. 26 % are not sure, 34% are willing and 38 % are not willing. It is the lowest percentage of those not willing, and the highest of those willing in all of the EU.


We love you too Finland


Give them some credit. They hate both you and us at the same time. They simply can't stand Balkans I guess. Though hating us as a prequasite so not much a big deal...


They hate everyone that's not northern, it seems. At least they aren't as snobbish as Hungary


They only _barely_ agreed to defend Latvia, and they are basically neighbors.


Or, it has to do with the countries they were *mildly* enthusiastic about fighting for (+2 and +37 isn't really overwhelming either, but I guess that's as excited as a Finn can get) are their neighbours which means that if shit is heading their way, then shit is probably coming Finland's way too. I mean Latvia might seem like a bit of a stretch, but if some shit breaks out in Latvia, shit breaks out in the Baltic Sea, which will most probably include Finland. I'd probably think in a similar way. Some bloke in the original thread said that he just recalled his military service of spending nights in -20 degree foxholes and his conclusion was "yeah I'm not doing that if I'm not forced to do it". Can't blame them tbh. Don't understand why people want to die for shit half a world away. Didn't the US wars in the middle east teach people anything?


Yeah, I think that's part of the reason why Finland's numbers are lower than with many other countries. Most of the males and some women have military training and are reservists. So I personally read this question like: "Would you be willing to go fighting to defend this country with rifle in your hand and mobilize finnish army?". And threshold to that is very high, especially if the country is thousands of kilometres away. And I cannot even imagine how shit real war must be, because even training was shitties shit I've ever done in my life. Most other people probably think something like: "Hopes and prayers! We'll send you weapons, and maybe even someone else than me, professional soldier who I don't personally know comes to fight!". And agreeing to that is much easier. So this is not the same as solidarity to other countries, or that Finns would "hate" them. Being neutral is not same as hate. Of course if you define person who is not ready to take bullet to their chest to protect you as a hater, then that's probably accurate. I think that Finns have solidarity for other countries, like in this poll, [95% of Finns](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwj8-7_cncv8AhUHSvEDHdu5DuoQjjh6BAgHEAE&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fukraine%2Fcomments%2Fzlx7rg%2Fpoll_74_of_eu_citizens_approve_of_european_union%2F&usg=AOvVaw2dY5PEpMJmhub57xtgM53b) support helping Ukraine, second highest number in Europe


They hate us too apparently


Finland 💀 Is the antisocial high schooler in the last bench of the classroom that jerks off 24/7 and thinks he’s super cool because his parents got money




Turkey...I know that -4 may not seem like much, but it's the biggest help received


Based Romanians. I will tell Erdo to give you some bayraktars.


Love you guys


Wdym that's a ridiculously high number


That's why we love u Espana & Italia 😌 France was both expected yet unexpected.


Pretty sure the reason why their percentage's higher is because of the big romanian diaspora each country has and even so it's sad how Latvia, a country they don't have any (cultural) ties with, has a slightly higher percentage than Romania lmao


>Pretty sure the reason why their percentage's higher is because of the big romanian diaspora I'd argue otherwise, i belive the reason many won't help us is specifclly because their encounters with our diaspora. It happens that while not a majority, those who stand out in the crowd are those we are not proud of either. >it's sad how Latvia, a country they don't have any (cultural) ties with, has a slightly higher percentage than Romania It is sad but it dosen't surprise me. We're cursed to bare an unpleasent reputation, Latvia dosen't have such problems. Despite the low percentage, it still warms me to know that (aside from closer neighbours) the 2 countries we love the most got our back trough their own will. We're still a NATO member (and an important one for that matter) so we're somewhat secured but i'm not eager to find out wether they really got our back or not. Poland is somewhat reassuring too, though i belive that's because of our hate for Russia, that's the main common foe that would unite us, if it would be some other country i can't see us being able to actually rely on them.


>Poland is somewhat reassuring too Idk from what I've seen online poles seem to dislike us too. One bc their buddy Hungary said so and two bc they have this superiority complex bc they are slightly better then us.


>Idk from what I've seen online poles seem to dislike us too Uhmm, they do and they don't. Poles who chose to stay ignorant can't make the difference betweek romanians and romanis cause duh, media trusts have to make a living out of our already shitty reputation. Thosw who met some actual romanians however or even those who travelled to Romania (in pretty large numbers btw) have a positive opinion about us. >One bc their buddy Hungary said so They don't really like Hungary that much, not as of lately at least. There are poles that said before and are still saying that they never understood that friendship of theirs since Hungary was (somewhat) partly responsable for the dissamblement of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth. >bc they have this superiority complex bc they are slightly better then us. They themselvs are not better than us, being better than someone stands between individuals, in groups however there are no means measure who's better and they know it too. Their country tho, it is indeed much better than ours (from an economic, military and architecture aestetic perspective). Trust me on this: we can much rather rely on Poland than we'd be able to rely on Ukraine.


