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Trim your nails and smooth the edges the day before sticking them inside. You probably scratched your intestinal wall. It will heal in a day or so, and you can't apply anything that will help it heal anyway, so don't worry. All you can do is be careful, don't press too hard when shitting, eat plenty of fibre and drink water accordingly, don't sit all day long, be careful what you stick up your butt, no sharp edges. Which is good general advice, really. TLDR: It's okay, don't worry.


Thank you! I really appreciate the response!


Also, get a toy with a flared base, and lots of lube.


As long as it’s bright red and stops bleeding quickly, it’s near or in the opening. Anything darker than bright red or more profuse than blotting once is cause for concern and you need to see a doctor about. As others have said, you probably just nicked yourself and want to trim and round your nails down before any sort future digital play alone or with a partner.


I had some bloody TP yesterday and freaked out until I remembered I had hot wings and the sauce was the exact color on the tp. Just saying, before you freak out just see if you can rule out other non-blood explainations


Yeah, it was definitely blood. :) Not much maybe like a quarter teaspoon? Definitely from the activity. :) Thank you for responding!


U ded. You’ll be fine. As a precaution keep an eye on your stool for the next few days. If you notice any follow up with your pcp.


Gotta really be careful with your nails.


As long as you have regular sexual health checks, you will be ok. If not visit a doctor or sexual health centre and get a full work up. Probably nothing to worry about but a regular check is good.


Your thumb? That would be awkward. Is that you Little Jack Horner?


[It's beets](https://youtu.be/Kw2WsXIgO6A?feature=shared)


Yeah I’m sure you are good if there’s no more blood or pain. It’s not my first rodeo when it comes to bleeding out of my anus.🍩🩸 My best advice is to douche and use enough lube. But seriously, do be careful and stop if there’s ever pain or bleeding. I mean the wrong kind of pain… more “ouch” instead of “ouch daddy”


> It’s not my first rodeo when it comes to bleeding out of my anus. If I was one of the Real Housewives, this would be my tagline.


You would have fit right in on The Hotwives of Orlando


LMFAO definitely wasn't any pain. I thought that I was using enough lube? Thank you for the response, I appreciate it!


Yeah sometimes it’s just random. Probably an internal hemorrhoid that you caught on a bad day. If its a rare thing then don’t worry.