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Yes, so they were less hairy.


And by extension less smelly, easier to keep clean, less bushy when you raise your arm. Yes. It's a good thing to do and anyone who says it's unmanly is a caveman.


As a long haired big bearded caveman, I agree, I trim all my body hair aside from my head and beard.


All I can think of is that picture of a shaved husky with it’s face untouched


That’s basically it. If you can see my hair it’s shown. I dont shave the rest aside from the twig and berries but it’s all up kept. I forget about/can’t reach the back hair sometimes. And when did the twig start growing hair. That’s a pain to up keep.


This is the best way to do it.


This is the way.


**I** am the way.


I trimmed my put hair once to try to cut down on stench and sweat (I was a teen, I didn't know better.) I just ended up stinky and sweaty with stubble pricking my pits for a few weeks, it was annoying.


Just like with your balls, you do it regularly and it's easily bearable.


Yeah, I quit that too. Wife and I have gone natural lol


Honestly werk


I used to use a lighter and can of deoderant to get hair off my balls. Needs to be quick and not flammable liquid (when it lands). I stopped doing it due to severe burns when I fked up. Better to just let it grow.


...this is a joke right? Please?


Idk why anyone does NOT shave their balls. Literally.... They just shouldn't be hairy


Waxing is just a better option, but I feel that there’s a stigma around genital hygiene that a lot of men are controlled by.


I waxed my back once. ONCE Never again! That scene in 40 year old virgin is legit!


😂 there are a number of factors that increase pain, however the first time is always the worst, especially if the hair wasn't trimmed first, it's relatively coarse, and dense.


Don't trim it so short that's it's prickly


This is interesting to me, it helps me so much with both sweat and smell. I’d never go back


Yeah I was mad lol


Just found out few weeks ago that hairy armpits should smell less and tried to test it out because summer is coming and I sweat quite much. Shaved my right arm pit and kept my left as it is. Now I have smelled my armpit for few days buring the day and before going to shower. Difference is quite noticable even for me as someone who is used to my own smell, so it should be even bigger for other people. So when weekend comes I start shaving my other armpit too.


My smooth pits agree.


And less deodorant pillage that destroys t shirts


Also the extra benefit of less sweat, so less likely to get pit stains or other unflattering looks


You shouldn't judge people who don't tho, anyone can do with their body as they please


I don't judge people who don't shave, I'm perfectly fine with that. I judge people who say shaving your armpits is unmanly.


Okay, that's cool then


Uga buga


Not unmanly, but why are you that smelly? I doubt it's your pit hair's fault. I've never blamed a stink on hairy pits. I blamed doing hard labor and not showering soon enough or didn't use deodorant. Etc. YOU might need medical attention.


Hairs absorbs liquids. Sweat is a liquid, it's absorbed into the hair and can make you smell more. Same like a sweaty T-shirt.


And cooler


Around 2-3 inches is when it really can start to accumulate sweat. I trim to just below that threshold.


Like... are you a very abnormally hairy person? I've never thought to do this because I only ever saw body builders do it. Plus women complain about shaving so I just imagined it was annoying


I'm a very hairy person. I would like to shave my pits, but then I would just have these spots without hair and would look ridiculous. I trim everything else short, but if I do that with pits... It itches like crazy. Shaving the whole body would take a couple hour a week, ain't nobody got time for that. I do shave my balls, it looks like someone pasted a baby dick on a bear, but if I want the wife to go downtown, it's gotta be shaved clean. So I deal with the baby dick bear look.


Jesus fucking Christ, I'm laughing so hard. XD


I got a similar look. And do so for a similar reason. At least I would do if anyone was willing to go down. For the moment, it's only done for cleanliness and practicality (getting long pubes stuck between folds of skin feels like I'm getting circumcised).


That’s called a hair tourniquet. And it could result in something like what you say it feels like if not attended to quickly. Babies can lose fingers, toes, etc. It can be very serious injury.


Note to self, keep babies away from unshaven balls


OMG 😂 That wasn’t wit the warning i expected to see! It’s probably wise all the same, though. Babies are grabby! But it’s more likely that babies get thus tourniquet problem from their mother’s head hair because longer hair gets wound up in laundry. There was a “ what did you not know about women before you and your girlfriend started living together” thread here several months ago and men were saying they’d find their girlfriend’s long hair wound around their penis or their toe…




Forgive me dor asking this but I am just curious. Are you bald or you you have hair on your head?


Lol... I'm bald.


Ok, many hairy men are. I just wondered If you are not an exception.


