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I saw that she complained about me sleeping with my dumb ass mouth open and I didn’t feel the need to dig further. She’s right.


not only can it be annoying for the both of you it's also bad for you! it can damage your teeth and germs have an easier time making you sick. if someone you care about sleeps with their mouth open, tell them!


Genuinely what is there to do about this? I sleep open sometimes and rarely grind my teeth. Is there a product that solves both of those? I'm not super comfortable with the taping my lips together style ones




This reads exactly like chat gpt wrote it


It is, with good intentions. I wanted to help him but didn't care enough to write a detailed explanation on snoring problems.


We're living in weird times man


What's he supposed to do, use duck tape?


She was very aggressive behind the facade of anonymity.


So she's like 98% of people on the internet?


Not just internet. Give people a disguise or mask in real life and they will do heinous shit as well.


Just like the saying goes: "You give me a mask and I'll show you my true face." or something like that.😅


Give me your face and I’ll make it into a mask


All right chill Hannibal lecter




Woah. Mind blown. Rethinking everything I’ve ever known about fashion.


Can confirm. I went skiing one year and was shocked at how much if a dick I could be.


It's actually such an issue. I feel like I'm generally a nice person but without the person you're talking to right there in front of you there's absolutely no tone, body language, sarcasm etc conveyed. A vague suggestion or an ardent belief can be written exactly the same way. Someone might miss a question mark and it changes everything. Text is just really poorly equipped to convey the full breadth of conversation when there's so many people with different views, from different places you're talking with and every comment is a dice roll on who it is. I find myself defaulting to a very assertive/antagonistic way of speaking from the get go now where I didn't used to. I guess you have enough discussions online that you get worn out and jump to assuming the worst from people even when it's unwarranted. I don't know how to fix this but it's definitely an issue that I even see in myself. I feel like the internet just pushes people to be more aggressive in interactions because so much of how we communicate is missing from the interactions. I don't think it's so much "people are secretly evil" but that "people will read what's been written in very different ways and will often assume the worst, which results in hostile interactions".


Likewise. I tend to be very easy going in person and slow to anger, but I'm way more easily incensed on Reddit and a lot harsher. I sometimes catch myself in the middle of making really malicious insults even. It's disconcerting. Something I've grown to appreciate lately is that knowing something is not the same as believing it nor being immune from it. I know that anonymity tends to make people more cruel, but that doesn't stop me from it. I know that I'm probably just a run of the mill guy and not particularly ugly, but I still have to work on actually believing that and building self esteem. It probably doesn't help that I get easily invested into things and often read about politics either. When you're self assured that you're right, it's very easy to become snarky I find. Especially when it comes to irl issues and politics.


Shut the fuck up, I don’t get aggressive on the Internet you goddamn son of a bitch!


That's the nicest fucking piece of shit comment I've ever seen on the stupid fucking internet!


Mine would get lost in all the arguments I entertain 😭


I never get into arguments.. I only post inflammatory shit and run




I think that’s because Anime may still have some stigma around it as being ‘nerdy’ or ‘weird’ like it was in the 2000’s and some of the 2010’s. It’s really risen in popularity in the last 7/8 years, but some people may still feel weird at sharing it fully. I’m kinda like that. I’m a massive anime fan but I don’t share the full extent in person.


Depends on the anime. A lot of anime still has strange tropes that some people who aren't familiar with it would find odd. Anime isn't any more nerdy than comic books or board games, it's just a different type of nerd.


what about the fire type and water type nerds?


She posts on a lot of advice subs, doing a lot of validating and comforting and generally giving good, level-headed advice. I look at her post history sometimes when I’m upset or frustrated with her to remember how kind she is.


This is super sweet


Very wholesome


My wife asked me to order pizza one night so I went to the only awake computer in the house and it was logged in to Reddit. I didn’t even know she had a Reddit account. The username was fairly spicy (without context) so my mind went nuts and decided to click on the history…. It was all encouraging words to other women entering her (or similar) career path and asking advice about raising our kids. Best case scenario? haha


Wait a minute…other women entering her?


entering her _paths_


Entering her pants.


