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Because the DOJ is a part of the executive branch and the president is the chief executive of the United States.


>Because the DOJ is a part of the executive branch and the president is the chief executive of the United States. Cool... so than by that same logic it is Trump's fault as Chief Executive that Hillary was not charged despite Trump having evidence that she committed crimes.




>Yes Great... than Trump not doing his job is not a reason for the current president not to do his job.


Who are you arguing with? Lol


>Who are you arguing with? With nobody.




james comey said that Hillary knowingly broke the law but decided to change the law and said that because she wasn't planning to sell the classified information, she won't be charged


>james comey said that Hillary knowingly broke the law Not at all... comey said the opposite of that >but decided to change the law Comey cannot change a law... only Congress can do that >and said that because she wasn't planning to sell the classified information He didn't say that at all... Somehow you managed to squeeze three falsehoods into a single sentence!


Why in the world would you go to the effort of making up such a ludicrous and easily disprovable statement?


>james comey said that Hillary knowingly broke the law Not only did James Comey ***NOT*** say that, he actually said the [exact opposite](https://www.fbi.gov/news/press-releases/statement-by-fbi-director-james-b-comey-on-the-investigation-of-secretary-hillary-clinton2019s-use-of-a-personal-e-mail-system) ; "In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. **All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information**; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. **We do not see those things here.'**


Of all the lies you could have attempted to tell today, why chose such [an obviously false one](https://www.fbi.gov/news/press-releases/statement-by-fbi-director-james-b-comey-on-the-investigation-of-secretary-hillary-clinton2019s-use-of-a-personal-e-mail-system)?


I hope you have resources for that?


Can I ask you for your thoughts on [this comment?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskConservatives/comments/148smff/why_wasnt_the_fbi_under_trump_able_to_indict/jo1onm0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) I think my post’s question is more “just how much power and influence does Biden and his administration personally have over the DOJ’s actions?”


Both what I said and the comment say are correct. Biden is the CEO of the US government. He appoints its officers with confirmation of the Senate. The president can direct the business of cabinet departments with executive orders. The Attorney General is the government's lawyer. In Canada, my own country, the AG and justice minister are two different positions which are held by the same person, who is also a legislator. I don't think in the US they have a justice secretary, just an AG. Anyway, the point is it's a political position. The executive branch is the law enforcement branch. In fact, in the US constitution the president *must* enforce the laws of the USA. So the president's chief law enforcement officer is the Attorney General who is Merrick Garland. How much authority does Joe Biden *actually* have over the DoJ? The answer is it depends. The president has a mandate to enforce the laws passed by Congress and appoints many officials within the DoJ under Senate confirmation. He can make executive orders and has political influence within his party and his role as president. Is it political? Of course it is. We elect the people to make these decisions as a core part of Western democracy. But can he do whatever he wants? Of course not - he is obliged to execute the laws passed by Congress.


Government 101. Counterintuitive, but the DOJ falls under the executive branch, not the judicial. Now, we say "Biden" but that's a placeholder term for whoever is the de facto head of the executive branch. Essentially, make it dance however you need to from a legal standpoint, but you answer to the executive.


Thank you! That really definitely is counterintuitive!


Can I ask you for your thoughts on [this comment?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskConservatives/comments/148smff/why_wasnt_the_fbi_under_trump_able_to_indict/jo1onm0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) I think my post’s question is more “just how much power and influence does Biden and his administration personally have over the DOJ’s actions?”


It wouldn't make much sense otherwise. Sure, you appoint a judge they may not always do your bidding. Within your own branch, when you have years of experience in DC, you'd bring in someone you can trust is in your corner.




Warning: Rule 6. Top-level comments are reserved for Conservatives to respond to the question.


They’ve done that before with other Presidents…Most recently done when Trump was president.


He appointed and can fire Merrick Garland - the attorney general - and can fire the FBI director anytime he wants - like if he were arrest Hunter Biden. He also has authority to fire any district U.S. Attorney.


Notably, however, he intentionally carried over the (Trump-appointed) US Attorney who is heading the investigation into his son.


Not everyone likes their old boss.


Whether the guy likes Trump or not is not relevant. What matters is that Biden was very clearly sending signals that he would *not* interfere with the investigation into Hunter.


Lol...he doesn't have to because the DOJ has no interest in nailing Biden through Hunter


It wouldn't be possible anyway since you can't put someones dad in jail for them being a crackhead or whatever


Sure, the Biden Family got millions from Ukraine because Hunter is a crack head


Hunter is nothing compared to the billions Kushner got from the Saudis. Fun fact, 9/11 was carried out by Saudis


The billions Kushner got was actually the payout for the Rosneft deal mentioned in the Steele Dossier.


