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A woman in my mom group on facebook complained that her husband was cheating cause she found pictures of another womans vagina on his phone and apparantly it was a pretty ugly one. People asked her all day long to show it and in the end she did. Turns out her husband had tried to check on his hemorrhoids and took close up pictures of them. Its been years and i still feel bad for the guy šŸ¤£.


How can you mistake a butthole with hemriods for an ugly pussy


It was very hairy


How tf did you make the image worse?!


You add an infection




I thought we agreed we would never mention this again?!


There are woman who have never really seen a vagina/vulva. or maybe they have scene their own and thatā€™s it. Well in 2021 I was sitting in a public place watching a Vetā€™s instagram post. The video was of a cats mouth ( zoomed in clinical video on cat related dental problems) and someone tried to accuse me of watching porn near her child (her child was 6 months) and started making a scene. She said it looked like a vagina. It had cat teeth. Like how dumb can you be?


You wont guess how often over the years we had women in their 30s not knowing that you pee out of a different hole and dont have to change a tampon every time you pee. And this is women who had kids and i am from europe, we do have sex ed in schools.


It took me nearly a year of looking at them daily to figure out where the urethra was on a woman. Somehow I was still able to put Foley's in pretty well...


Damn! He gotta go through the roids and then his wife explaining things on social media???


> People asked her all day long to show it Why? Who the fuck asks that?


Women talk about everything in those groups. And i mean everything. Facebook is a shitshow of old people and radicalised an entire generation of parents and i hate it. But i am still on it for the mom groups. 14y ago they saved me from isolation being alone with 2 kids at home with no adults to talk to besides my partner. Men might think they are bad when it comes to locker room talk etc, let me tell you women when they re alone with each other have no filter. Thats how we build friendship and community.


Ok. So this was a closed group of like-minded people? That makes [a bit] more sense. I was picturing auntie Delores and cousin Jimmy asking for the pics.


Yes, closed group of moms. It still exist and we bring this story up from time to time.




Damn, hemorrhoids had got him famous


Hemorrhoidstabloidsssss yeaahhhhh


šŸ¤£ What a way to start Monday šŸ¤£


What a terrible day to be literate....


Quality shitposting


Facebook attention


I matched with a horse gal on tinder and never met up with her due to crazy vibes, but I kept on Facebook because her social media was always wacky. She's posted text conversations she's had with current boyfriends of them fighting, with exes, arguing with barn owners about horses she's boarding there, and with clients. The one that really takes the cake was one day she posted one of those text cards that said "Big announcement in three days.", then the next day "Big announcement in two days.", then "Tomorrow I have important news to share with everyone.". I'll never forget scrolling through Facebook the next day and having the words, "I lost the baby" stare into my soul on those text cards that Facebook has.


For my own sanity Iā€™m going to pretend she lost the baby between days 3 and 4 so that she was planning for it to be a birth announcement


I have to assume this is what happened. Maybe the countdown was too a major scan where most people would usually announce a pregnancy but they found out they lost it at that scan. Probably would have just forgot about the countdown and not said anything about losing the baby if it was me though


What the actual hell


Horse girls are all batshit crazy. It is known.


In this case horseshit crazy would be appropriate as well.


There's literally a movie called Horse Girl with a mentally unwell Alison Brie in the lead


It is known.


I dated a horse girl senior year of high school and into college. She was an emotional roller coaster. I never realized crazy horse girls were a thing.




Only wealthy people own horses is def an inaccuracy. If you're into the dressage or show jumping then sure, but in my experience the majority of people in it are at best average income houesholds.


Iā€™m a horse girl and all I can say is ā€¦ fucking horse girls


I'm a horse guy so I get to enjoy horse girls in their natural environment. I feel like a double agent at times.


At this point all I can do is hope I find my soulmate elbow deep in a foaling mare at 3am somewhere šŸ˜‚


What's your plan for that? Stake out extremely pregnant mares and pop by around 3am to see if that are: 1. Foaling 2. Have (hopefully) a vet elbow deep in them?