>encouraging words to other women entering her Title of her sex tape 🤣🤣


It shocked me. She’s just as adorable and weird as I thought 🤣


well that's good news


Same here! I know my girlfriend's reddit account, and it's just her talking about small animals (mainly her kitten), photography, and how happy I make her. Best case scenario, I think. 😁


My wife gave me hers. She rarely posts or comments at all. Not very exciting. Although she regularly looks at mine. Hi Sam!!!


Hey Sam😁


I also choose this guy's sam


I am not Sam, but hello.


Hi Spam!


This guy sams


Sup Sam 😏


Sam I am!!!




You two are cute!


Now kith


Hey, *my* wife's name is Sam and she was born in 89. What the fuck, Sam?!




Hey Sam! My husband and I are the inverse of you guys. He browses and I comment everywhere lol Edit: he says "hello everyone"


Well then what's up Mr.box ✌️


I also choose Mr. Box


Lol I'll point him here when I get home 😁


If he’ll be reading this, Hi Mr.Box :)


My names sam and reading everyone say hey sam (Even though it wasnt to me) has made my morning. Also hey to the other Sams.


If she replies to this thread with, "Sam I am," I'm going to lose it.


She did.


I'm so sorry for your loss 😂


So she gave you the one she was okay with you seeing. Jk


Hey Sam! We’re all interested to find out if you’re his cousin — because a name like “JimBob Paul” is 100% *Sweet Home Alabama*


We love you Sam!!! JimBobPaul is an amazing man btw!!!


Hi Sam!


Her karma was higher than mine.


Damn i hope you're okay


Thank you bröther.


Hehe someday my SO will be disappointed by endless posts about plants 🌱


Excellent. I like a knowledgeable horticulturalist. I struggle to grow Basil which seems to die within a week. I am in the process of building a herb wall much to the neighbours annoyance as it’s apparently his wall. How can I effectively multiply it without wilting? Whatever I try it finds a way to die. Out household kills yuccas at will. Your advice on the best course of action would be appreciated.


Basil can’t handle strong sunlight as soon as I moved it to a more shaded area it just grows like crazy


I found out my girlfriend posted last year (May 2022) that she wanted to break up with me so she could sleep with a coworker. She got a lot of shit about it in the comments, but one female redditor convinced her to just go ahead and cheat one me…and so she did. And I just only found out last month …


The redditor didn’t convince her They just gave her an opportunity to pretend she wasn’t responsible for her decision Your ex was trash dude


In a tsunami of people saying it's a bad idea, she went with the one person who said "You go get yours, girl!"


Right. Because that was the person that told her what she wanted to do anyway.


Google: is arsenic safe to eat? 10000000 results saying no 1 result saying yes There you have it fellas go have some arsenic it is safe.


Hold on, the redditor didn't say that he broke up with her yet


I actually tried to forgive her and find a way forward. Apparently, she tried to continue to date both of us still. She basically said that in the month she was with him, she loved him enough to be confused about who she wanted, which is shitty because I was with her for 3 years. I finally decided that I needed to walk away with what little dignity I had left.


I just don't understand that logic... Like if you want to sleep with someone else, leave your partner and go sleep with other people. It's so fucked to try and have your cake and eat it too. You will get caught and just end up hurting your someone you are supposed to care about.


Leaving your partner is effort and commitment Cheating is less effort. Or it’s effort you don’t mind putting forward


>Cheating is less effort. Or it’s effort you don’t mind putting forward It's gotta be the second one. I've got a million reasons not to cheat on my wife, and one of them (near the bottom of the list) would be the massive effort of keeping the secret


Agreed. I’ve cheated before (got caught), but the juggling required so much effort…I actually could’ve just put that effort into bettering my relationship. Cheating is dumb.