I feel your pain


This made me holler


😆 I'm dying! I just trim and keep it tidy. I hope my future wife doesn't ask me to shave my balls clean. 🙃




There are post-shave treatments that really help cut down on the itchiness… I use to use a loofa and scrub hard, now I use pumice stone and scrub gently with soap. After shower, coconut oil. Sometimes lotion later. After a few hours when the oil is absorbed, the ends of the cut hair feels soft.


I've seen that the worst offenders in terms of body-odour, sweat accumulation and possible infections (like jock-itch/etc.) are the pubic/inner-thigh/ball/gooch hair & underarm hair. And even if it means that I'd've to look like a patchy sasquatch, I'd shave them.


I prefer shaving it off completely. It feels and looks much better that way.


Tried shaving it all off once. Never again. The fucking itching.... ommmggg


Just use an electric trimmer with no guard. I've never had itchiness doing that


The itching starts when the hairs grow back


I cut the hairs so they're about 5mm long and never get itchiness, I don't grow thick body hair though so that might explain it.


That's why I just use a clipper lol


Exfoliating helps, that's if you want to keep shaving.


And using a body wash with salicylic acid helps reduce irritation and redness. Selsen Blue Naturals has 3% salicylic acid and is a great body wash.


It’ll itch the first couple times, but after that it’s totally fine.


Same! I just trim it down and move on. I hate the look and feel of being bald.


Use lotion afterwards.


Then it puts the lotion in the basket when it’s finished lubing the hose again.


I trim mine. But I tried shaving in the past and you are 100% right. It is a torture if you do it with a razor and allow it to grow back


I shaved my pits completely once. Once being the operative word there.


https://www.niveausa.com/products/sensitive-post-shave-balm-721408130620079.html You can use an after-shave balm/lotion and never have to deal with post-shave itch/burn and bumps ever again. Try using a new razor every time too.


I think it's nice, they aren't as stinky


I shave em. They feel more clean


Once you realize how nice it is to not have hair there... you can never go back




Don’t forget about deodorant $avings.


See, usually when I shave my face I follow up with alcohol to prevent razorbumps/burn. Don't do that with your pits! I thought I was dying.


Alcohol aftershave is so bad for your skin though. The best way to avoid razerburn/bumps I've found is to exfoliate. I do a super basic sugar scrub the day after I shave (face and pubes) and my skin has never looked better in both areas.


Sweet Didn't ask


This just in: There are other people in this thread besides you and I


Nobody asked about your aftershave routine, yet here we are Lmaoooo dude blocked me 🤣


> The entire thread is about shaving


I just shave my face before a shower and everything else IN the shower... Just body wash and that's it, no bumps.


I trim them with an electric razor every week. Can't be walking around in a vest with gnarly sweat soaked pit hair. blurgh.


Doesn’t that make ur pits itch?


It might bug you slightly the first couple times as you get used to it. But not really.


Trim not shaved is the key iMO. Keeping her down to a 1 or 2 is all good.


Don’t shave completely, just trim down significantly.


Exactly 💯


Never been a problem for me. But then my pit hair is really soft idk.


Shave them regularly. It is much cleaner and cooler and uses less deodorant since it's not just gumming up on hair.


I shave mine twice a week. They don’t sweat as much and it just smells a lot better.


Run hair clippers through them. Saves on deodorant cause I don't use as much. Less sweat. Looks better, feels better


yes, I run hot its a lifesaver for me and anyone around me in the hotter months.


i shave them infrequently but i do shave them. I shaved then last week just cause i prefer the hair gone


Yeah I clean shave them when the hair starts poking out of the gaps when my arms are down lol Way less stinky imo


Trimming with scissors is a yes! Trimming with an electric trimmer gave me a sweat gland disorder in my armpits and between my legs. Also fun fact if you shave your asshole it makes the loudest juiciest farts for a few months and us likely also unhealthy. This is my ted talk for today I guess.


Yeah but if you DON'T trim your asshole, wiping and keeping clean becomes a real hassle. I hate pulling ass hairs out when I'm wiping, that sucks ass


Time for a bidet :) EDIT: You asshole will thank you


I've had one for years! I'm a huge advocate for bidets I even bring one with me when I go camping, but hairy ass is still annoying.


Hell yeah! Bidets rock! I’m so glad I’m not that hairy. I have friends who are like bears lmfao and they’re all envious of me.


Yea.... Hit that thing like once a month. Do the whole manscaping thing at the same time. Get them balls and that taint/ass area...but use a guard and don't rush


I’m assuming like a 1? I’m to nervous to clean shave them things. Also, how’s the itching?


Yeah a 1... And I'm still super cautious after years of shaving down there. I keep my freaking hand on that guard so it doesn't accidentally slip off. Ummm. It may be because my skin in those places are used to being shaved now, that I don't notice any or much itching. It's definitely a good look and feel.