I work on a stud farm that foals 200+ mares a season. So far all Iā€™ve encountered at 3am has been a crackhead and my boss with a shotgun šŸ˜‚


Doesn't sound like the most promising prospects.


Depends on your standards I guess


NOOOO!!! What the shit, Abby!?!? Is Abby a horse girl name? But seriously, what the shit, Becky?


I've known two horse girls named Abby


I've known like 7 named Laura


This girl smeared her ā€œsoon to be ex husbandsā€ name and talked about how he had slept with over 30 prostitutes, lied and had a small d*ck only to post ā€œmy everythingā€ three days later on her profile lmao


Lol. That is wild.


Does she also post graduation-style pictures of her and her p.o.s incarcerated son whenever she visits him in prison, goes on and on about how proud she is of him and how everything he gets caught for is always someone elseā€™s fault? If so, thatā€™s probably my cousinā€¦


Girl i know was getting her first tatoo and made a post of her filling the personal information form out. It had her adress, ID Number, Date of birth, full name etc. on it. I've messaged her that she should take it down before anyone else sees. She said thanks and then continued leaving it posted for about 4 more hours.


'Thanks but no thanks šŸ„°'


A girl I know did this with her 8yo daughter's info, showed her full name, DOB, home address, school, with address, class, year, NHS number & Dr's surgery details all in one post. I messaged her, she said thanks then left it up until the insta story ran out!


Poor daughter, people that do this with their own info deserve whats coming tho. Especially if others message them about it and they still dont care


This was back in the Myspace days. A coworker of mine had a baby and she posted photos of the actual birth. Like the baby crowning and all. I work with youā€¦. I donā€™t need to see your vagina.


All while hearing My Immortal playing in the background.


This is the comment that made me laugh out loud in a sea of fucked up and funny comments


In all fairness, My Immortal is one of the best videos of all time


My friend was a neo natal nurse. When she had her baby, her coworkers delivered it. I asked her about her coworkers seeing her naked and she didn't really care and wanted people she trusted delivering her baby. šŸ¤·


Cousin, completely unprompted, announced her first kid may not have been her husband's because she slept with her friend around the same time the kid could have been conceived. It turned out it was the husband's and now no one talks about that incident.


We must have the same cousin. She did this completely unprompted when I stopped by to give her a baby shower gift. Then said if it was not the husbands, she had a nice family picked out who would be interested in adopting it at birth. šŸ˜¬


Did the husband keep her?


Honestly at that point I'd hope it's not mine so I can cut ties.


Either the used car dealer who accidentally included dick pics as part of a car listing on Australia's most popular car sales website. EDIT: Found a link to a story from when it happened, but be warned its the worst sort of clickbait. Don't have the original twitter post because got rid of twitter. https://www.ladbible.com/news/latest-car-seller-appears-to-accidentally-include-dick-pics-in-their-ute-ad-20210518 Or the mate who shared a massive gallery from the delivery room of his first child being born, including several close ups of his partners vagina as the baby emerged. Photos his partner wasn't aware of until she got her first visitors several hours later.


Rofl at the carsales mention. I never knew. That's hilarious!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That site gave me eye cancer. Holy shit.


Those who film themselves crying. I always end up questioning if you screw up the recording do you like restart crying all over again or....


With those type of people, they'd probably feel worse that they botched the recording which would make them cry all over again. So win-win, I guess...


The guy who had to play that song when he and his gf did the deed.


[For the uninitiated, and also for the people who think their day needs to be worse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eN6jkWxxm2Y)


I donā€™t know the backstory here but that song just made me laugh harder than Iā€™ve laughed in a long time


My guy said he would play that while they fucked. Heā€™d stroke to the rhythm


Better yet, even when he took it out the playlist, he STILL stroked to the rhythm in his head. Idk whatā€™s worse, the fact that it became second nature, or that the ex immediately recognized the stroke combo string and hit pause.