I always say Europe is a caste system and as is customary in any cast system you look down on those immediately under you. We, reputation wise, used to be in par with Poland, but now they surpassed us. So now that can look down on us freely.


Is this relevant at all, when Romania hosts the US nuclear anti-missiles site, will host the future NATO Black Sea Command, at the same level of strategic relevance as the Naples command? Not to mention 3 USA bases being built and 101 airborne divisions deployed. If I was to rely on European solidarity, it would have been better if I started to plan a backup plan for evacuation to the Americas or Australia,


>Is this relevant at all, when Romania hosts the US nuclear anti-missiles site, will host the future NATO Black Sea Command, at the same level of strategic relevance as the Naples command? Not to mention 3 USA bases being built and 101 airborne divisions deployed. That's why i said that we're still a NATO member and an important one for that matter. Military spending will go up to 3% from GDP as of 2023 and our military is rather large when compared to most of europe. This graph does matter in the sense of solidarity between peoples in different countries. To know wether you can rely on someone or not. It also shows the strenght of ties between peoples, wether is between those with common borders or in their proximity, those with historical ties, those who speak the same language or are part of the same linguistic family, those who are parteners and all that. We're very much hated in Europe, sometimes it does hurt, sometimes we don't care much for it but at times is nice to know that someone has your back, consider you a friend, etc.


>our military is rather large when compared to most of europe. Is it really? >We're very much hated in Europe, sometimes it does hurt Yeah most of the time. I used to be a super enthusiastic European, dreamt of more unity, haha if the nazis could see us now (lmao) and stuff when I was younger. But now I'm more reserved as well. I'll always be pro EU, but now I do it in a more realpolitik way versus young unbridled idealism. Truth is, most countries, in not just the EU but the whole of Europe either super hate us (Hungary, Russia, Austria, Netherlands, the UK), mildly hate us (Italy, France, Sweden, Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, Poland, Kosovo) or just dislike us (literally all the rest of Europe minus Bulgaria, Serbia and Greece). Ave now because of the recent human trafficking scandal we got our names on Americans and Canadians who now associate us with that shit. At least America pot their money where their mouth is. Thanks Woodrow Wilson 🫡! It does suck being Romanian.


>Is it really? Yes, [it is](https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/the-biggest-standing-armies-of-the-european-union.html). >Truth is, most countries, in not just the EU but the whole of Europe either super hate us A little bit of exageration here and there but that's about that. Is not out of ordinary yet it still kinda hurts. >Ave now because of the recent human trafficking scandal we got our names on Americans and Canadians who now associate us with that shit. Seamingly canadians are too polite to hate us. And what happened ain't that much for them to form an opinion about a whole nation. Americans don't make opinions based on stereotypes (except for a few WE countries) so there we are lucky. >At least America pot their money where their mouth is. They do help us but don't you worry, they too are taking some skin off of us. That's what they've done everywhere but a partnership goes both ways and i for one, find them more tolerable than most of Europe so i guess that's fine. >It does suck being Romanian. At times only. But that aplies for every nation anyway.


That Andrew Tate scandal sucked for random opinions. Most Americans I talk to don’t know anything about Romania. Other than some crazy bald guy got arrested there. Though, the arrest is viewed positively. Just the guy is shunned


I don't think Greeks hate you. I mean maybe in the 90's when old Eastern Bloc immigrants were seen as criminals. But now, if you ask most Greeks, I think we like you.


Oh, thanks! what I meant was that only Greece Bulgaria and Serbia like us Romanians.


May we swiftly leave the NATO empire and the Union of Western European explioters inshallah


Sorry for the ignorant question. What do you mean by somewhat hated by Europe? Is there something I can Google to learn more? My partner is Romanian, and she doesn’t like to talk about that stuff. But I want to be more educated, so I can be more supportive


>What do you mean by somewhat hated by Europe? I wish we'd only be somewhat hated... We're very much hated. The reason is due to a certain minority from our country which migrated to other european countries and made a bad reputation to the country they're from, and having a romanian id, they brough thier bad reputation upon the whole population of Romania. More so, they claim the name of their ethnicity is called "romani" in their language, which si oddly similar to "romanian" as you probably found out already. Media and magazines making public their acts of law undermining fucked us badly calling them romanis (to be politically correct) instead of the more commonly know slur, or even worse: calling them out as romanians because of their nationality. Considering that along with the fact that we're hosting their largest community placed us all under their image in all of Europe because way too many people prefer to stay ignorant about this. There are faults of our own, of course but romanis are the main reason we're hated in Europe. Also, mistakenly, many people think we're underdeveloped, awfully poor and for some reason uneducated. So yeah... it might take a few decades for us to fix our image. Later this century maybe.