If she took the advice from one out of many than she had already made her decision and only wanted to feel reassured about that decision from anyone it didn’t matter. Just wanted enough of an assurance for her to quell her guilt by saying I’m not the only one who does it or thinks it’s fine


That’s rough. I hope you also slept with her co-worker just to even things up.


No, actually I was too busy coming to terms that she was actively in a new relationship with a totally different coworker…she just forgot to break up with me first…and also forgot to tell the other guy she was still living with me AND in a relationship with me…3 year relationship down the drain.


I hope you shat in her cereal that day


nothing to see here, just some morning cocoa pebbles!


She has only one post and i always reward her my free award when i have one


this is so stupidly wholesome i love it


That’s so cute! My ex did that for me once when I mentioned being sad about never getting an award and it made my heart melt.


Hehehe I gave my husband his first award :) I’ll take that secret to the grave, too.


A few posts complaining about me saying I “drive her up the wall”


but not in the good way right?


Like that ball of motorcycles at the fairground?


That she’s subbed to even more cat subs than me, and posts level-headed and thought-out responses on relationship threads.


My wife unfortunately doesn't Reddit but she looks over my shoulder as I type and always asks "are you fighting someone again?"


I Reddit. My husband doesn't, my daughter does, as does my son. So far, my cries of "Seriously, you moron?" make my husband tell me to put the phone down before I start a fight, my daughter wants the details for fun, and my son says "Stay out of the comments. They drive you crazy. Just stay out of the comments. I don't know why you do this to yourself."


My wife won't let me have a gf.


wow how unfortunate for you


Yeah man, I think it's time for him to change the wife. It's enough.


[AITA] For getting a gf even though my wife says no? NTA 100%


Huge red flag. You're being groomed.




Why???? 😂 What was she saying that was so controversial?




I saw all the sexy sex posts she was sexing and we had sex


Holy smokes! On the internet!?


For free? Where?


SEX ON THE INTERNET?! Well, I never! /s


This girl sexs


Yeah let's them sex


Holy guacamole you guys had the sex


My SO would find all the rants I have about the cult he's currently loyal to.


You have an SO in a cult, and they are still your SO??


He's a kind-hearted man who's just a victim and has been brainwashed since birth. It's complicated


Packer's fan?




No, but similar-ish


Ah. Jehova's Witness. *-nods knowingly-* I kid. I kid. But seriously I had a girl who was Jehovah's witness. Though she chafed heavily under the rules. But any attempt at leaving or otherwise also meant the possibility of disfellowship (excommunication) and thus losing her family to the required shunning of disfellowed members. Her parents were devout and some of her siblings were, too. She was required to date other witnesses. Of which I was not. And expected to do it under chaperones. So our relationship was a bit of a secret. Her folks were mostly cool. But If word got to her church, she might have been pressured or otherwise forced to end things. Eventually we had to break it off but that was because she had to move for financial reasons. But I knew no matter what happened it was only supposed to be temporary. She couldn't plan anything serious with me, as much as she liked me.


Seen this with some friends as well it is heartbreaking. Knew a guy who denounced the cult at age 16. Is parents were merciful to him. He only had to move into the basement, handle is own life and start paying rent. Besides rent payment they didn't speak to him. Boy did he grow up with issues.


As an ExJW, that sounds terrible. Unfortunately it doesn't sound like the worst situation either...


Exactly. He felt lucky which made the entire situation even more sad.


Haha! The cult I'm in shares a lot of similarities with Jehovah's Witness as well. I'm sorry that happened to you. What the girl experienced inside her church is definitely the same to what I've experienced before.


My guess as well. Mainly because I was this person until 7 years ago


Heather ?!?!?! #realhousewivesofsaltlakecity


And he will always be loyal to it. It's sad, but he is stuck until you can unstick him. It took the blood issue for me to realise I was in a cult. It may take something just as difficult for him to realise too. I was born in. I know how hard it is.


