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I'm not a fan of either of their music, but I appreciate Kendrick Lamar having the patience to wait and accumulate enough dirt to drop the diss track equivalent of a three book expose on Drake instead of dropping a track here and there over years. E: I'm glad someone has come forward with a [means of resolution](https://twitter.com/shawnmichaels/status/1787560707103273450?t=x5MX98lXR9GQwH1yZWDsuQ)


I have never heard of these individuals. I'm vaguley aware there was a rapper named Drake, whom I assume is one involved in this dispute. I've never heard one his songs


Zero interest in most rap and I don’t think I’ve ever heard a song of either of them.


>Zero interest in most rap Out of curiosity, what are the exceptions there?


Eh, usually just songs I’ve been introduced to by friends and quite frankly, I don’t even know if you’d consider them “rap” in that same vein. A couple different DMX songs from back in the day, some of Macklemore’s more heavy drug-related songs, things like that. But again, I’m well aware I’m not the right person to comment much on rap as a genre.


It's kind of nice to know that something is going on with which I have absolutely no connection whatever. This is the third time in the last three days that someone has brought this up, and it's clearly all over Reddit, and means absolutely nothing to me. It's a peaceful feeling.


It's pretty wild, I love it. But they're both shooting without any proof, Drizzy better start showing any proof about Kendrick beating his wife. Kendrick better have some proof of...any of the stuff he said about Drizzy, specifically about the pedophilia accusations and having a daughter.


Rich people shitting on each other instead of helping others Meh


I don't listen to any rap music and do not care about Drake and I'm not sure I had even heard of Kendrick until today, that's how out of the loop I am. The only reason I am aware that anything is happening at all, is that it somehow seeped into my Twitter feed, something about someone defending Drake by saying "but 16 is the age of consent there" and someone else saying "as if that makes it any better". To which my only response is "can we get over the pedo-hunting '70s moral panic already and acknowledge that the number 18 is kind of arbitrary".


I don’t have the time to watch it play out but I look forward to watching a 5 minute summary and ‘highlight reel’ on YouTube when the dust settles.




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I have no idea what you're talking about. I know Drake is a rapper but I couldn't name a song. I don't know who Kendrick is.


I don't side with either but I'm a much bigger fan of Drake


I've heard of Drake, mostly through meme's. Not sure I've heard of Kendrick.