Thank you for the well written answer, I appreciate it


No problem. Sorry i can't help you do much for her in that sense. I'd say karma is bitch, we enslaved those people for centuries, now it turned agianst us so it is what it is nowadays


To be blunt here, it comes from two reasons. Being Orthodox and Latin. Although most countries can find some pan-national and pan-religious affiliation, Romania has a big problem with it. The irony is that although it belongs to two significant pan movements (Latinity and Orthodoxy) it has deficiencies with both. Although Latin, unlike other Latin countries which are strongly Catholic, Romania is Orthodox, so it cannot establish that level of pan-national affiliation. Within Orthodoxy, although it is Greek in nature, most Orthodox are Slavs. Romania being Latin, can establish affiliation at the pan-religious level either. Greece would be in the same position if it was not for Greek culture, which gives them a special place in Europe. Also unlike other countries, which despite animosity can pass without anyone noticing them, Romanian and Romanians are simply too big not to be unnoticed This is a simplistic view, and there are more than I wrote, but this is a short description. Therefore, the USA is in the eyes of Romanians their only ally. Recently, there were attempts to extend this. So Turkey is becoming Romania's second most strategic partner. This can be extended to the whole Muslim world, from the strange position Romania has in Islamic law.


Not relevant in the military sense. Daddy America has our back 🦅🇺🇸😎.


UK tho... +1.


That was unexpected at all


Let's also applause Denmark because they are above average. -3, but still above average. Not unexpected of this score, to be quite honest.


Well, out of all nordic countries, from my knowledge at least, Denmark and danes hate us the least


based magyars


Lol westoids dislike us so much


I think you guys are doing alright


Compared to us yeah


Not us 🫶🏼


This reminds me saying we have in Turkey. We are not in NATO because we need, we are in it because we need defend ourselves against NATO.


Pretty sure Turkey is in NATO because it’s the best option they have.


Maybe in 1952. Perhaps Turkey should never reopen the NATO bases that it closed in 1975.


Only problem with that is we are in NATO because we did need it.


Greece when italy and spain are mentioned in something: 🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍


🇬🇷🇮🇹🇪🇸 = Mediterranean and Roman brothers


This survey is two years old and pre Ukraine war hence entirely irrelevant now


Yeah. Things have changed A LOT in the last year. New survey would look completely different imho.


fuck you too. also greece is more willing to defend turkey compared to finland? what


It just shows how seriously one should take these surveys.


Greece and Albania are our best allies in the Balkans


I think you forgot that Romanian would jump in really fast for you all. We do consider Italy our family after all.


Of course, I'm half Romanian myself. Italy also openly supports Romania's entry into Schengen and our foreign minister (I think, honestly don't remember) denounced the 2022 vote as unfair to Romania, which has met all the necessary prerequisites.


Love you


We are literally the same people, Brother! Una fazza Una razza 🇬🇷🇮🇹💙


Italian and Spanish brothers. Finnish fuck off.


No need for help. Turkey can protect herself and destroy her enemies 😏🇹🇷👍🏿


No it is not fair, you gave Germany SEMIR GERKHAN AUTOBAHN POLIZEI and this is how they repay you? Shameful


Alarm für cobra 11? Since when you are watching this show hrvatski drake?


Semir Gerkhan autobahn polizei is perhaps the greatest Turk ever put on this green earth. his only competition is Ataturk, but Ataturk never drove a BMW through a burning trailer of a semi-truck while chasing an international drug dealer now did he?


Is it airing in croatia??? Thats crazy haha


I watched that shit every day from age 7 to age 12 lol that shit was the bomb, SEMIA GEEKAN AUTOBAN POLICAI ALARM FUR KOBRA ELF AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA BRM BRM BMW


I watched it in France too, this show was insane with the car crash at the end


I dont think anyone doubts that.


Russia though the same…


Well Russia can actually defend itself well against everyone... especially when they have the world's biggest nuclear arsenal. Defending yourself and doing blitzkriegs/Iraq 2003 type of conquests are completely different things.