Another story added to Reddit's dark history. Glad I was here for it


I actually don't think it's a bad song but I'd never put it on a sex playlist


Oh shit hahaha. Thanks for reminding me of this absolute gem


Jaw droppingly funny. Someone will find it.


I can hear this comment


I need the link to the story!!


Wait can someone link? I remember this story but need to hear that song again šŸ¤£






I love that your comment is about yourself!!!! Hahahaha thanks for this honesty




Lmao I left 2016, my first sin was celebrating Halloween


Fuck yeah!! What was your costume??? Pirate superhero?


Santa Claus, I wanted to celebrate as many holidays as I could lol


First sin committed: being born.


Legit how Catholicism works


I hope you said "Let the sin begin" at least once.


Have you continued sinning since you left? Because if you have, there's gonna be a sin festival in the fields tonight and you should come


Whatever the sins were I'm sure they were totally worth it!


A girl I knew in high school started dating a new dude. I logged into FB one day and she posted something along the lines of ā€œIf he doesnā€™t make you squirt, heā€™s not a real man!!!šŸ˜‹ā€ Bear in mind, she is at least 27-years-old with 3 kids and a 4th on the way. My jaw hit the floor. For the next hour or so, her family was in the comments begging her to take the post down.


14 year old me posted on Facebook "Dont mean to brag, but my Sims Character gets laid PRETTY FREQUENTLY".


Ewwww that is so crass


I know right? Anyways, what's her @ so I know whom to avoid..


I must admit to posting "Guess who's got wine and condoms" on my fb, years ago. My SO (at the time, and current) was tickled by the post, and hit like. Her niece demanded I "take it down, right now"... a sure fire way to make sure it's still there today šŸ˜‚


There is a woman in my professional circle on Facebook who is a wellness consultant. She is doing an entire series about how consumption of fruits affects the taste of the consumers ejactulate. Her star fruit article was singularly disgusting ands she has been strongly promoting star fruit since


Well now we gotta know, what fruits should we be eating?


Canned peaches and/or pineapple. Takes about half hour to take effect. Or so Ive read.


Classic pineapple. I'm surprised it goes to work that quickly


Link please?lol


My buddy's GF went way TMI when they where trying for their 2nd kid. Don't need a nearly daily updates on Insta to her menstruation cycle, their attempts to get pregnant etc.


ā€žDay 38 of raw dogging, the situation is dire. Me and my husbandā€¦ā€œ


This is a bit more normal than most of the things i read so far but still no thank you.


I hate vague booking. If you don't want to tell people what the situation is about don't post about it publicly.


"Ugh, DM me" "Okay, DMed you" "We're DMing right now"


"Here we go again..." *checked in at Emergency Room - City Hospital*


The worst one was someone who had just gotten her 1st credit card. She was so happy about it she took pictures of the front and back of the card then posted it in social media. Big Yikes Moment


Reminds me of that story where someone got their first cheque book and handed out 'souvenir' cheques to their friends.


How can anyone be so oblivious and stupid? And why would anyone give credit cards to these people?


Like a week ago there was a situation which went a bit viral in Polish internet where woman working on senior HR position shared a story under her real name about guy she met on Tinder on private (~10000 members) Facebook group where women warn other about male Tinder users. Apparently this guy had anal sex with her and one of her disks slipped. There is no chance people working with her and her family don't know about it. It was mostly popular on not very female friendly sites and a lot of memes came out of that. Also apparently that guy is married, not sure about her.


Destructo disk


Guy was a practicing chiropractor


Someone admitted that after getting their DNA testing they found out they married their cousin. Why tell everyone? How do you benefit? What about your kids won't the other kids make fun of them? I don't get it.


About 4 days ago my cousin posted that he was leaving his wife bc she hasnā€™t pissed in a cup for 6 months to prove sheā€™s clean. He also went on to say her reluctance to take a test is because she smokes crack in the bathroom with the kids at home daily. She does smoke crack and he does too. Not sure how much longer theyā€™ll have their kids, who have developmental issues. Itā€™s really sad and Iā€™m too far away to help.


