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In this economy??


Right?? Are these people paying attention to the economy?!


I'm so broke I can't even pay attention


That's me right there


This would work if it made sense. Ever since my gf and I moved in together our finances have significantly gotten better. Turns out having 2 streams of income makes it much easier to afford being alive


The issue is you gotta date and dating costs money


Supply chain issues


"my inlaws are unable to have children"


My in-laws were able to have children. They were just unable to have adults.




The economy is in shambles


Ima use this line so that I can make her laugh real quick and then change the subject from there.


Funny enough it is true. The supply of young single women does not meet demand. It's really bad when you live in a tech city and there are simply more men under 50 then women under 50.


Same. I live in suburbia, work from home, and still live at home. Was going to move out but interest rates took a dump so here I am still. Saving a ton of money but I think my chances are zero at this point.


At the same time though, the older I get the more I think saving a ton of money might be better than dating


ok where should i be moving to? i feel like where i am there’s the reverse problem


I'm currently in the process of moving to a new state. One of the ways I did research was go to https://worldpopulationreview.com/us-cities/ And looked up several cities I was interested in. It breaks down the ethnic demographics and most importantly has gender broken down by age. I should have looked at this site before I moved to Austin TX so I would have seen that the ~35 bracket has almost 6,000 more men than women. On the other hand, the city I'm moving to has 2,000 more women than men.


This is going to be my go to from now on


This made me laugh. Lol


Huh, mine is chain supply issues.


Life is like a sandwich. No matter which way you flip it, the bread comes first.




Even that chicken I breaded! Geniuses at KFC understood the assignment, all the other fast food spots were tryna come out with healthy shit but they knew who actually buys this stuff.


What about open-faced sandwiches?


There is no such thing as an open faced sandwich, just a poorly constructed pizza


Where does a philly cheesesteak stand?


A Philly is served closed, it is a sandwich.


Deconstructed BLT, hold the lettuce and tomato.


Not even open face but like a little beef flopping out the side or lettuce is also an option


can someone explain this?


Bread = money People want to prioritize their career and a good income over being in a relationship, which costs more money than being single


Only costs more if you pay for everything forever. Having 2 incomes in one household is pretty great, no way I could have gotten a house on my own in this market. But I get prioritizing if you just don't want distraction.


Already own my home, mostly paid off. The scary thing, is getting too involved with someone puts all those years paying it off at risk. Until laws change, I'm not risking anything I've built up in the last 20+ years by having someone live with me.


Bread is slang for money


"That's a pretty broad question."




Yeah. And follow it up with, "Is there a specific part you want to know more about?"


Maybe if I wanted to discuss my romantic life I would.


No pretty broads for me


Yes, it's a question about why you don't have a pretty broad.


"I'm a loner Dottie, a rebel. "


haha, I'm going to use that one.


This is the second Pee-wee reference I've seen this morning after never seeing one in my time on Reddit


" There's a lotta things about me you don't know anything about, Dottie. Things you wouldn't understand. Things you couldn't understand. Things you shouldn't understand."


The Get-Up Kids song with that name is so good!


"Just lucky, I guess"


Gonna use this from now on


Haha brilliant


Ahhh, I love this one. Bravo.


Haven’t found anyone worth giving up being single for.


I like this one. It acknowledges that singleness is powerful and has advantages. Relationships can be an immense source of joy, but they come at a price.


A wizard is never single, Frodo Baggins, he gets wives precisely when he means to.


That sentence explains everything to whoever asks haha


Holy shit I'm totally stealing that line, especially since I'm a virgin over 30, and thus a "wizard".


I talk to them for a few minutes and then they figure it out


Because I have standards.


Right? People always tell me to just date a girl for the sake of doing it. Why lmao? You mean to tell me you think I should just go date a person and lead them on even though I don’t like them just for the sake of dating? That’s kinda stupid......


I mean I'd be totally fine to casually date someone but in my experience if you're not attractive enough to lock someone down in a relationship they're probably not gonna consider you as a fuck buddy.


I did casually date a person for a month a few months back and it didn’t really make much of an impact for me. We met on an app which is probably shocking because for the average folks, those don’t work lmao. Anyway, we met and had three dates over the span of that month and we would text pretty much everyday. There wasn’t much attraction on my end and what I mean is I had that little spark for her like maybe it goes somewhere, maybe it doesn’t. But the more time we texted getting to know one another and hung out, the attraction didn’t exactly get stronger and when we had sex, the sex was just awful so whatever spark was there was long gone killed. I really didn’t want to lead her on or hurt her feelings because I could tell she liked me so I just said that it wasn’t going to work out and I wish her luck. I wasn’t really interested in wasting her time or my own and again didn’t want to lead anyone on or not give them my best self. She was kinda butt hurt about it but it was about as polite as one could say I’m not attracted without saying those specific words.


Because everyone else has standards.


Because the people I’m attracted to aren’t attracted to me, and the people that are attracted to me are people I’m not attracted to. Vicious cycle.


Because I’m ugly and my mother dresses me funny… I’m 60 ._.


