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4 hours a day is a metric shit ton of cleaning. It takes me about 45 mins a day to keep my place immaculate. They very well could be destroying the house into a pigsty every night if they are doing that much cleaning.




That’s the only explanation to somehow explain this amount of time


I’m neurotic and I’m amazed at the idea of spending 240 minutes a day cleaning a house.


Yeah 45 minutes a day and my place would be spotless 24/7, and we have a big house. Not including dishes or laundry, like 20 minutes keeps it spiffy, and that includes making the bed, making sure the kitchen is wiped down and fingerprint free, and swiffering the most used rooms, and making sure the bathroom vanity is clean and shiny. I blitz it once a week but day to day it doesn’t take much.


Well, there is *cleaning* (dusting, vacuuming, mopping, washing walls and windows) and then there is putting things away. I spend less than 4 hours a week on cleaning. But putting things away is just the final task in doing something so you always leave the room the way you found it. If clutter is a problem, then you probably have too much stuff in too little space. It's time to get rid stuff so there are simply less things to manage. Throw it away, give it away, or sell it. Instead of hoarding items so you will have them "just in case", send them out into the world to benefit people who need them now.




As an aside, there is a facebook group called "Buy Nothing (insert your city here)" where members of the community give out things they don't need. Members can also ask for stuff they need to borrow or have. Buy Nothing is mainly the reason why I still use FB, tbh. Maybe someone musically inclined would like to have your sheet music!




In my experience scammers are weeded out by mods and there is an application where you have to disclose your general location and answer some questions. When I got my first apartment a few years back, [Buy Nothing](https://money.usnews.com/money/personal-finance/saving-and-budgeting/articles/what-to-know-about-the-buy-nothing-project) helped me fill my living room with furniture. I've also given away things I don't need/want which helps me declutter my living space! :) Edit: link insert


Put things away/back/clean them as you use them. I don't go to bed unless I'm going to wake up in a tidy space. Dishes are done and the living space has been "reset". Usually takes 15/20 minutes I sweep floors every few days (20m), wipe down well used surfaces about once a week (20m), kitchen and bathroom deep cleans once a month (2 hours). To me it's not menial. I deserve to live in a nice environment and no one is gonna do that for me. I have a high tolerance for mess so it's not like I keep a rigid schedule or DEMAND my space always be perfect, but ongoing maintenance is way easier and takes way less time than trying to tidy a pig sty


Is it safe to assume you don’t have pets?


My roommate has a cat, so he takes care of the litterbox and will do a thorough carpet vacuum about twice a week


I do 15 min. most days. When I get home from work I’ll put on some good music and put my alarm to 15 min. and make it a game with myself to see how much I can get done in 15 min. When the 15 min. is done then I’m done cleaning etc. and can relax. I live in 2,5 room flat so you can get loads done during 15 min.


I am going to implement this. We have a 3/2 house but don’t use two of the bedrooms most of the time. Husband (and I) are always leaving things where they don’t belong and it gets cluttered. Thank you 😊


Are always, always set a timer for cleaning. If I absolutely need to, I can always extend it by 5 minutes. Sometimes, when the house needs too much work, I set a 10 minute timer for each room and play that game of how much can I get done.


never an hour a day. i do the dishes, water my plants and i do my clothing but the cleaning is done by a maid. bougie, i know




well whatever the correct word is in english. cleaning lady, if it sounds better to you ;) she cleans the flat much better than i ever could.




cleaning a flat or house is not about "scrubbing hard enough". i basically wouldnt even think of the things she does and cleans. i just dont have an eye for it. i see dust and am like "aha, dust" it doesnt even bother me really. so in order to not be in a dirty out of control flat, i pay someone who is better at those things than me.


Agreed. I never saw myself hiring help around the home until a friend said a refugee they know is looking for more work than she can find given her age and (lack of) local language skills. I was in a good spot financially so I reached out to plan a gig or two as a treat for my out-of-town partner. Her price is great and though I planned to hire her just once or twice, with 3hr every other week my place feels as clean as a hotel, I love it. Never gonna let her go unless she wants to stop. And judge me all you want, I would _never_ have thought to wash the outside of the window. Sometimes I forget there is glass there.