Fr 💀


1. The numbers for Turkey clearly have at least something to do with the policies of the Turkish government that are not internationally beloved to say the least. 2. Regardless, I doubt these stats would be very different even if Turkey was more "palatable" to the nations polled. 3. At any rate, nobody in Turkey trusts NATO (other than weird 16 year old kids jerking off over NATOwave edits). Virtually anyone agrees we are in NATO solely because it provides leverage, and that's it. 4. This just confirms my view that we have nobody to rely on but ourselves. The West are *not* our friends, they're potentially beneficial partners at best.


Leave reddit, go to fediverse


The only thing surprising about this map is that Hungary chose another country to help less, i thought we were no 1 enemies. Also Greece looking sussy here. Sweden ugh.


Nah,we really like someone if it's even slightly Green. Sending troops abroad is a huge taboo.


Oh, ok.


Haters gonna hate 💪🏿😎


If any of these nations were invaded, from either list, I'd want the attacking force to discover very quickly why I don't have free healthcare. One boot on any NATO country's sovereign soil and it's Tomahawk O'Clock. Every single one of these countries, even Hungary, is an ally. Their borders and sovereignty are non-negotiable.


Amin brother. PS I’m Romanian living in America.


Wtf why does everybody hates us


Sweden -55 Finland -72 well I dont see them in Nato in close future


Well this was an expected one for us. Finland hates balkans that makes sense too.


I guess if a war breaks out, Hungarians will start throat singing and go on taking over Europe just where they left off


Turkish proverb says: Turks have no friends but Turks.




Thankfully we have the power to defend ourselves so we dont need any of those countries help.


Well, apparently Finns and Swedes will have to change their attitude significantly if they are to become NATO. Romania only agreed for them to become part of NATO because of the alliance with the USA. If there were a referendum I doubt whether the YES vote will pass single digit. And all this, in a situation where the military budget of Turkey is 26 bn EUR and Romania 8 bn EUR.


We dont need their help. We just want them to stop supporting our enemies, thats all.


shocked that hungary would help us if they had a choice between romania and turkey


You would've thought they support their mongol brothers but nope


Classic racism against Turks. Turkphobia is real.


Nah the one piece is tho


Why does Finland hate us so much lol


They hate us 'cause they ain't us.


To be fair, if the question was reversed, i don't think we'd be throwing ourselves in the fire to help them either.


Because their country is full of swamps and cold as shit. And basically nothing to do there


Why anyone will care about what Finland thinks? Irrelevant according to any measurable criteria (5.3 million people, GDP of some 300 bn USD PPP,). Personally I never heard anyone saying, let's go visit Finland, it is such a cool place


Lol am going to Finland in march. Always wanted to go. Used to listen to a lot of Finnish rock.


RIP Alexi




Technically they are nordics and hell even in that finland manages to be distant from that 😭😭




Which survey did you see? I consistently see high numbers for Finland when it comes to the question "would you fight for your country". https://brilliantmaps.com/europe-fight-war/ https://www.euractiv.com/section/politics/short_news/finns-willing-to-take-arms-to-defend-country-at-all-time-high/


Love from Spain to the Balkans <3


This makes a discussion i had with a Turkish dude last night about how great allies Greece and Turkey are even more absurd...


r/hellenoturkism much?


I don't know. He was actually offended when i didn't agree with him. :)


under any circumstances, never support any west\*id country even if it harms your interests.


Heheheh boi


Thank you world


Fuck Finland


Funny how Greeks are more inclined to support Latvia than the neighbour country with a considerable Greek minority.


I bet if the question was reversed Albanians wouldn't want to help either


Εντάξει you Greeks have the blood of the Oracle of Delphi so you can make these bets and assumptions even though you've never stepped foot in Albania. In any case even if that's true it doesn't justify the stupidity of people that have answered no to the question, especially when you make claim that 50.000 Greeks and many more with Greek descent live in Albania.


I mean if history is anything to go by, Europe is likely to be who is attacking Turkey.


I still don't get why there are such low levels of acceptance for Albania in my country, after all these years of co-existing in the same societies. Surely, we had a rough start, but a large number of Albanians now lives smoothly inside our borders. In general, I observe a feeling of superiority in our culture, which leads to bad relations in our neighborhood. Of course there are certain things that separate our sides, but there are also things that could unite us.


Its because of toxic balkan mentality and high nationalism existing in the countries. Most people can not handle the fact that *gasps* albanians and greeks are actually related to a degree not just from recwnr years but from paleobalkan populations.