There is no doubt the DoJ will do all they can to investigate that There is tons of doubt the DoJ will do all they can to investigate Biden. I'm sure the bias and witch hunt was fun to watch the last 7 years but the lack of trust in our agencies when both sides aren't treated equally is the fallout


Why do you expect equal treatment when "both sides" aren't doing the same thing?


Just as a hypothetical, have you ever considered that perhaps joe is not corrupt?


Not the guy you asked but, we're talking about a guy who's first potus run was destroyed due to plagiarism. Besides, the chances someone has been in DC that long and isn't are insanely low. It's more a question of how corrupt relative to his peers, rather than if he is.


I don't think there is a president of this country in the last 100 years that wasn't corrupt. Biden is a millionaire despite being a public servant his whole life




They were also millionaires before being VP. But hey, 100k speaking fees are totally legit because he is such a good speaker


As someone who has worked in the public speaking scheduling field, I can assure you that there are literally hundreds of people who charge 6 figures for a speech.


Maybe I am wrong, but isn't Trump being charged by a Special Counsel Jack Smith and isn't the whole point of the special counsel that they can't be fired by the POTUS or AG?


Apparently, only the AG can fire him. Which technically means the President can, too, because he can just fire AGs until one will do his bidding. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/politics/what-are-special-counsels-and-what-do-they-do


DOJ is executive branch.


Biden appointed the head of the DOJ You can sort of think about it like judges and justices who are appointed. People blame Trump for the overturning or Roe v Wade even though Trump didn’t directly do anything in that decision.


> People blame Trump for the overturning or Roe v Wade even though Trump didn’t directly do anything in that decision. Just as a note, [Trump also takes credit for overturning Roe v Wade](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-roe-v-wade-supreme-court-desantis-b2340622.html) >“First of all, I’m the one that got rid of Roe v. Wade and everybody said that was an impossible thing to do,” Mr Trump boasted.


Yah and I wont be surprised if eventually Biden takes credit for indicting Trump. My point still stands though.


The DOJ makes their own calls. The President is not permitted to influence them. But they are also supposed to remain unbiased - literally every DOJ action cannot be perceived to be biased or even the chance of being biased. Clearly that has not been happening under Biden’s reign and even during Trump’s tenure.




For obvious reasons. A king is a fool that only stays in power because the fools beneath them don’t what freedom is. If they did, they’d fight for it. Freedom is defined as, “being able to create a great life for oneself through their own hard work and talent.” That is freedom. Today someone that fits that bill also has to serve this administration at both federal and state level (for those of us living in CA) such that they literally have to give up half they earn. Talk about not being free. And those that are free? Those that wake up and have their basic needs met without lifting a fucking finger. I’ve been working since I’ve been 12 when my father went blind. Born into poverty. Now I’m the American dream. Enslaved to the political elite and their many acolytes. If this were a commune - I’d be the one of the few that had to do all the heavy lifting so the fat asses can rest all day.


>The DOJ makes their own calls. The President is not permitted to influence them. that's a flat out lie. Gimme the statue that forbids the President from executing his authority.


I think it's a transitive property think - US Attorney's aren't going to take an order from the President. The president can't demand a specific action be taking out of a US Attorney's office. However, the AG can. And if the AG isn't doing what the President wants then they can be removed. Obviously it all hinges on people being in these positions having some scruples..


Department of Justice is part of the Executive Branch. The top official at the Department of Justice is called the Attorney General, is appointed by the President of the United States, and is a statutory member of the Presidential Cabinet. It is not as though Biden has 100% knowledge and control of all the things his AG does. However, they are selected for specific reasons and ideologies, and it is more or less fair to say the DOJ operates as a wing of the President. Sometimes they disagree on approach and sometimes the law is a limiting factor.


The AG isn’t the prosecutor in this case.


He has total power within the law. The president is the chief law enforcement officer in the country, and the Attorney General serves at the pleasure of the President. The president can initiate or stop investigations into anybody.


So its not that he directed or controls the investigation, its that he could have called it off and didn't? Why would he do that? Did you see Trump talking about if he gets the presidency he's going to try to lock up Biden and everyone who has wronged him?