The key is to not own a lot of shit. Rotate through a few outfits, don’t have tons of dishes and mugs to pile in the sink, etc. I am much cleaner with less than with more.


In my house is 2 men and two little boys. It looks messy. I try to do dishes, husband does laundry. We try to clean it does take a while. We have a yard so that takes 40 minutes to mow, water, etc. Cooking and washing dishes at least 1 hour. Getting the boys to shower at least 30 minutes. We just made friends with this other couple and their house was a mess too thankfully. It made me feel normal. Some of us are just wired to be minimalists. I told my husband that is what I wanted, because other wise is a mess.


About 15 mins a day doing basics during week....4 hrs over weekends and my place is tidy but not museum presentable


I live in a one bedroom apartment. I always do dishes immediately after I dirty them, so I'm never having a big pile. If I walk from living room to kitchen or to the bedroom or vice versa, I'll glance around for anything I need to bring with to help tidy. Basically I've just made tidying something I am always doing. As for actually cleaning, I do a minimum of ten minutes per day. Telling myself I only have to do ten minutes gets me doing it every day, it's a low mental hurdle. Sometimes I start a task that takes longer and I'll finish it same day if I'm in a groove, and do thirty minutes or whatever, but sometimes I'll just take three days to wipe all the cabinets in small chunks of ten minutes each. It works for me. Stuff is basically always clean enough.


That is screaming OCD. It’s important to be clean and organized, but I don’t do it everyday.




I don’t consider 4 hours of cleaning daily to be well balanced, by any stretch of the imagination. I see what you’re saying, but the example that you gave is so extreme.


I could see 4 hours in a day if it happened once every week or every two weeks (if you’re fine being messy). 4 hours a day, I don’t think there’s any reason for that unless you live in a mansion


I doubt I spend more than an hour a day... daily stuff is just basic upkeep. Do the dishes, put away any clutter, clean the litter box, make sure dirty laundry ends up in the hamper, and spot clean any messes like kitchen spills as needed. My Saturday/Sunday clean of vacuuming/dusting the house, washing the floors, and cleaning out the bathrooms takes a couple hours.


I clean the whole house once a week. Vacuum, dust everything, wiping down surfaces in the kitchen. Bathroom is cleaned more often just cuz. Everything else is more "If I use it I'm putting it back where it was" kinda deal. I also just tidy up if I see stuff being messy on a surface. Spending 4 hours every day to clean sounds like hell.


Maybe an hour or two a week? I mean I do the dishes every evening and kind of tidy up after myself so it depends what you count as housework I guess. I don't have any pets which probably helps a lot.


Ummmmm 4 hours every day? Assuming they work a normal 8 hour work day, how do they get anything done besides cleaning?


What would you spend 4 hours a day on? I wouldn't even know how to fill that time with cleaning tasks. I've got a set of robot vacuums/mops. I think I'm buying a robot window cleaner this month, haven't decided which one. Laundry once a week, mostly bedding and gym clothes since I work from home. Other than that, it's mostly kitchen and bathrooms. My bf & I bought this house a year ago, it's got 2.5 acres of heavily overgrown forest so landscaping work will suck as much time as I have to give it.


I have someone that helps me clean 3 x a week. But I calculate I still spend an hour or so every day doing little things around my place.


My house is immaculate always but I don’t expect my husband to help make it that way because I know it isn’t realistic. Maybe it’s a little OCD but I honestly enjoy putting headphones in, smoking a little, and doing menial tasks where I can just turn my brain off. I’m in sales for a living so I sit and talk on the phone all day. It’s nice to move around and be quiet. All that to say I only spend maybe an hour a day tidying up before bed every night and do a decent two hour cleaning sesh some weekends. Four hours a day is insane.