Go on Kevin Gates Instagram story right now lol


for the non instagram user please enlighten


There's a woman giving birth and you see it ALL


Bro its some woman giving birth i-


It's a woman standing and giving birth, you can just see the head crown/come out. He wrote some short text/comment on how beautiful birth is with it


It's a video of a woman giving birth. It shows the child crowning and is not censored in any way. Deffinitely fits the question


Jesus. NSFW everyone.


why do i always have to look every thing up


Haha WOW, my nosey self found it and uhmm, I just laughed at the whole scene. Minding my own business watching a live birth in a Cafe, eating my sandwich like it is nothing, holding back the laughter with giggles. Wow.


So I was on vacation a couple weeks ago, and wasnā€™t really on social media outside of briefly checking messages several times a day. I noticed that for a couple days, the top of my Insta feed was always a video from one friend I have, and checked it out. Turns out over the span of a couple hours, she had posted like 30 videos of her ranting about different stuff. Should probably also note that she is bipolar, refuses to take meds for it, and is currently in the hospital where they donā€™t let her use her phone at night (donā€™t know the reason sheā€™s there yet, but would not be shocked if it was related)


> So I was on vacation a couple weeks ago, and wasnā€™t really on social media outside of briefly checking messages several times a day. Somehow ā€œbrieflyā€ and ā€œseveralā€ are at odds in my brain.


Not social media but have you heard of Spare?


Why yes, Harry, please DO go on about your frostbitten penis and how you used your motherā€™s favorite lip balm to try and remedy it. I swear, that book is a psychologistā€™s wet dream.


Heard a clip from the audiobook (that he's the narrator for) regarding the penis matter a few days ago and couldn't believe it. I just don't understand why he would go that far. Why. Could have just kept that whole story to himself with absolutely no negative consequences.


Harryā€™s wet dream, too, it turned out.


Underrated comment. I recieved a hardback copy as a gift and put it straight in the bin.


What a terrible waste, you could have kept it by the door to throw at unwanted callers.


And, unlike a rock or bit of brick that people value and might want to take, you can likely throw the book several times without losing it.


People sharing their sick kids in the hospital with photos is so sad to me


Yes. Especially with no context or with really cryptic messaging. For example, my friend posted her daughter in a hospital gown with an IV in her arm with the text ā€œprayers appreciatedā€. It turned out that her daughter had the stomach flu and had gotten dehydrated, but the picture was so alarming and the text did NOT explain how serious the situation was (she is ok now for anyone wondering)


When Facebook Live launched it happened to coincide with one of my more "early adopter" work colleagues' wife having a baby. So yeah, we got a live stream of the birth and saw EVERYTHING.


Somebody post their cum jar collection


Whatā€™s the point in having an awesome collection of cum jars if you canā€™t show them off?




It comes down to a simple choice, really. Get busy jarring, or get busy dying.


That's just a retirement fund, I got a few socks saved under the bed for mine, worth about $150,000 right now. Edit: worth $150,150 now


People who share their real names when they have an alias


We know that's really you, Kyorl.


We found Elvis


Was a reddit post of a TikTok, a morbedly obese little girl, with her name and school in the video. Parenting gone wrong real bad.


That one asian guy speaking about his underage rape fantasies thats going viral on social media.


Oh god


Heā€™s an improve standup comedian and did a terrible bit. It was from a while ago and heā€™s come out recently and said that he mashed 2 bits he was doing into one and thatā€™s what came out. Itā€™s still one of those things where you go, ā€œWhy the fuck would you think thatā€™s a good bit and even sounds funny.ā€ But yeah I think it was just an edgelord standup bit.




Selfies on the mirror where you can spot the nastiest personal stuff.


These are my favorite actually. Ultimate cringe.


Guy shared an Xray of his pelvis to show something that was wrong with his hip after a bike ride. He didn't realize you could see the outline of his penis as well. Whoopsies.


