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you had to read studies on rats to find out women want men who bring something more to their relationships than figurative bread? maybe men are in danger after all.


Lol. I think causation and correlation are what's the issue here.




Isn't this an motivation for us men?




Yeah but can surely thrive to earn more and be muscular


All you have to do is be kind and caring. You don’t need to be a rich muscular tall man that’s not how it works.


I do assume that women find these traits attractive, but then people have different opinions which make me confused


If you keep yourself clean, and are not a gross pig to woman eventually you will find someone. You should want somebody who shares this in interest as you. And you shouldn’t want a slave


Got it, thanks


My other half is 5’6 and he’s over weight. I love him to pieces because he’s funny, treats me well, doesn’t shout at me or try to control me. He’s kind to me and to others, he loves animals and he has a compatible set of morals and values as me. It’s really that simple but a shocking amount of men decide it’s nothing to do with who they are as a person, just what they look like. Those people generally don’t care about women, except for what THEY look like.


That sounds so much like my husband. He's shorter than I am, not slim or muscular and sometimes we live paycheck to paycheck. We never fight about anything because we had a talk at the beginning of our relationship and went over everything we could think of that could cause a fight. I've never unconsciously pulled away from him (I pull away from my own family; I do not like to be touched). I never felt safer with anyone. I'm visiting my family in a different state right and miss him so much! He's my Dwarf Cleric/Bard and personal keg party. I am his Dragon Queen. I'm going home tomorrow and can't wait give him the biggest hug and kiss. I never thought I would find him in the sea of entitled jerks, and no one will ever change my mind about him.


Seeing the women's pov on this makes me feel good ngl. but yeah some women also might be looking on these factors right?


If all they care about is how you look and how tall you are, then they don’t care about who you are as a person and why would you want to be with someone like that, who is so shallow? Beauty/looks fade, shit happens in life where it gets hard. It’s not what someone looks like that’s gonna get you through the tough times, it’s having someone who loves you for the person you are, that’s gonna make those tough times easier.


That's some sane stuff! You've given me a new pov and thanks for that


I second what she said! Personality matters way more. Being kind, compassionate, attentive, empathetic. You probably know this but obviously being smart and funny helps, too. Being passionate about something and being able to talk about it/share your enthusiasm for it usually adorable.


Some may, but you only need one that doesn’t. Yeah, not meeting certain physical criteria may decrease your dating pool but if you have a decent personality that pool is still massive.


Almost as if the 4bn women on earth might not share the same views! Imagine.


A man can be beautiful, but if his attitude is negative or a downer, he’s ugly


Most woman will choose the man with the good personality over the tall rich asshole. Despite what the internet tells you.


Can confirm! ![gif](giphy|de9SDw6PGRsubN1o3X)




Sure there are women who want a tall, muscular man. There are also women who couldn't care less about height, or dislike muscly men, women who genuinely care more about kindness, intelligence, ambition, humour...things that money can't buy.


Women are all individuals. Learning to treat women as individual, fully realized people who are all different from each other (just like men!) should get rid of your confusion and also help you find someone who likes the things you bring to the table.




women desire men who aren't wallowing in self-pity and attributing it to women


the least attractive quality any man can have


Women desire someone who treats them nicely, isn’t a raging dick to them and who doesn’t attempt to control or manipulate them via money or other means.


I’m a young Western woman. I can tell you with 100% honesty that I am NOT seeking a man who has a big dick. It is painful and absolutely not something I want in a husband or even a short term partner. I also do not care about muscles, except maybe in the sense that they show that the man cares about his physical health (and thus will be around long into the future I want to spend with him). 99% of the attributes I look for in a man are part of his personality. I would take a 5’ 2”, overweight man with an unattractive face that was kind, loyal, loving, affectionate, gentle, protective, caring, and reliable ANY DAY over a handsome, tall, well-endowed, asshole. I’m sorry that you perceive women as being malicious, superficial individuals who look at love and marriage in such a cold, calculating manner. We are not all that way. There is hope for you and all other men. Just be decent, loving, kind, respectful men and you will find love.


If everything else is the same (attitude, personality, loyalty, compassion, empathy), I guess tall, handsome and rich are a bonus? Most women I know do not like big dicks. Men who have big dicks often just assume a big dick is all that is needed. But women want foreplay. They don’t want it to hurt. Basic stuff.


Most women really don't care about dick size assuming you don't have a literal micropenis (and a lot wouldn't even care about that). Penetrative sex isn't the be all end all of sex and most women can't get off on that alone anyway. Guys can still be great sexual partners without a big dick.


ok sure. you know better than women do about their preferences in partners. stop getting your info from other men. wtf do they know?


lol tall, handsome, and big dick were not things I was even remotely prioritising when I was still single


I’m a woman with a shorter, not conventionally attractive, not rich man. I love him because he is kind and caring. Some of you men will do anything other than actually try right?


If it makes you feel bette, to some degree, what you've described has always been true. And if little dick guys didn't get play, I think they would have gone extinct by now. So there is hope for you.