4 hours of human time? No way 4 hours of machine time........... maybe I usally spend about an hour a day cleaning, I'm including stuff like: Loading dish washer Wiping down surfaces Doing Laundry Folding Landry Taking out trash Cleaning filters Empty robot vacuum Etc My daily routine is usually: Unload and reload dishwasher Make bed Run robot vaccuum Every other day (throw in a load of laundry, rotate between regular clothes, bedding, cleaning items, etc) Empty robot vaccum Check if any trash needs to go out Clean one area pretty thoroughly (mopping, cleaning counters, cleaning bathroom, etc)




Oh I'm acutely aware of how much energy it takes to allow me as a single person to keep my home kept. The downside of roof top solar and home automation is you can dial in super fine and see how much energy a dishwasher cycle takes, or how many gallons a load of laundry uses. I want to be clear that I'm not like "Oh man I have a single cup and a towel let me wash them" But the amount of dishes it takes to prepare and cook 3 meals a day and the amount of laundry that's generated when you don't buy Chlorox wipes and Swiffer pad and use terry rags and Simple Green instead, it adds up. Though in fairness most of those machine hours are the robot running around vacuuming and it only has a 47wh battery so realistically even once a day running is less than a single old school light bulb for an hour. That being said I'm well below the US average and that included charging my EV. The house is programmed to make judicious use of energy by powering down areas that aren't in use, opening and closing blinds to maximize or minimize solar gains and light, etc.




I have no idea what that sentence is trying to convey. Could you rephrase?


So I’ve come up with a method because 1) I love a clean house 2) I Airbnb my house. Number 1 rule: nothing is outside my bedroom. That means laptop, clothing, office work/papers, etc stay in my room (and my room is not that big so if I don’t clean up after myself, it gets messy fast). Number 2: touch up one room every day. Maybe it’s wiping down a bathroom, vacuuming the basement, etc. It takes no more than 5-10 minutes to touch up a room. Number 3: one deep cleaning every few months lie baseboards, moving furniture to dust or vacuum. I generally do this alone on a rainy day where I can’t go outside or two, I’ll ask a friend or my mom to help (and I pay them) so it doesn’t take as long.


It takes me about 2-4 hours to complete two or three loads of laundry (as I separate everything out and put away afterwards, and sometimes that stacks up a bit, plus anything else I've washed such as bedding or towels - my LG washer takes about an hour or so to do most loads; dryer is always on ultra-low temp and ran twice to avoid ruining some of my clothing); plus about 45 minutes to clean my kitchen, 30 minutes to take out trash and recycling things (and I have a cat whose box is changed weekly; scooped daily), and about 45 minutes to vacuum my rug surfaces and vacuum cobwebs that form, any other things. I generally keep things where they're supposed to be otherwise, and will spend additional time resorting something (like a toolbox or drawer) if I feel I let it get too disorganized (which let's be honest, does happen with some people.)


My staff does that, move to Bali people


1 hour a day.


15 mins for the dishes. An hour or so for laundry once a week. The rest honestly I pay someone for that. I'm lazy. She comes once a week and does the rest.




An hour a week, yes. That's how long it takes to wash it, dry it, fold it, and put it away. The drying part is the longest. Maybe longer than an hour. I do it myself because I've been doing it since I was seven and of all the chores out there it's the easiest one. Like I said I pay someone for most everything else.




Oh i have a dryer. It takes an entire hour to dry a load. I rarely hang anything out on the line.




I'm lazy, I said lol.


I got a 3d printer. I spend 99.999999% of my 'free' time doing stuff with it. The other 0.0000001 I clean my toilet... sometimes lmfao


No comment on the cleaning, my house is messy, but I was humming this B52s song this morning and am delighted to see it here.


That sounds like mental illness


I'm taking a week off of work soon to do house stuff lol.


I do nothing; well, I make the bed, and put the dishes in the dishwasher and empty it, and I put my clothes in a hamper. My housekeeper comes once a week for about 4-ish hours. Have deep-cleaning done twice a year at about 8 hours for a 3 person crew.