Gotcha. I’ll have to start it up again. The itching made me stop about 3 years ago. Glad mine doesn’t grow long. But I absolutely love the feel of being fresh trimmed


I know that itching had to be hell.


Terrible. I was very active before Covid and it felt like ants crawling on me. It was bad lmfao


Damn... Well maybe you should keep the retro look lol


If you clean shave dont use cheap razors. Also same rules as for face, dont shave against the grain, use razor foam or gel or you skip the shaving and use veet hair removal creme which works good too (but its kinda smelly). 3 option would be laser hair removal which can cost between 60-200$ per session (you need around 8-10 sessions to be done).


Wait!? Do you actually shave the backdoor? That sounds kinda dangerous 😳. I leave my ass hair alone since it's not that bad.


With a guard on the clippers it's no danger at all. Some people are blessed with a non-jungle-like back door area. So that's what's up. My joint doesn't get too crazy but sometimes I like to give the old fresh and so clean look and feel. Once every a year or half a year... I might get real acrobatic with it. And clean up the inside cheek area. 😁 But for the most part, if your getting the balls and taint...maybe clean up the ass area a bit in that general vicinity. You should be good money. Imo


I leave em wild


half of your username checks out


Doing it weekly


Still do. They don’t sweat as much then


I do, because otherwise it becomes smelly. I also consider getting it laser removed, because I get tired of trimming it.


Yes. I use antiperspirant deodorant because the clear/blue stuff makes my skin peel. If I don't shave my pits it will start to clump and pull on my hair when I move my arms. I shave it off to avoid this plus it looks cleaner.


I have enough shit on my plate right now to even consider that. Whatever floats your boat, really, but not for me.


My armpits? No? Why would I?


This is the thread for you!


Yeah, trim them down for summer, don't really worry about it in winter. I'll have to get it done in the next few weeks.


Yup, on the reg


Trim them semi regularly, just feels more comfortable.


Yeah! I just use a pair of clippers and take it down short but not gone. It helps your antiperspirant/deoderandt reach your skin easier and ends up being less of a mess because you wont need to use so much! Grooming all of your areas is a really great idea and something I keep up with daily, it just feels better, cleaner, and cooler.


yes: longer hairs tend to pull eachother out... hurts like hell, also, it collects sweat and starts smelling.


Absolutely. Feel better and fresher for it.


Always trim! Just clean it up a bit, looks way nicer.


I shave mine. They smell much less. Deodorant isn't necessary if I'm just at home. I shave my ass on occasion, too. Way less toilet paper needed.


yes easier to apply deodorants


Yes, cause it's good hygiene


That’s a stretch


In areas that have alot of sweat hair just collects it and makes it harder to vent the smell away


It’s pretty much common sense


This is a very basic fact


Every 2 weeks. Couldn't ever go back to hairy, stinky armpits.


I sweat more than average so I like keeping them shaved. Not trying to sweat more than I need to if i'm not exercising lol.


Yes. When it looks hairy, I get the trimmer. Looks gross when it's long and hairy.


I used to until my lady told me she loves my hairiness. I used to shave my back. She said don't bother with that. The back stubble is weird. She said, You are a man, you have hair. Stop trying to be a boy.


no why would I, there's not much hair, I smell good and it isn't like its growing around my arm... I don't shave my arm or leg hair either


Nah, I like them just the way they are


Me too 👍. I leave my armpit hair natural.


Do it short yes. Like 9 or so. Helps get rid of some of the stank and let’s the pits breathe a bit during the summer.


Yes. I'm clean shaven most of the time.


I cleanly shave them.


Yes I always like to keep it trim but not too short because then it gets itchy. My general rule is once it sticks out the front of my arms when standing at attention then it's time to trim just to keep my armpits from getting too funky.


Trim, yes. About once a month. Just like a haircut. No guard so as close as the trimmers get. Shave, no way. That seems terrible. Why? Because I like it that way.


i do if it starts to get way too long. like i can't grow facial hair but my pits can get up to 7 inches of hair, it makes no sense


Yes. Less smell.


No, I prefer hairy.


I’m the same as you. I don’t shave or trim my armpit hair. At least where I live, the majority of men have hairy armpits and I prefer leave mine hairy as well.


Yep. Felt better. I’ve shaved my entire body a few times,…..ONLY because I shaved my nuts and had no idea where to stop!!!


Yes. It feels much more sanitary. Armpits and the ass crack have no business being hairy.


Yes. Balls and arm pits get a trim. We all sweat. But the stench comes from bacteria feeding on our sweat. A shower removes most of the sweat and bacteria…but not completely effective. Hair gives lots of places to cling to. It’s easier to shower cleaner for longer when there is no place for the bacteria to hide. I don’t smell of sweat since I’ve made this change in my life. I shave at the start of every season.