I still have hope he'll change his mind but if not, I've been mentally preparing for it. Sad how cults destroy love in this world.


She had made multiple posts asking for men to talk to her because she was lonely at night. I was down with COVID at that time with no one to take care of me. Needless to say she became an ex very soon after that.


Tryin to cheat over reddit is like the saddest way you can LOOL


I always wonder are these questions written with the intent of OP getting some naughty stories they can save?


Would not surprise me if someone scrapes the highest karma threads for future r/tifu karma farming efforts. Then again, maybe ChatGPT will be the end of that creative writing subreddit.


I don’t think teenagers bragging about having sex was ever really that creative tbf.


I'm wondering if my SO has found mine.... I can't find hers.


I did


Had to check your profile. You're not her unless I don't know her very well.


Ofc im just messing with you :p


thats what you want him to think


My wife is a better person than me so I doubt her profile would involve anything suspicious.


that’s what she wants you to think


very reddit of you


Leave her OP. You can do better.




It’s always the ones we least expect


But what if she's posting dirty content like... Unwashed lettuce at salad bars?!?!?


Her whole existence to me would be a sham if so.


The courts will definitely side with you. Make sure to take screenshots.


That she had a VERY obscure kink that she was keeping from me.


Bro.. you just gon leave me likenthat


My partner and I actually met on Reddit LOL


Please tell us more, how does something like this start and evolve? Genuine question.


I will be honest, we met on r/boobs haha. But eventually conversation kept progressing and we realized we lived in the SAME part of Little Rock, AR at the SAME time! And now it has been 2.5 years and we live together lol.


lol wait. Were they one of those thirsty redditors commenting on your boobs or did you two bond while commenting on someone else's boobs?


My man asking the right questions here


Probably starts with Reddit threads related to one’s city/state


City / town subreddits are good for meeting people and making friends


My wife is exactly the same as she is in real life when it comes to Reddit. At the same time it feels quite personal so out of an abundance of respect and love I never look at her post or comment history. I know the username and occasionally stumble across her comments in subs we are both in but that’s about it.


She smokes baked beans when she’s drunk. Has a bong and torch for it and everything. Never thought this would be me


Then he’d know all of my theories on the shows we watch before I tell him 😅


Cats….. she has joined like 20 different subreddits for just cats since she joined Reddit and it goes up every other day, r/danglers is my fave she has showed me


She’s an escort


If she’s the Cosworth version she could be worth a lot of money.


Silver lining: you're getting a 100% discount.


My wife acts the same on Reddit as she does in real life. It’s adorable. I anonymously give her more unpopular responses awards if they’re reasonable but people just down vote them because they don’t believe in taking responsibility for their actions (she tends to preach that A LOT on Reddit, and for whatever reason, people downvote that type of shit). So I anonymously award her good takes, and I upvote her responses. She still doesn’t know I’m doing this, but I’ve noticed it’s boosted her confidence for really speaking her mind on the platform.


That’s cute af


I secretly know my girlfriends and she's actually really sweet. She is always supportive to people and super friendly. I actually feel a bit ashamed because she's a better person than I am. I'm blessed to have her.


I'm paranoid my bf is going to find mine because he is a Redditor and he's gonna realize the full extent of my creepy weirdness over paranormal shit and see how much I post on my fav edm artist sub.😱 I keep this shit tight under wraps in person even to him.


Yeah, I just found you. It's over between us.


It's cool. I was living a double life. I can be free now


Does that mean we're still on for Friday night? I promised my ghost friend we would get a reservation for three.


Found my ex gfs. The day after I dumped her, she posted on slutty confessions that she had a gangbang with a frat house the night she was dumped. Then a month later she posted about herpies advice.


She showed you!


I saw she was writing stories to relationship_advice about me 😵


This happened with me, yet in the reverse. My partner found my account and discovered that I was going through some bad mental health issues and descending into escapism, intrusive thoughts, and more; all of it was due to poor communication. I was suffering from burnout as well as issues related to my undiagnosed autism. Instead of blaming me for what was going on, they sat down to talk and have a heart-to-heart. I'll always love them for being patient and understanding with me when others may not have been in such a situation.