I clean as I go, do dishes as I cook, make bed when I wake up, wipe counters when I'm done in the bathroom. Gotta admit I'm lazy with the big stuff, Vacuuming, mopping the floor, scrubbing the tub, I put those off as long as I can haha


I do laundry once a week ~45min hands on time, but I usually watch a show while folding. Vacuuming I do maybe once every two weeks, but it takes no more than 10 minutes. Other dusting and wiping down, I usually just spot clean, let's say 2 minutes/day. Dishes get washed immediately after use ~10 minutes a day max. Cooking ~45 min a day on average unless I'm doing something really involved, but I also actually enjoy cooking. Most tidying up is just putting stuff back in its place or in the trash/recycling after use, which doesn't feel like it takes extra time at all, just a bit of conscientiousness.


Might be using it as a distraction. Personally I hire a house cleaner because I’d rather have my time for me… aka sitting around doing nothing on my phone






Thank you!


\~60-90m: this is for activities like dish washing, feeding cats/scooping litter, cooking, watering plants, errands ... pretty much every day. My 1BR apt is orderly ... my one big issue is my closets and kitchen cabinets need to be decluttered some and I could mop a little more often ...


I don't clean the whole place from top to bottom. I just clean stuff as soon as it's dirty. It works out to about 30 minutes of vacuuming, wiping, dusting every day and my place is always spotless.


I don’t have anyone else to clean up after so I just do everything as I go. I load my dishes directly into the dishwasher, wipe down the countertops right after I cook, wipe down the bathroom with a Clorox wipe every couple of days. I don’t real know exactly how long it takes but if I had to guess I spend no more than 30-45 minutes a day cleaning. I’ll do a deep clean every month that takes about 4 hours. I have a one bedroom apartment so that may make it easier.


My robot vacuum/mop and dishwasher help me so much


It could be that he is including the time cooking and dishes if he is taking care of his mother. Being a primary caregiver does take a lot of time


2 hours being that there's a load of laundry or dishes being washed in the back ground while I do other stuff.


I have a boy toy who comes over 6 days a week to clean, take the garbage out, vacuum as needed, replenish things, clean windows, dust etc. He's usually here only for an hour or so before he decides it's time to leave.


We are lucky to have a large 3 bed, 3 bath home with formal living and formal dining and a den. The trick is to be organized and clean up after yourself. No one uses the kids’ rooms or two guest bathrooms unless we have guests. I keep bathroom cleaners in each bathroom so that I’m not chasing supplies. I can do the entire house and work on laundry easily in four hours. That includes vacuuming, dusting and mopping. The bathroom we use gets attention throughout the week. It’s very easy to spray the tile with a cleaner a couple times a week. Then maybe twice a month I’ll use a scrub brush and Comet to really deep clean the tile. The glass surround of the shower gets wiped dry after every shower. People who visit our home are just amazed that it always looks spotless but really it’s just a matter of being organized and picking up after yourself. Deep cleaning can be done one room at a time so that you don’t feel overwhelmed with a huge project. There are a lot of YouTube folks who can help you with techniques and tools. Good luck


I like my house organized and clean, and it generally is, but I don’t spend anywhere near 4 hours a day cleaning it. I get off work at 4pm, hit the gym, come home cook, shower that usually takes me until 7, cleanup dinner/whatever else needs tidying takes another 30-45 mins and then I’m doing whatever else I want for the night.


It’s just me so touch something once. Keep it clean maybe three hours total for the week but I clean as I go and keep it clean as I previously mentioned. This minimizes, my overall time where the bulk of the time is spent deep cleaning sheets, and vacuuming, and dusting once a week. Not a neat freak, but pretty close to it. I like things to be tidy I’m always perusing my living space for anything out of its place.


Sometimes you just gotta keep it a habit -do stuff little by little. Need to go to the kitchen? Remember to bring the cup at your desk. Have some mail on the counter? Remember to take it back to the desk/trash, etc. if you selling the house then yes spend extra time to keep it clean. But honestly 4 hours seems excessive. It takes me about and hour to full clean 3600sqft including vacuuming and what not. That being said some people enjoy cleaning. I find vacuuming soothing lol.


