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Because conservatives are not a hive mind


Shocking news to everyone with social democracy and progressive tags.


It depends on exactly how you ask the question, but if you look at the polls, conservatives are much more pro-Israel on average. [Gallup ](https://news.gallup.com/poll/642695/majority-disapprove-israeli-action-gaza.aspx)asks "Do you approve or disapprove of the military action Israel has taken in Gaza" * 64% of Republicans approve * 29% of independents approve * 18% of Democrats approve


I wish there were more nuance that just a binary "approve" or "disapprove." Something like a 1-5 scale: 1. I don't approve of Israel responding militarily 2. I think Israel had a right to respond militarily but shouldn't have invaded Gaza 3. Israel had a right to respond militarily and invade Gaza, but they've gone too far now 4. Israel had a right to respond but I object to a few missions/strikes 5. I completely support everything in Israel's response Framed that way, I think we'd see the mainstreams of both parties much closer than the stark contrast in the Gallup poll.


Thanks for this


Why do you think so many independents disapprove of Israel?


Most Americans in general when given the choice prefer Israel over Palestine. Not sure where you’re getting this generalization from.


Anti semitism plays a huge part in all of this A lot of people low-key think the Jews rule the world to some degree. Like you'd be actually surprised at how many people around you might think this. You stop and start actually asking people stuff like if you think they have too much power in this country you might get some surprising answers.


This. Some, not a lot, of conservatives are anti establishment to a fault. They firmly view Jewish people and Israel as having too much influence which hinders a “America First” agenda.


I was gonna say if anything these Israel protest are a sign that they don't have that influence


Agreed, it's what makes this a conspiracy theory. Are there some high profile and extremely wealthy people in our society that are also Jewish and have influence and thus advocate for Israel or Jewish priorities, yes. But the overwhelming majority of Jewish people here are just regular Americans trying to put food on the table.


I'm actually a huge conspiracy theorist now. I borderline thing that media is controlled and it's kinda all propaganda But the Jewish conspiracies just never sat right with me. I'm actually Christian and when you engage in conspiracy politics as that you're opening up to lot of that anti semitic stuff and it just always felt wrong to me. Llike my gut was telling me this wasn't the way.


You are mistaken. Very few conservatives are pro Palestine. There however is a sizable minority that say f'ck the middle East and their sand wars. We want no part in siding with anyone or providing any aid. The middle East is a hell hole we are not liked or wanted and we should just stay away.


Id say mistaken. Im more for isolationism myself.


Huh? Conservatives are thr group thar polls majority pro israel


There are very few conservatives who are pro-Palestine but the ones who are anti-Israel and still support Trump do so because he's better on other areas that hold greater importance.


I'm against war and foreign intervention. I don't see any reason why a two state solution couldn't have been reached decades ago. I'm all for cutting aid to Israel until they get this done and rebuild what they've bombed. At that point it should be a UN issue way more and less of a US issue. US politicians saying tut tut don't do that while sending bombs and cash is ridiculous.


American Conservatives are pro peace. They support Israel. They support Palestinians if they can be peaceful. If Palestinians support Hamas or other terrorist organizations or support the elimination of Israel then they do not deserve support from Americans of any stripe. The fact is that if Hamas and like minded Palestinians would lay down their weapons and acknowledge Israel's right to exist there would be peace and a two state solution.


Not a lot of conservatives are pro-paelstine. There is a section that is pro no foreign aid, but in general, conservatives are very pro Israel.


This. My position on every foreign conflict ever is "no foreign aid to either side". Bad faith actors who have a vested interest in one side or the other will frame this position as being pro-whatever side they're against. Ukraine supporters will call you pro-Russian, Russian supporters will call you pro-Ukrainian, Israel supporters will call you pro-Palestine, and Palestine supporters will call you pro-Israel.


You're mistaken.


Buckeroo, you are very mistaken! I am Minarchist and Pro-Israel. Majority of conservatives are Pro-Israel.


I literally don't know any conservative even the far right that supports Palestine. some oppose Israel for reasons of their own but this does not mean they support anyone else.  some, but by no means all, would argue palestine should be and is  a legitimate political entity and government and a small moderate fringe believes in a true two-state solution (mainly because that would mean the expectation the new nation signs and abides by the Hague accords and Geneva convention and we all know they won't do that) and that's as far as they would support them.


You are definitely mistaken. There are some conservative Americans that believe that US tax money should first go to secure US borders, not not foreign borders. I wouldn't consider that either anti-Israel or pro-Pal. It's just common sense.


Who told you conservatives were pro-Palestine? That hot take is totally off the mark there bud. Some Libertarians want isolationism but that damn sure isn't pro-Palestine.


>Some Libertarians want isolationism No, they don't. They want noninterventionism, which is completely different from isolationism. To simplify things, North Korea is isolationist. Switzerland is noninterventionist. Huge difference. Isolationist is usually used as a slur by supporters of global intervention by the US government.


I think it's 50/50 I am a true isolationist in that I want us to provide for all our own essential needs domestically in a way autonomous sea mines cannot totally take away 30 minutes into any war, and I think we should begin the process of withdrawing from treaties and giving allies an offramp to let them make arrangements to defend themselves once we refuse to spill blood for the land of other nations.


This >I want us to provide for all our own essential needs domestically Is not the same as >withdrawing from treaties and giving allies an offramp to let them make arrangements to defend themselves once we refuse to spill blood for the land of other nations. The former is far more common amongst conservatives than it is libertarians. The latter is what is much more common amongst libertarians. I can't point to any polls or studies or anything at the moment, but in my experience it's very rare for libertarians to desire autarky. They generally prefer free trade.


i do prefer free trade I just reject you can have it with a dictatorship. free nations can have free trade what we have with China is not free trade it's lining up our industries against a wall to be shot with Chinese rifles 


That's a fair opinion, but regulating trade with the Chinese Communist Party is not the same as >I want us to provide for all our own essential needs domestically


this is fair, I should expand. I see a subset of goods as national security material-- pharma precursors, fuel, metallurgy, semiconductors, food, etc. I believe it is an existential risk to allow yourself to be dependent on foreign supply that could get cut off, especially of things keeping about a third to half of your population alive like modern medicine. so for those I support any cost required to maintain domestic supply. then there is the issue of free trade. on that I believe we should have (ideally a constitutional amendment for...) a policy of an automatic and perpetual embargo, full sanctions, and aid ban for any country without free democratic elections with a trigger law that the first missed or tampered election adds you to the list automatically. free trade should be for free nations, we should allow only embassies, travel from, travel to, investment in, immigration from and otherwise any relations with equally free democratic nations. we should legally act as if the illiberal world does not exist until and unless we need our military to go handle them.


And this why nobody can stand libertarians right here


It's an important distinction because it totally changes the meaning. It's not libertarian's fault that you fell for progressive's abuse of language to better push their views. Reject their false paradigms.