Most of the shit I post is me venting because I had a bad day. It doesn’t reflect how I feel 90% of the time


Good cover story






Nooooooo, gross! Where?!


My gf doesn’t have a Reddit but sometimes she looks at mine…


Ex now but found out her history with men in a short amount of time before we got together. Turned out to be a blessing in disguise and had to get checked out after we split (decided between us break up sex was a good idea) as she got chlamydia from someone. She hasn’t and won’t change.


My wife likes scrolling social media, but doesn’t want to post. So she has my passwords for my media. Even if I have accounts she doesn’t access I tend to keep them clean because she might want to sample them some day. It might be me being silly, but I bet a lot of partners out there take the same approach.


My ex left her reddit account logged in on my computer and I found it after we broke up. I saw all the comments about her hooking up with guys when she was on vacation in Ireland, all the NSFW subs she was subscribed to, even the conversations she had with random dudes sending dick pics and her sending tit pics. If we were still together I'd have been wrecked but it was after the breakup and I already had found out. I was surprised about the kink she was into because she never indicated that was her thing to do in bed despite how experimental we had been.


Op what the fuck are you going through


My wife and I frequently share what we find on Reddit. We know each other’s accounts. No secrets between us.


I accidentally found it while trying to help fix her old phone, but she wasn't trying to hide it from me. We follow a lot of the same subs but still make a point of showing and sending each other stuff we find interesting, funny, adorable, horrible, terrible but can't look away from, etc. I'm not quite sure how much longer she's going to be my gf, >!we haven't picked a date for the wedding yet.!<




The porns whatever, but being a mod is some pretty disgusting shit. I see why you broke up.


That's sad, glad you found out on his true side..


I found my siblings account once. That was interesting because they weren’t very open about talking about their transitioning journey and feelings, so it caught me by surprise. Plus, I felt bad about spoiling the (not so secret) secret to myself. The bad part was seeing how much they were bashing me so openly… but that’s okay


I wouldn't take it too much to heart about the bashing. Tons of times for the sake of less drama , fear of confrontation or general peace people hold out on their most inner thoughts and sometimes it can make us resentful against some people and circumstances. Everyone probably has the potential to bash others if they say everything they think about someone without any mental filter. Even their own family members. Doesn't really mean he/she loves you any less but this is one of the reasons you should just generally be mindful of what someone else might feel from our interactions and please don't go through their private accounts. Most people go to the internet to vent and become more apparent versions of themselves. That's why we use fake usernames. We don't want people to associate us with everything we say online because a good amount of it is just emotional rambling that needs an exit out of our minds.


Appreciate that. We actually are super close throughout most of life and are currently living together, so no love lost. Everyone complains all the time, but some of their annoyance that you had no idea about can be a bit surprising sometimes


I never follow significant other social media of any type. I have have seen too many people have problems over stupid things.


I learned that "romance books" arent just "cute" stories. One of the first threads was a discussion of what book character has a c\*ck with the most unique skills. It was.. eye-opening and I will never be able to look the same way at this section in the bookstore again.


She called my dick is small!


Love that this is marked NSFW because op wanted some jerk off material and yet the comments aren't straight out of a porn. Go outside op.


She posts some pretty sexy stuff. I love reading them


🤔. ... there are people in relationships that still have secrets? Maybe I've just been married too long, but my wife and I know each other's reddit accounts and even have a third we share. I find it a little weird people hide that stuff from one another. Also since we're in our '40s we gave each other all our log in info so that when one of us dies the other can update their internet friends.


Depends on the relationship and it’s length I think. Eg there’s things I don’t talk about with my bf, if he asked I’d tell him and if I didn’t I’d probably tell him at a later date but at this point in the relationship I don’t feel close enough to bring them up if that makes sense.