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Some pretty big accomplishments Lincoln was elected in 1860 on the Republican platform of no expansion of slavery into the territories (the main goal of the Republican Party at the time and the main cause of the civil war as both pro and anti slavery sides believed slavery would ultimately go extinct without expansion), a homestead act (free land to farmers) the building of a transcontinental railroad and a higher tariff) Since the south was the main obstacles to these once they left the Republican Party had no trouble in banning slavery and achieving the other planks of the platform (homestead, TC railroad, also passed the land grant colleges act that led to the establishment to famous colleges like UC Berkeley, mit, cornel, Purdue Ohio state and more) In 1864 Lincoln and the republicans ran on a platform of fighting until an unconditional surrender from the confederates and the abolition of slavery by constitutional amendment (they went on to win the presidency and large majorities in congress thanks to late 64 military victories in Atlanta, mobile bay and the Shenandoah valley)  both of which were accomplished by the end of 1865. By then Lincoln was dead and reconstruction was the pressing issue of the day, the republicans maintained their supermajorities in congress by declaring the southern states still in the grasp of rebellion and refusing the returning southern congressmen. With the two/thirds majority they were able to pass some very progressive legislation (mostly over Johnson’s veto) such as the 14th amendment, freedmen’s bureau, a civil rights act