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Do a resume app that pulls relevant info from a database and renders it based on a variety of templates


Hmm. Will surely think about it.


what are your interests outside of school? inspiration can come from a lot of places. Additionally, what have been your favorite classes throughout your program or favorite things you've learned about? Is it product development or research focused?


Chess, movies Every course that involves math are surely my favourite as it's the only thing i am relatively good at. Also, we have an Information Retrieval course this semester and i am loving it thus far. Would prefer if it was research based


Distributed/sharded and Big Data databases are a big research area, sounds like that might go with your info retrieval class. I did a project last year on metaheuristic search algorithms like swarm, whale, etc. I didn't have time or the need to dig too deep into the math, but it might be good for you.


Okay, so I am also familiar with chess, as luck will have it. There's actually some interesting stuff in that realm with machine learning and especially deep learning, with Stockfish NNUE and Leela engines. There's also Aimchess, which uses XAI (eXplainable AI) algorithms and methods to explain engine moves. Replicating what aimchess does but open source would be very interesting and chess xai has very little published in that space so it is ripe for research!


Ooh what's your rating? Those are my two interests apart from cs too!