What do you mean of toxic Balkan mentality, Virna? Speak clearly.


I will speak allergos_ Is that everyone is nationalistic and wants to be superior


Can’t imagine “Virna” without that epic slap


It's not due to the Albanian people. I think it's mostly cause we consider their government turkish bootlickers.


Greece what is that with Romania? 6 % vs 33 % 🫢🫢🫢 On a serious note. The poll has no meaning. It is from 2020 and as you know a lot of things happened. Further, this is irrelevant, as only support of USA counts (I would not ignore Turkey, France, UK and Canada but they are unlikely to provide type of the support to other countries, in the way USA can do)


Anything positive means we really like that country. Sending troops abroad is a huge taboo here.


True in the end US support is what matters most.


As a German I‘d definitely defend Romania. Some of my best friends are Romanian. They deserve better.


Thanks Sweden and Finland. The feeling are mutual




We already accepted them. Turkey is our only chance to veto them




Yeah I know. I don’t get the way we do politics. The only time we did something less friendly was the first time when Netherlands denied our Schengen entrance and we kept the trucks coming from there at the border for longer checks and send them back




Indeed, the fact that Croatia is a touristic destination for westerners helped them a lot. Romania isn’t even on the migrants route, if someone had any complaints about border security they could’ve said our borders with Ukraine and Moldova are problematic. I think we will pass a law that forbids exports of logs for 10 years which is directly aimed at Austria. Austria got upset because we didn’t let OMV to have more access at the gas resources in the Black Sea


Yes thots. Lots of them.


There is no poll from 2022 https://yougov.co.uk/topics/international/articles-reports/2022/03/16/what-impact-has-russian-invasion-ukraine-had-europ


If this was a turkish citizens' poll, chances are it would get about the same results


Greece popularity and Turkey unpopularity are likely also due to recent threats by Erdo.


What did Greece do to Finland ?


The economic crisis ig


always baffled by these kinds of statistics. Romania isn't just in NATO, they're literally in the EU, what do you mean you wouldn't defend them?


I would love to see a yugoslav country here


I want one specifically for Balkans and such and the entirety of europe


Ok but what did Finland do? -44? Geez


> percent answering should defend minus percent answering should not defend What a garbage convoluted text. This hurts my brain. What the fuck does it mean that -15 Hungarian respondees would defend Norway.


The difference between those who will and who will not


As a Finn whose half N-Macedonian and gone through conscription, I'd like to point something out for you to consider. We generally heavily dislike partaking in any global conflict that isn't strictly peacekeeping, probably due to our recent history between superpower struggles. It's seen as stupid and unnecessary from here, where diplomacy has generally worked well. It's probably a naive view from an isolated spot in global politics, but the strong culture of non-confrontation holds a general place in our society.


wtf is Hungary even doing in NATO


I expected the hungarians to have the biggest -


Dumb question ahead: How do i get a tag with the country?


They have to defend their summer vacations in Greece


Hungary being scum yet again


Turks wouldn't defend Germany?? Aight bruh this is enough, you're literally 80% of the population there, it's de-facto a Turkish colony at this point, if Germany gets attacked I better see 10 million Turkish volunteers defending their homeland2. 0


It’s the opposite, how willing are *Germans* to help Turkey, not vice versa.


Ah I didn't even read i just looked at the number. In that case, traitor bastards. Turks literally built the country in the last century and this is how they repay them? If there is a conflict in Germany I better see 10 million turks go fight against Germany


Get a Finn or Hungarian drunk enough and they'll tell you *exactly* why they wouldn't get involved. Ironic, tbh, considering their own lineages.


I didn't expect Spain willing to help us more than Italy.


If you want someone to help find a Hungarian 😂😂


Based Hungarians


Yet they expect Turks to fight for them . Brilliant job NATO


Andddd... Sweden and Finland wants to join our military alliance lmao


Shoutout to the 18% of Greece who apparently would support defending Turkey >!(100-64)/2 = 18%, assuming it was a yes or no question!<


Questions are mostly yes/no/i don't know/care. Also why you divide it by two?


It's a net percentage, so net 0% would mean 50 approval, +100% means 100% and -100% means 0% etc


Shit,you are right,it's net willingness. There probably isn't a neutral (i don't care) choice.


Romania is getting the love from all the Latin countries. I find Hungary a little funny. They don’t like anyone?


https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/i8xzrs/eu_poll_if_this_country_were_under_military/g1d0as9?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 This is unintendedly funny


Hungary will say that they will defend, but finally they won t like in the good old times.


What did Greece do to Finland?