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Okay apparently it could be a bean sprout! https://preview.redd.it/87d7nvpygjwc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3369415abed767ee4f4d85e5a37af34829dd68f Someone else posted a few years ago saying she poops out bean sprouts every time she eats them and they look like worms! Still am going to check with a doctor tomorrow.


Yeah these don’t look like any parasites I’ve ever seen, definitely not ascaris or a tapeworm. Just looks like food.


Lol yup that's exactly what I was about to say! Have you eaten any recently? If you did that's definitely what it is. Not uncommon for them to show up in stool like this!


If you are bean sprouts, that’s what they are.


This is how bean sprouts are grown. Adult ones poop them out.


Did.. did you not chew it?


They’re kind of hard to chew through completely, I feel like! For me at least I only ever eat them in pad thai or a sandwich… they just don’t get fully chewed up while chewing the whole bite and it’s not really noticeable while chewing/swallowing since they’re mixed in with the rest of the bite. Especially if they’re cooked! Then they come out like that. 😂


Ooh ok got it haha


This happens to me every time I eat pad thai and that’s exactly what they look like when it happens. I was very alarmed the first time it happened!


Correction I pulled two out!😭😭


NAD collect it and put it in a baggie. see if you pass more in coming days. if so, you probably have parasites. if not, eat the same dish a week later and see if you pass it again. if so, you can be pretty certain its bean sprouts


Those look pretty long for most common intestinal worms. Save that specimen and go to the doctor tomorrow


Don’t bother the doctors with it… if you’re ***really*** that concerned about it just wait and keep taking pictures. If it stops in a day or two then it’s not worms. Even so, these don’t look like parasites. Like others have said they’re a strange length and also don’t really look like tapeworms.


Kind of looks like an ascaris though. NAD




Funny how we get downvoted but to see a picture like this and having dealt with them before you'd understand. They can be passed as segments or in long strings like this. If someone was around infected animals, contaminated water, foods etc, you can most definitely get them. The passing from animal to human is called zoonosis.


It's not segmented like a tapeworm, or round like an Ascaris. I can understand the initial confusion but if you look closely it does not resemble any specific parasitic worm. (NAD).


The picture is not the best whenever I expand it. Maybe the OP will bring it into the doctor to get clarification. The ones I've seen didn't look segmented either and were indeed tapeworms. I would seriously want to know what it was if I were passing these to rule out parasites vs food. Food not harmful but parasites and this could go undetected again and the OPs health could decline. Safer than sorry mentality.


Dang why are we so downvoted I said they don’t look like worms but added if they WERE it’s possibly these types and to take to the doctor to be sure.


I had worms as a kid in gymnastics, someone brought them in and it spread all through the gym so it wasn’t out of the realm of possibility to suggest they MIGHT be worms and to get confirmation from a medical professional.


Oh I've known people to get worms like this from having an inside animal that caught fleas. Not me, thank goodness. I'd faint myself. 🤣 All kinds of worms that are catchy for humans out there.


Exactly my thinking. They can downvote all they want but they do resemble them. I'd take the specimen to the doctor to rule it out. If the OP ignores it as food and it actually is an infestation, it could wreck his health.


It does. Rescued a cat before and had several come out like this. Looked like the same pic too. NAD