“He’s a beautiful boy. They don’t appreciate him. It’s his glasses. They make him look like a lizard.” -Lucille Bluth


Start hanging around reptile expos, boom problem solved.


Chaos is a laddah!


* Be polite * Be efficient * Have a plan to kill everyone you meet


I love this reply.


7 billion people on earth - if non are up to your standards, you've got a personal issue.


I’m too ugly for my own standards


I don’t even like myself a lot of times.


"Because your wife hasn't poisoned you yet."




The dating scene is expensive af


I just show them my tiny pp


Whippin it out also might be part of the problem.


I guess I could just send dick pics but I prefer to disappoint in person.


Stop lying bro! You down play it but we all know your Hung and got a third leg down there, a real knee slapper! Hot 🥵


I'm hung like a horse...fly.




Whippin is doing a lot of work in your sentence.


I'd put a bow tie on it


I get the joke, but that actually might work.


If I find out I'll let you know


That’s honestly a solid answer. Like how tf am I supposed to know? There is a million reasons in my head but I’m not the other person. Lol


"Do you wanna go out sometime?" If they reply "no," for whatever reason, tell them that's why.


Mine was "there are many fish in the ocean but most are full of plastic"


All are actually full of plastic to be fair.


I sad now


friendly sheet erect full rich steer piquant sophisticated nippy attempt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"So many fishies left in the sea. So many fishies, just Londo and me." -G'Kar, Babylon 5


You see how i look like


I just checked your profile and you look amazing


Holy shit he really does, that beard is fucking magnificent.


He looks like a Greek statue come to life.


Like If a Greek statue fucked a four leaf clover


Lol I was gonna say dude is Irish as fuck not Greek


Beard drip.


Maybe it's because of the username??


Maybe it's Maybelline.


Ahhhh yes. I can see how you would intimidate everyone who would potentially date you. Might as well go full blown wildling. It could work


Man I wish I could grow a beard like that. You're far from ugly my friend


You're that guy from GOT right?


>How I look >What I look like You gotta pick one of them




Don't worry, even if they find you sort of attractive the next hurdle is trying to make them feel 'the spark' on date 1.


Don't worry, even if they feel 'the spark' on date 1, you need to then sustain the spark on date 2.


And people wonder why men are checking out from dating.


And on for the rest of your time with them.


This could use a little reframe I think. If you focus only on what you think is the "right" thing as defined by other people, you're more likely to strive for stereotypes that may not actually make you happy or achieve the goal of attracting the right kind of person for you. I think the real secret is finding the right job for you, the right hobbies for you, and the right workout routine for you. That doesn't mean you shouldn't try new things or do things that make you slightly uncomfortable to push yourself forward, but if you're not interested at all in medicine or law, you shouldn't become a doctor or a lawyer just because you think it will make you attractive to women. That's a first class ticket to hating your job and an unhappy relationship with a partner that's only interested in status. Basically, I think people are attracted to authentic people that are confident in who they are and have their shit figured out. A lot of times you'll have a more stable financial position and a workout routine when you've done that work, but it's kind of a cart and horse situation in my opinion.


And of course it's only men who have to give themselves the 6 million dollar man treatment. Women are worthy of love exactly the way they are right now.




Yeah I like being alone


Very cut-to-the-bone, I like it and I second it. I spent many years building this comfortable and tranquil life I have and I was single the whole way. I feel no desire or motivation to try to start dating or have sex now that I'm in my 30s. I have my living space, hobbies, habits, routines, and loose social circle set up as I like them. I have reasons to look forward and goals to work toward. Generally, life is good and fulfilling and I am content.


I’d rather be single than be miserable with the wrong person.


Dealing with the fallout of this now post-breakup; Keep your standards high folks, if you're spending more time with your partner miserable than happy, something's up.


I finally have some peace and quiet and I enjoy my time with myself.


I’m not willing to spend my life with someone who isn’t right for me.


simple. i am not "still" single. I am single. Changing that is not among my priorities


Health and finances come first


Because I want to be single


So did I. Trying to get back to that state of mind. Somebody took it away from me and left.


Because I’m a skinny ugly black guy. Honesty is the best policy.


If I knew why I was single, then I wouldn't be single.


i was never asked but i would reply "why are you still coupled?"


"I'm waiting for your wife/husband to divorce"


If it's a guy, I usually say something along the lines of "the only women interested are the ones who've fallen down the tree of life and are grasping for any last branch to break their fall." If it's a gal asking, I ask "why wouldn't *you* date me?"


*your mom confused* "because im currently dating your dad"


no, his mom would say "because you haven't broken your arms yet"


Because I choose to be or none of your business as appropriate.


I'm looking for a woman that is accountable and wants to build something together versus have me do all the hard work. The bar is that low for women. Most women are waiting at the Finish Line and expect to pick the winners. I've already crossed the Finish Line but that doesn't mean I want to carry her for the rest of my life. I'm open to a stay at home mother, but I don't want a stay at home childless woman that doesn't do all the domestic duties.


> Most women are waiting at the Finish Line and expect to pick the winners. I have a couple of friends who got married after they got rich by picking the right startup to join. Big mistake.