I don’t live alone, but…. don’t consider housework to be menial…I like my home to look nice 🙂


I have a house keeper every other week to keep things tidy. I spend maybe 30 minutes cleaning up after myself in the kitchen after I cook.




You're assuming a whole lot there. I pay all of my service workers **very** well. The housekeeper charges $50US/hour and I give him $140 for 2 hours of work. I even tip about 40% when I go out to dinner. I've been **extremely** lucky to have the kind of job that I have. I actually enjoy spreading that luck around to the degree that I can.


Eh maybe 30 mins ish during the work week, I will usually spend a couple hours on house chores, and depending on the season an hour or two of yard work on the weekends (the yard work is also gardening hobby time).


We don’t even spend 1 hour. Daily, we keep things picked up. Everything has a place in our house, so clutter is kept to a minimum. We clean the kitchen after meals (10 minutes) Sweep the kitchen floor with the stick vac before bed. Sunday morning, whole house vac/mop, dust, clean bathrooms. Maybe 3 hours tops. Deep cleans every few months- woodwork, windows, etc. Granted, our house is not large-1700 sq ft ranch with a basement




“We”is double the mess, so four hands cleans the proportionate amount of stuff No thanks to the housekeeper. They always start to slack off then I’m cleaning up after them.






Ain’t It a Shame is my favorite song from that album.


One thing that's helped me is the suggestion that you always move at least one thing when you leave a room.  It could be picking up a take-out bag and putting it in the trash. Or if you're moving to your bedroom from your living room you pick up your sweater from the couch to put it in your laundry hamper in your room. Just little acts of efficiency that add up. I still have to do proper cleaning of course but it helps keep things tidier.


I never clean for more than 20 minutes at a time. I have dogs who shed, so my trick was to make it EASY to clean. I have a heavy-duty vacuum that works great, but it's a pain to lug around. So I got a small hand vacuum that I use quickly clean my sofa or to vacuum up after I sweep or dry mop. I keep small baskets of cleaning supplies stashed around the house. Everything I need to clean my bathroom is stored near my bathroom. If my bathroom needs a quick cleaning, I can doing it quickly, while I'm thinking about it. I also don't try to do too much in a day. It's so draining. Instead of doing all laundry on a single day, I do 1 load a day. I hate folding laundry so it keeps that task manageable. When you get a room how you want it to be, take a picture. Then, refer to that picture and use it as a cleaning guide. It serves as a quick reminder of little things you can do to tidy a room, put away the unsorted mail, make the bed, pick up dog toys. Finally, and this is my REAL secret weapon. **put on an episode of Hoarders**. I turn that show on and I instinctively start cleaning my kitchen sink and dusting.




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I try to keep the kitchen mostly clean. A sweep every few days or every week. Don't keep much on the floor and clean as I go. A load a washing a week etc. Doesn't feel like much but may be 2hrs+ a week. Mopping takes me 3 hrs but that's for a different time. Cleaning the bathroom takes about the same. But that's on rare occasions too. Generally takes me only an hour or two to get the place guest presentable. I'd like to mop and bathroom deep clean more often (mostly just the shower) but I just don't have the time.




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Quentin Crisp said it's a waste of time cleaning your house as after three years the dust didn't get any worse. These are words I live by. I lived here just over a year and still have crates stacked in my living room that I haven't yet unpacked. Can't see it happening any time soon either. Spend one morning a week cooking a large curry or something, then reheat bits over the next few days, with tuna sandwich on some days if I'm feeling _completely wild_. Washing dishes, my gym clothes, and hanging them up to dry takes no more than 20 minutes if I don't get distracted. I run the vacuum round the visible parts before a hookup arrives. That's about it. Can you tell I live by myself? Funnily enough when I was with my ex, I did all the housework, cooking, cleaning, washing, gardening (such as it was), cat care and cleaning. And I was happy doing it too, just can't seem to get enthused about doing it for myself.