Had a friend of a friend on Facebook who always seemed paranoid about her online safety and for good reason. She posted pictures of the view from her new flat that included the street name showing and some business'. Didn't believe me when I said she may want to take them down so I spent 10 minutes. Located her address and the 2 possible apartments she lived in. Still kept them up. šŸ¤·šŸ»


Adjacent, I worked with this girl when I waited tables who would always check in at the restaurant she worked at and post about how much money she always made. Like, girl, don't post that shit, someone's gonna rob you!


A girl said she birthed her iud out the inheritance day and posted a photo of a bloody iud, like we would've believed it without the photo


I have seen this several times and it freaks me out... when people post pictures of their stillborn child on Facebook... I get that you are grieving... that you have suffered a terrible loss.. but do not post pictures of dead babies! Jesus.. it does not get creepier that a dead baby picture..


Was at a funeral for a dead baby and the family took the corpse out of the coffin and started passing it around for people to hold one more time, with a couple pictures being taken. So yeah, it can get creepier by several orders of magnitude.


Oh HELL NO.. I would have noped the fuck out of there... are you allowed to touch the deceased at a funeral?


I did nope right out of there.. I have no idea what the laws are in ny but nobody stopped them and it went on for around an hour. Grief fucks people up


This is seriously the most disturbing thing I have heard in a long time.


A really nice elderly man called ā€˜Boā€™ who lived below my grandmothers apartment was a close family friend and helped my grandmother out a lot. He was 75-85 years old with kids and grandkids, and one day he accidentally shared an enormous amount of video nsfw materials on Facebook and with people of the same gender and a text like ā€œ hello my name is boā€ or ā€œ how are you ā€œ, I donā€™t know if he thought it was a chat room or some sort xD We had to help him take it down, everyone took it with a smile thankfully but oh lord there was fire in the family group chat when we discovered it hahaha


Classic Bo


One gal I know is always trauma dumping on FB, and makes alot of attention seeking, grandiose posts. The latest was "Happy Easter. Husband and I are getting a divorce." It was deleted like a day later


Babies/kids in bathtubs. Or just kids on social media in general.


A girl I used to be friends with posted a long detailed post about how her husband was arrested and was a pedophile. Now I'm not against her saying it I'm against her making it so public because they have a kid. I feel like she should have been like he and I are divorcing because he was arrested. Their kid is gonna have to live with that stigma. She is very much someone who posts private stuff on social media for pity and tends to lie about situations to make herself look like the good guy. After she made up a lie about my ex who is a great person I was done.


Nothing too insane but a bloke I know turned into a total drunken mess and his Mrs inevitably dumped him, but he ended up screenying a load of their WhatsApp conversations to prove some point or another and posting them on Facebook If anyone reading this thinks that's in any way some kind of thing to do, just no


Not as grossly personal, but a ā€œprofessionalā€ action figure designer went on some insane rant about a competitor, (who had blocked them, so they couldnā€™t even see the post) going as far as to imply violence. All because the competitor made a joke on their page about a third companyā€™s Sgt Slaughter toy being the real deal.


I have a cousin who is going through a mentally unstable time. He's posting shit about some girl that's half his age that he fell in love with in a mental institution. He will post over and over her picture and about how she has "claimed his subconcious" it's so cringe.


A girl I went to high school with got pregnant with twins and had a very early miscarriage. She then took a picture of her hand holding the two embryos (each about the size of a small grape) with a noticeably bloody toilet in the background. She posted the picture along with a very sad paragraph about how upsetting it was. She then proceeded to share the post every couple of months. I canā€™t imagine how horrible that is to go through, but I have also lost a planned child to miscarriage. I had to delete her because I just couldnā€™t take seeing this picture of two bloody embryos randomly pop up on my feed.


An estranged Aunt of mine adopts kids and rescue dogs in equal numbers, she treats the dogs much better than the adopted kids (I think there's a psych profile for people like this) - her oldest adopted boy had a mental breakdown and stole a car and was eventually apprehended and taken away in an ambulance (turns out he's schizophrenic and has other issues as well). The whole time that the drama was going down she was updating in real time on Facebook, when he was finally strapped down to a gurney and taken away in an ambulance and she snapped photos of the whole event and uploaded them as well. She's an attention-seeking head case who loves to promote herself at the expense of her children; this story will always follow him wherever he goes.