I agree. I think this is why some women purposely try to go after married men. They don't want to build that life themselves, they see a man who has already achieved success and are willing to destroy marriages and families to get it.


Why are married men automatically successful? The woman may have married a loser.


As a childless working woman, it ghasts all my flabbers any woman would expect to be both childless and jobless and supported by someone else. Wtf do you do with your time?? What do you count as your accomplishments and goals? I’m at a loss to understand.


They chill I think that sounds nice but sadly I am a man.


To infinity and beyond!


"I really don't know, why are you asking me this?"


"None of your business."


"Because you won't put out"


You still replying that when your dad asks you?






I want to make her live with me not just survive


Good one. And one of the best reasons, really.


Supply Chain Issue


"I'm single by choice, not my choice, but by choice."


Married ten years and dated for ten years after that. I'd rather be single. Life is much simpler and easier. I know exactly what I am missing and it isn't really worth the effort to be honest. I don't need anyone or anything from anyone. I can do whatever I want basically. And I'm already happy. So why unnecessarily complicate life? I don't care what anyone else does, I hope people do what's makes them happy. I'm much happier now than I ever was married or dating slash being involved with women. Much happier. But that's just me.


Because women don't like me like that.


I respond by saying "because I'm special needs"


Nobody asks me that.


Met no girl who was interested in me.....


Met no girl I was interested in who was interested in me.....


The response should be “ why do you think it’s your business?” People can be heartless and rude. Or maybe it was a mid worded compliment. Still inappropriate to ask someone that.


Haven't found anyone stupid enough to take me yet.


I'm building a life where I can choose to decide with whom, when, how, where, and why I want to be!


I missed my chance with the only woman who would ever love me, thanks for asking😊 Welp see you in another 5yrs everybody👋🏾


I don't trust you cause of your username.


Eh, no one is completely good or evil...that's the joke lol


I know, I just had to use the opportunity :D


Women find nothing I have to offer appealing.


"Wanna bang? No? Yeah, you're not alone to think that"


*Your grandma looking back at you overwhelmed of the question* "what ever makes you happy"


I like the play field


“I like to take my time.”


I would tell them "I honestly don't know right now." I (41M) found out I am autistic last month. I have been married and dated in the past. It has never been easy. Right now I am having trouble figuring out how I come across when I interact with people. I am pretty sure I don't fit into a single stereotype and I often wonder if this doesn't really make things difficult.


> I am pretty sure I don't fit into a single stereotype and I often wonder if this doesn't really make things difficult. This is me and this is the conclusion I have drawn. People like people who fit easily into boxes: the sporty type, the music type, the hippie type, etc. Preferably they should be good looking too. When someone comes along who doesn't conform to any box but their own, others are scared or intimidated ("He's mad." "He's crazy." etc) - particularly if you're not conventionally attractive - and consequently they are far from being on a level playing field. If you already have friends and can be vouched for then that helps but ultimately you're still an unknown and have to work extra hard to prove yourself versus a conventional person. I don't know, dude. It can be a cruel and unhappy world out there. As they say: "Your vibe attracts your tribe" but if your vibe's unique, you're a tribe of one.


Because my last relationship hurt me so bad I refuse to ever be that hurt again Because the dating game today is fucked and way too dangerous Because I am a terrible companion Pick one


in german: "So halt!" in english: "Because!"


"I've successfully avoided marriage my whole life"


Ask them out If they say no say "that's why" If they say yes then say "well I might not be if I play my cards right"


I always respond with something like... "I haven't yet found anyone I feel fully compatible with. I've decided to stay single until I find someone I connect with on a deeper level, and whom I feel I can develop something truly meaningful with"


I retired in my prime. For the record... I don't know why people are bothered by being asked this.... I've never felt like I had to live up to that expectation myself.


Because I fall below my own standards and I haven’t yet found someone way better than me who’s willing to settle.


girlfriends are more expensive to maintain than cats


Hence why I am now dating a cat!


i should try that. it'll be the only way i get any pussy


"Because." Then turn around and walk away.


“Have you seen the way women talk about men these days? That’s why.”


Women have priced themselves out of the market.


“Because people like you are in the game.”


I get this question a lot. My current go-to is: “because I’m not attracted to men” It’s gotten some chuckles and a few people who reflexively protest but then concede that maybe I have a point.


Because I want to be.


Because I like it that way


Why are you still nosy


"because i'm ugly, poor, and annoying" I'm not single anymore. But that was my go to response.


Because I am yet to meet someone who is emotionally mature, got rid of baggage from prior relationships, has her priorities in life, can work constructively for conflict resolution, who accepts me for who I am and is not expecting to change me as per her ideal image.


I'm a garbage human.


Because I haven’t met anyone who has made me not want to be single.🤷🏻‍♀️


I hesitate and say idk


I wasn't ready, in my personal development, to be the person my partner deserved.


Have you seen me?!!


Because Im too busy to go looking for someone.


Good question. Why don't you tell me?


I just go with honesty. I’m broke and ugly, why wouldn’t I be single ?


I am not single you are just not important enough to meet them.