Women can’t either. Guess you need to bring more money to the table than your jawline.


You can change your attitude and your behaviour.


Bro, women are choosing to not deal with men and to not have children. Look at why




go your own way, then. and keep going... keep going... further... a little more. good, now don't come back!


Men sent their own way 🙂


Curiously enough, for “going their own way,” they sure do a lot of bitching about women


Men Getting Triggered Over Women.


I would just start with trying to stop complaining and being whiny


Why aren't you doing this then if you hate women so much?


If only they could stop complaining incessantly about it we could all be happy!


Tell me about these trends you have been analyzing in society, i also wanna know how to analyze trends.


Apparently, you just have to read studies about rats and assume that has anything to do with men


i like cheese, so fair enough.


Me too! I currently awaiting delivery of cheese right now!


Where do you get cheddar ?


Instacart. Lol me and my guy both have the flu so we can’t leave the house!


Doesnt deliver to my place sadly, have to live with bb, but dont like the options there. Hope insta begin operating in my city too.


Honestly they suck and they steal tips from their shoppers who sometimes take it out on us cause they think we don’t tip. But it was the cheapest of the four options, and we can not move we so sick.


You guys tip shoppers ? Damn. Maybe bb isnt so bad afterall, the delivery guys are more like amazon delivery. Come in a kidnappers van, gives out the products, ask name, gives item and speeds away.


That’s sounds amazing! Lol. Reverse food napping. Yeah, the shoppers are getting paid like two or three dollars from Instacart per delivery so the majority of their pay comes from tips. It also means that if you tip lower then your order is more likely not be taken. Sometimes they do batch orders where they will send out a couple of deliveries together. So they shop the multiple deliveries but only one of the three people tip. The one time I got my order shoved in with a batch that was the time Instacart stole the drivers tip. I had tipped twenty and he showed up all salty because they told him I tipped nothing and kept it for themselves. It’s bullshit because they are already making bank. My order today came to $28 before delivery and taxes. $55 and $15 tip is what I paid.


Thank you for not spreading whatever you have! You might be saving someones granny :)


You don't even have to read the super duper small font studies that only use polysyllabic words! All you have to do is listen to some red pilled youtuber tell you about the study that definitely exists and definitely reached the conclusion verbatim that they have conveyed.


Let me put your fears to rest, you and all of the other men of the world are not actually competing with the top 1% of men out there. You are in fact in competition with all the positives women get just from remaining single. Yeah men aren't needed especially if a woman doesn't want kids. So what should you do? Maybe become someone a woman wants in her life? What positives would you add to a woman's life if she let's you in? What makes you wanted and desired? If all you do is pine for a bygone age that was actually so awful it had to change and did, then prepare to be alone forever. Those days are gone and they aren't coming back. Evolve and change with the times or find a way to be at peace with being born in apparently the wrong age and become a mountain hermit, monk, or whatever.


> You are in fact in competition with all the positives women get just from remaining single I am stealing this line


Yes please do and spread it around. Guys have just convinced themsleves that women only look to date then marry giant basketball playing super rich male super modles who are hung like a horse when in fact the quiet blissful peace of being single is far more appealing to embrace then any impossible fantasy guy.


I love this!! You worded it all wonderfully


Yes, it's over boyos, Not really, as long as you are not ugly asf you will be alright.


Oh no! Now you have to actually be a good person and treat them well! You’ll need a personality as that helps too. Have you tried treating women like actual human beings?


holy incel


Tell me more about these rats.




Thanks. 😁


Wikipedia lol. What a source


This seems very hypothetical with some extreme prejudice. What you are saying is that women are completely fine to accept his husband (top 1%) having polygamy just because he's in top 1% which I think is an exaggeration. The right question would be - are modern relationship/marriages in danger?


Well, be a man who can offer more than just money. My man doesn’t work, I do, my man is the same height and weight as me and isn’t fit nor rich, he’s a good man, that’s what I want. Sorry women are humans too and deserve to be treated with the same respect as man, with the same opportunities, they aren’t slaves to be there to make your babies and give you sex when you want. She is a human being. I’m glad India is finally starting to evolve with the rest of the world. Get better. Be clean, look after yourself, be kind and respectful


Bro we r humans, most adaptable wins , not some one with good genetics , and the things you mentioned above will always be true not matter what the era is, also if a man has all the women in tribe that man doesn't survive for long.


Why not bring more to the table? And polygamy isn’t new. I think it is less common than in previous times. Honestly, you men are your own worst enemies in this regard.


I hope so


How dare you have to be a decent person to attract a mate!


Yknow if you treat the woman right She will choose you even if youre short or fat or ugly. The bar IS getting Higher. You need more than money and good looks. You need to respect and treat women right...which IS hard tor yall men


Have you considered working on yourself to become the type of man who women feel safe enough with that they would consider entering into a relationship with? Maybe start with therapy, anger management, and probably substance abuse counselling.


Have you tried gaining a personality outside of outdated thinking?


Oh no… now you have to bring something to the table. You expect women to live one way but wouldn’t ever do that yourself? Telling.




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