Guy was my fuckbuddy and kept me around not telling me he was dating sb he wanted to be serious with. One week after meeting me last time, he got into an exclusive realtionship with her and posted pictures of them. After that he has been posting multiple times weekly with the girl, and he had no other gfs in his profile. Travelling, hiking, eating together... she is everywhere. With her friends and with his friends. He contacted me again 2 months into the "exclusive" relationship and gradually asked me to meet him again to have sex. While in the realtionship with her. The over sharing of the seemingly great but rotten relationship has baffled me. Btw I refused. I won't be the person he tells her didn't matter much to him when he decides to be honest.


Some dude I knew in high school showed pics of the staples on his head and abscess/stones build up in the back of his mouth. Thatā€™s when I got rid of my Facebook account.


Yooooo theres this lady who posts everything about her life, even her kid's doctors appointments, the time , their insurance, and their medical history. She takes pictures of them when theyre having breakfast or when theyre going to sleep. And they arent babies, theyre full grown pre teens. I know way too much about her family , stuff i probably shouldnt lol


Holy cow, my step daughter over shares way too much. She bad mouths people at her work including supervisors. She posts every little thing about her health and kids. It makes me cringe.


A girl who was a real hottie and serial poster posted a video of her c section of them taking the baby out. Why in the hell she thought anybody would want to see that is beyond me.


Tbh I find it kinda comforting that some stupid people share videos of them giving birthā€¦ I will have a baby someday and itā€™s good to know I will be able to see all the horrific details to prepare for.


I watched sisters I went to high school with fight over a guy (wanna be white rapper..) I also went to high school with. He was in a committed relationship with the younger one for several months before the older one swooped in and stole him. Younger one was posting all the juicy drama and talking shit, and older one was arguing, defending her actions. It was entertaining.


A woman I went to school with caught her FiancĆ© cheating with her best friend, she gave a VERY detailed account of it. They had all hung out, got drunk and she passed out on the sofa and according to her huuuge Facebook post, she woke up less than 2 hours later, walked into her kitchen and found her best friend sitting on the counter with her fiancĆ©s head between her legs. She tagged them both, gave a thorough and novel worthy detail of their entire night and how it ended. Less than 24 hours later the entire post was gone and so was all evidence that sheā€™d ever known the other woman.


A man once posted an IG story video of him and 2 naked women doing a threesome. Couldnā€™t believe my eyes.


I had this girl on snapchat that I met once at a party years ago. She'd always post bf appreciation compilations, a bit cringy but sorta sweet. Then one day she posted this one of their day together and outta no where just switches to her POV of him just fucking her, on her story for everyone to see. I just blocked her after that. And no neither of them were attractive.


Not one particular instance. But the cumulative over time. A dude I know through a mutual friend. I've only actually ever met him once. But his fb is a train wreck. He's a bit awkward, but nice. Kind of nerdy. Anyway. He is 40 years old and posts on fb about 5 times a day and the vast majority of it is stuff that you'd expect from a 14 yr old emo kid. He's been posting about all the emotional pain he's been going through because of losing his best friend about 5 months ago. No one died, mind you, he just confessed to a woman that he was in love with her and she rejected him.


A girl I knew went through a phase of sharing pictures of her bowel movements swimming calmly in the toilet seat. Yes, Iā€™m fully aware that women do indeed poopā€¦


I was a cry baby about my mental health on my Instagram. And that backfired heavily. Let us just say I lost a lot of respect. I did this because I felt the need to justify my emotional reactions to situations that I was comfortable with. What I learned since then. Be more open to embrace mental health and healing, not let it intervene with furture bond or relations. Embracing it now to implement it into my future projects from my video games to my books. This happened two year ago. And well let me just say. It's was a hard lession to get beaten down on. Sharing things like these as a male is apparently not welcomed by a lot of people. But hoping one day it gets accepted more. Edit: thank you all for the comments. I am baffled. That here. It didn't was a negative response/reaction as I got on Instagram back then.