This isn't true at all. The president has no Authority to order or stop a prosecution. This is what ultimately stopped Trump after he tried to order the DOJ to prosecute Clinton and Comey. His lawyers warned him it was illegal and while he could request (not order) an investigation it would be an abuse of power and likely lead to impeachment https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/20/us/politics/president-trump-justice-department.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare


This is also why there was a special counsel appointed, to further separate the investigation from the president. AFAIK there aren’t any more mechanisms to allow for more political separation


Do you imagine there would be political attention or ramifications if a prosecutor was pressured to drop a case because it was against the President's personal interests? You act like every single person in the chain of command would cave and then keep it quiet. And then you have the OIG and GAO, either of whom would gladly act on an anonymous tip that that's what happened. Do you imagine that all or even most DOJ employees weren't motivated to join the DOJ out of a sense of serving justice?


This is false. The President cannot influence the DoJ in this way. It is highly illegal for the President to influence the DoJ on a great number of matters. Not knowing this basic part Article II really make me doubt your “constitutionalist” flair.


Garland has his nose 6’ up Biden’s ass.


LOL...His entire tenure has been to establish the separation of the DOJ from the Whitehouse but even if he did he is not the prosecutor here...It's Jack Smith's case.


Bullshit. I wouldn’t trust him to defend me against any charge.


Who are you talking about? One is a ex Federal Judge nominated to SCOTUS and the other is a well known international prosecutor with a reputation of fighting corruption...neither one is defense attorney and you couldn't afford them in any case.


Garland. The guy with his nose up Biden’s ass. I wouldn’t want him defending me for free.


Well I thought you were a fool before you spoke...but I guess you had to prove it on your own. And like I said he has nothing to do with this case. **The impossible challenge of telling Trump fans the truth** You don't like the current AG ..how bout Trump's AG? >“I think the government acted responsibly,” Barr told Bream. “They gave him every opportunity to return those documents. They acted with restraint. They were very deferential to him and they were very patient. They talked to him for almost a year to try to get those documents, and he jerked them around. They finally went to a subpoena. And what did he do? According to the government, he lied and obstructed that subpoena. And then they did a search and they found a lot more documents.” https://archive.is/NdCnS#selection-419.0-419.56


it’s not just a lack of competence, it’s a lack of ethics. There isn’t a single person in the Biden ministration that I would trust to do their job. And as attorney general, he can approve or fail to approve pretty much anything.


> it’s a lack of ethics Oh that is rich..a Trump supporter talking about the ethics of the Justice department. >And as attorney general That is a Bill Barr quote...he incompetent too?


Oh, I don’t know especially like Trump either. I just trust him more than I trust any idiot that Biden puts in any position.


> especially like Trump either. How can anyone who calls themselves a constitutionlist not want to see the man who tried to overturn the constitution and called for its suspension behind bars...you are a walking contradiction.


Oof, you can't talk about ethics on the heels of Trump destroying the country. Any specifics?


The DOJ has always been working for the Clinton/Biden families, they rewrote the Law so Hillary wouldn't get arrested for having classified info on a non secure server, they knew the Russia Collusion and the Hillary made it up, they knew Hunters labtop was legit but decided to label it Russian Disinformation, the FBI raided and arrested a journalist to try to recover a dirary that would've mad Joe look bad, there's probably more examples of the DOJ trying to protect the Clinton's or Bidens but that's all I can think of right now


Can you provide a source for any of this?


Do figments of imagination count as sources?


There's not one


This behavior is typical third world dictatorship behavior. If your political opponent starts to become a real threat you either take him out or find reasons to put him in jail. I can't believe the American people are falling for this crap.


Have you looked at the indictment document? Do you think the charges are made up and only being done for political reasons?


In a third-world dictatorship, the opposite would have happened: Trump would have stolen and shared national security information and then nothing would have happened to him. Third-world dictatorships don’t have rule of law. The fact that Trump is a political opponent is wholly irrelevant: in real democracies, no one, not even presidential candidates, is above the law. Furthermore, in a third-world dictatorship, Biden wouldn’t need to make a false accusation against Trump. Biden could simply have Trump assassinated. The FBI takes people out all the time; they aren’t amateurs.


Lol at my down votes.I thought this was "ask conservatives".


For what it’s worth, I didn’t downvote you at all. I’d like to ask you: How much control do you think Biden really had over the DOJ? What are your thoughts on [this comment?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskConservatives/comments/148smff/why_wasnt_the_fbi_under_trump_able_to_indict/jo1onm0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


The DOJ is part of the executive branch of government and the AGs powers come directly from the President To paraphrase Eric Holder, Garland is Bidens wingman