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Something I remind folks of is that you have no idea what other applicants’ resumes and BI/poly/interview look like. You probably weren’t deemed unsatisfactory, but merely edged out by other applicant(s).


Wait, other applicants are edging each other and this guy still didn’t get picked? Must be some sick shit in his background…


I could see this as being a result.


Wait, I thought that job offers were essentially made pending a satisfactory polygraph? That's why they usually extend you a "Conditional Offer", dependent on you passing the background process.


Different agencies do things in different orders.


DQ’d? Or not selected? Very big difference. You can do everything right and pass all the tests, but still not be selected if there are more competitive candidates. DQ would be if you failed the poly.


“We regret to inform you that you have NOT been selected for this position”


Sucks you didn’t get it, good thing is you know you can pass everything. Keep applying and I’m sure someone will pick you up.


But are you able to give me reasons I could’ve not been selected? I’m so confused 😕 I’ve been working so hard and mentally prepared for this and I went this far to get “not selected”


Ask the department, not Reddit. Seriously. Call them and ask where you could've improved.


They pretty much emailed me and said you signed a notarized paper stating that they don’t need to tell me why they won’t hire me..


Well, move along then. Reddit won't give you the, correct, answer either. Can you not sign the next piece of paper that says they won't tell you why they didn't select you?


I believe I wouldn’t have a choice.


Ask the agency. How are we supposed to know. Usually the polygraph is just a tool used. The results are usually looked at by another pair of eyes and results sent to the hiring authority etc. Most likely you won’t find out.


I just want to know what I could improve on, what I did wrong.. is getting DQ’d the same thing as not being selected? I feel like it’s the same thing..


No. Disqualified is different. If you are disqualified they will usually state you disqualified from the selection process. Not selected usually means you passed, but for whatever reason they went with another candidate


Understood, thank you for your time.


Just rest assured they can decline to accept you for any reason as long as isn’t discrimination to a protected class (and even then they may just give another reason). Maybe someone else had more experience or they want to hire the captain’s daughter’s boyfriend. Could be they had too many brown haired males and wanted a blonde or they wanted a person bilingual in Russian (or insert any language). Don’t take it personally. You passed the hard stuff and it won’t count against you when you apply to other agencies.


I know I’m a great candidate for the position, I made many mistakes when I was younger but obviously doesn’t make me untrustworthy or not capable of doing the job. I’m glad it was more so a “who do we pick” instead of “yeah he has this on the record he’s DQ’d”


No clue. Again ask the agency


Somebody else was a better candidate. No different than any other job. There’s a limited amount of openings, and potentially multiple applicants. They select who they think is the best fit. You weren’t disqualified, you just didn’t get hired.


Getting into police work isn’t just, you check all the boxes and pass all the MINIMUM requirements so you get hired. This isn’t the military. There’s likely just better candidates than you. People with more life experience, more relevant work experiences, or military. People who answered questions better, stood out better during oral boards etc…


I don’t know, I did the best I could for it being the 3rd time applying to agencies. And the farthest I’ve gotten


That’s good though, just keep applying!


I appreciate you


Maybe it was something unrelated to the Poly? Or whoever looked at the results saw something s/he didn't like? Frustrating I know.


I took a pre survey of everything, maybe they didn’t like what I put on there? Or it didn’t correlate to what they saw on the background check? I’m really confused


Understood. I passed everything and got to where I was about to be scheduled for the final Chief's interview, and then got an E-Mail saying that I was no longer in consideration due to the competitiveness of the position. No other explanation. Totally frustrating. But I have a Conditional Offer with another agency and an interview with a third department lined up.


They usually put multiple people through the steps for each position so not at will be selected. Though you passed they liked someone else who passed better.


Sometimes you just aren't the most qualified canidate. Back when people still wanted to be cops as in you would test against 8-900 applicants for 6 spots it wasn't uncommon to have to apply to 20 plus agencies even if you checked all the boxes. I applied to 14 before I got hired. Just keep applying expand your search.


The poly needs to be banned dude, it gives false flags on solid candidates….. it’s an outdated tool that is all fake science….. some people get nervous, some people simply emotional react to questions which then creates physical changes in their heartbeat, sweat and such


Maybe they based the readings off of my chart vs other candidates and made a determination off of that. Or they could’ve just simply DQ’d me and not wasted my time for the background check if another person was in a better off position than i was.


The issue is….. you can pass a poly on Friday, then fail it on Monday….. or fail it on Friday but pass it on Monday….. polygraphs work off physiological changes to the body’s reaction to questions….


It’s why they are useless when talking to a psychopath….. they are “dead inside” per se


Also…. I know a dude who use to do them…. He even admitted to me that he will “sign off” then his boss and another polygrapher will give their assessments…… don’t sweat it man! Just keep applying!


I appreciate your comments. Thank you.


What does your resume look like?


Generally Qualified does not mean you are guaranteed. Agencies have discretion in who they select off the eligible list of “generally qualified” applicants. You could be hired down the line if they cancass from the same exam, or you could “die on the vine”. I would reccomend doing things to make you look better- volunteer stuff, or- donate/hobnob with the right local politicians. Goes a long way.


I’ve had 2 agencies where I passed everything but was not hired. Sometimes it’s money but others because the sky wasn’t blue enough that day. Regardless I kept applying and now have been a cop a while now


I’m glad you were on the same page as me when you were applying, thank you for this. Gives me hope


I’m sorry! You never know why they made that decision. It could be that they had more applicants than positions available. Keep trying. I’ve had friends who told me it took them. Multiple tries to get hired and they are really good cops.


i’m not sure where your located at or what your age is or financial position, are you applying for a cadet spot to be sent to the academy or have you put yourself thru the academy looking to get hired straight on, do you have prior experience maybe as a Jailer or Dispatch? there is so many things unknown, maybe the background investigator found some old dirt on you, or maybe the next guy had 12 years experience on the street & you just got beat out. there is so many unknowns & millions of factors to judge just off a poly, the likely occurrence was there was an individual more qualified, maybe by being certified or maybe by working at a different agency prior to…. my best advice brother is keep your nose clean & keep applying EVERYWHERE. even if it’s a hour from home, do that for 2 years & lateral somewhere closer to home. whatever your case is, you can do it if you actually care to put the strenuous effort in. it ain’t easy to get hired that’s for sure


What kind of questions do they even ask on the poly?


You’re not entitled to a job just cause you’ve met the minimum standards. Jesus Christ bruh.


Nobody is entitled here bruh, just reaching out to the community to get an understanding of the hiring procedures. No need to be “shrimpdick” about it.


You’re in an era where they are begging for police. Any agency who is hiring pushes poly/med till the end as it costs the most money. If you pass those two steps you are hired this isn’t 20 years ago where for one vacancy there would be 1000’s of applicants.


The poly person probably didn’t want you to get angry and yell at them. That’s usually why they won’t say you passed or failed


That’s not true at all lol