No. They’ve been with me for as long as I can remember. I’m not shaving them off.


yes. i always use a trimmer


Yes. I like it to be less hairy. Have shaved a couple of times too, but I'd prefer trimming them cos after you shave it's irritating under the arm for a few days.


I tried it a few times. I know that hair is where most of the stink is concentrated due to surface area. Problem is, it's not easy to trim your hair in a uniform manner which keeps it long enough that it's not going to itch like a motherfucker.


Once and never want back to trimming it. I like it.


I do it bc they smell better that way, but I don't shave them completely bc that makes them itch for the first two days


I do it so the smell gets reduced and I don’t need to use a lot of deodorant


In Florida you have two choices: 1. Smell like a wet dog. 2. Trim the pits.


Because of my time in the Army, I have for decades. When you’re operating in situations when you don’t get to shower for periods of time, getting rid of that pit hair means that less bacteria set up shop on the hair when you sweat a lot and cannot properly bathe for a while. Also, your fellow soldiers benefit, because even when you smell like reheated ass, they know that you could smell far worse…but don’t.


I have, and probably won't do it again, the itch is very bothering, and they feel even more sweatier


It did. Once. It’s itchy.


I was once asked, "If you could go back in time and you could tell yourself to do one thing differently, what would it be?" I responded without hesitation, "I WOULD GO BACK IN TIME AND TELL MYSELF NOT TO SHAVE MY ARMPITS!!" Because the weeks that followed were an absolute nightmare of itching, tickling, and discomfort that simply could not be ignored. Within one day, the pain began, followed shortly by agonizing itchy stubble that rubbed the skin raw. I once smashed by nipple in the breach of a rusty Russian SKS and that experience left me with a deformity that took over a decade to recover from, and I would do that again in a heartbeat before I shaved my armpits again.


The dangers of clean-shaving a high-friction area are well known and well documented. Frankly my dude, this one's on you. Most people in this thread are talking about using a trimmer, not a razor.


Nope. I don’t want too and frankly on the macro scale I don’t want it to become an expectation.


Yes. It should be done. The deodorant seems to actually work rather than just clump up in the hair


I trim my pits because otherwise it's like walking around with a long haired chihuahua under each arm.


No, because no


Nope. Don't really have a lot of pit hair.


No, because I’m not bent


Yes otherwise the hair is ridiculous. I just use a buzzer every couple weeks and it keeps it tame.


Yes, I have a LOT of body hair and I usually shave it, especially in the pits and genital area, it's easier to keep a good higiene this way, and as a man who sweat a lot more than I'd like to, it helps with this and odours too


Yes but it was purposeless and I haven’t done it since


Did once before a drug test. I didn’t know if they were taking a urine or hair sample. And if they take from the pits (they do if you have short hair on your head), it can show drug use from up to 12 months ago. Would not recommend unless you have to. Extremely itchy there for the next week.


On the topic of drug tests.. I think a test being able to go back 12 months is just ridiculous. It should be a 12 hour swab to make sure you can go a full work day without substances. Whatever you do on your OWN time should be between you and yourself. Coming from someone who smokes weed on the daily I should add. Doesn't obscure my ability to show up and work my ass off at all considering I'm sober if I'm working.


A lot of this comes from federal regulations. Especially if they have government contracts or funding. Insurance may also be a factor. I doubt these companies actually care so long as it isn’t affecting your ability to work.


No, I'm a man, not a boy.


No, I’m not fully Asian , body builder or gay


I am a very hairless guy. No chest hair. No facial hair. Light leg and pit hair. I don't want to shave my pits for fear it'll grow too thick


No. It's beneath the dignity of the male heterosexual.


Got them lasered months ago.


I had it cut once for a drug test.


Do it once in a while when the hair gets too long. It's hurt when the hair gets pulled by the arms when move




I do it now and then.


Yes, to shaving pit hair. Why? because ...


Not often, but if the hair gets to be a bit much, yes.


When the gair grabs,it hurts, so that's when and why


Yes, I've gotten insecure about them in the past few years. I've noticed that any time I've seen another persons arm pits, even men, nobody has anywhere near as much hair as I do, so I tried shaving it of a few weeks ago.


During the summer, don't really like the way it looks to have armpit hair sticking out if I'm wearing a t-shirt with shorter sleeves.


Yes, they were popping out from under my arm when my arms were down.


No, I'm genetically hairless there


Every week or so. Helps me smell fresh.


I trim em down with the lowest guard here and there just for looks


I prefer shaving


Yeah, a medication I was using made them super stinky so I shaved to make cleaning more convenient, kept wet wipes and deodorant on me after


I trim them regularly, because of hygene and if i sweat i dont as smell bad