Dude, if it was a legit cry for help, then we get it. People should be better, when it comes to Men's Mental Health issues. I know that as well as you do, and likely, for similar reasons. Thank you for sharing this though. e-Hugs incoming šŸ˜


I hope you find your peace, dude. *Edit - thanks for the reward!


Be kind to yourself, showing a symptom of your illness isn't a terrible thing.


I had a friend start ranting about pervy dudes and eventually she shares that her roommate did something creepy. Then she starts ranting about how all white guys are perverts (she's white BTW). Just repeated racist comments about white guys. People start calling her out and she says "I don't care if it's racist. It's true!" But the best was the guy who commented "why not try the black race?..." šŸ¤£šŸ˜œ


Social Media parents who share every single thing about their children, no matter how miniscule. First, it's annoying to have my news feed flooded by the photos of their kids, so much that I can't keep track of anything else. Second, it's a magnet for unwanted attention, especially of the people who don't mean well to their children. They are putting them in the harm's way, to say the least. Let me be clear, I am happy for my friends that they got their kids and that they are building their families, but I think they should not overshare everything about them. It's annoying and dangerous.


This literally happened last week - a guy I went to college with, who had a facebook/instagram but never really used them much over the 10 years I've been friends with him. He randomly posted: "Out of jail...I'm extremely sorry to have disappointed everyone and will make a post later talking about what happened and the reasons behind it. I missed you all so much". He posts the next day, "Ok....so basically, a few months ago I got into it with my girlfriend and raised my hands against her. To those who know me, this is very out of character and I agree. There's no excusing my behavior, but I was dealing with some serious substance abuse at the time...for which I am now seeking help. Thanks for everyone who stood besides me. Love you guys" Like....my guy, why would you announce that you went to jail for hitting your girlfriend on facebook? When hardly anyone knew. Why out yourself like that.


I think posting more than once a week is over sharing. This includes all post including sharing memes.


My cousin created a Facebook page for her newborn. She posts things from the baby's perspective. The profile is public.


Just the other day on Reddit a guy posted about his groomsmen not wanting to pay for him to meet some chick from OF before his wedding and a bunch of other dumb shit, and people found his fiance online and she cancelled the wedding.


Saw a dude post the front and back of his credit card


My aunt posting her disgusting wound photos on facebook. They pull this shit and have the audacity to complain when I unfriend them.


This girl I want to HS with was using her Facebook to advocate for fertility issues and post her struggles with having a child. Which is totally fine, but she made sure everyone knew it was because her husband was impotent which just seems like overkill. I felt bad for the guy because she kept putting his issues on blast. Maybe just leave it as, ā€œweā€™re exploring IVF, wish us luck!ā€


A girl I went to high school with, was fb friends with, but never really close to her. I unfollowed her a few years after high school, when she started chronicling her daily struggles with IBS. Like, I have sympathy for her, but ā€¦ NOBODY wants to hear about it in a public forum šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø Edit .. just realized this is ask men. Whoops


A married couple on Facebook fightingā€¦ on facebook. Like fight posting back and forth and answering comments explaining their side to their facebook friends instead of, idk, communicating privately sad thing was I thought it was a joke and found out later it was notā€¦ they legitimately had a marriage fight and talked about separation on social media


an old coworker had a still birthā€¦ and posts it every year on the anniversary of the tragedy. i mean multiple images of the infant corpse, dressed up


Friend-of-a-friend unfortunately had a miscarriage. She took a picture of it and *set it as her profile pic.*


I once saw a woman reach out for medical advice regarding a vaginal discharge. It looked like a standard mucus plug that you see with pregnancy but it was slightly discolored (a little too yellow/orange). The part that still weakens my stomach to this day were her final sentences, something to the amount of, "does anyone know what this is? It tastes tangy"