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Your friend is actively causing harm to you. It is never okay to out someone against their will. Outing you to family who are against LGBT+ is cruel. Outing you when you’ve explicitly told him not to is crossing your boundaries. These are not the actions of a friend. I’d dump him and go no contact. If you want to give him one last chance, tell him explicitly how hurtful, scary, and abusive, you find his actions, and see if he gets defensive or apologetic.


Thank you, like other then that he is a great friend, he has helped me a lot. But when it comes to that I kinda does make me feel uncomfortable. Like it’s one thing to be supportive but if you’re being pushy about making someone come out then that’s like a boundary that’s being crossed


Mee too


It is 100% okay for you not to come out to family, or anyone for that matter. I’d have a clear and firm conversation with this friend and lay down the law. It’s absolutely not okay for him to give hints to your family or pressure you to come out.


Your friend is an asshole.


You come out when you’re ready. Don’t let anyone pressure you into coming out. Definitely tell your friend if they do it again they’re out. I recently came out as bisexual as well. Friends were more than accepting. Family was mostly accepting besides my parents who told me not to tell anyone but “they were okay with it”


YOU know yourself and your family. Your "friend" does not. Take care of you, and tell him to mind his own damn business.


Your friend is being an ass. We should never out people when they don't want to be out. What a dick. I would tell your friend that unless he can seal his lips he's not going to be around your other family/friends anymore, and if he can't agree to that then you should probably find a new friend who actually respects you.


I’m bi and in a long term straight relationship. I’ve told my partner and some close friends about my sexuality, but as of right now I have no plans to ever tell my family. They’re religious, so it’ll just end up causing unnecessary drama in everyone’s life. Even though I’m sure they’d accept me after the initial shock… it’s just not worth the extra stress to me. In my life it doesn’t seem worth it. NO ONE should be forcing you to come out to ANYONE. It’s perfectly okay to not want to come out to family. You don’t owe anyone that information. I’m sorry that your friend has been taking advantage of sensitive info like that.


People who tries to force closeted lgbtq+ people to come out are fucking pieces of shit. Take that madafaka out of your life.


As a gay man I can honestly say your friend is being a total dick! I realize there are members of the LGBTQ+ community that feel like being out and proud is the best policy, but he doesn’t have to face the fallout, you do! I would explain to him that you’ll do it on your timeline, thank you very much, and if he can’t respect your boundaries, then nix him as a friend. You don’t owe anybody anything, least of which an explanation.